Luoyang Brocade

Chapter 6

In the past three days, Ling Jingshu has thought about the reunion with Mrs Ling countless times and imagined that she would become very agitated. But at this moment, she was as calm as ice and snow.

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All the hatred and anger were firmly pressed into the bottom of her heart.


Waiting for the coming day to spew out.


Ling Jingshu let out a faint smile, stepped forward, and gave a proper salute: "The niece greets her aunt." 


Her voice was soft and sweet like the first cry of a yellow warbler.


Mrs Ling secretly praised in her heart and looked at Ling Jingshu a few times. She saw her eyebrows and eyes were beautiful and remarkable, and her face was as calm as water. What is even more rare is that there is no impetuousness and escape, which made people feel good.


Surprise and astonishment flashed in Ling's eyes: "When I got married, you were less than two years old, and couldn't even call me aunt. In the blink of an eye, you have become a beautiful girl."


Ling Jingshu lowered her head. She nodded and replied in a soft voice: "Shu'er doesn't deserve such high praise from her aunt."


Mrs Ling smiled and took Ling Jingshu's hand: "You have been sick and did not show up a few days ago, and your aunt has prepared a gift for you, and I can finally give it to you today."


After speaking, she turned her head and commanded, "Wei Zi, go back to the house and get the brocade box on the dressing table." 


The maid in the indigo dress responded, turned and stepped back.


Mrs Ling seemed to like Ling Jingshu very much, so she held her hand like this, and went on to gossip with Old Lady Ling: "I have been married to the Lu family for many years, and I have only given birth to a son like A Qian. I have always wanted a daughter, but unfortunately I couldn't. It's true. Now that I see a gentle and well-behaved girl, I'm especially jealous!"


Yi Xi's words were witty and interesting, making the old lady Ling laugh non-stop: "You girl, you are now a mother, and you are still like this. Naughty. Anyway, you and Sister Shu are so close together, just take her back when you leave. "


Even after knowing that Old Lady Ling was joking, Ling Jingshu still felt a chill in her heart.


Ling's familiar laughter sounded: "This is what my mother said. The second sister-in-law, the fourth sister-in-law and the fifth sister-in-law all heard it and you have to be witnesses." 


This sister-in-law naturally wouldn't disappoint, so they wanted to join in the fun: " Okay, we will all testify. Even if the fifth master comes back, there is no place to deny it."

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When Mrs Ling returned to her parents' house, she was in a good mood, and immediately took over the words with a smile: "The fifth brother has such a precious daughter, it will be strange if you don't turn your face with me."


Ling Jingshu resisted the urge to withdraw her hands, and lowered her head, revealing just the right amount of shyness and joy.


Ling Jingxian, who was standing beside her, was almost unable to laugh, and the jealousy in her heart was burning.


It's always like this every time! As soon as Ling Jingshu appeared, everyone's eyes would revolve around Ling Jingshu...


Wei Zi quickly brought the brocade box over.


Ling opened the brocade box and took out a pair of jade bracelets: "Although this jade bracelet is not a top-quality Hetian jade, it is of good quality. Come on, auntie will put it on for you now."


As she said, she personally helped Ling Jingshu put on the jade bracelet.


Ling Jingshu showed a grateful smile at the right time, and taking advantage of the fact that she had to bow to her to thank her, withdraw her hand.




After the salute, Ling Jingshu and Ling Jingxian stood beside Ling Jingwan together.


The elders were talking and chatting, and the juniors don't have to be too restrained. When they get together, they can't avoid whispering.


"Cousin Wan," Ling Jingxian asked quietly, "Cousin Hong and cousin Qian, why didn't they come with our aunt?"


Ling brought Lu Hong and Lu Qian back together this time. Lu Hong is the direct descendant of the original wife and the grandson of the family of Lu. Lu Qian is from the Ling family and was twelve years old this year.


At that time, Ling got married at the beginning of the year and was soon pregnant. The child was born prematurely in less than eight months. Ling nearly lost her life in dystocia, and she did not get pregnant again for several years.


Ling Qiantian was frail and sickly since he was a child, and Mrs Ling put all of her energy into making her son grow up safely, and she was particularly fond of him.


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Thinking of Ling Qian, Ling Jingshu subconsciously frowned, and immediately returned to normal.


Ling Jingwan didn't notice the strangeness of Ling Jingshu, she said with a smile: "Cousin Hong stayed in the mansion for three days and thought it was too boring, so he went to Ling's home school with my cousin Qiang early this morning."


"Cousin Hong is really eager to learn and make progress!" When Lu Hong was mentioned, Ling Jingxian's eyes suddenly shone: "I heard that cousin Hong already has a reputation as a scholar, and he will definitely be named in the gold list in the future."


Ling Jingshu smirked at Ling Jingxian's glance.


Looking at her excited look, what does it have to do with her if Lu Hong's title is on the Gold List?


Ling Jingwan was very careful and keen, and obviously noticed something, and smiled: "Cousin Hong seems to have great prospects, and he will definitely not be in the pool in the future. Although we are only cousins, we all hope that he will stand out. One day."


Intentionally or unintentionally, she bit the two cousins ​​harder.


To say that my cousin is actually a bit far-fetched. Lu Hong was from the original partner, not born to Mrs Ling. There was no blood relationship at all.


Ling Jingxian closed her mouth a little embarrassedly.


Ling Jingwan turned her head to look at Ling Jingshu, and smiled quite gratified: "Cousin Shu is in good shape. I have been worrying about these days, and now I can finally feel relieved."


If you really care about her, why didn't you think about visiting her in Qiushui Pavilion once?


Ling Jingshu pursed her lips and smiled: "Thank you, cousin Wan, for your concern."


Ling Mansion has a large population and everyone was not a fuel-efficient lamp. Ling Jingwan looked at the beauty and quietness, but she was actually alert.


Mrs. Ling loves Ling Jingshu the most, and Ling Jingxian was jealous. Ling Jingwan is not a saint, so how could she not be secretly jealous? It's just that Ling Jingwan was better at hiding her face than Ling Jingxian. Moreover, Ling Jingwan's marriage was decided at the beginning of the year, and now she was only thinking about getting married, and her mind about competing with Ling Jingshu had also faded a lot.




Old Lady Ling liked to be lively. So at noon, everyone stayed for lunch.

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They were all female relatives, and there was no need to divide the seats, so they sat down around the big table.


Ling Jingshu was sitting across from Mrs Ling by accident. Occasionally, when she raised her eyes, Ling's smiling face filled with spring breeze came into her eyes.


Familiar smile, piercing eye pain.


Ling Jingshu has never hated her own powerlessness more than now. Obviously the enemy is sitting in front of her, just within reach. But she can't do anything!


To get revenge, do you want to marry into the Lu family like in the previous life?


As soon as this thought crossed her mind, Ling Jingshu dismissed it without hesitation. In this life, she no longer wants to be involved with Lu Hong at all. If she wants revenge, she must find another way. What's more, her enemies are far more than Ling's...


"Why hasn't Sister Shu ever used chopsticks, is the food not to your taste?" Mrs Li said with a pretended look of concern to make sure everyone noticed.


The eyes of the people suddenly came over. The food in Ling Jingshu's bowl really hadn't changed much.


Sitting across from Ling's, it was strange that she could eat.


Ling Jingshu replied lightly: "There's no reason for the food in Yonghetang to be bad. It's just that I'm not in a good shape and have a bad appetite. I made my mother worry about it." The lukewarmness made Li hit a soft nail.


Mrs Li was secretly annoyed, but her face did not reveal the slightest sign: "Illness comes like a mountain, and it goes away like a thread. My daughter's body is already more delicate. You can take care of it in the future, and don't leave any root causes."


Old Lady Ling took over the words angrily: "You girl, you have a bad appetite, why don't you tell me in advance. Just let the kitchen prepare some light food." 


After speaking, she instructed Mo Kui: "Go to the kitchen now, let the kitchen stew a bowl of bird's nest for Sister Shu."


As soon as she finished speaking, Ling Jingshu received four glances with hints of jealousy. Of course, two of them belonged to Ling Jingxian, and the other belonged to Ling Jingwan.


Bird's nest is expensive, and only Old Lady Ling ate a bowl of it every day in Ling's house.

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In fact, let alone bird's nest at this time, even if it is the dragon liver and phoenix gallbladder, Ling Jingshu has no interest at all. However, this represents the favor of Old Lady Ling, which cannot be denied.


Ling Jingshu smiled gratefully: "Grandmother is so kind to Shu'er. Shu'er must have accumulated virtues and good deeds in her past life, and she is fortunate enough to be her granddaughter in this life."


This flattery made her want to throw up.


Lady Ling was quite pleased, her old wrinkled face stretched out, she turned her head with a smile and said to Mrs. Ling: "Ahui, when you were not married, you were the best at making me happy. I have a daughter-in-law and granddaughter over the years. With them, I'm not lonely."


Of course, the daughter-in-law's weight in Mrs. Ling's heart is far from being on a par with her daughter's. Even all the granddaughters were not as good as Mrs Ling.


The past few days after Mrs Ling came back, the old Lady felt very comfortable, and the smile on her face almost never stopped.


"I don't like to hear what my mother said. I was a filial piety back then, but I didn't mean to make you happy." Ling's coaxing skills are really top-notch, and just two sentences made Mrs. Ling smile.




The bird's nest needs to be simmered on a low heat, and the stewed bird's nest will be delivered when the feast is about to dissipate.


Ling Jingshu pretended to be full of joy, and ate a bowl of bird's nest in the eyes of everyone who was envious, jealous or coveted.


After lunch, the old Lady was used to taking a nap. Everyone wisely retired.


Before Ling Jingxian left, she gave Ling Jingshu a complicated look.


Ling Jingshu just pretended not to see it, and led Bai Yu to retreat.


"Miss has been staying in the autumn water pavilion these days, it must be very boring." Bai Yu suggested with a smile: "The weather is fine today, why don't you go to the peony garden to have a look. The few pots of peonies that Miss planted last year should be blooming in a few days."


Ling Jingshu's heart moved and she nodded.


Since her rebirth, she has been bored in the Qiushui Pavilion, the dark and painful past has been surging in her heart all day, and she had to face Mrs Ling, which made her inevitably gloomy. So it was good to go to the peony garden to relax.

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