Magic Research and Analysis – Part 3

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This was my usual bedroom. It was a familiar sight, but also a calming one. I sat on my bed in a meditative state, not thinking about anything, but focusing my consciousness. Previously, I had only tried to empty my mind, which didn’t work for releasing my magic. However, I had been able to successfully activate my magic by strongly focusing on my emotions. It had been a month since I could enter the magic aura state. During that month, I had learned a few things.

First, to enter the magic aura state, you needed a certain level of strong emotions. However, it was very difficult to maintain those emotions. It was hard to sustain any emotion for a long period of time. Unless something significant happened, emotions tended to fade away.

Second, there was a limit to how many times a day you could enter the magic aura state. While I wasn’t sure if the concept of magic was correct, I tentatively assumed that the energy of this phenomenon was magic. Naturally, you needed fuel to manifest power. Therefore, using magic required expending magic power. Currently, I thought I was just releasing magic power, not using magic. But magic power was finite. Therefore, after expending a certain amount of magic power, the release would stop. Then you would become completely lethargic and not want to do anything. I had a terrible day when my magic power ran out. I spent the day sleeping because I felt completely unmotivated. This was not due to illness, just a lack of energy. At first, I entered the magical state five times and felt this way.

Third, when you released magic power to the limit, your magic power increased slightly. The limit of magic power had initially been five times for me. However, now it was possible to enter ten times. I had maintained the magical state just below the limit every day for a month. As long as I didn’t run out of magic power, I wouldn’t become completely lethargic, so it wouldn’t interfere much with daily life. However, I tended to become sluggish and lose motivation, so I needed to be careful.

Fourth, the magic aura state, like the light orb, was invisible to humans without magical potential. However, people with magical potential could see and feel its warmth when they touched it. I confirmed this by asking Marie to try it. Well, it wasn’t surprising, but it was important. Things could change depending on the situation. The light orbs and the magic aura state were not necessarily the same thing. However, I had made a small discovery.

Magic power didn’t give me much stimulation. With my magic power, I didn’t feel much heat or touch. But when Marie touched me, she could feel some warmth and touch. I thought it was a bit of an interesting discovery. And the fifth one. That’s the biggest problem.

“Aaaah! The light orb won’t come out!”

Yes, even though I was increasing my magical power in a magic aura state, there was no sign of the light orb coming out. In magic aura state, the whole body just glows faintly. Even if the amount of magical power increases, the situation does not change. It just ends with “I’m glowing for some reason”. The amount of light does not increase, and there’s no change at all.

“Hmm, I wonder if there’s a limit to the amount of magical power that can be released. Maybe my release limit is represented by the magical power I am currently releasing.”

The body was faintly glowing. If this was the maximum release amount, maybe that’s why I couldn’t create a light orb. Huh? Am I releasing less magical power than a fish? Ahaha, that’s a joke, right?

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“Even if the total amount of magical power increases, it’s meaningless if the limit of magical power that can be used at once doesn’t change.”

For example, let’s say the total amount of magical power, or MP, is 100. The required MP to activate magic is 5. But if my limit for releasing MP at once is 4, I can’t activate magic. Even if there is a total amount of magical power, if the release limit amount is less than the required magical power for the lowest level magic… I have magical power, but I can’t use magic. It’s too early to draw a conclusion, but there is a possibility. What a thing.

I’m just a human who can only make my body glow. And only those with the potential for magical power can see that I’m glowing. It’s useless. Just glowing.

Huh? Am I screwed? Am I done for?

No, no, no, wait. It’s too early to give up… There must be something. I didn’t want to end up like this!

Having come this far, I couldn’t admit that I couldn’t use magic. I didn’t give up. Never.

Stay calm. There was still something I could do. Let’s remember the Ettentraut.

It emitted a light orb by making his body glow. Where did it come from again? I think it was from his head or something. Hmm? Oh, I see.

Even though the amount of magical energy that can be emitted from the body is fixed, it’s diluted. Perhaps a different result will be obtained if it is gathered in one place.

I concentrated my mind and immediately entered the magic aura state by imagining my emotions. My whole body was glowing.

I continued to focus my mind on my hand. I tried to send magical power to my arm. But I couldn’t imagine propagating magical power to my arm while maintaining my emotions, and the magic aura state was gone.

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“It’s too difficult…”

Magical power will not be emitted without concentrating on emotions.

Imagine that magical power is concentrated somewhere in the body while maintaining that state.

It’s easy to say in words, but it’s difficult in reality. Emotional thinking, such as recalling a feeling of joy, and rational thinking, such as focusing on the right hand.

It’s difficult to do both contradictory thoughts at the same time. No, that’s not it.

In the first place, the order is reversed. It’s strange to activate magical power and bring consciousness to the right hand. So I should think like this.

“If magical power gathers in my right hand, I will be happy.”

Perfect. I should associate emotions with the act of gathering magical power in my right hand.

So I tried it. I entered the magic state state. My whole body was glowing. I was used to this part. But what was different this time was that I was already able to imagine gathering magical power in my right hand.

The light from my whole body gradually gathered in my right hand. The thin, extended light increased in brightness as it converged into a single point.

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My right hand was shining white. Dazzling light like a white light bulb was emanating from my right hand.


I stood up and raised my right hand. The glowing hand was reaching toward the ceiling.

“Uhehehehe! My right hand is shining! Uhehehehe!”

If I hit the wall like this, could I destroy it? I felt a surge of power strong enough to do that. I was too excited and lost my rationality.

Laughing “uhehehe” and heading towards the wall. I couldn’t stop anymore. When it comes to trying out magic, it’s something boys want to do. Although I’m not a child.


I forcefully slammed my fist into the wooden wall. There was a loud bang, and a sharp pain ran through my hand. It wasn’t strong enough to punch a hole in the wall, probably because I was still a child and not very strong.

Unfortunately, the light went out instantly.

“Ow… What the… It’s just a light?! I thought it had the power to destroy something!”

I had gathered magical power, but it seemed it was just regular magic after all. I had expected as much, and touching a clump of magic just felt warm. There was no way it could create enough impact to break a wall.

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With regret, I looked at the wall. Luckily, there was no damage, and no hole.

I needed to be more careful. I had let my excitement get the best of me. Although the results were not as good as I had hoped, they were still what I had expected.

“Well, it’s not that bad! I was able to create a bright light, hehehe!” I said, with a slightly creepy grin, as I looked down at my right hand.

But I still had much to learn. I couldn’t fully transfer all my magical power to my right hand, and there was still room for improvement.

I called the process of moving magic from my body to a specific location “magic gathering,” and named the state of gathering magic “magic gathering state.” I gave everything a name so that I could explain it clearly using words or writing, even if it was just creating new magic.

I also planned to teach Marie, but I still had a long way to go before I could do that. At first, Marie had helped me observe, but now she spent more time training herself. Magic research often required a lot of time, so it made sense.

She wasn’t bored with it; she just wanted to use her time more effectively. Besides, if she didn’t train, she wouldn’t be able to do what she wanted.

Since I had told her I was fine on my own, I spent my time developing magic alone, without her help. Now then, let’s continue.

At any rate, there was progress.

“Hehe… I’ve taken a step forward, hehehe,” I said, loosening my cheeks, then sat back on my bed, returning to my magic gathering practice.

But I overdid it, and my magical power dried up.

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