Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 547: Chapter 547 - They Could Only Apo

Chapter 547: They Could Only Apologize

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

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Wei Ling was upset and did not pay any attention to her.

At that moment, Shen Jingyan, who had been making a call outside, came back into the room.

Looking dignified, he looked over at Wei Ling and Qiao Chen. His gaze finally landed on Wei Dongshan and he said, Wei Dongshan, can you find a way to take back the punishment meted out to Qiao Nian and Chen Yuan?

What are you saying? Why do we have to take back the punishment? Wei Ling instinctively stood up in disagreement before she fully understood the situation.

Shen Jingyan felt annoyed when he thought about the call he had just received. In addition, he saw Wei Lings stubborn face, which seemed adamant on punishing Qiao Nian.

He spoke to her very directly. Wei Qi is at the police station, right? Ill drive us there later to pick him up. We will bring him over to apologize to Chen Yuan.

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Wei Ling was speechless. She felt wronged and looked stunned.

Shen Jingyan ignored her and spoke quickly and steadily. Before we go to see Chen Yuan, lets go to the mall to buy some nutritional supplements for him. Be sure to be considerate towards him. With regards to Wei Qi, I will tell him that we have made a sincere apology. I have also prepared a check of three million yuan for them. Lets hope they will accept it.

When he told Qiao Nian that he would give Chen Yuan one million yuan, he was condescending about it.

But this time, he was worried that Chen Yuan wouldnt accept the three million yuan.

This was a huge change in attitude.

Shen Jingyan was still worried after he finished speaking. He raised his eyes and looked at Qiao Weimin. He was also confused and had not fully understood the situation. His dark eyes flashed. His tone was unusually gentle as he said, Brother-in-law, youre familiar with the Chen Family. Please come with us later and help us persuade Chen Yuan to stop arguing with Wei Qi. Regarding Chen Yuans loss, we will definitely find a way to make it up to him. Lets try to put this whole matter behind us!

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Hmm. Qiao Weimin didnt sleep well last night. He was still thinking about the matter between Chen Yuan and Wei Qi. Furthermore, Wei Qi had been beaten up and even sent to the hospital. He was afraid that this matter wouldnt end well. He never expected Shen Jingyan to say this. He was stunned for a long time before speaking mechanically. Okay.

After speaking so much, he looked over at Wei Ling again. She looked like she was about to burst out in anger again. He rubbed his forehead and looked helpless, then spoke in an aggravated tone. This is also what Mother-in-law wants!

This is what my Mom wants? Wei Ling couldnt believe what she was hearing. How could that be possible?

Take a look at this first. He handed the thing he got from Beijing that afternoon over to Wei Ling.

When Wei Ling finished reading it, her face turned pale. She couldnt believe her eyes.

Wei Qi actually did something so terrible.

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He even let someone get a hold of evidence regarding this matter!

Shen Jingyan saw that her expression had changed and continued in a deep voice, Cai Gang called me a few minutes ago and told me that Wei Qi will be in prison for at least three years because of what he did this time. If we keep pestering them, he may face up to a lifetime in prison. Now, theres only one option left for usapologize!

He had never thought of threatening Qiao Nian before. He wanted to let this matter slowly resolve itself after some time.

Who could have expected Ye Wangchuan to interfere?

His words had influence.

If they were still unwilling to admit their mistakes, Wei Qi would be left completely to the law, and no mercy would have been given. They wouldnt be able to expect any kindness from him!

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What else could they do?

They could only follow Qiao Nians demands. She wanted them to make Wei Qi apologize to Chen Yuan and erase the punishment meted out to him.

Shen Jingyan had a splitting headache, and his heart felt like it was falling into a bottomless pit. He didnt know how much he could help even after doing so much..

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