Episode 64

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TL/ED: Garden



(Please read original at https: //sites . google . com /view/shadowgardentl/home just remove the spaces!)


"Well, Ataru-san seems to have a lot of knowledge, so I think I'll turn to Caro-san for an explanation."


Franphilia, who turned to Caro to cover up her impatience, decided to leave Ataru out of it for now. When Ataru realized that he was still in the classroom, his interest seemed to wander to the books on the bookshelves lining the walls.


"Yes! Please!"


Caro, who straightened her back, was very determined not to miss a single word.


"Magic is the act of giving form to magical power and releasing it. The most important thing to remember is the image. For example, if you use fire magic and you are thinking about water, you will not be able to activate it successfully."


Caro had a pen and paper ready on the table in front of her, so she took down some notes.


"And the role of chanting or magic circle is to assist the image, as Ataru-san said. In the case of chanting, the words have a function and make it easier to produce an image. Likewise, in the case of a magic circle, the letters drawn on it have a function, which helps to activate it."


In reality, there were more detailed rules and problems, but this was enough for Caro to understand.


"Um ......, do weapons and such that have attributes also assist in their activation?"


"That's a good question. For example, a flame sword or an ice staff, these weapons have different roles depending on their use."


Franphilia smiled and answered Caro's question with a modest raise of her hand.


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"First of all, a flame sword is primarily a weapon for slashing enemies. For example, it is useful when fighting against ice and water demons. On the contrary, ice staffs are not designed for directly striking enemies, but rather for increasing the power of magic by making it easier to channel ice attribute magic power through them."


Caro was amazed to hear this analogy, imagining it in her own mind.


"But if I use fire magic through the medium of a flame sword, it will be more effective and easier to produce, right?"


"Ugh. ...... That's right. Although it's not the primary use, it can be used that way. ......"


Franphilia drops her shoulders in a sharp plunge, at Ataru's words.


"No, I just wanted to make sure. Sorry to interrupt your discussion, you were explaining it to Caro in a way that was easy for her to understand in the first place."


Ataru, realizing that now was the time intended for Caro, apologized to her face as he huffed.[1]


"No, no, no, you're more than welcome to ask questions. I'll continue here now. ...... In other words, using such things to reinforce the image makes it easier to activate the magic. I have prepared a magic wand for both of you today, so let's go to the backyard. From here, we'll have a practical class."


Franphilia was a little distracted by Ataru's pace, but she managed to get back on track and move on to the next step while adjusting the position of her glasses.[2]




As they were led into the backyard, there were several magic wands ready for use, just as they had talked about beforehand. Franphilia looked at them all, thinking about what they were, and then picked up the one in her hands.


"I think this would be good for you, Caro-san."


It was a slightly smaller wand with a green gem on the tip.


"Oh, it's so beautiful! Then I won't hesitate to borrow it!"


Caro's eyes sparkled as she carefully picked up the cane and gazed at it, focusing on the jeweled tip.

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"No, no, you can have that one. It's my parting gift to an adventurer with a bright future."


"Eh? Is it okay for me to take such an expensive item?"


Caro, who thought she was only going to borrow it, panicked and Franphilia nodded with a smile at her adorable appearance.




Caro's ears flapped with excitement as she clutched the magic wand that was now hers to her chest.


(Please read original at https: //sites . google . com /view/shadowgardentl/home just remove the spaces!)


"Here's one for you, Ataru-san."


The next one offered to Ataru was a little larger than Caro's, and the jewel on the tip was red in color.


"Thank you. This is ...... a fire wand. As the color of the wand suggests Caro's is a wind wand."


It was hard to tell at first glance, but Ataru's expression seemed to loosen up with happiness as he held the wand in his hand in gratitude.


However, Franphilia was once again amazed at Ataru's ability to hit the mark, even though she had not explained the attributes and colors.


"Well, that's that. Now then, both of you, come this way. Do you see that target over there?"


Franphilia, who was momentarily worried about what she could teach, pointed in the direction of the target to hide something. There stood several wooden dummies.


"Are we using that as a target?"


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"That's right. Before that, I will show you an example. Next, I'll explain how to activate it, so please pay close attention."


After resuming her teacher mode, Franphilia moved to the front of the target. The distance to the target was about fifteen meters.


"Fire Flaming Arrow!"[3]


With these words, a flaming arrow appeared and headed straight for the target, piercing it sharply. Where the flames had disappeared, you could see a charred circle.


"That's about it, isn't it? The important thing is to use the word "Flaming Arrow" and to strongly imagine that the "Flaming Arrow" will actually come out. Now, please stand in front of the target, both of you."


Franphilia turned around and urged the two of them to stand in front of a target. The moment they were about to use their magic, they both felt their heart pounding.


"First of all, be aware of the magical power flowing inside your body. Then, let magical power flow through the wand so that it can be transmitted to the target. Once you have this image, point the tip of the wand at the target. And say the same words I just said."


The two of them let the magic flow into the wand, following Franphilia’s explanation carefully. The jewel on the tip of the wand begins to glow faintly.


"Fire Flaming Arrow!"


And Caro is the first to chant. Then, a flaming arrow shoots out from the tip of her wand. The first time the magic was activated, I was filled with emotion and excitement.


"Yikes! Ah, ...... it didn't make hit."


But the arrow didn't reach the target, and it dropped, stalling on the way. And she wondered if it was because she had lost control of her magic before it reached the ground, and the flames dissipated.


"I see, the weaker the image, the lower the performance of the arrow. Then I'll ...... Fire 【Flaming Arrow】!"


Ataru, who was watching Caro while circulating the magic, thought about how to succeed and chanted while imagining a blazing fire. Then an arrow that is several times larger than the one that Caro shot is created.


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And then, as commanded, the arrow headed straight for the target with vigor, and pierced it with a thud.


"Oh, it hit."


Ataru was impressed by the fact that his first magic hit the target, but Franphilia, who was watching, was astonished.


"No way to hit the target from the very first shot,......, and the target is on fire,......."


The target prepared was wooden, but the magic power was suppressed to avoid the danger of the magic going out of control, so the flaming arrows were supposed to disappear as soon as they hit the target.


However, Ataru's arrow has not disappeared yet, but rather continues to burn the target with a swallowing momentum.


"Oh, maybe that was a bad idea? Hey ...... Franphilia, can you do something about that?"


"Ha! That's right, unleash Water Bombardment!


Reemerging from her thoughts, she hurriedly unleashed a water magic that was powerful enough to swallow the flaming arrows with its target. The target, which was heavily covered with water, was burnt black and no longer retained its original form.


Everybody was relieved that the flames were finally extinguished, but this led to Ataru being banned from magic for the rest of the day.[4]


(Please read original at https: //sites . google . com /view/shadowgardentl/home just remove the spaces!)


(Garden’s corner: Only……. 11 chapters more…. This is really fun definitely didn’t procrastinate till only 5 five days before Christmas nope…. Couldn’t be me….. nope.)


[1] I don’t exactly know if it’s She or He here.

[2] As someone who where’s glasses, I think that it’s too little she’s adjusting her glasses. I have to adjust mine at least once every two minutes or so.

[3] Tried something new here, hope you guys like it. Please say if not in the comments.

[4] Kinda imagining Ataru siting in a seiza.

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