Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1197: Chapter 1197 - Your Sister Is Qui

Translator:Atlas StudiosEditor:Atlas Studios

Ye Wangchuan had given her the VIP card of the Lan Pavilion. The environment there was quiet and peaceful, suitable for a group of people to gather and play.

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The rest of Class A, not knowing what Lan Pavilion was, agreed.

Only Liang Bowen had a good family background. Before coming to Beijing, he had already figured out some of the high-end consumer places in Beijing.

He was silent for a moment upon hearing that Qiao Nian was bringing them to Lan Pavilion to sing. He touched the bridge of his nose and followed the rest of the group. He only thought for a moment. Tsk, could Sister Nian be talking about that private room which cost a ten-figure sum, where only members of the clubhouse were allowed to enter?

Indeed, even singing was not done at karaoke places in the world of big shots.


Class A walked happily and did not notice a black Bugatti parked by the side of the clear road.

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Liang Bowen saw it when he passed by the car.

The license plate number was a serial number. Three of the numbers were the same.

However, he only took a glance before looking away. Having been exposed to the world of the rich, he was quite calm when he saw these.

After all, the last time he came to Beijing to look for Sister Nian, he had already seen the most awesome license plate number.

Beijing. 888888.

Compared to this license plate number, a series of serial numbers coupled with three identical numbers seemed so plain.

He didnt even look at the person in the car. He just followed Qiao Nian without looking back!

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In the car.

Two well-dressed young men sat in the drivers and passengers seats. The man in the drivers seat was probably in his late twenties.

He was about the same age as Ye Wangchuan and Qin Si, and he exuded an elite aura.

He was thin and had a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose. If one looked closely, one would notice that the lenses of the glasses were not thick. It was more like they were placed on the bridge of his nose for fun.

His facial features were outstanding, and the silver-gray suit looked special on him. In any case, he was the kind of person whom others would definitely give a second glance to when he appeared in a crowd.

Is that your sister? The man in the passenger seat was not as good-looking as him, but he looked more approachable and friendly. At this moment, he raised his chin curiously and pouted in the direction where Qiao Nian and the others had left.

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He was obviously asking about Qiao Nian.

The young man in the drivers seat immediately frowned, as if the other partys question irritated him. He grunted impatiently.

Its her.

His friend immediately smiled and said, Shes quite good-looking and has so many friends around her. Your sister seems quite popular.

Jiang Yao did not know what to say.

He narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction where the girl had left. The girl was wearing a baseball cap and stood out among the crowd. Compared to her peers, she was indeed very eye-catching.

She had the aura of a bandit.

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She did not look like an obedient girl.

But when I passed by just now, I heard her friends call her Qiao Nian. Oh, did your sister change her name? Or is Qiao Nian her nickname?

His friend supported his chin and looked puzzled. I remember that your sisters name is Jiang Xianrou. Why did you give her this nickname? They dont sound similar at all.

Jiang Yaos facial features softened when Jiang Xianrous name was mentioned. He was no longer as tough as before. He held the steering wheel and explained coldly, Shes not the sister I usually tell you about.


Jiang Yao saw the other partys dumbfounded expression and controlled his temper. His eyes were cold as he continued, This is my uncles daughter. I just found her in Rao City. If you want to put a name to it, you can consider her my cousin. Shes not my biological sister.

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