Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 687: Chapter 687 - Sister Nian, Your I

Chapter 687: Sister Nian, Your Identity Was Exposed

Translator:Atlas StudiosEditor:Atlas Studios

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At the same time, at a film set in Beijing.

The stylist was blow-drying a mans hair.

Jiang Li rested his legs on the table. Not bothered by the colorful strands of hair flying around his forehead, he was busy playing some games on his cell phone.

Qin Sis team included him and a few other good friends like Zhang Yang.

The game was at its climax.

Four of the five people in the team had died, and only he made it into the final round.

Jiang Li was gnawing on a toothpick, looking very carefree. His eyes were glued to the cell phone and his hands were moving faster and faster as the game picked up in intensity.

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He then shouted, Damn!

His avatar had been ambushed and succumbed to a headshot.

The whole team was dead.

Sighing, Jiang Li was about to send Qin Si and the rest a message to ask why they were not coming yet.

That was when he heard an assistant ask while looking at her cell phone, Eh, the person in the video looks like Brother Lis sister. Is that her?

The assistant handed the cell phone to the manager nearby.

The manager was surprised as well. It does look like Brother Lis sister. Ive seen his sisters photo, she has a charisma thats really hard to imitate. The person in the video should be her. Where did you get it from?

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The assistant said softly, Top searches.

The manager was confused.

Top searches?

How did Brother Lis sister end up among the top searches?

The manager was still caught in bewilderment when Jiang Li turned around upon hearing their conversation. He reached his hand out and asked, What video? Let me see it.

He thought that they were talking about Jiang Xianrou.

So, he didnt think too much about it.

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The assistant handed the cell phone to him and even scrolled to the video itself. Jiang Li put his legs on the table down instantly, sat upright, and stared at the black-hoodie figure in the video. The girl sitting there fiddled with the strings.

Damn! Nian Nian?

His voice was so loud that he frightened the manager. The manager hurriedly gave a smile to those around them who were now glancing in their direction and explained, Sorry, playing games, hes playing games.

While looking back, he was distraught and said to the man who didnt care about his image at all, Dear master, I know that youre not depending on your job in the entertainment circle for a living. But youre a top-tier celebrity, in any case. Pay attention to your image outside, okay? If you happen to be photographed

If he said this in the past, Jiang Li would generally respond to him indifferently. He would say something along the lines of Let them photograph me all they want. Im selling music, not my face.

This time he was surprisingly quiet, staring at the video without blinking. He watched it from start to finish and then replayed it.

After watching it, he pressed his thin lips into a line, then exited the video to look at what the assistant said about top searches.

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One of the top searches was #MasterNiesPrivateDiscipleLiveKonghouPerformance.

Master Nies private disciple?

Jiang Lis cheek twitched fiercely.

But what he cared about was not this, but rather something else about it

Hold this for me.

He returned the cell phone to his assistant, then quickly picked up his cell phone and quit the game. He ignored the game invitation sent by Qin Si and found the previously saved video in the album.

He played the video and put the two phones together. He covered Qiao Nians face in the video playing on the assistants phone with his hands. Then, he raised his head and asked them expressionlessly, Do they look alike?

On one cell phone was the video that was previously recorded by the Beijing Television Station, and on the other was Qiao Nian sitting carelessly, fiddling with the konghou.

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