Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 86: Chapter 86 - Not Picking Up Qiao

Chapter 86: Not Picking Up Qiao Chens Calls

Translator:Atlas StudiosEditor:Atlas Studios

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Ye Wangchuan saw the thing that she was holding. He thought about it and asked, Whats that?

You mean this? Qiao Nian asked as she shook the card. Its an invitation. Someone told me that the Tang Matriarch is having a birthday celebration and invited me.

The Tang family? Ye Wangchuan thought about it and wasnt surprised.

It was going to be a huge celebration. He received the invitation too. The reason why Qiao Nian was invited must have been because the Tang Matriarch met Qiao Nian at the Waterside Loft previously.

Ye Wangchuan nodded and said, Since they invited you, you should go.

Qiao Nian didnt want to go as the Qiao Family would be there as well. However, the Tang Matriarch was a close friend of her grandfather, and she couldnt make up her mind. She answered, Well see about that.

After they were done with the meal, the three of them went to the hospital to visit Uncle Chen in the ICU.

Aunt Chen and Chen Yuan were there as well. Qiao Nian spoke for a while with them before heading back.

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When she got back to her house, she immediately went up to the second floor.

She immediately booted up her laptop and replied to Slim Waist Control. She told him that she was willing to pay two times her initial offer and asked him to tell her their response.

The moment Qiao Nian replied to him, her phone rang.

Qiao Chen was calling her.

Why was Qiao Chen looking for her?

She frowned and rejected the call.

A notification popped up. It was Skinny Waist Control.

Before she could see his reply, Qiao Chen called again.

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The phone vibrated on the table.


Qiao Nian was pissed. Why was there no end to this!

She looked at the phone and rejected the call again. However, she didnt put down her phone immediately this time. As she expected, Qiao Chen called for the third time!


You could see the fury in her eyes as she rejected the call once again without hesitation.

She wanted to see how persistent Qiao Chen was.

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At a restaurant near First High School, Chen Xi booked a private room to treat Qiao Chen to a meal.

Qiao Chen invited Zhao Jingwei as well.

The food was on the table, but no one ate. They were all looking at Qiao Chen making a phone call.

Chen Xi couldnt sleep at all ever since she marked and tallied the examination script. This was because Class As results were way better than the class she was teaching.

She even applied for a sick leave today and didnt dare to go to school.

It was only when school was over that she dared to call Qiao Chen for a meal outside.

She wanted to ask Qiao Chen for a favor.

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Since she was selected to be the best Form Teacher in the city, her career had been smooth sailing. It was the first time she was humiliated.

It was alright for her to lose, actually.

However, Shen Hui had an agreement with her to apologize to Qiao Nian and Chen Yuan if she lost.

There was no way a thirty-year-old like her was willing to apologize to a bunch of students. Her image would be ruined.

Chen Xi felt that it would be humiliating. Hence, she decided to ask Qiao Chen for help.

So long as Qiao Nian didnt need her to apologize, Shen Hui wouldnt dare to ask her for an apology as well.

When she saw Qiao Chen making a few calls after agreeing to help her and those calls were not picked up, Chen Xi got nervous. She asked, Chen Chen, is Qiao Nian still not picking up?

She didnt understand what was going on. She heard that they were sisters, but Qiao Nian wasnt biologically related to the Qiao Family. Hence, she was thrown out after they discovered that. The reason why she chose to stay in Rao City for her studies instead of heading back was that she wanted to use the Qiao Familys influence.

There shouldnt be any reason for Qiao Nian not to pick up Qiao Chens calls.

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