Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1298: Chapter 1298 - Offended Ye Wang

Translator:Atlas StudiosEditor:Atlas Studios

10 AM, Ye Wangchuan said gently. He thought about her schedule and added, Lets see what time you can get up.

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Qiao Nians eyelids began to flutter. Her upper eyelids were about to stick to her eyelids. She hummed softly, as if she had heard but not heard clearly.

She was too sleepy. Behind her, Ye Wangchuan was drying her hair gently and slowly. It was clearly just drying her hair, but it made her sleepy.

When he finished helping her dry her hair, she was so sleepy that she could barely open her eyes.

She forced herself to wake up and supported her chin with her hand, then asked again, What does your friend want?

Ye Wangchuan did not hide it from her. He placed the towel on the table beside him and tied her hair up with a hair tie before saying, Yes, he wants to investigate someone.

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Qiao Nian raised her eyebrows. She was a little interested and no longer wanted to sleep. Who?

A man whos been smuggling and selling drugs internationally for years. I dont know his name. People in the black market call him by his nickname, Eagle Eye.

Ye Wangchuan spoke casually as if that person was just a small character.

However, this person with the code name Eagle Eye actually gave the FBI a headache because he was extremely cunning and ruthless.

He knew many people in the illegal district. He used his powerful network to get wind of it and escape before the police could carry out the arrest.

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Qiao Nian had heard this name before. She rested her cold fingers on her lap and looked up at him. How did he provoke you?

Eagle Eye could have provoked anyone, but he provoked Ye Wangchuan

She wasnt sure what other forces this man had, but she knew that Ye Wangchuan definitely had more than just the Ninth Branch.

From Ye Wangchuans tone, even if Eagle Eye did not die this time, he would lose a layer of skin!

The collar of Ye Wangchuans white shirt was slightly open, and his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, revealing his cold white skin.

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His eyes were deep and spirited, his nose bridge was high, and his thin lips were sexy and thin. When he smiled, his eyes were cold, like a lion in the night. He exuded a domineering aura as he stood alone. A month ago, he appeared in the country to conduct a drug transaction. Later, he was locked down by the police. He killed a family of three in order to escape.

The child he killed was only six years old. He stabbed him a dozen times before he died. He could have avoided killing, but he was afraid that the family would say that they had seen him. Just in case, he would rather kill them than let three innocent people go.

Qiao Nian was silent for a second. The corners of her eyes raised, and a murderous look appeared on her face. Her voice turned cold. Heh, he does deserve to die.

Then, she said, I have time tomorrow morning. You guys want to check his location, right?

Yes. From what we know so far, we can roughly confirm that hes hiding in a port in the country. Just as we were tracking his exact location, he got someone to hide his whereabouts. We cant confirm his exact location now. The police cant mobilize to arrest him without his precise location. Ye Wangchuan didnt hide anything from her. The police are quite anxious. Eagle Eye is cunning and good at pretending. Once he gets a fake identity, hes very likely to escape abroad. Itll be difficult to catch him again.

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If not for this, he would never have thought of asking Qiao Nian for help.

After all, these things were not something an 18-year-old girl should be involved in.

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