Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 680: Chapter 680 - : She Even Counter-

Chapter 680: She Even Counter-Hacked Them in Return

Translator:Atlas StudiosEditor:Atlas Studios

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Then, whats her major? Zhou Wei was getting interested.

That Luo Qing appeared to be caught in a spot. Since Zhou Wei had asked, he replied, Chinese Medicine.

Chinese Medicine?! Zhou Weis voice amplified. She rubbed her temple and said incredulously, Youre getting a Chinese Medicine student to have a look at our automated source code? Are you kidding!

She paced about with frustration and said, Ive stared at that code for three months and havent found a way to decipher it. Thats why I thought of getting Master Wang to have a look at it but Master Wang isnt in good health. I can just go back and ponder over it on my own. Even if I dont manage to figure it out, it beats getting some unreliable person to help out here.

Zhou Wei saw herself as the best IT programmer in the Ninth Branch. Given her ability, if she couldnt solve it in three months, she didnt believe anyone would be able to overcome it.

Let alone a high school student.

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She felt that Luo Qing was wasting time!

In contrast to her anxiety and frustration, the person on the other side of the room was much calmer. Bo Jingxing did not interrogate Luo Qing like her. Instead, he looked towards the man in the hospital bed and asked casually, Is the person Luo Qing mentioned any good?

Ye Wangchuan had a laptop on the bed tray in front of him. He looked slightly pale and was evidently still not well. He did not answer the question, and instead asked, Didnt we lose the computer chip from the Ninth Branch?

Mm. I know, I heard about it.

The matter of Gu Sans negligence leading to the theft of the computer chip had blown up. The other party had even made use of the stolen chip to hack into the Ninth Branchs system to get their information.

But Luo Qings men seemed to have settled that.

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He had no idea how it was settled. But, among Luo Qings men was a man called Liao Xu. He was pretty good at hacking and was about as competent as Zhou Wei.

Liao Xu had likely settled it for them.

Not thinking too much, he asked, Liao Xu settled it?

Tsk. Ye Wangchuan smiled and said rather proudly, No.

Not him? Rather stunned, Bo Jingxing asked reflexively, If not Liao Xu, then who?

As far as he knew, Liao Xu was the most capable of hacking compared to the others under Luo Qings watch. Luo Qing was more into software engineering and was not as good at hacking systems.

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Unless there was a third person?

Ye Wangchuan lazily rested his hands on his laptop and side-eyed him. He said rather elegantly, Luo Qing and his dozen of men did not manage to settle the matter. But this person Im about to tell you about came forward to settle it and even counter-hacked the other partys laptop with a virus. The computer chip in their hands was completely ruined

Did you just say that this person stopped the attack from them, and even hacked their system in return? Bo Jingxing asked seriously. He straightened his back and suddenly thought about a little girl by the surname Qiao that Qin Si had mentioned.

This was probably the name.

Qiao Nian.

Based on what Qin Si said, this Little Sis Qiao played the konghou very well and had even embarrassed Jiang Xianrou at Master Nies birthday party.

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Master Nie had openly declared that she was his private disciple.

Dumbfounded, he looked at the man and exclaimed, Are high school students these days so impressive?

He remembered when he was studying in high school. He had still been studying English vocabulary all day or enriching his scientific knowledge.. He had thought about going to university all day and all night and couldnt be bothered about anything else that was not academic-related. And even so, he did not always do well!

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