43.1 The Whore’s Secret

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Due to the fact that she was about to stay in the same room as Nian Bing, Xue Jing’s heart rate shot upwards at an alarming rate. Although she liked Nian Bing, she knew that as a young lady, staying in the same room as him was inappropriate. Still, she was hesitant because she felt that this was an opportunity that she did not want let go of.  Now, because they were staying in separate rooms, Nian Bing and Xue Jing both released a breath. There was still however, some hope left in her heart.

“Nian Bing, then what about you? If I stay in your room then what will you do?”

Nian Bing gave a little smile and replied, “Don’t worry about me. I will just rest on the sofas in the main hall for tonight.”

Xue Jing glared violently at the night guard. With a snort, she went up the stairs.

Seeing Xue Jing go, the guard spoke to Nian Bing, “People are not allowed to stay in the main hall. If you want to stay here, please come again in the morning. I am closing the door now, so I request that you leave.”

Nian Bing went blank. He wrinkled his brows and asked, “Are you targeting me? I have not committed any offence against you.”

The guard said coldly, “I am just following the rules. Please leave.”

Naturally, Nian Bing could not lower himself to the level of this ordinary citizen. Helpless to do anything, he could only once again exit the Orchid Fragrance Inn.

It was late at night, and Nian Bing could not help but shiver as the cool October wind blew. He hurried to mobilize the fire element to wrap around his body and immediately felt more comfortable. Although the night was cold, the lack of Xue Jing’s presence allowed him to unwind his mind.

For Xue Jing to have secretly run away from home to find me confirms that she has feelings for me! Xue Jing likes me, and moreover, she is not as weak as Long Ling. If she wants to always be with me, what will happen on the road to the capital of the Profound Orchid Empire? Things that are outside of my control are really troublesome. I probably do not have any feelings for Xue Jing, but I definitely have some sort of longing. In front of beautiful girls, could I still remain so cold? Very difficult, very difficult.

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Besides his mother, Nian Bing only had one woman’s figure held deep in his heart. Towards Long Ling he felt pity, towards Luo Rou, admiration. Towards Xue Jing, although he still held fear of her crazy hysteria, there was definitely nothing that had evolved into love. Therefore, he he did not want to be in contact with these three girls for an extended period of time. Even if he did not sink into it, if Xue Jing’s feelings for him deepened, it would be hard to resolve things. He could not hit her or chase her away.

Having thought this, Nian Bing’s thoughts took a sudden turn and started thinking of a suitable method.

Suddenly, his heart thumped. Why did Xue Jing like me? Maybe it was because my appearance attracted her. If I could make her see some of my weak points, perhaps her feelings towards me would grow colder. Xue Jing is a girl who jumps from love to hate. Moreover, her temper is also similarly volatile. Xue Jing, sorry, but I have to do this. 

With a strange expression on his face, Nian Bing walked through the darkness. Soon he found his destination. At this time of night, there was probably only one kind of store that would not have closed its doors. That was – a brothel.

“Oh, mister, have you come to play? Although it is a bit late now, we have plenty of ladies here.” A thirty to forty-year-old heavily made up female bawd1 invited Nian Bing in.

This was a medium-sized brothel. When he entered, the strong smell of cosmetics assaulted Nian Bing’s nose and made his head spin. He could not help but feel flustered; he had zero experience with brothels. He did not even know in what the purpose of brothels were. After all, when Zha Ji was teaching him culinary arts, the former could not introduce to him to brothels. He just knew of their existence and had once heard people talking about it once on the streets of Ice and Snow City.

It was a wife and husband couple. The husband was like a beaten up, moldy eggplant as he was cursed out by his wife. From their dialogue, Nian Bing gathered that the husband had gone to the place called a brothel, which his wife could not tolerate. It was extremely frightening when he recalled that scene. If murder was not a capital offence, he was sure that the wife would’ve used a kitchen knife to cut her husband to death. Afterwards, he had asked Long Ling what sort of place a brothel was. He had never seen Long Ling have a temper before, but right then, she had told him to get out with a red face. From then on, Nian Bing guessed that this was a place on the fringes that men liked and women hated. While he was travelling, he had passed some brothels so he was able to distinguish the building.

With a somewhat embarrassed cough, Nian Bing looked into the glittering eyes of the bawd. He said, “Is there a place where I can stay here?” When he had heard that couple arguing before, he had heard the wife curse the husband for staying out all night at the brothel. Presumably, a brothel was somewhere where people could stay.

Normally, Nian BIng’s ordinary clothes would not be able to attract the attention of the bawd, but his looks were too handsome. They even made the bawd’s heart. She thought, If I could sleep a night with such a handsome fellow, it would be worth it to pay instead of getting paid.

“Stay? Of course there is. Only, I don’t know how sir would like to stay here! Ladies, a guest has arrived. Come and greet the guest.”

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It was late at night. The majority of the whores, if they hadn’t already had a guest, were preparing to go to sleep. When they heard the bawd’s summons, the whores without guests could not ignore it. Each of them came downstairs looking at the main hall with sleepy vision. But when their gazes fell on Nian Bing, all of the whores stopped what they were doing.

Nian Bing suddenly shuddered with his entire body. He looked at the seven or eight young women who had come from upstairs. Each of them were wearing flimsy clothing, their arms and thighs for the most part, exposed. Some were missing the front part of their clothes, exposing their full tits. He had not entered society for very long, so he had never seen such an alluring scene before. He immediately felt his blood start to boil over and his heart beat faster.

The whores finally responded. To use the world “flocked” would be the most appropriate to describe how, in only an instant, they surrounded Nian Bing. It seemed like they had martial art skills. Their thirsty gazes and seductive posture were arousing.

“Sir, come to my room. I am the famed pure beauty.”

“Who’s a pure beauty. Sir, you see how big I am here? Come, and tonight I will definitely look after you well. If not, I will give you an twenty percent discount, how about that?”

“Twenty percent? Sir, I will give you a forty percent discount, how’s that? I’m so lonely tonight.”

Sweat, cold sweat trickled down Nian Bing’s forehead. Even when he faced off against the Golden-Backed Land Dragon King, Nian Bing had not felt this nervous. He suddenly realized that his idea was no good. Such an erotic place made a beginner like him sink into endless embarrassment. What to do? What should I do now? While thinking this, he was unable to say anything. Looking at the blushing women, he found that he was covered in a layer of goosebumps. Heavens! God! Save me

“Okay, okay. No need to squabble ladies. Let the mister pick himself. Sir, who will you pick?” The bawd had seen much of the world. One look at Nian Bing’s embarrassed face, and she knew that this was the first time he came to this kind of place. If it were another person, she would be too lazy to pay attention. Since Nian Bing was handsome enough to  actually tempt her, however, she took the initiative to help him out of his predicament.

The bawd directed the girls to stand in an orderly line. She stuck herself to Nian Bing’s side and rubbed her ample chest on his arm. “Sir, which girl would you like to choose? If none of them catch your eye, then how about me?”

Nian Bing lowered his head to look at the bawd he was forced to admit that this thirty-year-old bawd had charm not inferior to any of the other girls. Moreover, she had much more experience. Her ample, brag-worthy figure in particular made blood rush to Nian Bing’s nose. Heavens, this was a brothel? All of his intelligence seemed to disappear as he dumbly asked, “Th-this, how much does it cost to stay here for a night?”

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Nian Bing’s simple appearance made the bawd’s heart itch, but she was unable to scratch it. Certain parts of her body started to change. “Whether you have money or not, for Sir to grace our establishment is our honor. If at any time you feel like choosing someone, there are many of us living here. You can pick as you wish.”

“Keke2, then please give me an empty room. I will give you as much money as you wish. After staying a night, I will go.” Nian Bing’s words immediately garnered smiles from the women. The bawd kneaded the firm muscle in his forearm. “Oh, Mister, could it be that you do not fancy the girls here? For those who come here, why would we have a rule that says you must sleep alone! You should pick one to accompany you.”

“Why is it so noisy. Mama, you haven’t shut the doors when it’s this late? No guest will come.” A voice languidly called down from upstairs. Although it was speaking in a rebuke, one had to admit that her voice was extremely tempting.

The faces of the whores and the bawd next to him all changed. One of the whores mumbled to herself, “It’s done, it’s done. She has come and now this premium virgin definitely won’t be mine.”

Nian Bing directed to his gaze to the upper floor. He could only see a girl wearing a pink dress walk down from upstairs. Her figure was well-proportioned and fully developed, and her fair and pretty face only bore a smattering of make-up. An elegant fragrance was emitted from her body. She seemed to be a bit tired as she rested her hands on the railing as she descended the stairs. Her eyebrows creased, making people feel a different kind of beauty. Her appearance had immediately silenced all the girls. Although she was not an absolute beauty like Feng Nu, her looks were also top-quality.

The bawd sighed internally and smiled apologetically at Nian Bing. “Sir, as you see, this our queen of flowers3. Although she is a bit high-maintenance, she is definitely worth it! Ru Yi, a guest has come.”

The girl lifted her head slightly. When her hazy gaze and Nian Bing’s clear eyes met, her beautiful, large eyes immediately gleamed. Unlike the other prostitutes who had lost themselves before, she slowly descended. On her pretty face, her smile blossomed like a hundred flowers. She walked up to Nian Bing and said, “Hello Mister. My name is Ru Yi.”

Nian Bing had already gradually become used to the atmosphere here. Unlike before he was not at a complete loss. He nodded his head slightly and said, “Hello.”

Ru Yi turned her head to the bawd. “Mama, today let Ru Yi entertain this Mister, okay?”

The bawd wanted to say no, but Ru Yi was the lead player of this whorehouse. A plurality of the guests who came here, came for her face. If she had to offend someone, it would not be this money tree! Hurriedly she replied, “Okay, of course it is okay. Ru Yi, bring this Sir to your room.”

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A single woman was easier to deal with than a gaggle of woman. Although Nian Bing still did not fully understand what a brothel did,  having an elegant maiden guide him gave him a more favorable impression. Going with her instead of a group of women wearing a lot of makeup was a lot better.

Ru Yi tugged on Nian Bing’s hand. The two people had different feelings at the same time. Ru Yi felt that Nian Bing’s slender hand was powerful but without callouses. His hand was very warm, but seemed to be as hard as steel. Nian Bing felt something else entirely. Although this was not the first time he had a girl hold his hand, Ru Yi gave him an entirely different feeling. Her hand was extremely soft, like it had no bone. What gave him the most deep impression was that her hand was ice cold. Her tiny hand was extremely supple, holding it was extremely comfortable.

Ru Yi did not say a word as they went up the stairs. She led him into the room on the far side of the corridor. The room was very large, decorated in things that were mostly pink. It was divided into an outer and inner room, but the inner room did not have a door separating it. Inside was a large bed, completely surrounded by curtains. The whole room gave off a special atmosphere.

“Please sit, Sir.” Ru Yi’s voice suddenly lost its previous gentleness. She tugged Nian Bing down next to the circular table in the outer room. She passed a cup of liquor to Nian Bing and sat next to him.

Nian Bing took a sip of the alcohol. A fiery sensation rose up from his belly, immediately calming his emotions. But still, he asked a dumb question. “Miss Ru Yi, there is only one bed here. Where will I sleep? Why do your rules here require go into a one-person room?”

Ru Yi went blank for a moment, lifting her head to look at Nian Bing. “We are a brothel.”

“I know.”

“Then why are you asking this kind of question?” Ru Yi’s eyes held a colder light.

Nian Bing forced a smile and said, “Honestly speaking, although I know this is a brothel, I don’t know what you do in a brothel. Can you tell me?”

Ru Yi replied bluntly, “So then, what do you do?”

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