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「So this is another world… Oh yeah, I forgot to ask what this world was called. Well, whatever.」

Having come down to another world, Athal surveyed his surroundings and found himself in the middle of a great plain. Before the transfer, Athal requested three things from God. Not to put him in the middle of a battle, to put him in a place where no one would see the transfer, and finally, not to put him really far away from any city.

For the time being, Athal decided to go to the road as he tested his weapons and abilities.

Previously he had the appearance of an average adult male, but after the body transformation, he grew 10 cm to a height of 180 cm. His whole body had become moderately muscular and lean. His hair was still black, but his eyes had turned blue.

「My eyesight’s way better.」

After his request for the bullet creation ability, he made another wish for enhanced eyesight, which was granted. That was why his eyes turned blue.

It wasn’t very far from his starting position to the road, so it didn’t take him long to get there. The highway was made from lots of people walking on it and had good visibility.

「Alright, which way should I go…」

He hesitated to choose which way he should go to find a city, but as he did so he spotted a carriage coming along as it made a racket. Focusing his eyesight, he saw that monsters were chasing the carriage.

「They seem to be in a pinch…」

Furthermore, focusing on the coachman, he was whipping the horse with a desperate face. By all rights, he should have been unable to see the coachman’s face from that distance, but the blue eyes that he’d gotten from God were superb, allowing him to see it clearly from there.

「O, Ojou-sama, please endure for a moment longer! We’ll manage to get to the city somehow!」

The man driving the carriage seemed to call to the girl inside, but from what he could barely see through the carriage window, she was frantically holding on to the carriage and unable to respond. 


Pursuing right behind them was a coalition of three wolf type monsters and a slow-footed orc.

The first one to make a sound in that situation was the horse. The carriage was heavy with its extravagant build, originally putting a great burden on the horse. Drawing a curve in a bid to outrun its pursuers, it finally couldn’t bear it. The horse collapsed, and with it, the carriage toppled as well.


The coachman was expelled from the carriage with great force, thudding against the grassy plain. 

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The girl inside the carriage was also launched out, but she hit her head against the carriage in the process, knocking her out cold.

「Well then, I guess I’ll test this guy’s power out now.」

Not being the kind of person to ignore the plight of someone in trouble, Athal got into position with his sniper rifle and aimed it at the head of a monster.

Once he caught a wolf in his scope, he pulled the trigger.

Along with the sound of gunfire, a sharp bullet discharged with lots of power, hitting that wolf in the head. At the moment of impact, the wolf’s head was successfully blown to pieces in a spray of blood and meat, ending the wolf’s life.

「Fuu, right on target. I can work with this.」

The corners of Athal’s mouth went up. He was satisfied that the sniper rifle he created with God didn’t lower his skill, but rather he was as familiar with it as with his own limbs.

The monsters attacking the carriage together froze in surprise at the sudden death of the wolf, gathering their eyes on the headless body as it collapsed.

「You’re wide open.」

Away from the group of bewildered monsters, Athal aimed at the next wolf. He figured it would be best to crush the fastest moving monsters first. Thanks to the automatically refilling bullets, he could move onto the next attack immediately. 

He sequentially fired two shots at the remaining wolves’ heads, simultaneously blowing their heads off.

「After that, all that’s left is you.」

By this point, the remaining orc who seemed to figure out that Athal was doing something from a distance pointed an intense glare at him before charging.

「Why did I think it was better to kill the wolves first!?」

He fired one more shot at the orc’s head, but the orc wasn’t stupid and used the hand axe it was holding to block the bullet. At that distance, the orc could see that something was flying at it and swiftly decided to use its weapon as a shield.


The attack that the wolves were unable to stop was easily parried by the orc who approached with a grin, but that much was within Athal’s expectations. The slow-footed orc was still at a distance where an ordinary person couldn’t make out its face. 

「In that case next up is this!」

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Athal fired three almost simultaneous shots the moment he recovered.

With the first shot, he aimed at the axe. Of course, the axe blocked the shot with a metal clang.


However, the composed smile the orc was assuming shortly changed into a yell.

In the gap where the orc blocked the first shot with its axe, a second shot hit the hand it was using to hold that axe, while a third shot hit the leg it was aimed at. The round pierced through the orc’s body, robbing the orc of it’s fighting spirit. At the controlled barrage of attacks, the orcs face was coloured by the fear of death.

「Well then, this is farewell.」

With that utterance, he fired the finishing blow through the orc’s skull, ending its life just like that. As this all unfolded in an instant, the orc did not let out a single death cry.

There was a considerable distance between Athal’s position and where the monsters were, but with his skill, it meant nothing. After confirming that there were no more pursuers in the area, he got up.

「For now, I’ll go check things out.」

Athal shouldered his rifle and approached the collapsed carriage.

「Hey, you all right?」

Athal tried calling out from outside the carriage, but there was no response. 

「Hey… ouch, ow. Are you alright?」

He crawled inside the toppled carriage and found the girl passed out, but she wasn’t able to respond. She looked the same as before when she was frantically enduring the shaking carriage, but up close he could see her pretty features.

「It seems she’s breathing… I guess for now I’ll lay her flat outside.」

Athal gently lifted her out of the carriage and laid her on a suitable cloth he took out of the special bag he’d gotten as a present from God. Of course, he laid her down on the grass rather than the road.

「I guess I’ll move him as well.」

Athal moved the coachman who was dumped on the ground and carried the man over on his back to the cloth the girl was on and laid him next to her. The girl didn’t appear to have any external wound’s, however, the coachman’s head had been injured, so Athal took out another cloth and stopped the bleeding. 

「Alright, I guess that’ll be next.」

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Athal stood in front of the carriage and tried to lift it upright. Normally the luxuriously built carriage would have required several people to raise it.

「Heave, ho!」

However, as his body’s strength had been raised with its modifications, he could lift at least as much as a carriage by himself.

「And it looks like the horse is…… fine. I guess it just moved a bit away from the road.」

When the carriage had fallen, the horse was freed of its reigns so it moved away from the road.

Until the two woke up, Athal sat down nearby and once again began checking out his new abilities. 

「It seems my points went up from all that.」

He had received an ability from God that allowed him to create bullets. But this didn’t mean he had an inexhaustible supply of them. By defeating monsters, he got points known as Bullet Points, BP for short. Using these points, he was able to create bullets.

Athal had beaten three wolf type monsters, as well as an orc.

「That was quite tasty. Getting points right off the bat.」

Since normal bullets don’t cost anything, if points can be farmed through easy fights like that, I won’t be troubled for points in the future thought Athal.

「It was good that I could test my abilities through actual combat so soon, but are these guys okay?」

Although he was waiting beside the two of them for the time being, Athal was quite troubled as to what to do if they didn’t wake up on their own.

「…u, ugh…」


That was the sound of the girl waking up. Her hair was blond, and her clothing was obviously expensive and well made at a glance. Although Athal had no idea about the standards of this world, based on the standards of Japan he thought she was a beauty. 

「Th, this is, ouch!」

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The girl lifted her body, however, she bumped her head when the carriage had fallen earlier, so she made a pained expression on her face and placed a hand on the bump.

「Ah, you’re finally awake.」

As Athal spoke in relief that the girl finally woke up, the girl turned her gaze towards him in confusion.

「Who are you?!」

She was surprised by the voice of an unknown man calling out to her and drew away in her confusion. 

「No, I’m….」

「G, Gill! Gill, are you alright!?」

As the panicking girl drew back, she noticed the unconscious coachman laid next to her and let out a confused voice.

「U, ugh. O, Ojou-sama? Are you safe, Ojou-sama?」

Being the one flung from the front of the carriage, the damage he sustained was probably quite extensive, but before worrying about himself first he showed great loyalty and inquired about the girl first. 

「Gill! I’m fine, see? I’m alright.」

During their exchange, Athal remained quiet and just watched. She would likely return to her previous state if he were to call out to her again, and the conversation wouldn’t progress at all.

「Ah, that’s right! Gill, there’s a strange man over there!」

It seemed that she was still confused, and decided to one-sidedly label Athal who was sitting quietly as a strange man.

「Hmm… Perhaps, good sir, you might be the one who saved us?」

However, Gill soothed that panicked girl as he assessed the surroundings, with the two of them laid on a cloth next to the carriage, and judged the situation properly.

「Well, that’s how it turned out. I wasn’t sure what exactly to do, so I laid the two of you on a cloth. I left the monster corpses like that though.」

Athal pointed towards the corpses of the monsters who were targeting the carriage. Seeing them mercilessly scattered about, the girl’s face turned pale as she finally realized her mistake.


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