Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 492: Chapter 492 - The Wei Family Is H

Chapter 492: The Wei Family Is Here. They Have to Be Punished Severely

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

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Outside, Wei Dongshan straightened his suit and walked in with a dark expression. His footsteps were big and fast. He actually left his assistant behind as he walked in with big strides.

Cai Gang was still wondering if he should go out and welcome this Director Wei from the Education Bureau. In the blink of an eye, he was already in front of him.

Chief Cai, long time no see. Wei Dongshan spoke in a deep voice. He was tall and had the wide build unique to the Wei family. He was about thirty years old. He was wearing a formal suit, and his face had a deep outline, making him look very young.

However, he had a background in Beijing. Young people like Wei Dongshan, who had a family connection, usually rose very quickly. In a few years, they would climb up a level and would reach a higher position in their fifties.

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When Cai Gang saw him, he didnt dare to relax and walked over to shake his hand. He greeted him politely, Director Wei, long time no see. You still look the same.

With that, he played dumb and smiled. By the way, Chief Wei, why are you here so late?

Wei Dongshan narrowed his eyes and looked at him sharply. He pursed his lips and did not respond to him. Instead, he said, I heard that Wei Qi was beaten up. I came over to see how you guys were handling it.

Wei Dongshan was from the Wei family, after all. Although he wasnt from the direct line of descent, he was still from the Wei family. His grandfather and Wei Qis grandfather were biological brothers, so Wei Qi had to call him his cousin.

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Although he didnt like his cousins second-generation heir style, he also felt that he had been spoiled by his aunt. He should have taught him a lesson long ago.

However, they were still family. It was two completely different situations to punish your own child and to have others punish your child.

Therefore, when he received Wei Lings call, he rushed over in a hurry to get an explanation for Wei Qi.

According to Wei Ling, severe punishment had to be given.

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He felt the same way.

No matter what, Wei Qi had been beaten up for no reason this time. If they didnt punish the culprit severely, the Wei family would lose face.

How is it? Is the outcome out? he asked, walking toward the sofa.

When Cai Gang heard his domineering question, he couldnt bring himself to say anything. He got someone beside him to pour him a cup of tea, then pursed his lips and said softly, Director Wei, this matter is rather complicated. We still have to investigate carefully.

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What else is there to investigate? Wei Dongshan had been drinking tea. When he heard this, he put down his teacup with a bang, quite unhappy. That girl called Qiao Nian hit him on the streets. Wei Qi is still lying in the city hospital. This kind of incident that has a negative impact on society should be dealt with seriously. Shes an adult, right? Before I came, I checked her records. Shes 18 years old. Shes completely a criminal. Chief Cai, I dont have to remind you of this obvious intentional assault, right?

His voice was laced with the reprimand of someone in a superior position. In the past, a smart person like Cai Gang, who relied on his understanding of the times and vision to climb to his current position, would know how to handle this matter without him saying anything. However, the situation was much more complicated than it looked.

Miss Qiaos background wasnt inferior to Wei Qis.

In just a few seconds, Cai Gang had already decided which side to stand on.

Faced with Wei Dongshans question, his earlier good attitude changed. He slowly retracted the smile on his face and looked straight into Wei Dongshans eyes, saying slowly, Director Wei, I just received the injuries report from the city hospital. It says that Young Master Wei is only lightly injured..

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