Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 478: Chapter 478 - Recognizing Qiao Ni

Chapter 478: Recognizing Qiao Nian

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

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The light outside the room was dim as he walked to a quiet corner. After making sure that the background wasnt noisy, Ye Wangchuan took out his cell phone. He hung his eyelids and his eyelashes covered his eye from the light.

He opened the chatbox and saw the last message from Qiao Nian. It was the message she had just sent to him. There were only three words. She didnt even bother to add a punctuation mark. It was obvious how casual her message was.

Ye Wangchuan looked at the time the message was sent.

Two minutes ago.

It was likely that she had just gotten off the plane and had just turned her cell phone on.

He scratched his thin lips, looked down, and opened his contact list with his white and slender fingers. He found the first phone number and dialed it.

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The cell phone rang seven or eight times, but no one picked up the call. He was patient and waited. He put one hand in his pocket and held the cell phone in his other hand. There was no hint of impatience on his angular and handsome face. He looked gentle and affectionate.

They were at the Rao City airport.

Qiao Nian had just gotten off the airplane and was collecting her backpack. She didnt immediately notice her cell phone ringing. She had already walked out of the terminal when she noticed that she had a missed call.

It was a Beijing number, and the call showed that it was from Ye Wangchuan.

Knitting her eyebrows together and dialing back, she raised her eyes and spoke to Liang Bowen. Go pick up your luggage first. Ill wait for you at the side.

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Seeing that she was making a call, Liang Bowen didnt think twice and waved his hand. Okay, I understand. You go ahead first. I will look for you once I collect my luggage.


Qiao Nian didnt bring any luggage. To be precise, she only needed to spend a few days in Beijing, so she didnt need a suitcase. She only brought a backpack with all her belongings in it. She didnt need to check in her luggage. Naturally, this also meant that she would face fewer inconveniences as compared to Liang Bowen, who still had to go to the luggage deposit office to collect his luggage.

Personally, she didnt like crowded places. Seeing the crowd near the luggage collection area, she naturally felt reluctant to go there. She was just about to call Ye Wangchuan. She then found a corner far from the crowd and waited. In the meantime, she bought a bottle of mineral water from the vending machine. With the cell phone in one hand, she unscrewed the cap of the mineral water bottle and took a sip.

With eyes narrowed carelessly, she didnt notice that she had become an attraction.

This was to be expected. Rao City had lower temperatures as compared to Beijing. The airport was filled with young people wrapped in coats, while she was only wearing a set of thin clothes.

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Her skin was very fair and was as white as milk. Her fair skin was very eye-catching. In addition, she was leaning against a pillar and wearing a baseball cap. Her eyes were as dark as ink and her eyelashes were curled. Her whole body emitted an aura that was filled with vigor.

She exuded a mysterious aura of attraction that made people look at her.

When two young girls passed by her, they both peeped at her and whispered into each others ears.

Do you see the girl standing there with the baseball cap? Shes so cool. Is she a star?

Rao City was only a second-tier city. It was unlikely that a star would come here.

The other girl shook her head. She seemed very knowledgeable about the entertainment industry and celebrities. I dont think so. I have never seen her before. With a temperament like hers, she would have been kicked out of the entertainment industry a long time ago. She wouldnt even have the chance to debut. But shes giving me a very familiar feeling.

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What familiar feeling?

The girl thought for a long while, but nothing came to mind. She then asked, uncertain, Do you think the feeling shes giving off feels a little like Zhui Guang from the video previously? This feeling is very wild, and her hoodie looks very similar to the one in the video too.

She thought for a long time about what could be used to describe Zhui Guang. Only after much thought did she manage to think of a word to describe him.


There was no choice. Zhui Guang was really wild..

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