Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1049: Chapter 1049 - The Qi Family Will

Before he could finish speaking, Qiao Nian raised her eyes. Her black eyes were beautiful and eye-catching. Because the Professor Jiang whose passports youre holding is my father.

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Before Slim Waist Control could sit properly on the couch, he immediately jumped up. His desire to live was extremely strong. He raised his hands. I can explain this!

Theres a woman in Hengfeng Corporation. Shes quite young. I saw that she was very talented in computer programming, so I wanted to recruit some new blood for the Red Alliance. It just so happened that Qi Rongguang came looking for me and asked me for a favor. He said that a scientific research technology of their corporation had been stolen and asked me to support them. Its such a big matter! He wailed and wished he could swear that this was true. I really didnt know that this matter had something to do with your father. If I knew that it had something to do with you, I definitely wouldnt have helped them!

Qi Lanyin was a little talented in programming. In addition, they had called it off with Zhou Hengfeng, so the Red Alliance needed someone to deal with it externally.

That was why they took a fancy to the Qi family.

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Who knew that they would be so unreliable and provoke this big shot?

And it was Big Bosss father!

Qiao Nians expression did not change. She placed her hand on the armrest of the sofa indifferently, her fingers tapping on the armrest as she said, Theres someone in Hengfeng Corporation who is talented in programming?

A little talent. Its just so-so.

Slim Waist Control glanced at her and felt a little sour. He believed that he was talented in programming. Only Sun could surpass him.

Before seeing Qiao Nian in person, he had expected Sun to be an old man in his forties, about the same age as the people from the IT Association.

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In comparison to those old people, he was still an existence with incredible talent.

Who knew that Sun would be so young in person?

Slim Waist Control swallowed some of that sourness. That girl is called Qi Lanyin. She has some talent, but she cant compare to you.

Qi Lanyin.

It took Qiao Nian a long time to remember where she had heard this name before.

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In the medical competition, there was a girl who looked down on the local medical scene and Chinese medicine. She was arrogant and domineering.

Her name seemed to be Qi Lanyin.

What a coincidence.

She raised the corners of her eyes, cold and impatient. She crossed her legs, and the corners of her lips curled up evilly. Since her talent is average, forget it. The Red Alliance isnt at the level of picking up trash.

Picking up trash? These words were really appropriate. Qi Lanyins standard was only so-so. There was nothing much to benefit from, but it was also a pity to give it up entirely. It was only because Hengfeng Corporation and Qi Rongguang were sensible that he chose Qi Lanyin among the crowd.

However, Hengfeng Corporation and Qi Lanyin were definitely not the only choices for the Red Alliance.

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Slim Waist Control immediately understood and nodded. I understand.

He then thought of something else and said, By the way, Big Boss, the IT Association is holding a banquet tonight. Initially, Guan Yan was supposed to attend, but she had something on and couldnt come. Since youre here, why dont you attend on the Red Alliances behalf?

Qiao Nians cell phone vibrated. She picked it up and saw that it was a message from Ye Wangchuan. He said that they had arrived and were resting in the hotel. They were going to have dinner tonight.

She casually replied.

Slim Waist Control was still talking about the banquet. He clasped his hands together and said sincerely, The venue is Jin Chen Hotel, the banquet hall on the 88th floor. Boss, please save me.

Initially, Qiao Nian didnt want to go. Seeing that she didnt have any plans for the night and that he had helped her, she pursed her lips in thought. Her face under the brim of the cap was young and eye-catching. Her voice was slightly impatient as she asked, What time?

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