Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 434: Chapter 434 - Think Carefully

Chapter 434: Think Carefully

The teacher of the Architecture Department immediately said, Professor Cheng, didnt we say its a fair competition? How could you try to snatch her in advance? Student Qiao Nian, you got a perfect score on the Mathematics exam. Such a good mathematics talent is a waste in the Finance Department! Lets study architecture! Although our Architecture Department isnt the best major in Qing University, the teaching staff is not bad. If you come to our department, I believe youll be our future star!

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Everyone wanted to snatch the rare student with a full score.

The other departments were vying for her front and back, and they all expressed that if Qiao Nian joined their department, they would try their best to train her. Even the Music Department, which was very artistic, was reluctant to give up a student of this level. They also joined in the fun, but they didnt have much hope.

Only Liang Lu didnt say a word, staring tightly at the girl standing in the center, unable to withdraw her gaze for a long time.

She really didnt expect this Qiao Nian to have such good grades.

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If nothing had happened before, she would have been a member of this group of looting forces, but she had fallen out with Qiao Nian a long time ago. She had said twice that she wouldnt want Qiao Nian, so how could she go back on her words at this moment? How could she invite Qiao Nian to their Clinical Department?!

Watching Qiao Nian being poached, Nie Mis pride was aroused. He interrupted the arguing voices, looked at the people standing there, and asked softly, Which department do you want to go to?

He had an answer to this question, but he still hoped that he could hear a different one from the answer he knew in his heart.

The Chinese Medicine Faculty had always been in decline.

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If Mr. Huang was here today and Qiao Nian chose the Chinese Medicine Faculty, he would have nothing to say.

But life was unsatisfactory. Even if he could only influence people related to the music field, he didnt have enough face to influence people in other fields.

The department selection is very important. It represents your development direction in the next few years, and might even affect your life. Youd better consider it carefully and not make impulsive choices.

Qiao Nian lifted her eyelids, and her dark eyes faced him, without any hint of changing her mind.

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Nie Mi felt defeated and sighed. You can think about it. Its your own life. As long as you dont regret it, no matter what choice you make, it isnt a wrong choice.

Listening to his gentle words, Cheng Wu glanced at him suspiciously, feeling that Nie Mis attitude towards Qiao Nian was special.

At least when Qiao Chen had offered herself to him just now, he hadnt harbored this attitude.

His attitude towards Qiao Chen was more serious and official, but with Qiao Nian it was a bit like an elder and junior talking.

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It made him worried for a while, for fear that Nie Mi would snatch this student from him. After all, there was nothing music-related written on Qiao Nians file. But her grades were so good. With Nie Mis reputation, he might win!

Feeling a sense of urgency, Cheng Wu interrupted again, Yes, Qiao Nian, you have to think clearly. Choosing a major is a big deal. Since youve come to participate in the independent enrollment of Qing University, you must have a better understanding of the situation here. The Finance Department is definitely a good choice. How about it, have you thought about it?

Qiao Nian pressed the brim of her hat, with a pair of eyes constricted. Facing his question, her tone was calm as she said, Yes, I have.

When Cheng Wu saw that Liang Lu didnt try to snatch her from him and only sat there silently, the corners of his mouth raised. Seeing that he was going to successfully collect a good seedling, he picked up the file victoriously. Oh? Which department have you chosen?

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