Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 474: Chapter 474 - Sure Enough, She Wo

Chapter 474: Sure Enough, She Wont Help

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

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Shen Qiongzhi was already thinking of the treat she was planning to give. She raised her eyebrows and asked excitedly, By the way, Chen Chen did so well on the examinations. Should we have a feast to celebrate her achievement?

Qiao Weimin was thinking about the matter regarding Chen Yuan. He absentmindedly pulled off his tie without even looking at her and then casually said, Do as you please.

I want to hold a big banquet for her. Not everyone in Rao City can get into Qing University. A few years ago, when Fu Ge was admitted, the Fu family held a grand feast to celebrate his entrance into Qing University. Madam Fu was in the spotlight all night long! Chen Chen is also being admitted into Qing University this time. Im intending to hold a feast just as grand. I want to show off to those people who looked down on us before.

Qiao Weimin had no interest in such fancy things now. He frowned and said, Its just our child getting into college. Theres no need to make such a big fuss. When Chen Chen returns, we will just invite our relatives out for dinner. If we hold such a grand feast, it may compromise her happiness instead.


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Shen Qiongzhi didnt fully agree with him, but the last sentence about compromising Chen Chens happiness dispelled her idea about holding a large banquet. After a short consideration, she reluctantly acquiesced to his suggestion.

After settling this matter, she remembered what she was just about to ask and looked up. By the way, you havent told me where you went in a hurry just now. Who called you?

Qiao Weimin threw his tie onto the sofa. He felt very annoyed when he thought about it. He understood Shen Qiongzhis character. If he told her, he would have to hear her constant nagging. Thus, he decided not to tell her and just said, It had something to do with the company. They needed me there urgently.

Oh, whats the matter with the company? Shen Qiongzhi didnt think about it too much and asked casually.

Qiao Weimin was afraid that she would ask too many questions and expose the fact that he did not go back to the company. Thus, he replied vaguely. Nothing much. I have something I need to do. I will head to the study room first.

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Shen Qiongzhi was a person who would always be in good spirits when something good happened. She wasnt bothered even when he didnt answer her question clearly. She then kindly said, I will make you a cup of coffee.

Qiao Weimin initially wanted to refuse her offer. But seeing that she had already started to prepare the coffee, he simply stopped himself and went upstairs first.

In the study, he closed the door and immediately called Qiao Chen.

The cell phone rang more than ten times, and he was starting to think that the call wasnt getting through. At that moment, someone picked up the call on the other side.

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Hello, Dad. I sent Mom news about my examination results just now. Why are you calling me again? Is there something wrong?

Qiao Weimin could hear a hint of annoyance in her tone. He fell silent for a moment and said, Chen Chen, do you remember Chen Yuan?

Chen Yuan?

In Beijing, Qiao Chen just finished that uncomfortable lunch. It was at this moment when she received this phone call.

She frowned and thought about the boy who was always with Qiao Nian. Her tone grew cold, and she said, Yes, I remember him. Whats the matter with him?

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He ran into some trouble and may need your uncles help. Its inconvenient for me to ask your uncle for help. Do you think you can do it?

He then explained the situation at the police station to her.

Can you please ask your uncle for help? This isnt a big deal for him, and he can definitely solve it easily.

On the other end of the cell phone, Qiao Chen listened quietly. After hearing her fathers explanation, she understood that this case involved Wei Lings younger brother. She couldnt help it and said, Dad, its already hard for me to be here alone in Beijing. I cant burden my aunt anymore with this matter.. I wont help you!

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