Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 555: Chapter 555 - Could It Be a Text

Chapter 555: Could It Be a Text from His Girlfriend?

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

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[Sun: You guys here?]

The chat group flashed, and someone came out immediately.

[Daji Plays With You: If Boss asked, I have to be there~ Boss, why are you free to come online today?]

[Guan Yan: Im here.]

The light from the computer shone slowly on her face. Qiao Nian had finished her shower and taken some medicine. She felt much better now. She rested her elbows on the desk and looked at the group messages, realizing that Slim Waist Control was not online today.

She didnt care. Her slender fingers flew across the keyboard as she sent a message.

[Sun: Did the Ye family look for us for a job recently?]

Guan Yan was usually the least chatty and most serious. This time, she replied the fastest.

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[Guan Yan: Ye family? There seems to be a job with the surname Ye, but we didnt take it. He wants to investigate a batch of goods in the illegal district.]

[Daji Plays With You: Doesnt the Red Alliance never take on such jobs? Were not second-hand dealers who sell information.]

Qiao Nian placed her phone on the table and happened to see this message on the chat.

The Red Alliance was in the hacker business. Usually, they would sell software and information technology. They wouldnt even touch low-level hackers like selling information. It would lower their prices!

But this time

The ends of her eyes curled up as she looked at the black plastic bag on the bed. Her black eyes were restrained and a little annoyed. Although she wasnt afraid of being bitten when there were too many lice, she felt a little strange when she owed someone a favor. Every time that person was mentioned, she would be flustered.

Qiao Nian suppressed the strange feeling in her heart and returned her attention to replying.

[Sun: Send me that job, Ill take it.]

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[Guan Yan: ???]

[Daji Plays With You: ???]

[Daji Plays With You: Boss, are you drunk?]

Sun hadnt taken on orders for many years. This time, she actually personally took on a list to check the goods. This was too!!


Qiao Nian didnt look at the messages in the group chat. From the corner of her eye, she saw the phone on the table light up. It was the number for the batch of goods that Guan Yan had sent her.

[Sun: Thats it. Bye.]

After sending the message, she didnt even look at the reaction in the group. She exited the app and leaned back, casually picking up her phone to click on it.

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Her fingers flew across the keyboard. No one knew what software she had opened, but the words on it kept jumping. She keyed in the cargo code that she had found. After a while, she narrowed her eyes and pressed the enter button.

The characters on the phone screen jumped rapidly. After about a minute, they stopped and a map with a red dot appeared.

Qiao Nian took a screenshot of the map and threw it back into the email. She sent it according to the address on the number.

The entire process took about half an hour.

After doing all of this, she wiped the traces on her phone and got up to go to the bathroom to dry her hair.


At the same time, at a certain club in Beijing, the man who had received the email cursed. He held his phone and stood up to look at it for a long time. He couldnt believe his eyes.

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Zhang Yang and the others were shocked by his sudden action and looked at him.

Young Master Qin, whats wrong?

Who sent Young Master Qin a message and made you so excited? Is she your girlfriend?

Jiang Xianrou was also present today. She was the only girl present. Today, she was wearing a Bvlgari dress, looking beautiful and poised. She sat there like a moon surrounded by stars, reserved and elegant.

When she heard Zhang Yang teasing Qin Si about receiving a message from his girlfriend, she also looked up in curiosity and smiled.. Young Master Qin, you have a girlfriend?

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