Four Great Experts of the Phoenix Clan

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Lan Yu held onto Yu Ru Yan’s hand, Lan Xun held onto Ru Yi’s hand, and the five people all focused on Nian Bing.

Nian Bing inhaled deeply to calm his emotions. At this very moment, his heart was eerily still. He then flicked his right hand, and nine cucumbers appeared out of his space ring. He spaced them out evenly on the chopping board. For today’s meal, he didn’t just prepare his ingredients; he even had prepared the kitchen utensils he was going to use. A plate, one meter in diameter, appeared right after the nine cucumbers onto his left hand. He flicked his right and again, and like a pool of autumn water, Proud Sky appeared in his grasp, bringing with it its wind aura.

He smiled at the people standing in front of the stove. “Auntie Yu, you are most likely somewhat parched. My first dish is the embodiment of ice, and is also the dish I am most expert at in the set of the Ice and Fire Nine Layer Heavens–The Nine Mysterious Dragons Concealed in Clouds of Ice.”

The Proud Sky Knife danced swept across the chopping board gracefully and tossed the nine cucumbers into the air. Nian Bing set the giant plate onto the tabletop. The cucumbers fell onto the plate evenly. They were not quite a third of a meter, so they were somewhat in discord on the giant plate. Lightning fast, Nian Bing pinched one of the cucumbers. Proud Sky was about to move when urgent footsteps cut off his concentration. A Silver Feather cavalryman came running in.

“I am here to report.” The horseman knelt on one knee shifting the Duke and the others attention from Nian Bing.

“Speak,” commanded Lan Yu.

“Reporting to Lord Duke, four people have come calling themselves acquaintances of Madam. They requested audience.”

“Oh?” Lan Yu gave Yu Ru Yan a surprised look. NOrmally, very few people came to look for his wife. “What kind of people are they? Any special characteristics?”

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The cavalryman answered him respectfully. “There are two men and two women. The two women are very young, and they are also devastatingly beautiful. The two men are older, about seventy or eighty years in appearance. What’s particularly striking about them is that they are clothed all in red, like flames. The one who spoke was a woman. They should be warriors; all of them were carrying longswords. I could not sense their rank, but they cannot be weak; their aura was intense.”

No doubt this was someone from the Silver Feather Cavalry; his answer was extremely succinct, but he described the visitors thoroughly.

Yu Ru Yan’s expression changed. She said to Nian Bing, “Getting to eat your meal is not as simple as it seams. They have finally arrived. Nian Bing, you should go back and rest first; Auntie has something to take care of.”

Duke Lan Yu’s expression changed at the same time. “Ru Yan, are you saying these are the people from there?”

A cold light flashed in her eyes. “Yes, it’s definitely then. What other seventy, eighty-year-old men would wear red clothes. I know which four these are. When our first daughter was executed, the debt should have been settled. Yu ge, tell our people to back off.”

Lan Yu nodded and said to the cavalryman, “Let them in. Also pass down my order: without my consent, no matter what happens here on the training field, no one can interfere.”

“Yes, Lord Duke.” The cavalrymen stood up and left. Lan Yu turned to Lan Xun as well as Ru Yi and Ru Meng. “You are my children, not outsiders. You should be able to see what is the peak of a warrior. You should go over to the wall with Nian Bing. Remember, no matter what happens, you must not interfere. Got it?”

Lan Xun, Ru Yi, and Ru Meng, would unconditionally follow Lan Yu’s orders. They each made noises of agreement. Lan Xun pulled on Nian Bing, who was still holding Proud Sky Knife, over to the side of the yard. Nian Bing faintly sensed that something was going to happen; before going over to the side, he didn’t forget to put away his plate and cucumbers. He had made the resolution to repay Yu Ru Yan’s kindness with a meal; before that happened he would not leave.

The gates opened, and in the next moment, four Silver Feather Cavalrymen led in the four red-cad people. Just as that cavalryman had said, the four people were dressed entirely in red and carried identical swords. The two old men walked into view first. They were both tall and thin, their white hair set off by their red clothes. What was particularly strange was that they walked ramrod straight and their bodies were giving off an formless domineering aura. The oppressing aura, without further examination, was obviously not ordinary. The two were pretty similar looking; they should be brothers. Their cold faces were locked on Ru Yu Yan when they passed through the entrance.

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Behind the two old men were the two young girls. The girl on the left had a head of long, green hair. Paired with her red warrior clothes, she seemed to shine; it was extremely striking. Although red and green shouldn’t go very well together, for this girl, it was just a particular style for her. On top of that, she had a pair of dark green eyes, a face beautiful as a cool breeze and an extremely well-proportioned figure. She glided rather than walked, adding to the profound impression that she gave people. But though she was beautiful, she paled in comparison to the girl on her right.

The girl on the right looked to be a little younger. Her pink hair was neatly combed to hang behind her, bound by a blue hair binder in the middle. Her eyes were as azure as the sky and sparkled with hidden depth. A slender body was paired with her astonishingly beautiful legs, almost perfect without a single blemish. Out of everyone here, only Yu Ru Yan could manage to hold up against her. Yu Ru Yan had more charm, but lacked some of the youth of springtime.

The four cavalrymen stepped back quietly after they led them in, and Yu Ru Yan stepped forward to greet them, eyes full of killing intent.

“Feng Nu.” Nian Bing’s joy-filled voice broke through the deadly atmosphere on the training field. The pink-haired, red clad girl trembled all over her. When she saw Nian Bing, an electric shock ran through her. Faster than the eye could see, she ran over to Nian Bing. This girl really was Feng Nu, who he had parted from not long ago from the dragon’s cave.

“Nian Bing, Nian Bing, is it really you?” Her normally calm face had been moistened with tears. Her voice was choked up, and she was gripping Nian BIng’s hands tightly. She was trembling slightly due to excitement.

If Feng Nu was moved, how could Nian Bing not be? At this very moment, he could not see anyone else. He forgot everything else and spread open his arms, embracing Feng Nu tightly. That beautiful body was trembling slightly in his embrace. In this instant, Nian BIng felt his heart become impossibly felt. The only thing in his heart was Feng Nu; he could not stop the surge of his emotions. He knew that in this world, Feng Nu was the first person he had fallen in love with. If it was said his feelings contained some pity for Long Ling, then all he felt was pure, unadulterated love with Feng Nu. Senseless, defiant love. After going through life and death trials, both Nian Bing and Feng Nu carried each other in their hearts indescribably clearly. They embraced without minding anything else, feeling each other’s heartbeat.

Yu Ru Yan said coldly, “I’m not the only precedent in the Phoenix Clan. Feng Xu, Feng Kong, your control on your clansmen has become weak.”

A light sparked in the eyes of the elder on the left, whom Yu Ru Yan had called Feng Xu. A red light. “Feng Nu, what are you doing? Who is he?”

Feng Nu shuddered all over as she remembered where she was. She violently pushed Nian Bing away and turned to look at Feng Xu. Quietly she said, “Great Elder, Nian Bing is my friend. I told you about him.”

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The fire in Feng Xu’s eyes intensified. “Feng Nu, you must remember the clan laws. I don’t need your explanation. Now do it, kill him, and I will take it as nothing happened.”

Yu Ru Yan retorted fiercely, “Feng Xu, don’t forget, this is not your Phoenix Perch Mountain. This is my husband, the duke’,s residence. If you dare kill people here, don’t blame me for being impolite with the Phoenix Clan.”

Feng Xu replied back equally as coldly, “Little Yan, when your father passed away he gave you to us to raise. We did raise you and passed onto you the teachings of the Phoenix Clan, but you betrayed your kinsmen and our beliefs, and partnered with a human. Today not even you and your husband will be let off, not even to mention that boy. Feng Nu, why haven’t you done it yet?”

Since Feng Nu left his embrace, Nian Bing had snapped to. He carefully grasped the situation on the field, and after hearing Yu Ru Yan and the Phoenix Clan elder’s dialogue, he immediately understood much more. His respected Auntie Yu Ru Yan and Feng Nu were both members of the Phoenix Clan. She had left the Phoenix Clan for Duke Lan Yu. The elders had come here to cause trouble.

It was too laughable to imagine that the Phoenix Clan elders could make Feng Nu kill him. He smiled and looked at Feng Nu. “Are you going to kill me?”

Emotions overcame Feng Nu’s face. She suddenly moved, nearing Nian Bing again. She pressed her palm directly to Nian Bing’s chest. Nian Bing just felt a scorching air wrap around his body and he flew, tumbling over clouds, into the air. At the same time, he heard Feng Nu buzz in his ear like a mosquito. “Play dead, otherwise Elder won’t let you go. Our Phoenix Clan is not like the Fire Dragon People. You must not utter a single sound.” He slammed into the wall. Nian Bing’s body slowly slid to the ground At the moment of contact, the scorching air poured out from behind him and morphed into a cushion, preventing him from getting hurt.

Although Nian Bing was shocked, he was smart enough to know he should do as Feng Nu told him. When he slid to the ground, he closed his eyes and did not move.

Silver qi filled the air like smoke. Feng Nu suddenly felt like she was choking. Immediately, her heart filled with shock and she unsheathed Divine Heavenly Flame without hesitation, but she didn’t even have a chance to turn around. She appeared to be a red blur as she attempted to hold off the mountain-sized attack.

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Feng Xu bellowed loudly, “How brazen!”

Several explosions occurred in quick succession on the training field. Lan Yu faced off against the two Phoenix Clan elders at the center of the field. His chest heaved, his breathing uneven. Yu Ru Yan was already at Nian Bing’s side, checking the pulse in his wrist. Feng Nu coughed up blood, and was brought over to the side by Elder Feng Xu. Feng Xu and Feng Kong’s faces had turned to shock.

Elder Feng Kong’s eyebrows were creased slightly. “Little Yan, in the ten years I haven’t seen you, your strength has progressed greatly!”

Yu RU Yan did not pay heed to Elder Feng Kong. When she saw Nian Bing was fine, she reminded Lan Xun and the other two, “Protect Nian Bing. Remember what Lord Duke said; definitely do not interfere.” After this, she flashed away, almost instantaneously returning to her husband’s side. “It really has been ten years since I last saw you. If our first daughter had lived; she would have been almost nineteen.”

When he heard what Yu Ru Yan said, Lan Yu’s eyes brimmed with killing intent. The bloodlust and murderous intent sharpened and polished by the battlefield even alarmed the Phoenix Clan elders slightly.

Feng Xu said coldly, “It’s a pity, she’s already dead. Little Yan, you have avoided us for many years and had another child. Even if you were Great Elder’s daughter, you cannot violate our clan’s laws. Today we have come in order to settle this problem. If you kill the man next to you and turn over your daughter, I will not only permit you to return to the Phoenix Clan, I will also appoint you clan elder. You should know what a great honor that is.”

Yu Ru Yan’s eyes sparked coldly. “I indeed know. When I was young, becoming a Phoenix Clan elder was my goal. But now, none of that is important to me. I only know that you want to kill my daughter so you are my enemies. Ever since you killed my daughter, you cut off all connection between me and the Phoenix Clan. There is only hatred. In respect for you raising me and passing down the Phoenix Clan’s skills to me, I have not gone to seek revenge. I didn’t think that you would actually come here looking for a fight. Well fine then, since you want to finish it, then we shall. For you four, my husband and I are enough to get revenge for my daughter.”

She touched her lily-white hands to her waist, and a silver light resembling a nimble snake appeared. It was a meter long soft sword. It was silver. Yu Ru Yan lightly flicked her wrist, and the soft sword became ramrod straight. The sword pulsed with silver light. This was definitely a treasure sword.

Lan Yu also made his moved. He also touched his waist area and took out a soft sword. However, his soft sword was blue and it was a little thicker than Yu Ru Yan’s silver sword. The soft sword had stiffened up, and he pointed it at the two Phoenix Clan elders. “Come at me; you need not worry; Ru Yan and I will definitely secure victory.”

Feng Xu and Feng Kong’s eyes filled with red light. “Since it’s like that, there is no need for talking. Feng Nu and Feng Xiang, Soaring Nine Flames.” Fire red qi immediately filled the air. Feng Nu and the other young woman emitted Nine Flames qi. The two girls grunted at the same time and soared into the air in a streak of fire. At the same time, Feng Xu and Feng Kong took out their fire red swords. Their qi immediately turned silver, and they stepped forward at the same time with imposing might. Although the swords did not travel far, they emitted an ear piercing shriek. Obviously, qi lifted its limits.

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