Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 627: Chapter 627 - Forget About Taking

Chapter 627: Forget About Taking in Students

Jiang Xianrou had also learned this mixed style. Perhaps it was because the music genre was more orthodox, or because she couldnt do whatever she wanted just like in rock. He kept feeling like it was missing something.

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It was a little off!

It felt like she was learning how to walk.

Seeing that he wasnt moved by Jiang Xianrous piano piece, Zhang Yang smacked his lips and looked back at the stage. He said confidently, Young Master Qin, your expectations are too high. I think Miss Jiangs arrangement this time is very outstanding. Master Nie will definitely like it.

Qin Si realized that Qiao Nian was not back yet.

He placed his hand on his lap and replied indifferently, Well see.

On stage, Jiang Xianrou played her last note. Her back was covered in sweat, but after she finished playing, she became even more confident. Her uneasy heart calmed down.

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A wave of applause sounded.

Tang Wanrus well-maintained face revealed an honored expression as she stood up and applauded with everyone.

Jiang Xianrous performance was too successful. It was so successful that even on the official stage, her entire performance was considered perfect.

Sure enough, someone asked the elder below the stage for his opinion.

Master Nie, what do you think?

Nie Mi sat there calmly. He raised his eyebrows and looked at him. What do you mean?

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What do you think of Xianrous performance? That person smiled.

Nie Mi looked down. He wasnt as attracted as others had guessed. He only commented indifferently, Not bad. Its already not bad for her to have such skills at her age. Shes better than me when I was young. Its just that the music skills are not enough. Its also very important to be infectious, but shes a little lacking in that area.

Master Nie indeed has high expectations. It sounds nice, but I didnt notice the details. Master, youre the one who knows the details better.

As he spoke, he turned to ask, Master Nie, since you also think that Xianrous playing is not bad, I think she has good potential. Youve also been looking for a student you like. Do you want to consider her?

The person who spoke had a good relationship with the Jiang family. When Tang Wanru found him to be the middleman, he dutifully led the conversation to the last disciple.

Most of the people attending the birthday party were paying attention to this topic. When someone mentioned it publicly, everyones attention was attracted.

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Holding his breath, he waited for the elder sitting at the head of the table to speak.

Jiang Xianrous arrangement was indeed not bad, and she played it very well. Everyone shared Zhang Yangs opinion and felt that Nie Mi would agree to take her in this time.

Jiang Xianrou clenched her skirt nervously as well. She was no longer as arrogant as she used to be. Instead, she became nervous.

However, Nie Mi only glanced at the stage and shook his head, rejecting him directly. Forget about accepting students. Im old and have limited energy.

The other party tried to persuade him again.

However, Nie Mi dropped a bombshell. Ive already found the student I like. When she enters university, Ill take her in.

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In the end, Qiao Nian still had to enter Qing University. Since she majored in Chinese Medicine and minored in music, sooner or later, someone would poach her. Therefore, Nie Mi decided to publicize it now.

Master Nie has found his last disciple?

Damn, I havent heard of this before. Have you heard of it?

Ive never heard of it, either.

Someone spoke from the bottom of their heart.

If Master Nie has a disciple already, then what are these people busy with today! I thought that Master Nie would definitely take a liking to Jiang Xianrou. What a pity.

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