Magan to Dangan o Tsukatte Isekai o Buchinuku!

Chapter 23: Magan to Dangan o Tsukatte Isekai

The adventurers who will participate in this battle to eliminate the monsters begin to move. The long-distance attackers wait outside the walls that surround the city, just outside the gates.

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Ataru, on the other hand, decided to take up a position on the wall where he could get a better view.


"Is such a remote location sufficient for you?


The one who asked me that question was Franphilia, smiling calmly.


"'Ah, the visibility is too poor from below. Are those wizards down there capable of such precise attacks?"


Ataru pointed to the adventurers waiting outside the city walls and asked a question. His face is twisted in doubt.


"I'm sure the higher-ranked adventurers can use magic of considerable power, but precision might be difficult. I'm sure that's not something you're asked to do on a regular basis.”


While listening to Franphilia’s reply with a bitter smile, Ataru looked around and moved to a position where he could see Caro.


"It's a good thing I'm here. Are you around here too?"


Ataru looked through the scope to check Caro's appearance, then looked up and asked Franphilia again. At the end of the scope, he could see Caro's nervous face, but she was getting ready to fight.


"You're in charge of this request, aren't you? This is probably the best place to see it through to the end, and in case I'm needed, I'll be there."


I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one who has a problem with this.


"I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it. I have a lot of preparations to make, so can you give me some space? I want to keep it a secret.”


"I see, it's called not revealing your hand. All right, I'll be over there, so if you need anything, just give me a call."


Since getting to know Ataru, Franphilia had been curious about his abilities and was willing to make some accommodations.


"You went to ....... If the enemy is weak, you can just use regular bullets. If the enemy is weak, you can just use regular bullets, but you never know what kind of enemy will come. ......" (G: This is just how the translator translated it)


Muttering this, Ataru called up a plate and selected a bullet.


Since he had increased his BP (bullet points) by defeating a high-ranked Death Wolf, he was able to select a large variety of special bullets.

"I'll trade you some magic bullets for some more powerful ones. And I'll add some more regular bullets just in case."


There was no one nearby, so I mumbled to myself as I made my selections.


Just as I finish selecting my bullets, I hear a distant sound that shakes the earth.


"There you are. Caro's at ......."


When I looked through my scope again, I saw that Caro had also finished preparing for battle, a little out of the way from the other adventurers. The tension seemed to have eased somewhat since I had seen him earlier. 


“The battle, it's about to begin."


Before he knew it, Franphilia had returned to Ataru's side and was staring ahead.


As I said, there are more than a hundred of them, and they are slowly but surely coming towards us like a great wave of demons. I'm sure you'll be able to understand why.


"Oh, ...... don't bump into me."


As I lowered my gaze, the front line of adventurers gradually advanced, finally colliding with a horde of monsters.


Among them, Caro slipped off to the side and fought the monsters so as not to be swallowed by the wave of adventurers.

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Her movements were even better than when she had fought the Death Wolf, and she defeated the monsters one by one as if she was dancing with her dagger. In order not to interfere with her movements, Ataru shoots down the ones that try to attack her back one after another.


"...... You're amazing enough. No, you're the reason why that girl is able to fight so freely.”


The dark elf, Franphilia, had better eyesight than the other races and could see the outcome of Ataru's attack.


"Do you think so?"


 Ataru looked into his scope while returning his words to Franphilia, destroying one monster after another that was trying to attack Caro.


"That one and that one is also in the way."


Besides that, Ataru killed monsters one after another. The bullets that were released struck the heads of the monsters, and all of them were killed by head shots.


At this stage, Ataru was already leading in the number of monsters killed.


The adventurers around Caro, who was ranked F, were surprised to see the monsters around her fall one after another.


"Oh, the monsters around her are being defeated one by one!”


"Is that some kind of magic?”


The adventurers couldn't understand how the monsters were falling before their attacks could reach them, as if they were protected by something.


“Thank you, Ataru-sama!"


Caro, on the other hand, was slashing down monsters one after the other while expressing her gratitude to Ataru. She felt that she was able to move as she wished because of Ataru's presence, and she cut down the enemies in front of her with a desire to live up to Ataru's expectations.


"Hey! The more you defeat, the more experience you gain.”


And the more she defeated, the more experience she gained, and the better she moved.


They didn't realize it, but the number of monsters defeated, and their power absorbed is shared between those who have formed a master-servant relationship, if they are within a certain range. In addition, the same applies to bullet points, and the amount that Caro has defeated is also added.


"Oh, hey, that."


Seeing Caro's fighting figure, the three D rankers who were the opponents of this bet were also surprised. It was obvious that such a small F-ranked girl was the most successful of all the people here.


"Well, isn't that crazy?"


And even with the three of them together, their battle results were still only about fifteen. It's hard to deal with more monsters than you think, and this was the best they could do.


"Damn it! Hey, you're in my way!"


The two were surprised by the leader's tongue-lashing words, but they had no choice but to obey, thinking that all the fighting they had done so far might be in vain.


Unaware of the three disturbing thoughts approaching, Caro continued to fight as hard as she could.


"Heh, they shouldn't even notice us now."


As the men stepped forward with a disgusting smile on their faces, Ataru fired a bullet at each of their feet to prevent them from going any further.


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The three of them didn't know what kind of attack it was or where it came from, but they knew that it was clearly aimed at them.


"No, no way, it was just a coincidence.”


It was hard to say that it was a coincidence, but it was out of the realm of their understanding, so they had no choice but to say so.


"Yeah, yeah, it's just a coincidence. It's just a coincidence that one of the attacks just happened to fly by. Let's do it!"


As they were about to take a step forward to interrupt Caro again, saying words they didn't believe themselves, the bullets hit them again. If they had remembered why Ataru, who was supposed to be by her side, was not here at this point, the conclusion might have been different.




Bullets hit the hilts of the men's swords, the handles of their axes, and the blades of their daggers, and their weapons were blown away.


If you do more than that, I won't show mercy next time. Perhaps sensing the message, the three picked up their own weapons lying on the ground and fled at in flash in the opposite direction of Caro's position.


"Now we can finally focus on the fight."


I've been guarding Caro for a while now, checking for any suspicious activity. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. (G: yeah don’t know a better translation for this, so please do tell me dear reader.)


"...... You're a hell of a person after all.”


Franphilia, who had been watching the whole thing, commented on Ataru with a hint of astonishment.


(Garden’s corner: This chapter was a little hard too do because, the MTL I use did some fucky wocky stuff with A LOT of lines. Anyways have a great the rest of your day!)

The adventurers who will participate in this battle to eliminate the monsters begin to move. The long-distance attackers wait outside the walls that surround the city, just outside the gates.


Ataru, on the other hand, decided to take up a position on the wall where he could get a better view.


"Is such a remote location sufficient for you?


The one who asked me that question was Franphilia, smiling calmly.


"'Ah, the visibility is too poor from below. Are those wizards down there capable of such precise attacks?"


Ataru pointed to the adventurers waiting outside the city walls and asked a question. His face is twisted in doubt.


"I'm sure the higher-ranked adventurers can use magic of considerable power, but precision might be difficult. I'm sure that's not something you're asked to do on a regular basis.”


While listening to Franphilia’s reply with a bitter smile, Ataru looked around and moved to a position where he could see Caro.


"It's a good thing I'm here. Are you around here too?"


Ataru looked through the scope to check Caro's appearance, then looked up and asked Franphilia again. At the end of the scope, he could see Caro's nervous face, but she was getting ready to fight.


"You're in charge of this request, aren't you? This is probably the best place to see it through to the end, and in case I'm needed, I'll be there."


I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one who has a problem with this.


"I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it. I have a lot of preparations to make, so can you give me some space? I want to keep it a secret.”


"I see, it's called not revealing your hand. All right, I'll be over there, so if you need anything, just give me a call."


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Since getting to know Ataru, Franphilia had been curious about his abilities and was willing to make some accommodations.


"You went to ....... If the enemy is weak, you can just use regular bullets. If the enemy is weak, you can just use regular bullets, but you never know what kind of enemy will come. ......" (G: This is just how the translator translated it)


Muttering this, Ataru called up a plate and selected a bullet.


Since he had increased his BP (bullet points) by defeating a high-ranked Death Wolf, he was able to select a large variety of special bullets.

"I'll trade you some magic bullets for some more powerful ones. And I'll add some more regular bullets just in case."


There was no one nearby, so I mumbled to myself as I made my selections.


Just as I finish selecting my bullets, I hear a distant sound that shakes the earth.


"There you are. Caro's at ......."


When I looked through my scope again, I saw that Caro had also finished preparing for battle, a little out of the way from the other adventurers. The tension seemed to have eased somewhat since I had seen him earlier. 


“The battle, it's about to begin."


Before he knew it, Franphilia had returned to Ataru's side and was staring ahead.


As I said, there are more than a hundred of them, and they are slowly but surely coming towards us like a great wave of demons. I'm sure you'll be able to understand why.


"Oh, ...... don't bump into me."


As I lowered my gaze, the front line of adventurers gradually advanced, finally colliding with a horde of monsters.


Among them, Caro slipped off to the side and fought the monsters so as not to be swallowed by the wave of adventurers.




Her movements were even better than when she had fought the Death Wolf, and she defeated the monsters one by one as if she was dancing with her dagger. In order not to interfere with her movements, Ataru shoots down the ones that try to attack her back one after another.


"...... You're amazing enough. No, you're the reason why that girl is able to fight so freely.”


The dark elf, Franphilia, had better eyesight than the other races and could see the outcome of Ataru's attack.


"Do you think so?"


 Ataru looked into his scope while returning his words to Franphilia, destroying one monster after another that was trying to attack Caro.


"That one and that one is also in the way."


Besides that, Ataru killed monsters one after another. The bullets that were released struck the heads of the monsters, and all of them were killed by head shots.


At this stage, Ataru was already leading in the number of monsters killed.


The adventurers around Caro, who was ranked F, were surprised to see the monsters around her fall one after another.


"Oh, the monsters around her are being defeated one by one!”


"Is that some kind of magic?”


The adventurers couldn't understand how the monsters were falling before their attacks could reach them, as if they were protected by something.


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“Thank you, Ataru-sama!"


Caro, on the other hand, was slashing down monsters one after the other while expressing her gratitude to Ataru. She felt that she was able to move as she wished because of Ataru's presence, and she cut down the enemies in front of her with a desire to live up to Ataru's expectations.


"Hey! The more you defeat, the more experience you gain.”


And the more she defeated, the more experience she gained, and the better she moved.


They didn't realize it, but the number of monsters defeated, and their power absorbed is shared between those who have formed a master-servant relationship, if they are within a certain range. In addition, the same applies to bullet points, and the amount that Caro has defeated is also added.


"Oh, hey, that."


Seeing Caro's fighting figure, the three D rankers who were the opponents of this bet were also surprised. It was obvious that such a small F-ranked girl was the most successful of all the people here.


"Well, isn't that crazy?"


And even with the three of them together, their battle results were still only about fifteen. It's hard to deal with more monsters than you think, and this was the best they could do.


"Damn it! Hey, you're in my way!"


The two were surprised by the leader's tongue-lashing words, but they had no choice but to obey, thinking that all the fighting they had done so far might be in vain.


Unaware of the three disturbing thoughts approaching, Caro continued to fight as hard as she could.


"Heh, they shouldn't even notice us now."


As the men stepped forward with a disgusting smile on their faces, Ataru fired a bullet at each of their feet to prevent them from going any further.




The three of them didn't know what kind of attack it was or where it came from, but they knew that it was clearly aimed at them.


"No, no way, it was just a coincidence.”


It was hard to say that it was a coincidence, but it was out of the realm of their understanding, so they had no choice but to say so.


"Yeah, yeah, it's just a coincidence. It's just a coincidence that one of the attacks just happened to fly by. Let's do it!"


As they were about to take a step forward to interrupt Caro again, saying words they didn't believe themselves, the bullets hit them again. If they had remembered why Ataru, who was supposed to be by her side, was not here at this point, the conclusion might have been different.




Bullets hit the hilts of the men's swords, the handles of their axes, and the blades of their daggers, and their weapons were blown away.


If you do more than that, I won't show mercy next time. Perhaps sensing the message, the three picked up their own weapons lying on the ground and fled at in flash in the opposite direction of Caro's position.


"Now we can finally focus on the fight."


I've been guarding Caro for a while now, checking for any suspicious activity. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. (G: yeah don’t know a better translation for this, so please do tell me dear reader.)


"...... You're a hell of a person after all.”


Franphilia, who had been watching the whole thing, commented on Ataru with a hint of astonishment.


(Garden’s corner: This chapter was a little hard too do because, the MTL I use did some fucky wocky stuff with A LOT of lines. Anyways have a great the rest of your day!)

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