Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 527: Chapter 527 - Happened to Hear He

Chapter 527: Happened to Hear Her Name

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

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The atmosphere became a little strange the moment he mentioned Qiao Nians name.

Qiao Chen despised the tea here and was unwilling to drink it.

But now that she had raised her cup again, she had to take a sip. She brushed her hair aside and tucked it behind her ear, looking calm and composed. It was as if that name meant nothing to her.

Xu Xus reaction was the quickest. She snapped out of it quickly and frowned at the person who brought it up. Wang Heng, why did you have to mention her? Such a downer. Everyones happily celebrating Chen Chens admission today, but you have to bring up this name that upsets her. Look, now everyones unhappy.

Wang Heng was also a student of Class B. He was a cheeky, playful student whose results were average. He had wooed Qiao Chen earlier on and had always bootlicked her. Even now, he still liked her.

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He leaned back in his seat nonchalantly and propped an arm up. Im not trying to do anything. It just came to mind.

He scanned the table and eventually landed his gaze on a girl with thick glasses. He asked mockingly, Wu Jie, arent you from Class A? Tell us about it, how did Qiao Nian do? She especially took leave just to go to Qing University for the examinations, did she make it?

It was a Class B gathering today, but Qiao Chen invited Wu Jie over.

She said it was just for a meal.

Wu Jie came without knowing that the other Class B students would be around. She thought that Qiao Chen had asked her out individually. By the time she realized and wanted to leave, Qiao Chen had already seen her and called out to her.

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Now that everyone was looking at her and waiting for her response, she furrowed her brows and pushed her glasses upwards slightly. She answered hurriedly, Uh I heard she didnt make it.

Her voice was as soft as a mosquitos buzzing. One had to pay attention to hear her.

Her quiet voice went, We didnt see her when Chen Chen and I were in the classroom waiting for the interview. Most people who didnt make it past the written segment would not be around for the second round, so

Just as Qiao Nian set foot into the restaurant with Jiang Tingting, she heard someone saying her name.

Ah, you dont have to be so tactful and long-winded about it. Essentially, Qiao Nian didnt make it!

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Her jawline was cold as usual as she pulled her cap downwards slightly and looked up.


Didnt make it to what?

Wu Jie didnt say it explicitly. She tried to be indirect about it, but her point was obvious enough. I think so. If she made it, our class wouldnt be so quiet about it. I think its likely that she did not make it.

Its tough to get into Qing University, everyone there is the cream of the crop. I think Chen Chen is the only one in Rao City who made it this year. I was eliminated in the second round, too.

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Her results for the examinations were just all right at 500 marks. She managed to get through the first round and was offered an interview for her choice department, the Physics Department. However, she was unable to answer quite a number of questions asked by the Physics professor. So, it was clear why she did not make it.

She wasnt surprised by this outcome. She didnt think she would make it either, but she wanted to give it a shot.

Though she hadnt passed the interview round, she hadnt rushed off immediately. She stayed in the classroom for a while more and heard later on that Qiao Chen had made it. She even heard a candidate mention that Professor Cheng Wu of the Finance Department had a good impression of her and personally invited her to consider the Finance Department as her minor.

Wu Jie couldnt express her emotions. She was simply in envy. Of course, there was some admiration and respect too; Qiao Chen was, after all, the person that every girl wished to be.

She was pretty, had a good family background, scored good grades, and was such a kind and gentle person

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