"Caro, you don't have to keep it there."

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Ataru, while holding his beloved gun, attacked the golems as he moved. Even while moving, his accuracy is solid, and he brings the golems to a halt one after another.


"Yes, sir!"


Caro, who had jumped to the front line, didn't think about stopping all the golems from breaking through, but stopped their movements as much as she could. The combination of dagger and shortsword seemed to work well for her, as she still had no wounds on her body.


The two of them worked together perfectly, and the golems were unable to reach Ataru even though they tried to push forward with their superior numbers.


"If it doesn't have to be a precision shot, stopping these guys is easy enough."


Murmuring, Ataru fired a bullet at a golem's leg.


The powerful bullet manages to bring the golem to its knees. And before it can recover from the magic from the core, Ataru shoots through the core itself.


The gun he uses is made by God, so it doesn't take long to reload, and he can attack one after another.


Caro also made some direct attacks on the core as Ataru switched from fighting just to shoot the magic channels to fighting to defeat the golem.


The golem's outer layer is covered with rocks, but Caro's strength and the power of her dagger allow her to slice through the rocks, and her attacks easily reach the core. The famous blacksmith's shortsword and the first magic weapon dagger that was given to Caro as a gift are so strong and sharp that they do not even scratch when attacking the golem's hard body.[1]


The giant Golem, on the other hand, thought that they could crush them just like they had done with the adventurers so far if they pushed in numbers. However, it seemed that they were becoming increasingly impatient as their numbers dwindled.


In this group of golems, a giant golem is leading and controlling them. Not only is it large, but it's also the leader of the group.


"Let's see if we can destroy that thing. ......"


Ataru, who had noticed this, shot out the cores of several golems in front of him, then focused his sights on the giant golem and fired a bullet to blow its head off. The giant golem was so focused on giving instructions to the golems that it didn't seem to notice that it had become a target.


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Taking full advantage of the opening, the bullet went straight for the giant golem's head, hitting it perfectly.


"What the hell?"


However, with a jolt of its large head, the bullet was easily deflected. Ataru's eyes widened at the unexpected turn of events.


The giant golem was overwhelmingly stronger than the other golems due to the different material of its surface layer, so the bullet he had just fired could not pierce it.


"Damn, not only is it big, but the material is even special."


As Ataru was trying to calculate in his head which bullets would work, the golems that had been instructed to protect the giant golem gathered together to form a wall.


The wall was so thick that Ataru's bullets could not penetrate it. The giant golem, judging Caro's abilities to be high, instructed the golems to head for Caro in multiples instead of just one.




As multiple attacks that had been poorly coordinated came at her at the same time, Caro was unable to avoid them and was sent flying backwards by a golem's fist.


She had been able to avoid a direct hit because she had quickly blocked it with her weapon, and she had also jumped backwards to soften the impact at the moment of impact, which had reduced the power considerably.




"It's okay, there's almost no damage!"


Caro immediately reported her condition in response to Ataru's call, which was mixed with a bit of panic.


The condition of the two of them had hardly changed, but the fight was now becoming more and more intense.


"...... This is not good."

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Since several golems were being used as shields, their attacks could not reach the giant golem that was the main target. And even after defeating the golems in the foreground, the foothold was blocked by those that had stopped moving, and more golem reinforcements were coming from behind one after another.


"Ataru-sama, what should we do?"


Caro, who had rushed over to Ataru, was also feeling frustrated with the current situation. It's not that they can't be defeated, but it's the fact that with so many of them coming at them one after the other, they're going to reach their limits at some point.


"We'll pull ....... Once we've taken out the ones in front, we'll make a dash for the back."[2]


(Garden: Please read original at https: //sites . google . com /view/shadowgardentl/home just remove the spaces!)


Caro nodded at Ataru's judgment with a slightly regrettable expression, and when she* ran quickly, she* attacked the golem in front of her* with all her* might.[3]


Ataru shot bullets into a nearby golem to cover Caro. Even so, he did not stop his attack, even though he was trying to time it right.


"Caro, come!"


At Ataru's sudden call, Caro ducked down and started running backwards as fast as she could. What she was instructed to do was run. As such, she didn't stop as she passed Ataru.


Ataru, who still hadn't moved, shot a few shots into the ceiling to block the way and then followed Caro.


"Well, the request was successful, but things are looking pretty bad."


With a bitter look on his face at this unexpected situation, he thought that he would not be able to avoid reporting it to the guild.


Whether it was because they blocked the way or because they gave up chasing, but the golems didn't seem to be chasing them and they were able to reach the entrance safely.


"Hahaha, Ataru-sama, are you okay?"


Caro asks Ataru, who appears out of breath from running as fast as he can, even though he is very strong.

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"Oh, I'm fine. More importantly, it looks like the golems are coming from further back than where the giant golem is."


Ataru, on the other hand, didn't waste a breath and said plainly as he looked back at the cave they had just come out of.


"Oh my God, you guys are safe!"


The man who had helped them in front of the cave, who had called out to them there, was dutifully guarding Ataru's and Caro's carriage. Then he noticed that they had come out and rushed over to them.


"Hmm? Oh, you've been waiting for us. But the inside of the cave was bad, no wonder they got wiped out. That big one was especially bad."


Ataru, who hadn't expected him to really take care of the horse, was surprised, but spoke as he remembered. The man was surprised to hear that, as if he was impressed.


"You made it to that thing? You must have been pretty far back. ...... You guys are amazing."


"What we found out when we fought was that it was that giant golem that was leading the other golems. It’s because the other golems were attacking us at its direction when it noticed us, and it also used the other golems as shields to prevent me from attacking it. ......"[4]


Remembering the hard-fought battle, Ataru was troubled by the danger of the giant golem.


"Even you couldn't beat him......."


"It's not a problem when it's one-on-one, but it's tough when you're outnumbered. And besides, there were ordinary golems coming one after the other from behind that giant golem."


Caro, who had regained her breath after Ataru's statement, nodded her head repeatedly.


"So, what are you gonna do? Are you going to report this?"


Ataru thinks for a moment at the question from the man who was terrified by their story.


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"I think we should report it to ....... We'll get paid for what we've done, but if we don't tell them about the dangers of this cave, there'll be a lot more like your party."


The annihilation of several parties. This was a significant loss in terms of human casualties, and also a pretty bad loss for the guild as it lost a bunch of manpower.


" Well, I think it's better to do that as soon as possible. I think it's better to do it as soon as possible, because some people will think that competing with other parties will reduce the annihilation rate. I think everyone knows we're here because of the commotion. ......"[5]


Caro's prediction, with her ears drooping with worry, was largely correct, and there were adventurers in town discussing whether to go for the golem's core. In the city, there were adventurers in the guild discussing whether to go for the golem's core.


"'Then we'll go right back. ...... you want a ride?"


After untying the carriage from the tree, Ataru made quick preparations for departure, and then, as if remembering, he called out to the man as well.


"Are you sure? By all means!"


He was momentarily surprised by the fact that he had not expected to be approached, but the man hurried to get into the carriage before Ataru changed his mind.


The carriage started to run, but unlike the one that had gone before, the return trip was a little hurried with the addition of one person.



(Garden’s corner: I had a hard time with this chapter, but I think I did a good job here. ¾ chapter today.)


(Garden: Please read original at https: //sites . google . com /view/shadowgardentl/home just remove the spaces!)


[Translators note’s~]


[1] Could use some help with this sentence since I have a hard time edit/TLing walls of text like this.

[2] Yeah, I honestly don’t know…. Could use some help: 「……引くぞ、手前のやつらを倒したら後ろに向かってダッシュだ」

[3] Don’t know if its he/she or what…. 少し悔しさのにじむ表情で下したアタルの判断にぐっと表情を引き締めたキャロは頷き、素早く駆け出すと目の前のゴーレムに全力で攻撃を繰り出していく。

[4] 「戦ってみてわかったのは、他のゴーレムを統率してるのがあの巨大ゴーレムだってことだな。俺たちに気付いたあいつの指示で他のゴーレムが襲いかかってきていたし、俺の攻撃を防ごうと他のゴーレムを盾代わりにもしていたからな……」

[5] 「そうですね、それもなるべく早いほうがいいと思います。他のパーティと競合したほうが、全滅率が下がると考える方も出てくるでしょうから。私たちがここに来てるのは、騒ぎになったせいでみなさんに知れ渡ってると思いますし……」

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