Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1139: Chapter 1139 - Slap Jiang Xianrou

Translator:Atlas StudiosEditor:Atlas Studios

Great God, hurry up and go online. Your identity has been falsely claimed. The freshman of Qing University, named Qiao Nian, impersonated you at the school celebration and even won first place.

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Little girl, dont worry. Mommy saw the ranking of Qing Universitys school anniversary. Hehe, a 100-year-old famous school? How shameless! Who cant tell that theyre kneeling and sucking up to that Master Nie? Hes just an old fart who plays the konghou. How dare he call himself a master? Hes already so old, yet he still helped his disciple cheat. Dont worry, well definitely seek justice for you and make the school apologize!

There was another private message.

Jiang Zongnan had seen the ID of this private message before. Jiang Xianrou once told him that she had a fan management club on Weibo, and she also told him about the members.

This was the ID Gentle Wind. He had a deep impression in his memory because his daughter told him that Gentle Wind had also been admitted to Qing University. She studied in the Clinical Department and was considered her own junior sister.


If the content of the first two private messages were still polite and clean then the private message of this ID below was full of swear words.

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All kinds of ugly insults and curses came out. After the content of insulting Qiao Nian, it was the content of comforting Jiang Xianrou.

Senior, dont worry, your fans have blasted the schools official website, and the school cant keep them silent.

Qiao Nian will definitely come out and apologize! The first place is ours.

The other partys latest private message came from an hour ago.

Senior, what did your second brother say on the Internet? He said that Qiao Nian is the deity Zhui Guang, but Zhui Guang is obviously you.

Hurry up and go online now.

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Senior, please send a Weibo to clarify that you are the deity. I think many fans can see that your second brother is trying to protect Qiao Nians reputation and is still scolding that girl. She deserves it!


Private messages kept popping up on the Weibo account.

Jiang Zongnan didnt have the courage to continue reading. He was stunned and blamed himself. Too many emotions became negative in his heart.

He handed the phone to Old Master Jiang. Dad, take a look.

On the one hand, as if he had no face to see Qiao Nian, he tore off his tie, tightened it around his palm, and walked to Jiang Xianrou, who looked arrogant and wronged.

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Dad? Jiang Xianrous eyes flickered, and she took a step back subconsciously.

Jiang Zongnan didnt give her a chance. He raised his hand and slapped her in the face

It was a resounding slap!

Jiang Zongnans complexion was slightly dark, and his hands were hard. Jiang Xianrous face turned away from the slap. Her tied hair was scattered, covering her face, and her whole person was stunned.

What are you doing! Tang Wanru hurriedly rushed over and stood in front of Jiang Xianrou like a hen protecting her chick. She raised her head with red eyes. Are you crazy?

Jiang Zongnan had never had such an indifferent and embarrassed expression. Staring viciously at the girl hiding behind her, he only said, Disgrace! I dont have a daughter like you!

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Jiang Zongnan, are you crazy?! Tang Wanru was embarrassed in front of everyone and even put on the arrogant attitude of a married couple.

But this time, Jiang Zongnan did not spoil her unconditionally. His eyes burst open, and it could be seen that he was trying his best to control his emotions. He furiously pointed at Jiang Xianrou. Didnt you look at Nian Nians phone? Isnt it obvious why I hit her!

Silence ensued.

Tang Wanru was a little flustered, and her heart was beating very fast.

She wanted to stop him.

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