Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1300: Chapter 1300 - Can They Do It?

Translator:Atlas StudiosEditor:Atlas Studios

Deputy Captain Luo only glanced at the man and woman outside. He was slightly stunned before looking away from the road, hoping that someone else was coming.

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The coffee shop Bo Zheng chose was located in the downtown area of Beijing, but the location was exquisite. It was a quiet geographical environment.

Although there was a road outside the coffee shop, it was a one-way street near a residential area. Tall sycamores were planted on both sides of the road.

Usually, only people who lived nearby could be seen pushing small carts for groceries on the sidewalk. Very few cars drove in.

Other than the black car he had seen at the beginning, no other car had entered.

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Deputy Captain Luo was clearly a little surprised. After craning his neck and looking around, he turned back and whispered to the man, Captain Bo, are you mistaken? Why dont I see anyone coming?

At this moment, Bo Zheng was looking at Ye Wangchuan, who was walking towards them, through the glass window. His thick black eyebrows were raised, and his eyes were dignified. He also showed surprise, but he was a little better than Deputy Captain Luo. No. Hes coming over.

Captain Bo, are you talking about the young man who got out of the car just now? Deputy Captain Luo did not want to ask this. This was undoubtedly the worst outcome for him.

What the hell!

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Forget about that man. Although he looked young, he was at least an adult who had entered society.

The key was the girl with him. That girl Did she graduate from high school yet? Deputy Captain Luo was not sure. He just subconsciously thought that their Captain Bo had been shrewd for a lifetime and was muddle-headed for a moment. He had said that he would find an expert to locate Eagle Eye. Why did he find two young hotheads? Wasnt this ridiculous?

If anyone could find Eagle Eye, how could so many of their core members of the criminal police team have tracked him down all night to no avail?

What their technicians could not do, Captain Bo could find two young people to solve?

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Deputy Captain Luo couldnt help but ask, Can they do it?

Didnt I teach you not to judge a persons ability from their appearance? Especially in our line of work, you cant judge a book by its cover. You follow me on cases and dont notice that the more vicious the criminal, the more timid and honest they look daily. If they look honest in life, does that mean they arent murderers?

Bo Zheng took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took one out, lit it, and bit it. His thin lips touched, and he leaned back. His eyes narrowed slightly as he continued, Its the same now. You havent come into contact with them yet. How do you know they cant do it?

Deputy Captain Luo was speechless. Although he couldnt refute his words, it was right for him to not acknowledge him.

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Prisoners are prisoners. Theyre them. How can you compare these two things? Im not saying to judge them by their looks. I just think theyre too young!

Especially that girl. Captain Bo, did you see that girl outside? I think she just graduated from high school. How can she be an expert in IP tracking at such a young age? Isnt that nonsense? Its not that I dont believe it. I just think its too much.

How could Bo Zheng not be surprised that Ye Wangchuan would bring him such a young expert? He thought that the other party would at least choose a team leader from the Ninth Branch, such as Luo Qing, who was more famous in this aspect, or Chen Zhu, who had recently risen to prominence.

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