Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 877: Chapter 877 - A Tooth for a Tooth

Chapter 877 A Tooth for a Tooth

Tang Wanru smiled and did not hide the situation in the family. Your grandfather and father found quite a number of people and called quite a number of times, but they didnt manage to invite many people. Next Wednesdays school promotion banquet is destined to become a joke. Just think about it, shes just an ordinary girl from Rao City. She has no background and no power. Who would be willing to spend time to come over for this meal? Only your grandfather thinks that she can be like you, praised by the circle in Beijing

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If they want to beg, let them. Dont come back.

Jiang Xianrou had never thought of going back, either. Otherwise, she wouldnt have found a reason to not go home a few days earlier. Hearing Tang Wanrus words, she only wanted to laugh. With a scoff, she lowered her chin slightly and said with an arrogant expression, Its not that I dont want to go back. I just cant leave. Im doing an important medical experiment with my teacher. Even if I want to go back, I have to wait until Thursday.

Grandfather didnt mention it? He asked me to look for Young Master Qin and the others and ask them to come for dinner.

Looking at Liang Lu and the others who were busy in the laboratory, Jiang Xianrou said in a low voice, Actually, if Grandpa were to speak to me, I can tell Young Master Qin and the rest. As long as I speak, Young Master Qin wont reject me

Her casual tone was actually belittling Qiao Nian. But if Grandpa doesnt say it, I cant rush to help. People will think that I want to throw myself at them.

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She just didnt want to go back. Initially, she wanted to acknowledge Master Nie as her master, but Qiao Nian beat her to it and didnt give her any face.

This time, of course, she had good reason to say she was not free to go back. She could watch things unfold from the side. Qiao Nian, this was a tooth for a tooth!

She wanted to see how Qiao Nians school promotion banquet would go if she didnt look for Qin Si and the others!

Wednesday arrived in the blink of an eye.

Early in the morning, Qiao Nian and Ye Wangchuan set off from Rao City. They booked a first-class cabin and took a flight at eight in the morning. They flew for three hours and arrived in Beijing at 10:30 AM.

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Because of his special status, Jiang Li didnt dare to follow them. He got his manager to choose a five oclock plane for him and landed in Beijing at nine.

She was supposed to wake up at seven for her flight at eight as there was no need to queue for security checks. Qiao Nian arrived at the airport 40 minutes earlier, extremely tired and incessantly yawning. Also wearing a cap today, she was curled up in a wide blue and white checkered sweater. The exquisite jawline was pressed low by the cap so that her eyes couldnt be seen.

Even so, her powerful aura attracted everyones attention.

After the security check, she still had to wait for the plane. Qiao Nian narrowed her eyes and found a seat. She crossed her legs and took out her phone to play, hiding the frustration in her eyes.

She had just clicked on the game app when Qin Si sent a message.

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(Sister Qiao, so early?]

Qiao Nians slender fingers were on the phone screen. She leaned back and stared at his message. Her lips were a little devilish and casual.

She answered him.

[QN: Youre so early too.)

Qin Si was a chatterbox. In the past, he was the type who would sparkle if anyone gave him even an ounce of attention. One should never give him any looks. As long as anyone gave him a look, he could chat with them for two to three hours without repeating himself!

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The moment Qiao Nian sent the message, it showed that it had been read. The top indicated that the other party was typing

In less than a second, the other party replied.

(Im different. Brother didnt sleep all night. You woke up early-]

His tone was annoying.

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