Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 1538: Chapter 1538 - 1538 Sister Nian

1538 Sister Nian: If You Want to Play, Shell Fight You to the End!

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Jiang Zongjins first concern was his daughter, and his second concern was academics.

Ye Wangchuan could chat with him on both topics. Thus, Jiang Zongjins impression of him improved.

Less than 40 minutes later.

Jiang Zongjin was still a little unsatisfied when he got out of the car. He said very naturally, Little Ye, Im here. You guys can go back. Well talk another day. By the way, the principle of the spiral activation you just mentioned

Ye Wangchuan understood instantly. He smiled and immediately said, Ill organize a document for you and send it over later.

Jiang Zongjin was overjoyed.

This was because the theory Ye Wangchuan proposed was very novel. At least, it was a direction that the academic world did not think of yet.

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He was personally very interested.

Good, good. Although he was happy, he didnt forget that Qiao Nian was still in the car. He reminded the girl looking down at her phone, Nian Nian, rest early when you get back. Dont tire yourself out.

Qiao Nian didnt say much along the way. She played with her phone the entire time.

She seemed to be texting someone.

Jiang Zongjin knew that she knew many people and had many friends, so he did not disturb her. He only talked to her when they were about to part.

Qiao Nian put down her phone and looked up. She rolled down the window and saw the concern in his eyes. A warm feeling flowed through her heart. Her voice was slightly hoarse and low. Yes, I know. Dad, go back. Ill ask you out for a meal when Im free.

Jiang Zongjin was happy upon receiving her promise and hurriedly replied, Hey! You guys can go. Ill go in after you leave.

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Ye Wangchuan said goodbye and turned the car around. The black flag drove quietly towards Rhine Apartments

Qiao Nian rolled down the window when the person in the rearview mirror gradually became smaller. She placed her hand by the window and said softly to the man, Ive found out who did it.

Ye Wangchuan drove slowly knowing she was tired and turned on the air conditioner. He grunted and raised an eyebrow when he heard this. You found out so quickly?

I cant say that Ive found anything. I can only say that Ive caught a small tail. Qiao Nians lips curled up into a smile, but it didnt reach her eyes. She said coldly, Lets not go back yet. I need to go somewhere.

She gave him the address.

Qiao Nian rested her fair fingers on the window lazily and frivolously, but her eyes were icy. Im looking for someone.

She had to find someone somewhere.

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She couldnt say some things in her fathers presence. However, this matter was quite interesting according to what she found out.

If the other party wanted to play, she would naturally play along!

Ye Wangchuan didnt even ask who she was going to find. He just put the address she gave him on the GPS.

At the same time, in a high-end KTV in Beijing.

A group of young men and women were gathered together and playing happily.

These people didnt look old. all of them had dyed hair. They were either yellow or green. It was obvious that most of them were young people in society.

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On one side of the brown sofa, a boy about Qiao Nians age sat in a corner. His face was tense the entire time as he scrolled through the news on his phone.

Beside him, a man with green bird feathers put down the microphone and carried a cup over. He smiled and clung to his shoulder, sitting beside him. Young Master Yao, why arent you playing with everyone today?

Yao Yus heart was in turmoil. How could he still be in the mood to play with them? He immediately frowned and pushed his hand away. He lowered his voice and said, You guys play, I

The door to the KTV room was suddenly kicked open before he could finish speaking.

Who the f*ck is that!

Holy sh*t!

The group of young men and women in the private room became noisy.

Only Yao Yu recognized the person who barged in. His face was pale from fear and his body was trembling like a sieve. He opened his mouth and shouted, Cousin!

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