Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 982: Chapter 982 - The Same Thought as

Outside the Ninth Branch, Ye Wangchuan had just finished dealing with his matters.

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Qin Si and Bo Jingxing were also there. The three of them agreed to find a clubhouse nearby for tea.

The light floral tea had just been served and the fragrance of tea filled the air. The man was leaning against the leather couch in a lazy and casual posture and holding his cell phone as if he was reading a message.

Initially, Qin Si thought that it would be better to have a drinking game, but in the end, he was forced to drink tea with a 2-1 vote against alcohol. He had no interest in the art of tea-sipping and drank from the exquisite and small teacup like a cow. After finishing it in one gulp, he knocked the cup on the table again and waited for the tea master dressed in traditional Chinese attire to brew it for him again.

A cynical expression appeared on his handsome face as he complained impatiently, I say, the two of you are only f*cking in your twenties. Why do you live like old men? Isnt the Lan Pavilion great? Why do you have to come all the way here to drink tea? I dont see any difference between the tea here and the ones at my place. Arent they just a few leaves floating in the water?

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Tsk, you can say that here, but dont say that outside. Bo Jingxing was dressed in a blue shirt, with the top button buttoned up to the collar. His slender neck was hidden under the collar of the shirt, giving off a strong sense of abstinence. He looked serious and gentlemanly.

However, Qin Si scoffed at his refined scummy appearance. So what if I say it? I dont believe they dare to bite me.

He glanced at the calm and composed Bo Jingxing and pursed his lips again. Can you not be pretentious? Wheres the ruthlessness of fighting with me when we were young, when you rode on my head and beat people up? Now, Ill give you a string of prayer beads. You can recite Amitabha to me.

Bo Jingxings personality was quite similar to Master Wangs.

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However, Master Wang might seem easy to get along with in front of Sister Qiao, but in front of outsiders, he exuded an aura that was not to be trifled with.

Unlike Bo Jingxing, who always looked like he was smiling harmlessly.

However, in the entire Beijing, everyone knew that the first person to not provoke was Master Wang, and the second person was this smiling tiger.

Evil tricks!

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Qin Si picked up the palm-sized teacup again and downed it in one gulp in frustration. It had only been 10 minutes, and he could barely sit still.

After ridiculing Bo Jingxing, he turned his gaze to the man leisurely playing with his phone on the opposite sofa. His eyes moved, and as if he remembered something, he asked, Oh right, Master Wang, wheres Sister Qiao? Is she at home today?

The man playing with his cell phone looked up with narrowed eyes.

Before Qin Si could sense the danger, he continued to probe around the edge of courting death. If shes at home, Ill go to your place to play games with her later.

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Shes not. Ye Wangchuan put down his cell phone. His beautiful fingers knocked on the side of the phone as he leaned back lazily and looked at him. She went out to watch a show.

Watch a show? Qin Sis mind was confused for a moment, mainly because he didnt link Qiao Nian to watching a show. He only reacted after a second of being dizzy and came to a realization. Youre talking about the show at Lan Pavilion?

Someone in his family had also attended it, and he knew a bit about this.

However, as a man, he was not interested in watching the show.

Qin Si was a little surprised that Qiao Nian liked SEVEN. Sister Qiao likes SEVENs things? I noticed that she usually wears a sweater or a T-shirt when she goes out. I thought she didnt like these things. It seems that women are all the same. They all like clothes, bags, and jewelry. Its fine. If she likes them, Ill give her a few someday.

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