Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 690: Chapter 690 - Brother Li: My Sist

Chapter 690: Brother Li: My Sister Is My Idol????

Translator:Atlas StudiosEditor:Atlas Studios

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Qiao Nian gave a soft Mm and did not react much to it. She was rather cool and calm about it.

Bo Jingxing smiled and signaled Zhou Wei and Luo Qing to leave together.

Gu San walked them out of the ward, and they were making a turn on the hallway.

Zhou Wei was the first to speak uncontrollably. I dont understand why Master Wang believes in a high school student so much that he has to take her to the Ninth Branch

She knows Medicine? Im laughing to death. How old is she? I dont even believe you when you say she can program, and Master Wang actually believes that she knows medicine. Liang Lu

She wanted to say that Liang Lu had seen Master Chengs illness and couldnt cure it. Wasnt Qiao Nian, a high school student, then here to make a joke?

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Even if Liang Lu cant do it, it doesnt mean other people cant! Luo Qing was still standing on her side initially, but he couldnt bear to go along with it now. At this point, he retorted her as he found it pointless for her to be talking behind her back. Leader Zhou, since Master Wang has decided, lets listen to his arrangement. Why do you have so many questions? Have you forgotten that people in the Ninth Branch never ask why? Just bury your head and do your own thing.

Zhou Wei was silenced by him. From the beginning, she suppressed much dissatisfaction and resentment in her heart. Seeing that Luo Qing wasnt on her side, her eyes turned cold and she snorted with a mocking expression. Okay, forget it if you dont have questions about it. Its my problem, then. When that girl goes to see Master Cheng in the Ninth Branch, youll know that Im not worrying in vain!

I have something else to do, Ill leave first.

After speaking, she turned around angrily and walked away.

Bo Jingxing watched her leave, turned his head, and his shrewd eyes fell on Gu San. He asked, Is that Miss Qiao really good at medicine?

Luo Qing also asked with concern, Exactly. Is Miss Qiao really good at medicine? Shes so young, she shouldnt have studied medicine at this age, right?

Master Cheng was very important to the Ninth Branch.

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Of course, they had to be cautious.

Gu Sans expression was quite inscrutable as he looked at the two of them and said, Young Master Bo, Leader Luo, do you know that there is a kind of small pill on the black market?

Bo Jingxing narrowed his eyes.

Small pills on the black market!

He seemed to have heard that this medicine was very difficult to purchase. Not only was it expensive, but the quantity produced was also extremely small. There used to be three pills a month, but it had been three months since the last pill went on sale. The price speculated on the black market was nearly 10 million yuan. Even if one could afford it, they might not be able to get their hands on it. He remembered Aunt Ye spending a seven-figure sum and loads of connections to get her hand on just one pill.

He stared at Gu Sans face and asked in a tender voice, I have heard of this medicine. Is this medicine related to Qiao Nian?

He even forgot to address her as Miss Qiao.

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Gu San deliberately kept it to himself and tried to avoid their questioning eyes. He only vaguely said, In short, Miss Qiao is very powerful, even more powerful than you think. Just wait and see. Master Chengs illness might be too much for Liang Lu, but Miss Qiao may have a way!

He spoke with confidence.

Bo Jingxing and Luo Qing looked at each other, and both saw doubt and uncertainty in each others eyes.

Qiao Nian was more powerful than Liang Lu?

In the ward.

Gu San had walked the others out, and only the two of them were left.

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Qiao Nians cell phone vibrated at this moment. She casually took it out and saw that she had received another message from Jiang Li.

There was a string with notifications.

[Jiang Li: ????]

[Jiang Li: !!!]

[Jiang Li: Am I mistaken, Nian Nian? Did you see the question I sent you?]

[Jiang Li: Im in shock.]

[Jiang Li: So youre Zhui Guang? Oh dear, my sister is my idol!!! o(_)o]

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