"Phew, done. Now you're my slave.

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"Don't fuck with me!"


The Black Merchant shouted angrily as Aig stood up and smugly announced that he had finished the work. The Black Merchant scowled at Aig, saying it was impossible, because it was different from the way he knew how to do it.


"Shut up!




The Black Merchant was unable to open his mouth when Aig's eyes narrowed and he told him to shut up. No matter how hard he tried to shout, he could not make a sound and only let out a gasp.


"It looks like you succeeded."


"It's amazing. I've heard that contract magic is supposed to be difficult!"


When Ataru came near Aig, he muttered in admiration, to which an excited Caro responded.


"He's always been good at everything he does, y'know?"


Anzam, who knew about Aig's past, said it as if it was nothing, but inwardly he was as happy as he was that he was being praised.


"Well, that's something, isn't it? He should be taken back to hear my orders. Then we can hand him over to the guards of one of the cities."


Ataru, Caro and Anzam nodded in agreement with Aig's suggestion.


"Then, let's head there in our carriage. I think we'll be able to manage to get in with this many people. It's not easy to take all the others with us, so I'm sorry, but we'll have to leave them here."


Then Ataru and the others got into the carriage. Even the Black Merchant, who looked uncomfortable, could not disobey the orders of Aig, who had become his master, and meekly got on the carriage while tied up.

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As Ataru and the others rode through the forest in their carriage, they could feel the signs of monsters and animals gradually returning.


"It looks like the forest is going back to normal."


"It looks like. Good."


Ataru and Caro were on guard duty, looking at the forest that was regaining its tranquility and talking to each other.


"But what was that monster? It looked and moved like nothing out of the ordinary."


"I've never heard of a monster like that. ...... Have you two heard anything about it?"


Caro turned around and questioned Aig and Anzam behind her.


"I haven't, no. That's the first time I've seen or heard of anything like it before."


Anzam, shaking his head loosely, replied that he hadn't seen or heard of anything like it. Then all eyes were on Aig. Since he knows a lot of things. That's what they thought.


" ...... I can think of one thing, but I don't know if it's the same thing as the monster from earlier."


"What the hell kind of story is that?"


Ataru asked Aig, who was implying that he wasn't sure, to repeat his queries as if it was okay.


"I'm not sure if this story refers to that monster or not. I'm going to talk about it on top of that, but I heard that there is a place in this world called the 【Devil's Grove】. It is said that there are monsters there that are not found in the places we live."


Ataru looked at Caro as Aig spoke, but she shook her head as if she didn't know.

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"It is natural that you do not know. This story is an old tale in our elven village. When we scold small children, we tell them that if they misbehave, we will throw them into the Devil's Grove. I thought it was just a legend."


(Please read original translation on


That was what Aig knew. When he was young, he didn't believe in its existence, but now that he had seen that monster, he could see that it might have been true.


"I see. What are the characteristics of the monsters in the Devil's Grove?"


Ataru continued with his questions.


"It is said that they do not exist on earth, and that their strength is unparalleled."


Ataru's brow furrowed as he heard this.


"So, the forest is ......."


After muttering that, Ataru looked up at the sky in a daze. Caro also looked up, but the sky was only clear and blue.


"It's a good assessment. That's probably true, an elven scholar told me. However, few would go along with such a wild story of something in the sky, and it seems that the research was eventually put to rest."


Aig shrugged his shoulders, but Ataru was still thinking about the possibility of it .......


"I guess there are still some interesting things in this world."


This was as far as the story went, but smiling happily, Ataru muttered in a voice small enough that no one could hear.


It was only a few hours later that they left the forest.


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"So, we want to head to the city for now. ...... Which way should we go?"


At the end of the forest, there was a wide plain with three roads running through it. Ataru, who was not familiar with geography, stopped the carriage and asked Aig, who seemed to be familiar with the area.


"The road on the right must have led to a small village. I don't think there's much else to see, just a village. I think there was a cave at the end of the road to the left."


"What about the last one?"


The last central road, where it connects to. Anzam explained in place of Aig, who for some reason remained silent.


"The middle road leads to a large city, as I recall. It's the last city before you enter the Elven Kingdom1."


As the city was connected to his hometown, Aig had some thoughts about it. Anzam gently pats Aigu on the shoulder as if to cheer him up, his expression a little gloomy.


"Then let's hand over the Black Merchant in the city there."


Caro then suggested this with a smile, not even reading the atmosphere.


"Well, I guess it's okay if we tell them what happened. But still, it's exciting to be in a new city. I hope there's anything delicious to eat."


Ataru got on board and began to discuss the matter. It was something he had actually been thinking about, and he hoped it would take his mind off of it.


"I don't know what it was. I believe there was a speciality ...... Aig, do you remember it?"


Yes, I think it was a soup made with beans. They are not just beans, but they are grown in a special way so that they have a very rich and a very sweet taste to them."


Aig's expression softened as he remembered the taste of the soup, as he had also liked it when, he was asked about it.


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"I'm looking forward to it for sure. Let's go around and see if we can find something else that tastes good."


"Speaking of which, where are you two headed?"


While listening to the conversation, Ataru and Caro seemed to be planning a slow trip, so Aig asked Ataru a question.


"We're going to the Beastman Kingdom2, you see. We thought we'd visit Caro's hometown once."


"That's a long way to go. I was born here though, and I've never been there."


Anzam said with pride, though it was nothing to be proud of. Everyone smiled because it was funny.


"I've never been there. ...... I wonder what kind of place it is."


Caro's eyes suddenly became distant, as if she was thinking about her hometown. Ataru gently strokes her head.


"It's not like we're in a hurry, so we're going to take our time and enjoy the ride."


Hearing this, Aig agreed. It was a long way, but he was sure they would make it.


"I'm sure that you'll get there. Once we've found a place to stay, I'll give you a little lesson in magic. That's the least I can do."


Aig's offer to help them was more than the two who had just learned magic could ever hope for.


Translator’s note:


[1] Decide to change too Kingdom, since I don’t remember what I used before.

[2] Same as above^


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