Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 787: Chapter 787 - Come Here, I’ll Blo

Chapter 787: Come Here, Ill Blow Your Hair

Translator:Atlas StudiosEditor:Atlas Studios

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Qiao Nian placed her legs on the table. Her straight calves were smooth and well-proportioned. She held the phone in her lazy hands and typed a reply on the keyboard.

(QN: Wait for ten minutes.)

After replying to Ye Wangchuans message, Qiao Nian did not delay any longer. She lowered her legs and raised her eyes to look at the laptop.

After a moment of hesitation, she opened it.

Her laptop hadnt been switched off for the entire night and had not been used. She swiped the touchpad to light up the screen and saw that the page was still the Weibo page from yesterday.

Qiao Nian refreshed it and saw[emailprotected]reminders and 99+comments.

She narrowed her eyes. Her black pupils were extremely beautiful. She didnt open any of them and only scrolled down to see the Weibo post she had forwarded.

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It was still there.

After a day and night of hype.

Now, the number of forwards had exceeded 100,000, and the comments had more than doubled.

Qiao Nian scanned the trending searches and realized that they were also very interesting. There were many trending topics regarding Jiang Lis fight.

More people were criticizing Xue Ziang.

She switched off her laptop and knocked on it before turning to the bathroom.

After a sleepless night, the nerves in the back of Qiao Nians head were tense and her temples were throbbing. She turned on the showerhead; the water temperature was warm.

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With the warm water running down her face, she was finally more awake.

In less than ten minutes, she turned off the showerhead and casually picked up a bathrobe to wear. Not caring about her wet hair against her shoulder, she walked to the door and opened it.

Sure enough, a man was standing outside. Qiao Nian lowered her eyes and moved aside for him to enter.

Come in.

_. Ye Wangchuan didnt expect to see her with her hair draped over her shoulders coming out to open the door for him. Stunned for a second, he quickly came back to his senses and closed the door after he entered.

Then, he saw a pile of paper on the floor and an Ag piece of paper on the desk. The black pen was pressed against the paper, and the pen cap was not covered

He raised his eyebrows and leaned against the desk. He was tall and slender, his eyes deep and noble. You didnt sleep?

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Not really.

Qiao Nian ignored him and went to the fridge to get a bottle of water. She unscrewed the cap and took a sip. Then, she walked back and placed the bottle on the table. She raised her cold chin slightly and said, Ive already written Master Chengs prescription. Its there on the table. You can give it to Bo

Jingxing when the time comes.


Even if she didnt say anything, Ye Wangchuan had already seen the papers contents.

Qiao Nians handwriting was messy, but she wrote it very carefully. Other than the number of herbs, she also wrote down the adjustments to each stage.

It could be seen that she had considered all aspects when writing the prescription.

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Ye Wangchuan walked over and picked up the towel she had thrown on the chair. He suddenly said, Come over. Ill help you dry your hair.

Qiao Nian had just put down the water bottle. Hearing this, she looked at him in surprise. She paused for a moment and subconsciously rejected it. No need, Tl

Before she could finish, the man forced her to sit on the sofa. His magnetic voice was low and hoarse. Its not easy for you. Let me do it.

With that, he ran his fingers through her hair and wiped the water droplets skillfully.

Qiao Nian was speechless.

His movements were light and slow. He didnt do anything overt. When his fingers passed through her hair, he would even help her tidy it. At first, Qiao Nians back was straightened. She resisted this behavior, but she quickly relaxed and narrowed her eyes, feeling a little tired..

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