The next morning

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After breakfast, they headed for the guild with the carriage.


"I thought I was early, but I guess everyone's already here."


There were several carriages and adventurers gathered there in addition to Ataru and Caro.


"The higher the rank, the more they take care of these things, right?"


Caro, who was puzzled, seemed to have thought the same thing as Ataru and was surprised by the scene in front of her. The fact that adventurers had an image of being somewhat loose was what made them think so.


"Oh, there you are."


The man who approached them was the one who had spoken to them at the inn yesterday. Even though it was early in the morning, he had a fresh smile on his face.


"......You're the guy who talked to me yesterday."


Ataru said curtly, without seeming to take offense, saying, "You're a pain in the ass". Yesterday, Caro was wary of the man trying to figure out what kind of person he was, but today she doesn't seem particularly frightened and modestly bows her head in a greeting.


"Haha, you remembered me, huh? Great!"


The man didn't seem to be particularly bothered by Ataru and responded with a fresh smile that even made Ataru feel dazzled. The man is so friendly that he even waves to Caro, while Ataru gives him a disgruntled look, thinking that the man seems to be in high spirits even in the morning.


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"Over there is the rest of my party. Please take care of them today."


As he looked in the direction he was pointing, two women in a carriage noticed them, and lightly bowed their heads.


"A party of three. It seems like your rank is quite high, judging from your equipment."


The man chuckled at Ataru's remark as he instantly sized up their party.


"It appears you have a high rank too, judging the quality of your equipment at a glance."


Smiling warily, he sensed the unique aura that Ataru and Caro gave off and judged it as that of a formidable foe.


"I am a B-rank and Caro is a D-rank. It's not that high, is it?"


The man's eyes widened in surprise at Ataru's simple answer. From his reaction yesterday, he had expected that Ataru's answer would be more subtle or deceiving.


"I'm not sure if you can tell me my rank. Even so, B and D...... seem like they should be higher, but do you receive fewer requests or something?"


Ataru was surprised when the man pointed out the exact same thing to him. Behind his fresh and friendly smile, there was an observant eye that showed his experience as an adventurer.


"Well done. I hope you get some results out of this request, and that it goes up a bit."


"I'm sure you two will be fine. I'm Klaus, the leader of the A-ranked party, Thunder Lance*. I'll introduce you to my friends some other time when I get a chance."[1]


After smiling and saying only his name, Klaus went back to the party. When he returned, he saw two women in a carriage saying something to him and smiling.

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"...... Those guys are strong, huh."


Ataru sensed this not from his A-rank title, but from his manner and relaxed expression.


It was Caro who had been watching their surroundings the whole time Ataru and Klaus had been talking, so she had sensed their strength in a completely different part of the world than she was.


After the two of them had been watching the other adventurers for a while, Flaria appeared from the adventurer's guild, probably because it was time. Unlike when she was at the guild, she was wearing armor and had a sword on her hip.


(Please read original at https: //sites . google . com /view/shadowgardentl/home just remove the spaces!)


"Thank you all for coming so early in the morning for this request. We're going to take down the golems that have appeared in large numbers, as well as investigate the cause and eliminate it. That's what we're going to do. I'll be accompanying you on this mission, so basically, I want you to work under my instructions!"


The adventurers listened in silence as Flaria spoke in a clear, crisp voice, and no one above the B-rank had any objections to her message.


She knew that since this was a request for a large group of people, if each one of them did whatever they wished, they would not be able to perform to their full potential and they could end up in a critical situation.


"I'd like to leave as soon as all parties are here, is that okay?"


As she looked around at the members gathered in front of the guild, each of those present nodded in response to her question.


In the meantime, the receptionist was checking the list against the members to make sure that everyone was present and reporting back to Flaria.


"All right, then, let's go! I want Ataru and Caro in the lead."


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Flaria then led the way, naming the two people who had reported on the request and sent them ahead. The other party was informed in advance, and it was decided that it would be better to have someone who knew the situation of the golems in the lead.


As if on cue, Ataru nodded toward Caro, and she, who was on the driver's seat, took control of the carriage. As the carriage slowly started to move, the rest of the party began to follow suit.


"But we still have a long way to go before we reach the mountain, so we don't have to be the first to go. ......"


Ataru mumbled a little unhappily so that no one would hear, but Caro, who was nearby, heard him, and she chuckled.


There were times when monsters appeared on the road to the mountains, but they were all defeated by Ataru firing at them from the top of the wagon.


The scene was visible to the rest of the party following behind, but no one could understand what Ataru was doing or how he was defeating them, was it a new magic? Was it a new magic or a weapon no one had ever seen before? They gossiped to each other. There was plenty of room to talk as they wished, as the monsters did not approach the carriage thanks to Ataru's work.[2]


But Klaus, who couldn't help but be curious, approached him and tried to find out what it was.


"Hey, hey, can I talk to you for a second?"


Riding alone on his horse, he approached Ataru's carriage and called out to him.


"By the way, I'm not going to explain anything about my method of attack. ...... So, what the hell are do you want to talk about?"


Ataru, who was aware of the approaching presence, thought it was probably a question about his gun and decided to kill the question first, not intending to answer.


"Ugh, no, it’s ...... nothing."


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When he couldn't say what he was going to ask, a stammering Klaus staggered back to his party. Behind him, he could hear the women in the party scolding him for being curious and going ahead alone.


"Well, of course you're interested in this ......, but I don't want you to find out about this because you won't understand anything."


If they found out that he was using a weapon that they didn't understand, they would ask him where it came from and how he was using it, and it was obvious that they would ask a lot of questions. Even so, Ataru had no intention of handing over his beloved gun to anyone, and he had no intention of changing his weapon, as he wanted to use it to survive in this world.[3]


"Ataru-sama's weapon is the only one of its kind. ...... If you have to answer, maybe you should tell him that it is against the rules of generations to talk in detail about the weapon that is handed down from one generation to the next. I'm sure they'll be happy to hear that answer."


"I see."


Caro's idea of misleading hadn't occurred to Ataru, who had only been thinking about how to avoid the question or get away with not saying anything, so it came easily to him. Ataru smiled back at Caro, who told him with a mischievous smile.


"Thank you, Caro. I think I'll stick with that option."


"No, no, no, I'm glad I could be of help."


As Ataru, who was otherwise unassuming, thanked her frankly, Caro hurriedly made up her mind not to reveal her inner happiness that was welling up inside her.



(Please read original at https: //sites . google . com /view/shadowgardentl/home just remove the spaces!)


(Garden’s corner: Sorry about this being late, I was procra— Tried I was tried yep, 100%..... Have a great rest of your day!)


[1] I had a vote on the discord to choose the name. You can join the discord for a chance to decide on what to call thing, every so often.

[2] This one was a real bitch to translate…

[3] I really just hate translating all these long ass sentences…

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