Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1351: Chapter 1351 - : Ye Lan's Birth

Translator:Atlas StudiosEditor:Atlas Studios

Ye Wangchuan walked up to Qiao Nian and placed one of the plates in front of her. As if he had heard their conversation, he said naturally, Ill send you there.

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Qiao Nian looked at the plate in front of her. The sandwich had just been made. It looked pretty good.

She picked up her sandwich and took a bite. It tasted just like it looked, and it was very good indeed. She went to sleep at three in the morning, and most of the frustration of not having had a good nights sleep was gone. Her brows relaxed, and she wasnt as cold as before. Her shoulders relaxed. Yes, she said lazily.

Seeing her yawn and the corners of her eyes turned slightly red, Ye Wangchuan knew that she had stayed up late last night.

Seeing that she was eating seriously with her head lowered, he put the glass of milk closer to her, then said gently, Eat slowly and drink some milk to moisten your throat.

Qiao Nian was speechless.

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Her eyes narrowed for a moment as she stared at the glass of milk someone had pushed in front of her. She frowned and pursed her lips. Reluctantly, she picked it up and took a small sip.

Seeing that drinking milk was as difficult as going to the battlefield, Ye Wangchuan couldnt help but laugh. He dragged out the chair and sat down at her side. Then, he said as if he had remembered something, Auntie will treat you to lunch. Are you coming?

Today at noon?

Qiao Nian took a sip of milk and realized that he hadnt added sugar to it. The milk wasnt as sweet as she had imagined, so she didnt resist.

She listened to him idly as she ate her breakfast.

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Ye Wangchuan was already used to her indifferent personality when she was half-asleep. He reached out and carefully tucked her hanging hair behind her ear before retracting his cold fingertips. He said unhurriedly, Yes, its her birthday today. She doesnt want to make a big deal out of it, so she booked a private room in the Imperial Mansion for a family meal. She asked if youre free.

A lot of people were going. Other than the direct descendants of the Ye family, some other people were also going. These people were more or less related to the Ye family.

Ye Lan had long treated Qiao Nian as part of the family. All the branches of the Ye family would be there. She definitely wanted Qiao Nian to come so that she could show off her niece-in-law.

However, Ye Wangchuan knew Qiao Nians personality. She didnt like to join in the fun. The place would be crowded, so he was afraid that Qiao Nian wasnt used to such occasions.

Hence, he didnt agree immediately when Ye Lan told him to bring Qiao Nian along at noon.

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He still had to ask her opinion and see if she was willing to go.

Qiao Nian stopped eating. She rested her chin on her hand, seemingly considering whether she should go.

Ye Wangchuan did not rush her. He completely respected her opinion and made things clear to her. Although Aunts birthday is not grand this year, many people will be going. Many people that you might not have seen before will be attending. Its not just Chen Chen and the old man. Some other people are also going.

Qin Si immediately raised his hand and said, Sister Qiao, I want to go too.

He interrupted with a smile, Go~ At least we know each other. At most, you can play with me and Ill protect you. Master Wang will also be there. What are you afraid of?

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Qiao Nian smacked her lips. She wanted to say that she was afraid that they would be around.

However, on second thought, it was Ye Lans birthday today and she was invited. She asked after hesitating for a moment, What time is it?

Twelve. Afraid that she wasnt paying attention before, Ye Wangchuan repeated, At the Imperial Mansion.

Okay. Qiao Nian nodded. She was quite straightforward. Ill be there at twelve sharp.

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