Mad God

Chapter 4

Our victories from battle after battle has caused the eyes of the tribe elders to pop out of their eye sockets, all of them quickly wrote letters to request for the participation of war, so that they could grab some contributions for themselves.

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The Beast Emperor couldn’t be any happier, he quickly moved the troops from each tribes to the border to build fortifications, while at the same time he took this opportunity to send large numbers of followers to the various territories impart all kinds of skills to the tribes. While at the same time granting their rulers favors, and winning over the hearts of their people, increasing the influence of the Beast God religion.

I stocked up a large amount of army provisions and defense implements in Stanla City. I also stationed twenty thousand Werewolfs, twenty thousand Naga soldiers, and our four largest corps. Our military strength reached around 55 thousand. Even if the the Demon Clan sent tens of thousands of units, I had the confidence to resist any oncoming forces with the city’s defense for a few months.

As we were actively preparing for the defense, the internal organization of Demon Clan became a mess, no one thought that we the beastmen would dare attack them.

Although our surprise attack was very well hidden, the information had already leaked by the time we occupied the sixth city. Stanla had long since sent emissaries to request for reinforcements, but unfortunately, when the news was delivered to the chancellor that was in charged of the military affairs, that guys was drinking and he was drunk, the letter was accidently dropped somewhere, and that was why the Stanla city didn’t have any reinforcements.

When we reached Stanla city, the Demon Clan’s chancellor received a second emergency letter. It was only then that he understood the situation and hurried to report it to the Demon Emperor. By the time the Demon Emperor leaned about this incident, we had already controlled entire border of the Dunder province.

Demon Empire’s palace.

The Demon Emperor was donned in black, he was crowned with eight gemmed purple gold crown, he wore a royal black robe with golden edges, and wore a black cape of the same materials. Waves after waves of icy murderous intent were emitted from his body while his finger rhythmically knocked on the grip of the throne. Beside him, stood a middled age man whose face somewhat resembled his. The middle aged man wasn’t wearing any official attire, but rather just some snow white silk clothes. This man was Griffen and Gwynn’s father, Grichen·Lucifer, the only man, besides the Demon Emperor, who possessed the power of the four winged Fallen Angel. This man was already close to his seventies, but he still looked very young.

Since the Demon Emperor open accessed Myu’s meridians and passed on Demonic Arts to her, his power had not recovered yet, Grichen naturally became the strongest expert in the entire Demon Clan.

His loyalty for the Demon Emperor was undoubtable, otherwise the Demon Emperor wouldn’t have taken such a huge risk to pass down the arts to his daughter. Myu was standing by on her father’s other side, she would occasionally fiddle with her long hair.

The Minister of Military Affairs was trembling while knelt, at both sides stood Demon Clan’s civil and military officials. Among civil officials who stood nearest to Demon Emperor was a man who wore a robe similar to Demon Emperor’s, but without golden edges. That man always wore a smile on his face, but an unusual light would occasionally flash through the deepest fundus of his eyes.

This man’s power and status was second only to Demon Emperor. His name was the Prince Suchar. He was also the mastermind of the ambush on Gwynn and Griffin previously.

“Don’t tell me, Wharton only sent the news yesterday.” The sound of Demon Emperor was like ice flakes coldly blowing into the ear of Minister of Military Affairs.

Minister of Military Affairs replied with trembling voice, “Your Majesty, have mercy please, Your Majesty, a few days ago there was indeed an emergency letter, only, only, ….”

Demon Emperor raged: “Only what?”

Minister of Military Affairs replied in low voice: “Only at that time I wasn’t paying attention….” Demon Emperor stood from his throne, his gaze perceptibly chilly, with thick voice said: “You didn’t pay attention? Do you want to know what happened while you ‘weren’t paying attention’? The entire Dunder province was occupied by a group of weak Beastman. Fine. Grichen.”

Grichen·Lucifer, who was dressed in a white robe expressionlessly took a step forward. With just one step, he reached in front of Minister of Military Affairs, and grabbed his head.

Although Minister of Military Affairs had some skills, but in front of Grichen, he wasn’t able to resist even a bit. He could only plead: “Your Majesty, Your Majesty, have mercy on me for just this once please, Your Majesty …”

Demon Emperor didn’t pay even slightest attention to him and went back to sit on his throne. Grichen looked at Minister of Military Affairs with expression as if seeing a dead object: “Oh most wondrous God of Darkness, I request thee, useth the harshest way available to punish this sinner upon mine eyes. ” His voice was low and clear, each syllable of his chant heavily pounded on the heart of everyone on the scene.

Suchar’s facial muscles twitched a bit. The Minister of Military Affairs belonged to his faction.

A thick and condensed black mist was continuously emitted from Grichen, it was then poured into the body of Minister of Military Affairs. The Minister of Military Affairs screamed miserably, the entire hall which was filled with his cry now seemed like purgatory. The hair of all the ministers stood on end as their hearts shuddered in fear.

The Minister of Military Affairs yell gradually weakened as his entire body slowly collapsed. Grichen released his hand and softly blew, and the black mist dispersed and flew towards all directions, One after another the Ministers of Civil and Military affairs quickly backed away from the mist, frightened. The once tall and sturdy body of the minister of military affairs had now turned into a pile of black water. Grichen waved his hand and the black liquid on the floor immediately combusted. The black flames made the atmosphere of the hall even eerier than it already was.

The smile on Suchar’s face suddenly disappeared, he stared fiercely at Grichen with his shady gaze, not saying anything. After all, this time the Minister of Military Affairs had made a grave error and even if he was the Demon emperor, he would not forgive him. Grichen’s body was as if it was weightless, and as light as a feather, he floated back to the side of the Demon Emperor.

Demon Emperor’s deep cold gaze swept over every Minister, and he asked, “Can any among you tell me what must be done now? The beastmen that have always followed our commands have dared to resist now!

Suchar strode forward, bowed and said, “Your Majesty, to deal with these brainless animals, I think we should gather all the great armies, then as fast as the sudden sound of thunder that leaves no time for covering one’s ears, we will catch them all and recover our lost territories.” The Ministers all discussed about this among themselves in a low voice, while the people of Suchar’s faction supported his proposal.

Suchar continued with what he was saying, “Your Majesty, so long as you give this humble official 200 thousand army soldiers,this humble official guarantees that he can get back the lost territory within a month.” A cold expression flashed in the eyes of the Demon Emperor, and he said, “This shall be all for today, I will decide on how to answer you tomorrow. Sithers, order all of the provinces to mobilize all their soldiers and ensure that the army troops are always available to be deployed. Additionally station the First, Third and Sixth Corps in the provinces surrounding the Dunder province, and dispatch some soldiers for reconnaissance and send communications of the situation at the frontline to me at all times. ”

A big man resembling an iron tower, walked out from within the Military Troops, bowed and said, “Yes, Your Majesty.”

The Demon Emperor returned to his study along with Grichen and Myu.

As soon as he entered the room, the gloomy look upon the Demon Emperor’s face disappeared and he said to Grichen, “My worthy brother, how would you look at this matter?”

The Demon Emperor was one year older than Grichen, and these two men have played and grew up together since childhood, and it was under the help of the Demon Emperor that Grichen was able to cultivate to the 4-winged Fallen Angel realm.

Grichen faintly smiled and said, “What can those beastmen weaklings do? Once your large army arrives, they will immediately be driven away, wouldn’t they? If we wanted to eliminate the beastman race, we could have done it long ago. ”

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Myu’s said with a tender voice, “Then why are we not eliminating them, had it not lead to more trouble for us now because we indulged our enemy?”

The Demon Emperor looked at his most-beloved daughter, smiled and replied, “Silly girl, how could it be so simple? If the Beastmen did not act as cannon fodder in the front, then it would result in a huge loses every time we launched an attack at the Dragon Empire! Not to mention that if we attack the Beastmen now, the Dragon Empire would certainly launch a sneak-attack upon us. What’s baffling me right now is that the Beastmen seem to be unafraid of the Dragon Empire. This doesn’t make sense! Younger brother, your judgement a moment ago is incorrect. Think about it, the beastmen were capable of occupying the whole of my affluent and populous Dunder province within just one month, what does this prove? This proves that they have powerful firepower and an excellent commander.”

Grichen was slightly stunned, “I’ve heard that the ‘Old Beamon’ personally brought his men out.”

The Demon Emperor nodded and said, “Although ‘Old Beamon’ is strong, he is not so intelligent. Someone definitely came to help him out. If the ‘Old Beamon’ lead the armies, he would have attacked so openly that the whole continent would have known about it, so how would he able to silently occupy my territory? Men, bring Dunder province’s messenger here.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

A few moments later ,a short and robust demon was brought in by the Demon Emperor’s personal guard.

“I pay my respects to Your Majesty, long live, long live my king”

The Demon Emperor made a sound of approval and said, “Enough, get up and speak.”

The messenger with his head lowered, slowly stood up; this was the first time he saw the Demon Emperor. Grichen and Myu saw that his bent leg was shaking; evidently he was very nervous.

The Demon Emperor said in a cold voice, “I heard that you are the messenger of the third group that escaped from the city when it was under attack. Tell me, who attacked you?”

The messenger calmed his mind with great effort, and as much as possible made his voice appear respectful and mild, as he said, “Reporting to Your Majesty, it was like this: By the time we received the news, 6 cities and 10 villages within my province were already occupied by the enemy. Lord governor general straightaway dispatched this lowly me to the inland to request for help….”

The Demon Emperor got annoyed and he said, “Did I ask you about these? My question was: who attacked you?”

The messenger was so frightened that knelt down soundly again, and with a trembling voice, he said, “Yes, yes, your majesty, it was a large quantities of Beastman.”

“How many of them were they? What are their races?”

The messenger thought of a while and replied, “From what was told from our men, the enemies numbered around 20000 men, including, the four races: the Beamon’s Titan Beast, Lionmen, Werewolves and Naga.”

The Demon Emperor glanced at Grichen.

Grichen frowned, “If I remember correctly, there were at least 40 thousand defenders at the Stanla city, by only defending, did they fail to even defend against merely 20 thousand men?”

The messenger trembled even more, he raised his head with his eyes filled with fear, “The 20 thousand beastmen were different from what we’ve seen from the past, most of them were the Beastmen’s Wild Lion corps, and the men from the Naga corps and the Werewolf Corps were surprisingly even more formidable than the Wild Lion corps. Especially those Nagas, they could even climb the wall by sticking onto the wall, furthermore, there were a few powerful guys on their side; the started by flying onto our city, our ordinary guards simply couldn’t withstand their attacks. Too strong…. one of them could kill at least 10 of our men!

Grichen and the Demon Emperor looked at each other in dismay, although the Demon Emperor had already anticipated that these beastmen were no easy opponents, but he never thought that they would actually be so strong.

The Demon Emperor said, “From what you said, they have other experts on their side aside from the Beamon King.”

The messenger nodded repeatedly, and replied, “There were also three very powerful men, the Beamon King alone took down lord governor general, the rest did not even fight. The Naga soldiers climbed up from the spot where the few experts attacked, and in just a while they took down all our defenders above the wall.

The Demon Emperor nodded and said, “Enough, you may leave.”

“Yes, your majesty.” The messenger nearly crawled out.

“My worthy brother, did you hear that? This matter is not as simple, without a certain confidence, the beastmen wouldn’t have dared provoked us.”

Grichen clenched his fist and said, “Let me go, I do not believe that ‘Old Beamon’ the loser can beat me.”

The Demon Emperor shook his head and said, “If you left, wouldn’t that Suchar take advantage of this and start a rebellion? Didn’t he asked for orders today? He didn’t posses the news from these messengers. I think that he thinks the same as you, they is thinking that the beastmen are easy to deal with. Since he asked for 200 thousand men, then I will give 200 thousand men.”

Grichen suddenly understood, and he said, “You are going to use this opportunity to weaken his strength.”

Demon Emperor nodded as he said, “He sent people to attack both of your sons last time, I’m sure you haven’t forgotten about that, this is a good time to retaliate. Since this piece of bone is too difficult to gnaw on, he can have it. I will move all the people of his side to be under his command, I shall see how much he can possibly do. Even if he could take down all the beastmen, I’m afraid that it will greatly reduce his strength, let alone I doubt that he has the ability to even do so. I need not fear that he would use the armies to strengthen his power to stand against me, he doesn’t have the guts to do that right now. Grichen, after Suchar takes his people and leaves, you must immediately begin to gather the soldiers and train them. It doesn’t have to be many, 100 thousand men is enough. Simultaneously, dispatch more manpower to the border between us and the Dragon Empire in order to defend against their sneak attack.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

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A few moments later ,a short and robust demon was brought in by the Demon Emperor’s personal guard.

“I pay my respects to Your Majesty, long live, long live my king”

The Demon Emperor made a sound of approval and said, “Enough, get up and speak.”

The messenger with his head lowered, slowly stood up; this was the first time he saw the Demon Emperor. Grichen and Myu saw that his bent leg was shaking; evidently he was very nervous.

The Demon Emperor said in a cold voice, “I heard that you are the messenger of the third group that escaped from the city when it was under attack. Tell me, who attacked you?”

The messenger calmed his mind with great effort, and as much as possible made his voice appear respectful and mild, as he said, “Reporting to Your Majesty, it was like this: By the time we received the news, 6 cities and 10 villages within my province were already occupied by the enemy. Lord governor general straightaway dispatched this lowly me to the inland to request for help….”

The Demon Emperor got annoyed and he said, “Did I ask you about these? My question was: who attacked you?”

The messenger was so frightened that knelt down soundly again, and with a trembling voice, he said, “Yes, yes, your majesty, it was a large quantities of Beastman.”

“How many of them were they? What are their races?”

The messenger thought of a while and replied, “From what was told from our men, the enemies numbered around 20000 men, including, the four races: the Beamon’s Titan Beast, Lionmen, Werewolves and Naga.”

The Demon Emperor glanced at Grichen.

Grichen frowned, “If I remember correctly, there were at least 40 thousand defenders at the Stanla city, by only defending, did they fail to even defend against merely 20 thousand men?”

The messenger trembled even more, he raised his head with his eyes filled with fear, “The 20 thousand beastmen were different from what we’ve seen from the past, most of them were the Beastmen’s Wild Lion corps, and the men from the Naga corps and the Werewolf Corps were surprisingly even more formidable than the Wild Lion corps. Especially those Nagas, they could even climb the wall by sticking onto the wall, furthermore, there were a few powerful guys on their side; they started by flying onto our city, our ordinary guards simply couldn’t withstand their attacks. Too strong…. one of them could kill at least 10 of our men!

Grichen and the Demon Emperor looked at each other in dismay, although the Demon Emperor had already anticipated that these beastmen were no easy opponents, but he never thought that they would actually be so strong.

The Demon Emperor said, “From what you said, they have other experts on their side aside from the Beamon King.”

The messenger nodded repeatedly, and replied, “There were also three very powerful men, the Beamon King alone took down lord governor general, the rest did not even fight. The Naga soldiers climbed up from the spot where the few experts attacked, and in just a while they took down all our defenders above the wall.

The Demon Emperor nodded and said, “Enough, you may leave.”

“Yes, your majesty.” The messenger nearly crawled out.

“My worthy brother, did you hear that? This matter is not as simple, without a certain confidence, the beastmen wouldn’t have dared provoked us.”

Grichen clenched his fist and said, “Let me go, I do not believe that ‘Old Beamon’ the loser can beat me.”

The Demon Emperor shook his head and said, “If you left, wouldn’t that Suchar take advantage of this and start a rebellion? Didn’t he asked for orders today? He didn’t posses the news from these messengers. I think that he thinks the same as you, they is thinking that the beastmen are easy to deal with. Since he asked for 200 thousand men, then I will give 200 thousand men.”

Grichen suddenly understood, and he said, “You are going to use this opportunity to weaken his strength.”

Demon Emperor nodded as he said, “He sent people to attack both of your sons last time, I’m sure you haven’t forgotten about that, this is a good time to retaliate. Since this piece of bone is too difficult to gnaw on, he can have it. I will move all the people of his side to be under his command, I shall see how much he can possibly do. Even if he could take down all the beastmen, I’m afraid that it will greatly reduce his strength, let alone I doubt that he has the ability to even do so. I need not fear that he would use the armies to strengthen his power to stand against me, he doesn’t have the guts to do that right now. Grichen, after Suchar takes his people and leaves, you must immediately begin to gather the soldiers and train them. It doesn’t have to be many, 100 thousand men is enough. Simultaneously, dispatch more manpower to the border between us and the Dragon Empire in order to defend against their sneak attack.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Dragon Empire’s imperial palace.

The Dragon Empire’s king, Jiyen, looked at his most trusted official, “According to the reports of our scouts, the Beastmen have launched an attack on the Demon Clan. Additionally, the beastmen have occupied a province of the Demon Clan in a very short amount of time. What is your opinion of these events?”

Duke Jiden and Dragon General Lantis looked at each other before looking at the crown prince, Jizin.

They had been informed of this matter a long time ago, but they were still baffled by the sudden hostilities between the beastmen and the demon clan.

Jiden said, “Your Majesty, I think it’s possible that the Demon and Beast clans have created a trap for us; they are waiting for us to mount a sneak attack. But when we try to ambush them, they will attack us from within their own boundaries.”

The King nodded approvingly, and said: “This is also possible. Jizi, what do you think of this matter?” The King would not forget to test his future successor at any time.

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The crown prince said, “Father Emperor, I think what Sir Duke said is very reasonable. But, it’s also possible that this is attack has nothing to do with us. The demon race has oppressed the Beastmen race for a very long time. Could it be that the beastman clan can no longer endure this oppression and attacked the demon clan? ”

The King made an approving noise and said, “This possibility also exists. However, I do not think the beastmen would risk the danger of extinction to fight the demons over these trivial matters. They aren’t even the Demon race’s match. Even if they were confident in fighting the demon clan, how could they not be afraid of us taking advantage of the situation? The Beast Emperor is not like the other beastman; his mind is sharp and he can see through most schemes.”

Lantis said, “Your Majesty. This servant is in favor of Sir Duke’s theory.”

The king nodded his head and said, “Very well, Lantis, inform Liwer of the situation and have him pay attention to both sides of the battle. Make sure that he sends out some scouts, and inform him that as soon as he gets any information, he must quickly report it back to me.”

“Yes, Your Majesty, then this servant shall withdraw first.”

Jiden, strode forward and said, “This servant also wants to be excused.” Jiyen nodded and said, “All of you may withdraw.”

Seeing both of the ministers retreat, the crown prince asked in a low voice, “Father do you really believe that these events are part of a conspiracy?”

Jiyen mysteriously asked , “What are you saying?”

The crown prince said, “While a conspiracy is possible, I doubt that they would create such a big event just to lure us into a trap. Should we….?” Jiyen raised his hand, cutting of the crown prince, “Do you remember our ancestor’s teachings?”

The crown prince suddenly understood, “Oh! So you were…” Jiyen nodded and said, “it’s fine as long as you understand, regardless of whether it is a conspiracy or it is not, we cannot meddle in their affairs. Observing them is the best option we have. If they really are attacking each other then both parties will inevitably suffer some damage and we could avoid bloodshed for a couple of years.”

The crown prince bowed and said , “This son of yours has learned something new….”

Silvin and I stood atop Stanly City’s wall. I looked at the distant landscape and said, “Second brother second sister, don’t you feel that the past few days have been a little too quiet? It almost feels like the calm before a storm.

Gin staring at the faraway woods and said, “I estimate that the Demon Clan will launch an attack and we must withstand it. Silver Arrow.”

“Sire Wolf-God, do you have any commands for me?”

Gin pointed at the forest in front of Stanla city and said, “You take all of our people and chop down all the trees within 3 km of the city and bring them inside the city. You have two days to complete this task, make it fast.”

Silver Arrow didn’t hesitate at all before saying, “Yes, Sire.” He immediately left to complete his mission.

I suddenly understood why he had ordered this, “Why didn’t I think of this? Second brother you thought this through very thoroughly.” By chopping down the trees in front of the city, we didn’t need to worry about an enemy ambush.

Stanla City was very hard to defend. Not only is it isolated, but there are no natural barriers nearby. If the enemy troops are strong enough, they could surround the city, which would be very dangerous. Silvy said, “Layson I think there is a small problem with your plan.”

“Oh? second sister, please tell me.”

Silvy said, “I think that we should send back our unnecessary supplies and stop the supply movements and the reinforcements from the Beastmen country.”

I frowned and said , “Then wouldn’t we become a lone army?”

Silvy faintly smiled and said, “You are still inexperienced. If I was the enemy commander, I would first see where you have arranged your main forces. After seeing that our forces are stationed in Stanla City, I would send my troops to surround the city. Then I would cut off the supply lines and destroy the reinforcement army. Once they have been destroyed I would slowly lay siege to this lone city. Do you have any hope of winning should this occur?

Silvy’s tirade made me realise the danger of our position, my back was already drenched. Feeling at a loss I asked, “What do you say we should do?”

Silvy said, “It’s actually quite easy. We have already stocked up enough provisions and defense implements here in Stanly City. We should be fine unless the demon clan uses its whole army to attack. Even then we could defend the city for quite a while. I propose that we take a few men from the follow up army and add them to our garrison. Once we have an army of sixty thousand we can send the rest of the troops back to the Beastman Country. We can then ask the Beast Emperor to position the border armies close to us, ready to support us at any moment. This will also deter the Demon Clan army from attacking our territory.”

Gin nodded and said, “What Silvy said is correct. If we really want to go to war against the demon clan, we should use the extermination strategy. We will exterminate every member of the demon clan wherever we go. We could occupy most of their land before they can gather enough power to resist.”

I bitterly laughed and said, “I also want to do that, but for the development of our beastman country, we must restrain ourselves. Let’s go with second sister’s plan.” I turned around and left.

Silvy remarked, “I really like fourth brother’s personality. He understands his mistakes and quickly adopts ideas that are better than his own. In the future he will accomplish great deeds.”

Gin nodded and said, “Indeed, he has made rapid progress in his skills. From the time that we left our holy temple, we have encountered continuous trouble. Now we are going to face demon clan’s counter attack. I can feel my blood boiling. Our decision to leave Yuna with Layson was correct, this exciting life makes me very satisfied.

Five days later our scouts found a large army approaching us.

Father, I, Panzen, and Silvin, stood atop the city walls gazing into the distance. We were approached by a massive wave of dust. All of the brothers were present except for Mink, who I had sent Mink back to the Beastmen country to be in charge of providing us with support.

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Silvin had the best eyesight among us, and Gin said, “There are approximately 200k soldiers. Ah! the demon clan really has really invested a lot of resources in this attack.” I yelled, ”Pass down my orders! All officers and soldiers are to await my command, and be on the highest alert.”

Father lowered his voice and said, “You don’t need to be in such a hurry. There is still time until they reach us. Additionally they won’t attack us as soon as they arrive. Also a two hundred thousand strong army is not all that impressive. Layson, take a look, the scattered and messy dust in the front is definitely caused by the Demon clan’s demonic beast army. Although their offensive power is great, they are not easy to command. The troops marching behind them are the Demon Clan’s regular army. I do not know if the Black Magicians corps have come with them, but if they have, then this battle may be difficult.”

As expected, it was just like what father had said. the Demon Clan’s army set up camp 6 miles away from us, constructing defensive structures.I knew that they were highly vigilant now, so it was not a good chance to ambush them.

Panzen suddenly laughed and said , “how about sending them a gift?”

I distractedly asked, “What gift?” Panzen mysteriously smiled and said to Silvin , “Both of you help me.”

Silvin initially was stunned, but then realized what Panzen wanted to do. They stood behind Panzen before channeling their the silver and gold auras into Panzen’s body.

Panzen took out the blue diamond that I had previously given him, clasping it in front of his chest. He shrunk eight of his heads, leaving only his yellow earth head.

Was he going to use an offensive magic attack? It seemed like Panzen preferred using earth magic. Father’s eyes lit up as he said, “Attack the enemy’s left side. That is where the Black Magicians have set up camp.” All of us understood that if the Black Magicians entered the battle our losses would be tremendous.

Only our Beamon’s magic immunity could completely withstand Black Magic. While the rest of the army had some resistance to magic, there was no guarantee that they wouldn’t be harmed.

Panzen’s yellow head was covered in a layer of holy light: “Oh distant mountains, distant lands, slumbering for millions of years, I knoweth, thee art lonesome. Thee feeleth dearn. I am willing to arouse unceasing powers to changeth this tedious life of yours. Mountains, crumble! Earth, split! God of the Earth, please ope up thy embrace, and accept mine plead. Crumbling Mountains Splitting Earth!”

The air surrounding Silvin and Panzen suddenly thickened. Magic power rapidly fluctuated around them. The heavy pressure caused the nearby soldiers to retreat, even father and I couldn’t help but to sidestep a little. The diamond on Panzen’s hands emitted a light blue light while, yellow earth magic power continuously gathered around the diamond. After a full half hour, Panzen’s hands looked as though he was holding a solid mudball.

Panzen shouted loudly, “Fourth brother, quickly help me, we need to send this mudball over!” I did not know what to do. But I hastily stepped forward, mustering my Mad God’s Chi and channeled it into Panzen’s body.

Panzen roared: “Go!” The inconspicuous mudball was suddenly thrown at the faraway Demon Clan’s camp. As the mudball flew away, Panzen and Silvin collapsed on the ground like deflated rubber balls. I hurriedly went forward to support them. Father also walked over, holding each of them with his hands as white light continuously surged out from father’s body.

Silvin had already fainted, but Panzen’s eyes were still open, a sinister smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. I climbed to the top of the city wall to see what was the effect of the mudball that had consumed so much energy just now.

The mudball was buried into the ground near the camps, but there was not any movement. Could it be eldest brother’s magic failed? From his incantations before, I knew that was a level 8 magic. If not, it would not have consume the power of those three to finish it.

At this time, Demon Clan’s camps seemed to start shaking, even we could feel the ground gently vibrating. I knew that it was coming.

Boom. The ground on left side of the Demon clan’s military camp suddenly exploded. A large crack suddenly divided the military camp into two parts.The surrounding surface began to quake, and split open, throwing the entire Demon Clan’s camp in a complete mess.

Black rays of light continuously flashed past over the military camp; clearly someone had already found out that this was a magic attack and tried to use Black Magic to prevent the earth from continuing to split.

However, nature’s powers was great. Panzen had only used magic to initiate it. I commanded: “Four main corps, get ready. Once enemies’ camp start to stabilize, we will immediately set out. Father, I will leave this place to you. I will also be rushing in to kill the enemies for a while.” Father reminded: “Remember, you have to retreat promptly after an assault, the other side may have fallen angels among them.”

I nodded and said, “I understand.” Just like this, I led more than 15000 troops to charge out from Stanla City. When the ground had calmed down, our army blew the horn of death towards the Demon Clan.

The Beamon Corps were paving the way in the front and the other three corps were guarding at both sides. In this way, we charged into the fairly packed Demon Clan’s right side camps like a sharp knife.

When we were close up, I really understood the effect of the previous magic. The Demon Clan’s left side camps formed into a huge pit. It was as if it was hit by a meteorite. Although I couldn’t see how much loss the other side suffered, I estimated that the Black Magician corps were definitely finished.

Thinking up till here, I felt really good, brandishing Black Sable, I led the charge into enemies camps. When both sides clashed, the so-called Demon Clan’s regular troops momentarily suffered a crushing defeat, without any form of resistance at all. Due to smooth assault, it made me a bit too excited, leading the four main corps to valiantly charged forward. It was until we charged deep into their thick camp that we met with the real obstructions.

The demon race’s commander really had some skills. Within such a short time, the Demon race’s army had already well-organized array in preparation to receive our attack.

Without hesitation, I roared: “Rear troops change into the forward troops, Beamon Corps …, charge backwards.” I did not wish to my army to fall into encirclement. The men were my most elite troops. If they were to be killed or injured, I would be distressed. At this time, four Main corps displayed extremely fine control. Under my command, they really turned quickly, charging toward the way where we came from.

In the air, a loud voice could be heard as it shouted : “Since you are here, why do you wish to leave?” I sensed that the surrounding air was as if it had been condensed, a huge pressure came down from the sky.

Without looking, I knew that it was a Fallen Angel. I gathered my energy, a long line of yellow light drew by Mad God’s Chi through Black Sable, slashing toward the sky. My body never stopped moving as I could not let myself be entangled by the other side. Otherwise, going back would be out of question.

Due to being unable to transform, my powers simply could not be compared to fallen angel. The enormous energy emitted by fallen angel bombarded me straight forward. Cold dark energy seeped into my body. I revolved dark magic within me to resolve the energy that invaded me. The impact was so huge it made me so uncomfortable to the point of almost vomiting blood. The fallen angel who blocked my sword energy, slowed down a lot. An attack with same energy intensity came from my right side. According to my sensitive sense, I judged it was another fallen angel. I secretly cried before I shouted: “Quickly retreat!” Soaring into the air with Hundred Splits of Mad Shadow, countless shadow with Mad God Chi rushed backwards from the sky.

Not only did I block the two fallen angels, the Demon race soldiers who counterattacked were also hit by me and with a booming sound their bodies suddenly exploded and became a bloody mist. Beamon Corps who fell behind immediately withdrew from the danger zone under my cover,coordinating with the other three corps, constantly charged toward the direction when we first came.

The power of the Hundred Splits of Mad Shadow gradually weakened. The two fallen angels who had previously wrapped themselves with their wings to defend revealed sinister faces. Black mist filled the air around their body. The way they looked at me was filled with madness of killing intents. Another two fallen angels flew here simultaneously. They flew into a semi-arc into the sky in front of me, with the intention of indistinctly pressuring me into a deadlock.

A chill rose in my heart; I really regretted not listening to father’s words. In this kind of situation, I had no chances of survival. Unless I could turn into a Crimson Angel, I could then still use its speed to charge out from here. However, I currently could not go into Berserk mode. It was even more impossible for me to directly become a fallen Angel.

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