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「So this is the adventurer’s guild huh… I know they told me it was a large building, but this is ginormous.」

「Yes, it’s really big isn’t it……」

The two looked up at the adventurers guild building.

Although it wasn’t to the scale of the lord’s mansion, it was larger than any of the other shops they had seen so far with more people going in and out.


「We probably shouldn’t space out here. Let’s look for a nearby inn.」

While Athal was surveying the area for an inn, a female voice called out to him.

「Onii-san, are you two looking for an inn?」

Tracing the voice back to its source, there was a young girl who was obviously a cat beastman who looked to be around her early teens. Her eyes had cat-like vertical slit pupils and she wore a friendly smile on her face.


「Yeah, this is our first time on this street. An acquaintance of ours told us that we could find an inn around here…」

Hearing that, the beastman girl opened her arms to Athal as the smile on her face grew.

「Then please come to our place! It’s a very popular inn in this city!」

She pulled Athal’s sleeve while directing him where to go, and since she had said it was a popular inn Athal decided not to resist her. Behind them, Caro seemed to be getting restless.



Caro looked to Athal with the expression on her face asking he was okay with this, to which Athal replied with a smile and nod. She let out her breath in relief before proceeding to reach out her hand several times as she tried to grab Athal’s shirt like the catgirl before retracting it each time. Eventually, she decided to just go for it and grabbed on tightly.

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「Look look, over here.」

Once the catgirl had brought them to their destination she stopped and pointed at it. It’s wasn’t too far away from the guild.


「Here’s our inn,『The Spirit’s Tree』. By the way, I’m the inn’s poster girl, Flana. Let’s get along!」

Flana gave a quick yet polite bow of her head after leading them to a fairly large inn with a large number of people coming in and out, demonstrating the inn’s prosperity. The building looked very clean and had flowers growing on the windows. It seemed that they changed out the curtains often given the lack of sun bleach on them.


「Since it would be a pain to keep looking around, I guess I’ll take you up on that.」

「Yay! Mom, I brought some guests!!」

Flana began jumping up and down as she went inside the inn after hearing Athal decide it was adequate. She seemed to be proud of herself for having attracted some guests by herself.


「Flana, could you keep it down! Sorry about my noisy daughter, the two of you are guests right? Here are our pricing options.」

The inn’s proprietress, Flana’s mother, came out to greet Athal and Caro. She was a spirited mother who looked a little plump, and of course, she was a cat beastman.


The prices she handed over were easy to understand. Since the number of days was lined up with its respective price, it was easy to see how it worked at a glance.

「Then, I guess for now I’ll take seven days for two people. If we want an extension, is it fine to ask after the seven days are up?」

「Seven days! Flana, you did it. You really brought some good customers.」

Hearing how long they would be saying, the proprietress began stroking Flana’s head. Since the town was so large there wasn’t any shortage of long term guests, but since there were so many inns around, people usually moved around them. Because of that, a customer staying in the same inn for an extended period of time was good for their reputation, as it meant they were of high quality.

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「Fufu, that’s good.」


Athal pleasantly watched their exchange. Caro had an envious look in her eyes at that.

「Ara, looks like we should let the customers go. Sorry, yes it’s fine if you extend later. We take payment in advance, but is that fine with you?」

Athal pulled out a suitable gold coin from his bag to pay with. Although the price list was easy to understand, since he didn’t know how small change worked yet he figured it would be fine to take out large change. 

「I’ll leave this to you. Sorry, but I don’t have any small change on me.」


Seeing that, Caro and Flana’s eyes opened wide with amazement, and the proprietress went to the counter to prepare some change. It wasn’t as if this kind of inn never saw people paying in large increments. 

「Alright, here is your change, as well as your room key. Your room is two floors up those stairs and will be the first door on your left. If you have any problems, I’m usually right here so don’t hesitate to ask.」

After the proprietress saw them off with a smile, Athal and Caro went to their room on the second floor. The mother and daughter pair were left to deal with the masses.


Athal and Caro entered their room and saw that the inside was quite simple, with two beds and a desk. By no means did that mean the room looked cheap, rather it was well cleaned with the minimum required furniture.

「Okay, I guess we’ll rest a bit…… What are you doing?」

Since there wasn’t a sofa, Athal sat down on the bed, but Caro kneeled on the floor without hesitation.

「Well, I’m a slave, so……」

Athal went over to Caro as she hung her head, and used a small amount of force to make her stand up.


「It’s fine, sit here Caro.」

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He made her sit down on the bed. Caro sat on the soft bed while Fidgeting nervously and held her knees. 

「But, I’m a slave, so……」

She based her attitude off of how other slaves acted, but Athal shook his head.

「Didn’t I say you were my companion? So it’s fine. Rather than that, wouldn’t it be better to talk about my abilities or what kind of powers you have Caro?」


It wasn’t something that Athal thought was worth worrying about, but for Caro that kind of treatment was shocking. Since slaves were an existence that couldn’t go against their masters, she thought they had to do everything to avoid souring the mood of their masters. But Athal had only worried about himself up until now, having interacted with her the same way he did with the other girls earlier. As a slave, it was her first time being treated this way.

「Hmm? You seem to have a difficult face, but that’s what I think. I don’t know about the other people you’ve dealt with before but, at least with me it’s fine to think of yourself as my comrade, my partner, or my travelling friend.」


Although her face showed that she still didn’t understand, she nodded anyway. At the very least she could tell he was unaware of the common sense of the world.

「So anyways, back to my abilities……. This is my weapon.」

Althal pulled his gun out from nowhere. Seeing something appear out of nowhere was, to say the least, surprising for Caro.



Even though he only had the bag before, Athal was suddenly holding the gun he had used to heal Caro’s body in his hand.

「Oh, that huh. Well, it would help to think of it as that kind of thing. Anyway, this is my weapon. It’s called a rifle, but it’s fine if you can’t remember the name.」

Athal explained to her, keeping in mind that the foreign name might be hard to grasp.


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「A “rifle”, is it? I’ve never seen that kind of weapon before.」

The first time she saw it she couldn’t see anything but the barrel pointing at her, and then she was too surprised by her body, so this was the first time she got to look at Athal’s weapon so she was very interested in it.


「Think of it as a weapon that uses magic to fire long-distance attacks. It had a user restriction placed on it, so only I can use it. Here, want to hold it?」

Without minding the possibility of it getting stolen, Athal handed his weapon over to Caro.


「Wa- wawa-, It’s really heavy」

She was surprised at suddenly having it handed over to her, but she managed to not drop it. Since Athal had been easily holding it she assumed it was something light, but she could feel it’s weight as her hands grabbed its cool surface.

「Yeah, that’s because it’s made entirely out of metal. Since it’s used to attack from a long distance, it’s made to be able to withstand the magical forces inside it.」

Caro looked at the rifle from various angles as she listened to Athal’s explanation. Since it was something totally new to her, she just couldn’t seem to get enough of looking at it.


While Caro was inspecting the rifle, Athal used the magic eyes he had received from God to inspect her.

One of the powers his eyes had was the ability to inspect the target’s abilities.

「It seems your main trait is your speed, huh Caro. Twin daggers, or perhaps a one-handed sword should be perfect for you. Do you have experience with using a one-handed sword?」


「Eh!? Certainly, I’ve had experience using a one-handed sword, but how did you know? That’s incredible Athal-sama!」

Since Caro didn’t know about his ability, she was amazed at having her abilities accurately seen through, and then she was moved.


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