The principle was simple. The three holes were connected. For a vigilant beast, after the first trap was triggered, its alertness and reaction would make it react quickly. Before it landed on the ground… It would be able to quickly step on the wall and leap up.

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At this time, the second hole would take effect. When it jumped up, there would be a moment of relaxation. At this time, its feet would be empty. It would basically not be able to react and fall into the trap.

There would be many barbs in the trap, killing or injuring the beasts.

If it was a high-level magical beast, they might have seen through the second trap. Their outstanding reaction speed would allow them to jump up again before falling down.

However, there was still a third hole waiting for them.

The third hole was on the side of the second hole. Usually, after these beasts broke through the second danger, they would definitely be aware of the danger and would not continue to dodge forward. Instead, they would choose to jump on both sides.

The structure of the second trap fully took into account the behavior habits of all kinds of beasts, thus forcing them to jump towards the side of the trap.

The third trap was interesting. Its structure was an inverted funnel so that the beast did not have any leverage points. Outstanding hunters would place a plant called ‘Eagle Claw Thorn’ in it.

This thorn had a numbing effect, but it was not poisonous. The more the beast struggled, the more it would be entangled by the thorn.

Usually, such a trap would be set in the path of some beasts to ensure that they would fall into the net.

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After Su Han set up the trap, he quietly activated the invisibility effect and floated to a big tree in front of him.

“His nose was stimulated by the Elk Root powder. He should be very angry, right?”

Su Han touched his stuffed nose and looked at the location of the trap. He muttered,  “After all, his nose is so sensitive… If I were him, I would also want to find that bastard immediately and eat him!”

“So, you have left the big group, right?”

Su Han looked at the purple Demon Wolf that was running towards him from the forest. Its huge body did not restrict its speed at all. The Wolf King sniffed its swollen nose and flew towards the big tree where Su Han was hiding.

Su Han said, “Three.”



The Wolf King stepped into the first trap. He suddenly felt that its feet were empty and its whole body started to fall. However, as a tier-3 Demon Wolf, its eyes showed disdain.

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It quickly stepped on the wall of the cave, borrowing force from left and right, and easily jumped out of the trap.

It was simply wishful thinking for such a low-level trap to catch it.

Its eyes were filled with contempt.

However, the moment it landed, it felt the air beneath its feet once again. The Wolf King was startled and its body fell down again. It saw many sharp barbs at the bottom of the cave, which was enough to injure it.

These damn humans!

The Wolf King immediately used the force from its left and right to avoid being stabbed to death. It was already vigilant in its heart. It knew that since there was a second trap waiting for it, there might be a third and fourth one in front of it.

It immediately adjusted the direction of the force to change its landing point from the front of the trap to the right side of the trap.

However, the moment it landed on the ground, its feet were empty again. At this moment, its attention was completely focused on the empty space in front of the trap. It did not expect that there was a trap on the right side.

However, its reaction was astonishing. The moment it fell, it wanted to use the force to leap up again.

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Its claws scratched the outer wall. It was immediately shocked and furious. This cave was actually built with a smooth structure. There was simply no way for it to use the force.

Roar ——

With a painful roar, it landed on the sharp Eagle Claws Thorns at the bottom of the cave.

Its body was immediately drenched in blood. The more it struggled, the more the thorns entangled it. It soon discovered that its strength seemed to be getting smaller and smaller.

The numbing effect was working!

Su Han floated down from the tree and came to the front of the trap. His eyes lit up as he looked at it and said,  “A tier-3 Wolf King!”

“I happen to be hungry…”

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“Wolf King!”

A moment later, the Shadow Hunter who heard the commotion led his rangers and appeared in this wasteland.

The Shadow Hunter felt waves of unease in his heart. When he saw the three traps on the ground, this unease reached its peak. It quickly came to the front of the cave. Its eyes narrowed, and the expression on its face became somewhat ferocious.

The third trap was filled with thorns, and there were many bloodstains and wolf fur on it.

“Eagle Claw Thorn!” The shadow skimmer said ferociously, “He caught my tier-3 Wolf King!”

“Everyone spread out and search!” The Shadow Hunter held back his anger and ordered,  “He must not have run far with the Wolf King. Chase him! After you find that person, kill him immediately!”

For a ranger, nurturing a battle pet required a lot of time and energy, and this tier-3 Wolf King was raised step by step from the time it was a cub.

“If I find you, I will skin you alive and pull out your tendons!  If you dare to touch a single hair of my Wolf King, I will eat you alive!”

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