Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 988: Chapter 988 - Each More Arrogant

Jingyan, you Wei Ling placed her hand on his shoulder and hesitated about whether to say it.

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Suddenly, a familiar figure appeared in the corridor. Wei Ling saw the person from the corner of her eye and was stunned for a second. She didnt expect the person to be so arrogant and dare to come. She instinctively shouted in surprise, Qiao Nian?

Miss Qiao, Qiao Chens ward is No. 3303. At this moment, Gu San was jogging over and telling the girl the ward number he had found.

Yes, thank you. The girl raised her hand and pulled her cap. She restrained the coldness in her eyes and looked normal.

What are you thanking me for? Gu San looked at the man and said worriedly, Miss Qiao, do you want me to accompany you inside later?

Theres no need. I want to handle it myself. Qiao Nians exquisite eyebrows were raised slightly, and her tone sounded very calm.

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Gu San couldnt tell if she was affected by the things on the Internet or not. He looked in Ye Wangchuans direction again. Seeing that the man didnt say anything, he pursed his lips and followed the girl to Room 3303. From afar, he saw two people standing at the door of the ward.

One was Shen Jingyan, and the other was Wei Ling.

Among the two of them, Wei Ling seemed to have discovered them and was pointing at them as she spoke.

Not long after, Shen Jingyan also looked in their direction. His eyes were quite gloomy. From afar, he could see the anger on the mans face.

However, Qiao Nian did not seem to notice. She walked over with big strides. Just as she was about to pass them, Shen Jingyan couldnt help but suppress his anger and questioned her gloomily, Qiao Nian, it was you, right?

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The girl ignored him completely. Or rather, she didnt even look at him and continued to walk into the ward.

Shen Jingyan was considered a man of authority in Beijing. In his anger, he subconsciously wanted to stop her.

You were the one who got someone to stop the car. You were the one who hurt Chen Chen and landed her in the hospital. You He spoke without thinking and almost scolded her.

Before he could finish, his arm was suddenly grabbed by a strong hand. Shen Jingyans angry expression eased a little. He turned his head and happened to meet the mans smiling eyes.

Its best not to be too agitated at Boss Shens age.

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This sentence seemed to strangle Shen Jingyan. His face instantly turned red. He looked into those young and bottomless eyes and did not dare to say a word. He watched helplessly as Qiao Nian walked past them and swaggered over to open the door to Room 3303.

This feeling Shen Jingyan couldnt describe it.

It was as if someone was pressing a rock on his head. He thought that he could crush it easily, but he realized that he was the one who had been pressed down!

The white ward was very quiet.

Sunlight shone in from outside the window, and a breeze blew up the white gauze by the window. If not for the liquid dripping slowly into the thin plastic tube, it would have been like two different worlds when she came in.

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Qiao Chen lay silently on the bed with her eyes closed. She was covered in a blanket, and only her IV hand was exposed. She looked like she had fallen asleep.

However, Qiao Nian saw her slightly swollen eyelids at a glance. She didnt say anything else and walked over. She dragged a chair with one hand and sat beside the bed.

She placed her hand on the edge of the bed and knocked her fingers gently.



The girls voice was casual and a little hoarse. It sounded wild and ostentatious. She sat at the head of the bed and counted casually.

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