Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 539: Chapter 539 - Scaring Sister Nian

Chapter 539: Scaring Sister Nian Just Because Shes Young

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

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When she was done talking, her cell phone went off. She glanced at the screen and saw that it was a message from Gu San asking if she was done eating and where she was.

He then sent her his location to tell her that he was nearby.

Qiao Nian could guess that Ye Wangchuan was probably with him. She pursed her lips for a moment and then sent a quick message.

[QN: Ive something on, give me five minutes.]

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Done replying, she placed her cell phone in her bag and looked up at Shen Jingyan.

Uncle Shen, take some time to consider.

Shen Jingyan looked fatigued by now. He had busied himself the whole night, and his dark eye circles were obvious.

Seeing that she was about to leave, he straightened his back and put his arm by his side. His dark eyes seemed a little threatening.

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Nian Nian, you might not understand the situation in Beijing very well.

Beijing is dominated by three parties, the Wen Family, Ye Family, and Wei Family. Even the Shen Family has to bow down to these three families. Among them, the Ye Family is the strongest, followed by the Wei Family. The Wen Family is slightly weaker than the Wei Family. Ever since Old Master Wei started making a name for himself, the family has been developing and expanding. They have contacts in every possible industry, and theyre involved in matters far more complicated than you can imagine. There are only two heirs in the Wei Family in Wei Qis generation. In other words, Wei Qi is likely to be taking over the Wei Family in future.

Qiao Nian wasnt the least bit interested in what he was saying. She was much more involved in the illegal businesses and forces and was not as aware of the scene in Beijing.

She narrowed her eyes and stood in a casual posture, with an air of rebellion around her. She looked at the man who was talking and stretched her patience. So?

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Shen Jingyan couldnt be saying all of this for nothing. He must have something to add, some subtext he was getting at.

Shen Jingyan didnt expect her to be so calm. He pursed his lips for a while, not knowing how to go about talking to this version of Qiao Nian he knew.

Nian Nian, what Im trying to say is that some matters arent as simple as you make them out to be. You think that youre fighting for justice for your friend, but you might just have rustled a beehive. You have the Jiang Familys protection and will be safe. But do you think the Wei Family will let Chen Yuan off?

His tone was still controlled and warm, but his words were much more cutting.

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His father is still in the hospital and his mother has to work at the stall every day. The circumstances of his family are prone to accidents, to begin with. If a flustered nurse accidentally gives his father the wrong type of medicine all of these are possible occurrences.

He didnt want to come to such a juncture with Qiao Nian, and he wasnt about to resort to these underhand means either. He was simply saying this because Qiao Nian was young and he wanted to scare her. It was easier to target her and to get Wei Qis documents from her rather than others.

His voice was casual and light, like an elder talking sense into a rebellious junior. He continued feigning kindness. I know you have something about Wei Qi on hand, but youve heard what I said about the Wei Familys power. Do you think that with their background, youre really able to do anything by going through a legal proceeding?

Would anyone in Rao City dare to take up your case?

He felt increasingly relaxed as he spoke. He now leaned back in his seat and looked at the girl who had narrowed her eyes, evidently angered by him..

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