Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 785: Chapter 785 - Who Did He Offend?

Chapter 785: Who Did He Offend?

Translator:Atlas StudiosEditor:Atlas Studios

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Can you help me cool down Xue Ziangs Weibo? Also, can you ban the account of the user Peach No Juice

Chu Yao knew that deleting the comments would only treat the symptoms, not the illness.

If they deleted the comments, the other party could continue to comment. Only by reporting the account could they shut the other partys mouth.

She thought that this matter was almost certain, but who knew

Well, President Chu, Im sorry. We cant help you here.

Chu Yao was stunned for a moment. She clearly didnt understand. Boss Li, my brother-in-law

Her brother-in-law had such a relationship. She had never thought that he wouldnt give her face, so she deliberately mentioned it.

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However, before she could finish, the other party interrupted her. Ill still say the same thing even if Mr. Wei comes. We cant help here. President Chu I cant say too much. My relationship with Mr. Wei has always been good. I can only say that youve offended someone this time.

I offended someone? Who?

L.. cant tell you.

What do you mean? Chu Yao refused to give up. Who did I offend that you cant even tell me?

really cant tell you. In short, you shouldnt struggle anymore. It wont do you any good if you continue.

This was the first time Chu Yao had encountered such a situation. She was about to ask again when the other party hung up.

She couldnt get through when she tried calling again.

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It seemed like she had been blacklisted.

Chu Yao was furious. Her face was ashen, and she was unable to recover.

Xue Ziang whispered from the side, President Chu, how is it?

Chu Yao put down her phone and slowly looked at him. She frowned and said with frustration, Other than Jiang Li, who else do you have a grudge with?

Uh Xue Ziang was confused by her question. He thought about it for a long time before replying, No, I dont have a grudge with anyone. If I had to say it, it seems like only does Zhui Guang count?

He was a D-list celebrity. Although he was arrogant usually, he only targeted the staff around him. He was still very clear-headed in front of others and knew that his status was not high enough.

He seemed to have only said bad things about Zhui Guang.

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The reason was simple. He was also in a rock band, but he didnt have as many fans as the other party. Furthermore, knowing that the other party was a young girl and had so many female fans, he was unhappy and only spoke nonsense.

Not only did he speak ill of her that day, but he also liked to complain to the people around him.

However, he didnt expect to be beaten up.

Chu Yao didnt say anything, but her brows began to furrow.

Zhui Guang?

With such a figure in Beijing, his relationship with her was so strong that Weibo didnt even give her face.

Before Chu Yao could figure out what was going on, her phone kept receiving messages. They were either informing her that Xue Ziangs work had been canceled or that they wanted to terminate the contract with Xue Ziang and cancel the endorsement.

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She was instantly overwhelmed with work. She began to call home non-stop again to find connections, wanting to figure out what was going on here that she didnt know about.

Beijing, Jiang family.

Jiang Xianrou had just returned from Qin Sis side. She had run over just to get a cold shoulder and be rebuked by Qin Si. She felt that she couldnt maintain her face and did not stay long at Changan Club.

Mom, Im back.

As soonas she entered, she changed into her slippers.

As soon as she walked in, she heard Tang Wanru ask, Do you know Zhui Guang?

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