Mad God

Chapter 1

V7 C1 The triumphant return. (part A)

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Translators: Ash
Editors:  Los Thanatos

Although we accomplished great things, I, however, didn’t have the slightest feeling of joy. The matter regarding Myu was like a large stone that weighed down upon my heart.

When Griffin and Gwynn saw me, they were not very surprised; as they gazed at me inquiringly, I could only return them a look of helplessness. They stood behind Grichen, not saying anything. But I saw that their gazes on me were filled with half anger and half disappointment. As for these sentimental brothers, I still had a good opinion of them, and if I have an opportunity in the future, I must explain everything clearly to them.

Grichen had plenty of misgivings as he looked at me and then turned around to look at his two sons, who kept their heads lowered — it was evident that Gwynn and Griffin greatly feared this father of theirs.

Grichen then asked my father, “Does this Human race’s man have any relation to you Beastmen? ”

Father stared and then said, “Didn’t Suchar tell you?He is not of the Human race, he is known as Layson and is my third son. Because his mother is of the Human race, he has Human blood and also their appearance. But he also possesses the lineage of my Beamon Clan.”

Grichen was amazed, he looked over at me from head to toe. It was easy to see in his expression that he had suspicious thoughts, and he said,“So he is your son. Hearing what Suchar’s defeated troops said, it seems that previously, he had played a great role in causing the defeat of our great army of 200000.”

Father nodded and said, “Of course, my Beamon Clan are the bravest warriors. I do not need to fear to tell you this: this time’s surprise attack was executed under Layson’s command. I am old, henceforth, he will take over my position as the supreme commander of the Beastmen.” Saying this, father’s expression showed his tiredness.

Not only was Grichen startled, but I, too, was gobsmacked. I stepped forward and quickly said, “Father, you…”

Father raised his hands to prevent me from asking any questions, and said to Grichen, “Brother Gu, let us begin.” Saying this, he took out from his chest a long-ago-prepared treaty.

Grichen took the treaty, roughly glanced all over and nodded. Then he said, “Okay, all the living things in Heaven and Earth as witnesses, I, Grichen, representative of the Demon race…”

“I, Leo, representing the Beastmen…”

These two then chorused, “We are signing the peace treaty between the two races. May the Heaven come down upon us if we violate it.” then these two bit their fingers and formed a blood seals in mid-air. These two blood seals then blended in midair and then flickered with a white radiance. Father and Grichen simultaneously raised the treaty in their hands and the white light imprinted itself onto this treaty, forming a complicated imprint.

This radiance gradually faded and Grichen extended his hand to Father and Father also bent his waist and extended his right-hand and then they both shook hands.

“Well, my army is already prepared. After we return, we will immediately withdraw by 50Li.”

Father nodded and said, “We Beastmen will certainly follow up on our promise. I will let that Governor be in his mansion, you can handle him yourselves.”

Grichen said with a satisfied smile, “The greenhills do not change and the clear water flows constantly. Brother Gu, I am sure we will meet again someday.” Having said this, Grichen and his sons turned around and went in the direction of their camp. Just as they were leaving, Griffin and Gwynn looked at me attentively and I transmitted a message to Griffin, “Brother Gu, if there is an opportunity in the future, I will explain everything to you.” When I said this, I saw Grichen’s ears twitching, could it be that that the message I had transmitted as a thread to Griffin was overheard by Grichen?

Father said, “We also will go back.”

Panzen sighed, “Finally, it is all over. From the time I was born till now, I have never been so tired as I was these past two months.”

Gin smiled and said, “But I feel that this all got over too quickly, I did not have any fun.”

Father looked at Gin and said, “There will plenty of opportunities in the future, the wars in the continents will not cease.” Then he went to Stanla City. Previously, after Father had helped Silvin and Panzen to recover their strength, Silvin no longer looked at him with hatred. Having heard what was said, excited raised their hackles, and Gin put his hand on my shoulder as he said, “Let’s go home now.”

I looked at the Demon race’s big camp. It seemed as if Myu who was within that black military camp, was looking at me with resentment. Ai…….an intense feeling of guilt and shame spread from my heart to all over my body.  Perhaps I did the same thing to Myu that my father did to my mother?No, absolutely not. Even though she is my enemy, I should not have harmed Myu in such a way. However, what should I do now?

“Let’s go.”


The Tigermen, Mayuks, Chimas, and centaurs — the four great races that hadn’t engaged themselves in the war were ordered to retreat. Naturally, they were a bit dissatisfied but with father pressuring them, they were unable to say anything. In this way, we four elite corps and the four great races evacuated from Stanla City.

Father called to me who was beside him and said, “Layson, based on your complexion today it seems like you are ill. Where did you go yesterday evening?”

I lowered my head and said, “I went outside the city to walk. I did not sleep yesterday night, so I am mentally feeling exhausted.”

“Raise your head and speak to me,” Father said in a dignified and powerful voice.

I raised my head and my father  looked at me strictly and said, “Do you have any contact with Grichen and his two sons? Today, while signing the treaty, you and they had been looking at each other in the eyes, and before they left, you even sent them a sound transmission.”

“Ah!” Father’s insight made me amazed. “I do not have any relation with them. I only saw them before in the Dragon empire. While we are on this topic, I even saved them once. I also told them some lies, so naturally, they are familiar with me.”

“This matter I can pretend to have no knowledge of, however, in future, you must not have any association with the Demon race. Our two races have already become enemies and His Majesty is very sensitive, and although he is very good to you now, but if you get him involved in some troublesome and harmful matters, he would not be lenient and will eliminate you. For the time being, due to my relationship with him, he won’t touch you. Everyday, the Beastmen are becoming powerful, and the power that His Majesty holds in his hands is also increasing. After I die, there are not many people who can obstruct him. He will rule the all of the Beastmen just like how the Emperor of the Dragon Empire rules his lands. At that time, you must be very careful. Please keep this in mind.”

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“Father, speak out whatever is deep in your heart. If possible, I can help you.”

Father nodded and said, “You will know it all later. Alright, we should also return to our family.”


Demon race’s large camp.

“I announce: the Beastmen have already started to leave.”


Grichen waved for the scout to retreat, “The Beamon are people who keep their promises, it is not something that we need to worry about. We have finally finished the mission that His Majesty gave us. Gwynn, Griffin, did you two recognize that youngster called Layson?”

“Eh? No, we do not know him.”

Grichen’s eyes emitted a cold glare. He frowned and said, “Is that so? Don’t think I do not know. When I and the Beamon King were conducting the peace talks, you two and that youth were exchanging glances, so tell me, what is going on? Although you are my sons, if you two were to endanger the Demon race’s safety or even cause harm to His Majesty, I will not hesitate to punish my family in the name of justice.”

Having been strongly intimidated and disciplined by him since their childhood, Griffin and Gwynn feared their father, Grichen. Under his interrogation, Griffin, trembling with fear, said, “It is like this…We have previously met him. Do you remember, that we once told you about how a mysterious youth helped us to kill the 4 Fallen Angels sent by Suchar? That youth was him, and after we returned he asked us not to divulge his identity. That is why we did not tell you until now, however, we really did not know that he was a Beastman. That is why when we just saw him, we were very surprised, and we wanted to ask him what happened, but since you were talking with the Beamon King, we found it hard to intervene…”

Grichen’s complexion eased and he said, “I hope what you said is the truth. I feel that youth is very terrifying. Just now I carefully sized him up and I couldn’t probe him deeply. If later on we again fight with the Beastmen, he will inevitably be our greatest threat. Since he is capable of killing four Fallen Angels, his power is…….. Alright, you make our preparations to leave. We are going to receive the Dunder province.”

“Yes, Father.” Griffin and Gwynn both sighed; they would rather face a magnificent army with thousands of infantry and cavalry than face their strict father.


When we returned to the Imperial City, the entire Beastmen’s capital city was surging; everywhere in the city was crowded, all to welcome our triumphant return. I and my father walked at the front  and behind us were more than 900 giant Beamon warriors. We were the first squadron to enter the Imperial City. Behind us was Mink leading the Wild Lion corps, Panzen leading the Meadow Viper corps and Silvin leading the Speed Wolf corps. Although the 4 great corps suffered some losses, but all the soldiers who returned triumphantly puffed their chests and held their head high, all of them were filled with pride and self-confidence.

Loud cheers echoed from both sides of the streets we passed through.

An inhabitant asked the person beside him, “Ai, who is that person beside the Beamon King, he seems like he is a human.”

“Do you not know? That is the third son of the Beamon King. As a result of his having some human blood, he looks like the humans, but he is a born and bred Beamon. Listening to what my friend said, this time, our victorious return was due to his leadership, he has surpassed his own father, by them defeating those Demon race’s Fallen Angels it has made us capable of weeping with joy, this is really delightful.”

“Really? However, I had heard that this time’s army commander was the Beamon King!”


“That is in name, but, Lord Layson was the overall advisor. I heard that many matters were by his decision. His Majesty has already taken Lord Layson as his godson and that he has been bestowed with the title of [Astute Prince]. With the Beamon King and Lord layson, our Beastman Country will continue to prosper and flourish. Long live the Beamon King! Long live Lord Layson!”

“Long live the Beamon King! Long live Lord Layson!”


“Ah, who is that person with 9 heads, who is leading the Nagas? He is very frightening.”

“You know nothing! That is the nine- headed Sage of the Nagas. I heard that he alone made the 10000-soldier army of the Demon race retreat!”

“Is he so fierce?”

“Of course! Also, that two-headed wolf behind them is the Wolf God of the Wolf race, they are also fierce experts. They each led the the Meadow Viper corps and Speed Wolf corps and helped the other two corps: the: Beamons under the Beamon King and the Wild Lion corps in the attack on the Demon race’s Dunder province, thus helping us emerge victoriously. We Beastmen now have our own experts, we no longer need to fear the human race and their Dragon Knights, nor the Demon race and their Fallen Angels.”

“Oh! Very good! I will also enlist into the army…”


Sighing my Father emotionally said to me, “I remember the first time I got such cheers. It was when I inherited the kingship of Beamons. This victory, to us Beastmen, is very significant.”


I nodded and said, “Yes. Only these continuous victories can allow us Beastmen to develop progressively. Later on, we need not be worried about the Demon race’s oppression.”


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“I have made a decision.”

“Oh?! What is it?”

Father said to me solemnly, “I have decided to agree to your suggestion: I will give the position of the King of the Beamons to your eldest brother, Laylon. Not at the present, naturally, but I will request His Majesty that as soon as I die, to let Laylon inherit my position.”

I was inwardly pleased. I said, “What made you come to such a decision so soon?”

Father looked at me profoundly and said, “You.”


“Yes, you. This is because I am convinced by your insight. Previously, I had never thought that you— the one without the appearance of a beamon— would become the most outstanding of my sons. But this time, after returning from the military front, I understand that just strength alone is incapable of allowing the beastmen to reign supreme. After your brother ascends to the throne, you must properly assist him.,”

I nodded and said, “I will, Father. But what about Layhu?”

A trace of cold light flashed through Father’s eyes, and he said, “If he can get rid of his shortcomings, I would be very happy. He is currently the deputy Commander of the Beamon army, otherwise,… You need not currently worry about him, I will handle it. He has already made me very disappointed.”

“Last time, I killed his mother. I now regret it, but back then, I was very impulsive.”

Father looked at me and did not say anything.


Outside the Beast Imperial Palace’s palace gate, a long, red carpet, more than one li long, was laid out and on both sides of the carpet, there were lanterns hanging along with colorful banners and loud music being played on the drums. The Wild Lion corps’ soldiers stood neatly on both sides and raised their long blades as they greeted us.

“Heroes of the Beastmen, we welcome your triumphant return.” The Beast Emperor had personally come to the palace gate along with a hundred officials to greet us.

We quickly stepped up and then kneeled down. Beast Emperor reached out and took me and Father by our arms and said, “No need to be too polite. I cannot accept the kneeling of our heroes. Ha ha, let us go , we will continue to talk inside.” Our victory had caused the Beast Emperor to be unusually excited; he had finally nearly achieved his heart’s desire.

The Beast Emperor personally welcomed us war heroes into the main hall, where he had already prepared a sumptuous feast for us. The entire main hall was full of a festive mood. The Beast Emperor made me, Father, Silvin, Panzen, Mink, and those chiefs of the four great races, who supported us on the front line, to sit at a table. The other low-level but high-ranking military officials accompanied the other civil and military officials at their tables.

The Beast Emperor stood up, carrying a goblet and said in a loud voice, “Come let us all toast these heroes who have returned triumphantly!”

We all hastily stood up and saluted and downed a goblet of wine. The Beast Emperor continuously announced the dishes, and his appearance was like that of a just-married man, and his excitement showed in his speech.

When the feast was halfway in progress, father, in a low voice, said to the Beast Emperor, “Your Majesty, this servant is somewhat tired. I would like to first return home and rest. Let Layson and the others accompany you here.”

The Beast Emperor was startled, set down his wine cup and said, “Brother, today is a day of great celebration for everyone. Since it is such a joyous occasion, why don’t you drink to your merry?”


Father sighed and said, “This campaign lasted for many years , and now I feel very exhausted. Please forgive me, Sire!”

The Beast Emperor was relieved, and he said, “Brother, these past years, it has been very hard on you. You have invested a lot of effort for the Beastmen. Alright, you may leave earlier and return to rest. Later, I will send people to bring you some tonics. ”

“Thank you, Your Majesty!” Father turned to me and said, “Keep His Majesty company and drink a lot with Him. I will return.”


Father waved his hands and stood up. The Beast emperor also followed and got to his feet, then he shouted, “In order for the Beastmen to be victorious, Brother Leo invested a lot of time and effort. If not for him, there will not be the Beastmen of today. The many years of the campaign have made our hero feel exhausted. Everyone, together let us send off our Beamon King.”

“We bid a courteous farewell to His Grace, the Beamon King!”


The feast lasted a long time and ended only late night. The rather tipsy Beast Emperor pulled me and said, “Layson, wait a while longer. This Father-Emperor has something to say to you.”

“Yes, Father-Emperor. First Brother, you all please return first.”

Panzen looked at me, his eyes seemed to be telling me something, and then, grabbing the dead drunk Silvin, he went ahead.

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I lent my arm to the Beast Emperor and went with him to his imperial sleeping quarters. The Beast emperor then sat down on a chair, grabbed my hands and said, “Child, you have performed a great heroic contribution to the Beastman. Tell this Father-Emperor, is there anything that you want?  Father-Emperor will satisfy all your demands.”

“Father-Emperor, you are a little inebriated, please rest sooner. All matters can be discussed tomorrow.”

The bleary-eyed, intoxicated Emperor said, “Who says I am drunk? Can that little amount of wine get me drunk? Originally, today I also wanted to invite your mother to come here, but she said she did not want to meet your father. I also did not force her. Child, thank you. I have already ordered a palace to be built  to the northern side of the Imperial Palace, for you, the [Astute Prince]. Later on, you will have your own place to live there. It will probably still take some more time to complete the construction.”

“Thank you, Father-Emperor. But I already have a nice place, there is no need to spend more…..”

“Hey! This is something you must receive. I am really a little drunk, I will discuss the rest tomorrow. Tomorrow early morning, come to the imperial study to see me.”

“Yes, Father-Emperor. You also take rest soon, I will leave first.”


I then went out of the imperial sleeping quarters. It had already been two months since I saw my mother. I wondered how she was.

After I left, the Beast Emperor stood up, and his eyes became sober and sharp. It was as if his recent intoxicated look had instantly vanished and looking in the direction that I had left, he called out in a low voice, “Shadow!”

A shadow flashed by and said, “Your Majesty!”

“How did the investigation go? Were there any changes to Layson?”

“I checked him out. There were no changes to him. But, he seems to be very popular and well.received among the citizens. When he had returned to the Imperial City, all the people on the streets yelled out his and His Grace, the Beamon King’s names. Moreover, hearing what our people say, it seems that during the negotiations with the Demon race, His Grace, the Beamon King had already announced that Layson would inherit his position as the commander of the Beastmen. ”

The Beast emperor snorted and said, “Is this something that he can decide? However, I see that this child, Layson, is not bad, he is really the pillar of our Beastmen, the position of the commander will sooner or later be his. With him here, maybe I can unify the entire continent!”

“I also believe Layson is a genius. With just 60 000 people he could trample the 200 000 armies of  the Demon race’s Prince Suchar. He certainly is outstanding and also very loyal. However, you had better not give him currently a great amount of power otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to easily control him in the future.”

“En! This I have already considered, I know what to do. I trust Layson. I will strive my hardest to get him to serve my Beastmen effectively. Even the Dragon empire may not have many that are as talented as him, such geniuses are rare. For the time being, he is still under my control, and I will put him in an important position. What I most like about him is that he has no ambition, however, his heart is too heavy. He has already proposed to me that he will leave after we unify the Beastmen Country.”


“En! I will not let him easily leave, otherwise, if he was used by other countries, it will be terrible.”


Returning to the courtyard of my mother’s residence, the quietness, the familiar smell of the plants and flowers gave me the feeling of coming home. My mother was just sitting in the courtyard, waiting for me.

I quickly went in front of my mother and said, “Ma, I am home”

“En!” my mother brushed back some hair that was out of place and said, “I already heard, my heroic son! Are you tired? Compared to when you left, you look thinner now.” the warm and caring words from my mother, made my eyes turn red-rimmed with unshed tears.

“Mother, I am not tired. While I was away, how were you? How is your health?”

My mother slightly smiled and said, “I am fine, you see this.” Saying this, my mother waved her palm and a faint white light appeared on her palm. Although the Qi waves were very faint, it was clear that my mother’s cultivation has been successful.

I said, surprised: “Ma, you are really a martial arts genius. You made so much progress in just under a year!”

My mother proudly smiled and said, “Now I know that this cultivation thing is not very hard if you can clearly understand the essentials of the martial arts and keeping in mind that the key to cultivation is to take it slow,you would naturally make fast progress..”

“Congrats to you, Mother. Oh, that’s right, where are first brother and the others?”

“Them, huh, they had all many drinks and have already gone to bed, it is now so late into the night, you also go to sleep soon.”

“Mother, I have a small matter to tell you.”

“Okay. Tell me.”

“During this time’s surprise attack of the Demon race, I observed Father seemed a bit abnormal…”

My mother swiftly raised her head and glowered at me and raising her voice, she shouted, “Don’t mention him to me. I do not want to know anything related to him.”

“Mother, I ….”

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“Go, do not speak. You should go to bed very soon.” Having said this, my mother turned around and left abruptly and went to her own room. It seemed that her hatred towards my father had not decreased even a little. Sighing, I went to my own room to lie down.

Early morning, I went to the Beast Emperor’s imperial study to see him.

“This lowly son pays his respects to Father-Emperor.”

The Beast Emperor said kindly, “Come and sit.”

“How can I sit in front of Your Majesty? Yesterday, you said there was something for which you were looking for me, please tell it to this lowly son.”

The Beast Emperor was clearly very satisfied with my behavior and he nodded and said, “It is like this… you have recently worked very hard, and the Beast God religion is on good track and majority of the regions within the country have started farming and manufacturing of goods. I have already consulted with the Mayuks, Chimas, Centaurs and Tigermen — the four great races — and they have decided to support me in propagating the Beast God religion. I have decided to announce later that the national religion of the country will be the Beast God religion and that every province should set up a Beast God shrine. What do you think of all these?”

I thought and said, “I think there is no problem in doing these. This time, after defeating the Demon race, your reputation has reached an unprecedented height. Taking advantage of this opportunity to speed up the propagation of the Beast God religion is a very good tactic. Having the support of the four great races, plus the Werewolves and Nagas, you can already control most of the power within the Beast Empire.”

“Yes. Thanks to this incredible plan of yours previously, I whom has never before felt the control over the Beastmen Country finally has a chance. I think the Beastmen Country will be powerful, but it is just a question of time. Your contribution to these present circumstances is the highest. You have worked very hard and now please take a long rest. The matter about destroying the bandits, I will have someone else undertake it.”

I was alarmed….is it possible that the Beast Emperor has become wary of me? If not, why else would he stop my mission?  Then I immediately understood the reason— all of this was because of my rapidly increasing popularity within the country.

I then coolly stated, “I am grateful that Father-Emperor shows great concern towards this lowly son. I want to spend more time with my mother too. If you need anything, please do let me know.”

The Beast Emperor smiled, “You are the most outstanding talent of our Beastmen Country, there are plenty of things that require one with your skills. Do not doubt this father-emperor’s aim. This father-emperor only feels you are too overqualified to deal with mere bandits. I ask you to be in charge of those who are building your mansion. They say that in two months they will complete it. After it is done, you can bring your mother and stay there. Oh, and how is that subordinate, called Mink, of yours?”

“Mink? He is a very simple and honest person, his skills are also pretty good. He is not my subordinate, we have now become sworn brothers, he is my third brother. Why, is Father-Emperor thinking to give him an important position?”

The Beast Emperor muttered, “Previously, he showed good results in the secret training and now he has your recommendation. I was thinking to let him take your place and go to eliminate the bandits. What do you think?”

That the Beast Emperor givens an important task to Mink is a good deed. I knew, that after I return with my mother to the Dragon Empire, I cannot bring Mink along. I can let him take this opportunity to show his skills and he would certainly experience a meteoric growth in the future. I felt that if Mink did not run into enemies of the same caliber as a first brother or second brother, then he is entirely qualified for the mission of eliminating the bandits.

“Good, that is a very good decision.”

“Father-Emperor, since there is nothing for me to do, would you let me bring my mother along with me when I leave? To tell the truth, if not for letting Beastmen Country to become strong, I really do not want to enter the imperial court. I am a wild and rough kind of man.”

The Beast Emperor frowned,“Ah, Layson, are you still angry with this Father-Emperor? Whether or not you are dissatisfied with this Father-Emperor’s decisions, how can you leave Beastman Country at this crucial moment? Did I not say earlier? There are still many things for you to do here. ”

I hurriedly shook my head, “Father-Emperor, I am not angry with you. Those were my heartfelt words, I am really not suited to be an official. ”

The Beast Emperor said, “Since you do not want to be a court official, what about your prince’s mansion later on, is that also not good for you? Why do you insist on wanting to leave? Do not mention this matter now, I will not approve. Everything that needs is mentioned should wait until the entire Beastmen Country is stabilized.”The

The Beastmen Country was currently still in turmoil. Moreover, I and my mother had agreed to wait for three years, now it is still very early. Therefore, I too did not insist on this matter and just bowed, “Yes, Father-Emperor.”

Upon hearing my agreement, the Beast Emperor immediately smiled and said, “Come, follow Father-Emperor to the imperial court. I am going to announce a few matters.”


“Long live His Majesty! Long live His Majesty!”

The Beast Emperor sat on the throne, and I stood beside him. Originally, I too ought to have been kneeling in front of him, but His Majesty insisted that I be beside him and I reluctantly complied with that as I had no other choice.

“My many loyal subjects, please rise. Yesterday, our Beastmen heroes returned triumphantly and I am in a very cheerful mood. From now on, we Beastmen no longer need to be subservient to the Demon race. Today, I will declare several matters. First, starting from today, Beast God religion will be the national religion of Beastmen Country. And there will be a shrine at every province so that civilians can pay their worships there. I will be the first founder of this religion, and Layson and Mink will be deputy-founders, and Mink will be in charge of the day-to-day sermons. Does anyone have any comments? ” I was a bit alarmed as I did not expect that the Beast Emperor would so suddenly thrust Mink into such a high position.

Those here are all the trusted aides of the Beast Emperor, and the four great races who had just recently surrendered their allegiance to the Beast Emperor, thus it was only natural that no one here opposed these proclamations. It seemed that the Beast Emperor had bestowed some great profits to the four great races, otherwise how would they have kept their peace?

The Beast Emperor was satisfied seeing how the officials were behaving below. “Good. The second declaration is: from now on, every Beastmen race will put all their efforts into the development of farming and manufacturing. I will order the Beast God Sect to dispatch technical staff to help you all. The Tigermen, the Chimas, the Mayuks and the Cenaturs, these four great races’ Chieftains, you will oversee the situation surrounding the Imperial City. If you want your tribe to grow and thrive, you must first make your people prosperous.”

The chieftains of the four great races advanced forward all together and bowed as they replied, “Yes, Your Majesty!”

In an instant, I understood the Beast Emperor’s intention. He was thinking to win the 4 great races of the Beastmen Country and the Nagas and the Werewolves’ power. He would then be in control of an overwhelming amount of power within the Beastman country. Then he would use the four great races to eliminate those who did not obey orders, subdue people into obedience, and so on, and thus within a short term , unify the entire Beastmen Country. Although this can achieve their aim within a short period, but I felt that it would be better to do things slowly and painstakingly. Doing like this will only result in an increase of power, and not many would have genuinely converted. And Since the Beast Emperor had already done it in this way, there is no use even if I rebel against this method, ah, let it be. Anyway, the unification of Beastmen Country is a good thing, the Beast Emperor was also a good  monarch, and later on, he would establish a benevolent government under my advice.

“Yesterday, our respected Beamon King told me, that he wished for his eldest son Laylon to inherit his position after his lifetime. At the same time, he also decided to formally give to his third son, my godson, Layson, his current position — the general commander of the Beastmen army. From now on, all the wars will be under the leadership of Layson.”

The words spoken by the Beast Emperor were akin to bolts of thunder from the sky; they caused me a severe shock. After calming myself mentally, I hurried forward, knelt down on the ground and said, “Father-Emperor, this matter is not at all possible.” When did my father and the Beast Emperor talk to each other? I had been completely ignorant. Why would such an important position be given to me?

The Beast Emperor frowned as he asked, “Why?”

I explained : “First of all, this lowly son is young and inexperienced and thus lacks the ability to be accepted by the people. Secondly, I…”

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