Caro watched happily as Ataru, and Kyle talked. It made her happy to see more people respecting him, her master.

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As they did so, Gaiszer came back from the inn with a carriage. The carriage was so magnificent that it was hard to believe that he was in need of money. Of course, as a nobleman's carriage, it was inferior in terms of its lack of decoration, but it was enough for a normal trip.


"Well, that's not bad. This is going to be a good trip."


Both Gaiszer and Kyle smile at Ataru's words as he looks at the carriage with an expression of surprise.


"I bought this when I was young, and I've been taking good care of it ever since. Eustace, the horse that pulls the wagon, has been with Kyle since he can remember, so he's like family to us."


Gaiszer spoke somewhat proudly. The horse called Eustace was also happy to be petted by Kyle, who came running up to him, and I knew that they really cared for each other.


"I'm sure that's why the horse looks so healthy. ...... Now, let's get going."


Gaiszer nodded, happy to be praised for being like a family member, and climbed onto the driver's seat, while Kyle, who had finished touching the horses, also climbed into the carriage.


"Come on, you two. Hop in."


Gaiszer approached them from the driver’s seat in a natural way, but they declined his invitation.


"We're the guards, so we'll stay outside the carriage in case of emergency. If we get tired, we'll take turns riding with you."


Caro nodded to Ataru's words that she was there as a guard, but not as a guest.

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"Well, I see. I feel kind of bad about that. ......"


These were not the words of a nobleman and a client, but they were the words of Gaiszer’s personality.


"I'll walk too! I need to build up my strength."


Kyle, who had jumped out of the carriage he was riding in as if in a hurry, was breathing heavily, showing his motivation without his luggage. The words Ataru had said to him earlier had burned strongly in his mind, and he had not just been riding in the carriage aimlessly but had hoped that his words would lead to something, even if only a little.


"Is that so? Well, don't push yourself too hard, because you'll only hurt yourself if you start out too fast. When you get tired, you can take a break in the carriage. It's all about hard work."


Ataru's words came across as caring to Kyle, so he nodded honestly.


"Well then, Gaiszer-san. Let's get going, I'll take the rear position and Caro will check the front. Kyle, you can go to ...... and try to take it easy."




Kyle nodded vigorously and had a look behind his reply that could have been that of a master.




Gaiszer watched his son's exchange with deep emotion, but he quickly looked forward and took the reins.


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On the way, they were attacked by monsters several times, but Caro immediately noticed and defeated them, so there was no damage to the carriage. And although no one but Caro had noticed, Ataru was secretly taking care of the monsters in the distance.


Kyle also did his best without making a sound, even though he was sweating because he had just said he was going to do it.


At night, they camp out a little off the road, and at Kyle's request, Ataru and Caro take turns training him with using their swords. Although he was aware of it, Kyle was not very good at using his body. To put it more simply, he was not athletic at all.


But he didn't give up even here and continued his training desperately. Having found his goal, he didn't mind a little hardship and resumed his training again and again.


Gaiszer, who was watching his son from a little distance, smiled at him.


(Garden: Please read original at https: //sites . google . com /view/shadowgardentl/home just remove the spaces!)


Since he had been confined to his room since he was a child, reading books all the time, he had become a bit headstrong and did not seem to get along well with other children his age.


Although this had encouraged him to retreat further into his shell, Kyle, who was being trained by Ataru and the others, did not show any sign of this. Gaiszer was so moved by his son's growth that he even cried, and he was truly glad that he had asked them to help him.


After a few days of this, they arrived at the city of Gaiszer and the others.


"So, this is the town where Gaiszer and the others live. Well, I'm glad we managed to safely send them home."


At the entrance to the city, Ataru calls out to Gaiszer, who has gotten off the carriage, and to Kyle, who is beside him, overcome with emotion.


"Uh, Mentor, teacher…..."

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Kyle, who looked like he was about to burst into tears, called Ataru his mentor and Caro his teacher when they got here. It seemed that this trip was a big turning point for him.


"Don't cry Kyle. If you keep practicing what we've taught you and make it your own, you should be able to fight pretty well. Just don't use the power you've acquired at...... to commit violence unnecessarily. Use that power to protect yourself, your family, and the people you care about, okay?"


Kyle nodded again and again with tears in his eyes as Ataru, who he looked up to as his mentor, put his hand on his head and told him earnestly.


Thinking that this was the last word from his teacher, Kyle wiped away his tears with his sleeve and raised his face to make sure he didn't miss a single word.


"Keep up the good work, Kyle-san. It's not only for fighting, but also for training your mind to be physically fit."


Caro was about to cry, but she fought it back and spoke softly to him, knowing that he called her teacher.




In his travels, Kyle was also mentored by Caro, a slave, without regard to his position. At first, Caro called Kyle by the honorific title "Sama", but at his request, she stopped using it. She was struck by Kyle's serious attitude and decided to face him properly.


"I'd like to thank Ataru-san and Caro-san for their help so far. It was supposed to be a request for an escort, but you even trained my son. ...... Yes, this is the reward. All that's left to do is to sign the request completion form at ...... and you're done. Thank you very much."


Gaiszer signed the form that Ataru presented to him, and the request was completed. Kyle also bowed deeply next to Gaiszer, who bowed again and again in gratitude.


"Well, if you need anything else, you can stop by my house. If you ask for the Gaiszer’s house in town, you'll find it."

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"Mentor, teacher! I'll do my best!"


Returning to the carriage, they waved and slowly made their way to their house.


"Now that we've completed our first escort request, what do you think of it?"


After seeing the two carriages off until they were out of sight, Ataru asked her that, and Caro thought about it for a moment before looking up at him and smiling.


"Hmmm, well, ...... I think the difficulty level of the request was not that high, partly because there were no very strong monsters. But I think it was a great experience because I was able to reevaluate myself by teaching Kyle a lot of things."


In fact, they had only been attacked by monsters a few times and had no particular struggles. Therefore, the two of them had a strong sense that it was more of a training session for Kyle than an escort request. However, thanks to Kyle's earnest and hard-working attitude, they did not find it troublesome.


"Well, I'm glad it ended well anyway. I'm sure there's an adventurer's guild in this town, so let's go report to them. After that, we'll take a walk around the city and figure out what to do next."


He felt that it would be a waste of time to go back to the city he had spent several days in, so he suggested a walk around the city. It seemed that a city he had never been to be something he was interested in.


"When I was in the ...... store, I couldn't imagine coming this far away."


The store was a slaver's place, but she was truly happy to be with Ataru as an adventurer as she squinted dazzlingly at the city and breathed dreamily.



(Garden’s corner: I don’t have anything to say today….. so have great rest of your day.)

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