Magan to Dangan o Tsukatte Isekai o Buchinuku!

Chapter 21: Magan to Dangan o Tsukatte Isekai

When Caro and Ataru left the Guild Master and went to see Boulas at his desk at reception, they had Caro go through the procedures to get registered with the Guild as an adventurer.

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"I'm glad Caro. Did you want to be an adventurer?"

"Yes! It's like a dream ..." 

Caro was delighted, and kept checking both side of her guild card, impressed with how shiny and new it looked. After looking at it for a while, she carefully held the card to her chest like it was a valuable treasure.

"I'm sorry for the whims of the Guild Master. Now Caro can accept requests on her own and get the rewards."

Boulas, who completed the procedure in a blink of an eye, bowed with an apologetic expression because it was the result of his report.

"Well, you don't have to worry about it. I'm rather lucky to receive treatment that I never thought of."

"Yes, I'm really happy!"

Meeting the Guild Master was an unexpected development, but Ataru had a calm look as it all worked out for the best. Caro, who smiled with a big smile next to him, seemed to be full of joy because she was able to register.

"Fufu, I'm glad you were pleased."

Seeing Caro delighted from the bottom of her heart, both Ataru and Boulas smiled.

Suddenly, the atmosphere around the guild, changed in an instant. An adventurer burst in, and fell over, while shouting.

"It's a nightmare!!"

What the problem was, nobody knew based on just that shout, but everyone in the guild felt that something had happened. Everyone was alert and got ready to fight at a moment's notice.

"What the hell happened?"

As the person in charge, Boulas came quickly from behind the counter, and asked the adventurer who had just run in.

"Oh God, Boulas! Monsters are heading for the city!"

As soon as he grabbed Boulas shoulder, the man tried to convey it in a loud voice, breathlessly.

"First, calm down and take a deep breath."

Boulas told the adventurer, to calm down and breathe, not understanding what the problem was.

"Alright, now what seems to be the problem?"

His question was for all staff and adventurers in the hall. And most nodded to the question.

"Monsters are gathering in the forest!"

Since monsters have gathered in the forest several times, that didn't seem to be that big of a deal.

"Listen! It's not ten or twenty! I haven't counted it, but it's at least a hundred or more!"

The words made the hall noisy all at once. Everyone felt a sense of crisis that it was clearly strange for a horde of more than a hundred monsters to gather in one place.

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"Well, is that true? How on earth is that fact?"

"My ability is to detect monsters. When I went to the northern forest for a request, I sensed something impossible, so I ran my horse at full speed and came back here."

Everyone had a serious expression on their faces from the explanation of the adventurer.

"Is that bad?"

Ataru moves over to Boulas and asked a question. It was understood that it is a dangerous situation to have a lot of monsters, but if you defeat them little by little with a large number of people, it should be manageable.

"It's a very bad situation ... I had the same thing before, but at that time the monsters in the forest formed a horde and raided nearby villages and towns. It's a monster stampede."

Boulas's voice was calm, but it seemed to remind him of that time, and it made him also remember the fear as well.

"What are you going to do?"

Boulas was pondering Ataru's question, "Isn't it necessary to move immediately if something goes wrong?"

"Boulas, I'll take over"

A dignified voice passed through the hustle and bustle of the surroundings. The voice was Franphilia, and the staff and adventurers were screaming at the appearance of the Guild Master.

"It seems like the monsters will be heading to this city. Therefore, I would like to request the Adventurer's Guild to subdue the monsters. We are looking for participants. The condition is that you are registered as an adventurer in the guild., Rank does not matter. Five silver coins will be the participation reward. After that, additional rewards will be given depending on the result."

It was an exceptional reward, of five silver coins just to participate, but it seems that not everyone were willing to participate. Dealing with hordes of monsters is not the same as normal subjugation and combat.

In fact, Franphilia's predictions were right, and the monsters were just heading for the city.

"In addition, we named this request the Demon Defeat Battle, and after that we will not accept orders for other requests until this request is completed."

The adventurers in the hall suddenly were upset at her as it was an emergency that the Guild Master declared.

"What will you do?"

"I'll get five silver coins just by participating. I'll do it!"

"I ... I'll decline. I'm not confident that such a horde that I will survive in a melee." 

The adventurers in the guild had their own way of thinking.

"What will you do Ataru-san?"

"... I don't want to, but you know we're here, so I guess we'll have to take care of this."

After muttering that, Ataru glanced at Franphilia, and she also looked back at Ataru and nodded with a compelling smile. Caro was gulping from all the tension in the air.

"After all. Boulas, it depends on the outcome of the battle, but how do you judge that?"

Ataru is curious and asked Boulas, who was nearby.

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"We will use the Adventurer's Guild Card for this request. At this time, we will add a special effect to record the defeated monsters, so rewards will be added according to the number of them."

As Boulas said while raising his glasses, other adventurers who knew it, were already in line at the reception.

"I'm going to handle the reception, so I'm sorry for this."

Boulas, who stood up after wiping his sweat, quickly returned to the counter after seeing his colleagues being overwhelmed by lineups.

"Caro, we'll get the request too. Even if we leave the Guild Master aside, the lord Glaine is in trouble too, so we can't help defending."

Ataru lined up with Caro who nodded enthusiastically.

However, most of the adventurers in line were Rank C or higher. Many adventurers were suspicious of the two, who are the lowest ranks, going to participate in this while even Rank D adventurers were wavering in their desire to participate. It is said that there are times when you are doing something reckless.

"Oh, you two will also participate. That's helpful, I'll take your adventurer cards."

When Boulas receives the two cards, he quickly processes the request and order.

Some adventurers were not happy with the situation, and they call out to the two, who were finished with the procedure.

"Hey, you guys. It's not too late, so decline this request."

When Caro and Ataru left the Guild Master and went to see Boulas at his desk at reception, they had Caro go through the procedures to get registered with the Guild as an adventurer.

"I'm glad Caro. Did you want to be an adventurer?"

"Yes! It's like a dream ..." 

Caro was delighted, and kept checking both side of her guild card, impressed with how shiny and new it looked. After looking at it for a while, she carefully held the card to her chest like it was a valuable treasure.

"I'm sorry for the whims of the Guild Master. Now Caro can accept requests on her own and get the rewards."

Boulas, who completed the procedure in a blink of an eye, bowed with an apologetic expression because it was the result of his report.

"Well, you don't have to worry about it. I'm rather lucky to receive treatment that I never thought of."

"Yes, I'm really happy!"

Meeting the Guild Master was an unexpected development, but Ataru had a calm look as it all worked out for the best. Caro, who smiled with a big smile next to him, seemed to be full of joy because she was able to register.

"Fufu, I'm glad you were pleased."

Seeing Caro delighted from the bottom of her heart, both Ataru and Boulas smiled.

Suddenly, the atmosphere around the guild, changed in an instant. An adventurer burst in, and fell over, while shouting.

"It's a nightmare!!"

What the problem was, nobody knew based on just that shout, but everyone in the guild felt that something had happened. Everyone was alert and got ready to fight at a moment's notice.

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"What the hell happened?"

As the person in charge, Boulas came quickly from behind the counter, and asked the adventurer who had just run in.

"Oh God, Boulas! Monsters are heading for the city!"

As soon as he grabbed Boulas shoulder, the man tried to convey it in a loud voice, breathlessly.

"First, calm down and take a deep breath."

Boulas told the adventurer, to calm down and breathe, not understanding what the problem was.

"Alright, now what seems to be the problem?"

His question was for all staff and adventurers in the hall. And most nodded to the question.

"Monsters are gathering in the forest!"

Since monsters have gathered in the forest several times, that didn't seem to be that big of a deal.

"Listen! It's not ten or twenty! I haven't counted it, but it's at least a hundred or more!"

The words made the hall noisy all at once. Everyone felt a sense of crisis that it was clearly strange for a horde of more than a hundred monsters to gather in one place.

"Well, is that true? How on earth is that fact?"

"My ability is to detect monsters. When I went to the northern forest for a request, I sensed something impossible, so I ran my horse at full speed and came back here."

Everyone had a serious expression on their faces from the explanation of the adventurer.

"Is that bad?"

Ataru moves over to Boulas and asked a question. It was understood that it is a dangerous situation to have a lot of monsters, but if you defeat them little by little with a large number of people, it should be manageable.

"It's a very bad situation ... I had the same thing before, but at that time the monsters in the forest formed a horde and raided nearby villages and towns. It's a monster stampede."

Boulas's voice was calm, but it seemed to remind him of that time, and it made him also remember the fear as well.

"What are you going to do?"

Boulas was pondering Ataru's question, "Isn't it necessary to move immediately if something goes wrong?"

"Boulas, I'll take over"

A dignified voice passed through the hustle and bustle of the surroundings. The voice was Franphilia, and the staff and adventurers were screaming at the appearance of the Guild Master.

"It seems like the monsters will be heading to this city. Therefore, I would like to request the Adventurer's Guild to subdue the monsters. We are looking for participants. The condition is that you are registered as an adventurer in the guild., Rank does not matter. Five silver coins will be the participation reward. After that, additional rewards will be given depending on the result."

It was an exceptional reward, of five silver coins just to participate, but it seems that not everyone were willing to participate. Dealing with hordes of monsters is not the same as normal subjugation and combat.

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In fact, Franphilia's predictions were right, and the monsters were just heading for the city.

"In addition, we named this request the Demon Defeat Battle, and after that we will not accept orders for other requests until this request is completed."

The adventurers in the hall suddenly were upset at her as it was an emergency that the Guild Master declared.

"What will you do?"

"I'll get five silver coins just by participating. I'll do it!"

"I ... I'll decline. I'm not confident that such a horde that I will survive in a melee." 

The adventurers in the guild had their own way of thinking.

"What will you do Ataru-san?"

"... I don't want to, but you know we're here, so I guess we'll have to take care of this."

After muttering that, Ataru glanced at Franphilia, and she also looked back at Ataru and nodded with a compelling smile. Caro was gulping from all the tension in the air.

"After all. Boulas, it depends on the outcome of the battle, but how do you judge that?"

Ataru is curious and asked Boulas, who was nearby.

"We will use the Adventurer's Guild Card for this request. At this time, we will add a special effect to record the defeated monsters, so rewards will be added according to the number of them."

As Boulas said while raising his glasses, other adventurers who knew it, were already in line at the reception.

"I'm going to handle the reception, so I'm sorry for this."

Boulas, who stood up after wiping his sweat, quickly returned to the counter after seeing his colleagues being overwhelmed by lineups.

"Caro, we'll get the request too. Even if we leave the Guild Master aside, the lord Glaine is in trouble too, so we can't help defending."

Ataru lined up with Caro who nodded enthusiastically.

However, most of the adventurers in line were Rank C or higher. Many adventurers were suspicious of the two, who are the lowest ranks, going to participate in this while even Rank D adventurers were wavering in their desire to participate. It is said that there are times when you are doing something reckless.

"Oh, you two will also participate. That's helpful, I'll take your adventurer cards."

When Boulas receives the two cards, he quickly processes the request and order.

Some adventurers were not happy with the situation, and they call out to the two, who were finished with the procedure.

"Hey, you guys. It's not too late, so decline this request."

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