Magika no Kenshi to Shoukan Maou

Chapter epilogue.1a: epilogue.1a

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Amasaki Mio-san is at the Forefront

Part 1

「Ehehe~ Today is the long awaited day where I monopolize Kazu-nii~」

Mio was hugging Kazuki's arm tighly while her voice was lively.

「It's great that we can freely get out with the change in the academy's system! The date's frequency and range will exceptionally widen compared from before!」

The livelihood as knight candidate changed into the livelihood of common high school student.

The former Stigma hosts were libereated from the burden of their undesired responsibility. And then freedom to an irresponsible degree rolled into their hand……something like that.

That day Mio said that she wanted to go shopping for spring clothes, so the two of them went to a shopping mall.

It was a holiday, and the two of them wore plain clothes.

With the lost of magic power, this was a season where cold wind seeped into the skin. Kazuki was wearing sharp-looking P-coat, somewhat narrow pants, and leather shoes. His appearance was because Mio always told him that 『it's better to wear sharp-looking clothes』. When he tried to ask why, she answered like this.

『Doesn't matter what the reason is, but Kazu-nii is switching girls in rotation, so you have to make earnest effort even in appearance. While it's a given that Kazu-nii's inside and conduct are sincere.』

Kazuki couldn't say anything to that.

On the other hand Mio was also wearing sharp looking coat as though to match Kazuki, furthermore the color tone and pattern were also matching Kazuki nonchalantly. It wasn't to the degree that they got the so called pair look, however when they walked side by side they looked like a couple with really great relationship.

Of course Kazuki didn't tell Mio beforehand about what he was going to wear.

『I have grasped already something like the Kazu-nii's code pattern.』

Mio said that nonchalantly.

The scarceness of his clothes variation was seen through…….

Kazuki became motivated with the shopping also because how he had been seen through like that.

They purposefully rode train and arrived at a large scale shopping mall while flirting with each other and their hand linked together.

It was an indoor type mall where everything was placed inside the building. Starry sky was depicted at the ceiling, and the design of the numerous shops was consolidated into Middle Age style. It was a standard date spot with exceptional atmosphere even with just walking around.

Although, even though it was a standard date spot but Kazuki didn't know this kind of place, they came here because of Mio's suggestion.

The two were scouring the mall for things like clothes or accessory, they were walking around while talking whether this or that was good or not.

Suddenly Kazuki sensed something like the scheme of society in the stylish space and he asked.

「I don't really get the sense of chasing after fashion. There are people that is like an instigator for fashion right? Isn't that annoying like you are being made to dance in the palm of their hand so you use up your money?」

「But you will practically get tired if you keep wearing the same clothes won't you? If at that kind of time designer is making suggestion like 『Then how about something like this any time now?』, it will be interesting whether you are going to get on the fad or not. It's fine if you take only what you like from there.」

「Doesn't it feel tiresome if you are following after fashion from sense of duty?」

「But popularity is mass produced from chasing late after fashion. Everyone who leap at the newest fashion the very first isn't the type of people that will lose interest already at the timing when the fashion is heating up.」

Mio was smiling with an atmosphere like an enlightened person.

「Is, is that so……」

Then, at that time a familiar face was walking their way from the direction of other side of the shopping mall.

「Oo! Isn't this Kazuki and Amasaki-san.」

It was Torazou-senpai who was carrying paper bags on both his arms.

「Senpai is also shopping?」

This was the first time Kazuki saw Torazou-senpai in plain clothes──he was far more fashionable then Kazuki imagined. Was he a fashionista? Torazou-senpai was wearing an individualized jacket with turtleneck at the inner, while at the bottom part he was wearing wide pants that fell straight down vertically.

His appearance really felt at the cutting edge of fashion.

Torazou-senpai rubbed under his nose looking a bit embarrassed.

「Fuh……I too am not a swordsman anymore and become a normal college student after all. I'm starting the preparation for my college debut starting from now. Yaaaayy!」

「Ya, yaaay?」

Kazuki was perplexed with the mysterious yell while waving his hand at Torazou-senpai who was walking away.

「Torazou-senpai, he look stylishly cool.」

After Kazuki saw off that back, Mio muttered with a small volume.

「……His face is big and thick. Turtleneck doesn't suit him.」

「Cru, cruel……」

「Because with the clothes covering his neck, the presence of his face is emphasized. Although he will be able to cover for it if he wrap a muffler.」

Was his face also big and thick? An unease flashed inside Kazuki's mind. He wasn't conscious at all just how balanced his feature was.

「Kazu-nii is alright.」

Mio said that from the side as though she sensed what Kazuki was thinking. Kazuki sighed in relieve.

「No, it's not like I'm thinking that his outfit is that strange though. Torazou-san is also a lovely person.」

Amasaki-sensei started talking while saying at the beginning that it was only her personal opinion.

「It's often that girl fashion is moving to boy after a bit late, but I think that kind of 『girl type fashion』 suit a person with sweet look or perhaps a person with salty look. Torazou-san's looks is thick and a bit old, and his built is rugged, so I'm thinking that adult look that is leaning to the classic without getting influenced by fashion too much will make him look more reliable and dreamy.」

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「I see……as expected from Amasaki-sensei. But in that case, wouldn't it be better if you told that……」

「Because, I'm not Torazou-san's girlfriend see.」

Mio put more strength into her hand and hugged Kazuki's arm tightly.

「It will be alright. The paper bags Torazou-san was carrying were from brand of different taste. I think he is planning to challenge his college debut by testing various appearances. That kind of person shouldn't need a female junior who doesn't even know him well telling him anything.」

「You observed that far just from passing him for a moment……」

Besides Torazou-san too wasn't just chasing after fashion, he was properly calculating the period that was matching him and moved toward his college debut.

Kazuki shuddered toward such high level offense and defense. He wondered whether he could keep up with the battle of the normies who were hidden by these peaceful days.

「Torazou-san is already a stylish man you know……」

Mio nodded 'uh-huh'. She was mysteriously acting condescending.

「Well, no matter what Torazou-san wear, a naked Kazu-nii is still 53,2 trillion times cooler than him though!」

「Mio really is a pervert huh, to prefer a naked man like that.」

When Kazuki replied like that while feeling relieved, Mio pouted and pulled at Kazuki's arm.

「That's not what I mean!」

「Then, what will you do if I appear at our meeting place wearing black long coat with chains clinking all over my body, my hands wearing fingerless gloves with my hands crossed in front of my chest while I'm saying 『The jet black noble youth……has cometh』!?」

「I'll punch Lotte then.」

「So you're going to aim at the source of evil……」

The current Kazuki was here by receiving influence from various people.

He could feel it substantially by the increase of his usable magic at the time when he was fighting, but even now when it became peaceful, he could feel it substantially at the scenes of every day event.

The two of them were wandering the mall leisurely and enjoyed the cloth changing show of each other.

「Going shopping with the sense like when we still had magic makes it heavy to walk around with all we're carrying isn't it……」

They were talking while choosing items that suited them, and then Kazuki carried what they bought.

And then while they were walking, in the mall there were also general stores lining up, not just fashion item shops.

「Kazu-nii, you like Japanese-style for a house? As I thought you're a swordsman after all.」

「It's not like I'm fixated with that though……but Hayashizaki family house is Japanese-styled, so that style is more calming for me. ……Mio looks like you prefer this kind of western antique huh.」

When Kazuki turned his gaze at the antique corner, Mio's eyes shined.

「I love it! I especially like the new classic French antique of Louise XVI!!」

「……What kind of thing is that?」

「Let's see, simply speaking it's like an antique from the period when it had excessive ornament that looked over the top and gaudy but its atmosphere gradually become refined along with time.」

Proper image emerged on Kazuki's mind from that relatively simple explanation. Certainly Kazuki also thought that something like that might be good. There was a lot of part where he could sympathize with Mio's interest.

「Then isn't the Witch's Mansion hit straight at Mio's preference?」

「Of course I love that place!! We also have to start imagining from now about our future love nest.」

「Love nest, you mean……」

「After we graduate and leave the Witch's Mansion, where are we going to live and what kind of life it will be?」

「……That's a difficult question.」

Kazuki groaned. It went without mention that since the peaceful world arrived he had been thinking about that all the time.

「As expected we want everyone to live together. If we all contribute money jointly, will we be able to share a large and stylish house like the Witch's Mansion I wonder?」

「Even if I start working part time from now……」

The shopping bags he was carrying became heavy right away.

「It feels like if I ask papa for it he will actually give it though.」

Mio was doted by her foster father to an extreme degree.

「As I thought it's pathetic if I rely at Mio's dad. ……If I will really get paid by yearly annuity or pension, it will be fine to use that I think.」

「Sponging off on papa's pocket money and holding hope at yearly annuity, aren't the two things not that different?」

Mio laughed in amusement.

「……The polygamy, we can have it recognized right?」

「Chief Yamagata is also advancing that talk for us but, perhaps, it can be recognized as a special case. I'm really in debt to that person.」

「There's no such thing. After all it's us who fought and bore the full brunt of everything.」

「That person is really doing various things that only he can do for us. Recently when I look at Headmaster Amasaki and Chief Yamagata, I'm keenly feeling that adult who lived splendidly is really amazing even without sword or magic.」

「Papa isn't that admirable of an adult. After all he didn't believe Kazu-nii at first.」

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Now that she mentioned it, there was such time. Kazuki too smiled reflexively.

「……It's proper to be recognized. We saved this country with the power of everyone's bond. So there won't be any stupid story like all of us getting separated from each other because of this country's law despite all that. Well, even if we don't get the protection of the system, I think that even just de-facto marriage will be fine if it's us.」

Kazuki felt gratitude hearing Mio said 'us' instead of 'I'.

Harem……it wasn't just his relationship with everyone that was important. He felt grateful from the bottom of his heart that everyone was respecting all the others. The relationship between everyone was good.

「We need to think about various things! Our love nest is important! ……There is also everyone's preference, I think a house that is surrounded by thing like this will be great!」

Mio took an antique accessory into her hand while speaking affectionately.

He wouldn't be able to afford antique furniture, but the item in Mio's hand was a music box decorated with elegant ornament.

「You want to buy that to bring home?」

「I'm buying it! I'll treasure it forever so that when in the future I can take care of it while remembering that I bought this at the date with Kazu-nii at that time! Yes, forever, just like our love!」

「……So you get it huh, little girl. Your taste is quite good. Yes, 『something that grow old correctly is forever new』.」

*tap-tap-tap* The sound of shoes with leather sole stepping on the wooden floor was sounding, and then a smug voice that really suited such sound cut in between Kazuki and Mio.

──Something that grow old correctly is forever new……. It was a phrase that he had heard from somewhere.

When he turned around, there was that guy who he couldn't possibly mistake as other.

The Diva that Kazuki fought half a year ago, Lucifer.

That Basileus Basileon that Kazuki should have defeated was there.

「「The jet black fallen angel Lucifer!?」」

Kazuki and Mio crossed their both arms in front of their chest while yelling.

「……Certainly I'm also an illusion that is the symbol of chuunibyou.」

Lucifer responded by crossing both his arms reluctantly.

「He is unexpectedly reading the mood!?」

──Neutral features like an angel that couldn't be taken as man or woman. Or rather he was really an angel.

He wore a combination of denim shirt and jeans, putting on a brown leather jacket at his top, and thick leather boots were covering his feet. At the joint part of his jeans as the center, wrinkle color loss was running everywhere like lightning. As for the leather, even with countless scratch carved on it, but it was emitting glossiness like the surface of mirror. Darkened silver necklace and wallet chain were dangling down on his chest and waist.

Furthermore his jeans had pattern that was drawn with white paint, the leather was engraved with carving in the style of native American, and the silver also had complicated shape. Even amateurish eye would understand that everything was made by the hand of artisan.

Mio was thrown aback while going 'oh no'.

「The representative of fashion with bad acceptance from opposite sex……! It's smelly even with a distance of several meter between us!! That's almost a cosplay!! In addition that sweet musk added with the max manliness appearance is terribly disappointing from woman's point of view!! It's like an act of splashing miso soup on the highest class suits!!」

「You are picking a fight huh little girl! I am transcendent from emotion like being popular or anything!!」

Well, there was that. However Mio was shaking the shoulders of the exasperated Kazuki.

「But I personally hate that kind of stubborn self-satisfaction fashion! Though I don't want to walk side by side together with you!! Kazu-nii, that's not something that you can see even after piling up money!! He is a walking museum!! It's cool in a sense!!」

「So you get it huh little girl!!」

When Lucifer twirled on the spot with a pose where his hands were holding his hips, Mio went 'kyaaaa' with a shout of joy.

Kazuki held his breath while glaring tensely at the figure of Lucifer who was the very picture of healthy and energetic.

Diva wouldn't die──as long as the whole mankind didn't forget the illusion called Lucifer.

Kazuki didn't kill Lucifer and exterminate him completely at that time.

And then after that Kazuki wished so that all Diva was changed into human.

But, in that case…….

「Why didn't you reincarnate into baby?」

All the other Divas lost their very mystical atmosphere as a Diva itself, reincarnating into just a mere human.

But the Lucifer before their eyes wasn't like that. He was materialized with his mystical atmosphere as a being that was far removed from human was still like before.

「You ask me why? How shameless……at that moment, didn't you wish something like『I want to become friend』 at me?」


Lucifer spoke with vaguely reproaching tone.

The totally unexpected reproach made Kazuki's eyes opened wide in surprise.

「Wasn't it great even if you feel that kind of feeling just for a bit toward me too? What a horrible guy despite your putting on air as a philanthropist.」

Lucifer let out a dramatized huge sigh and he shrugged like an American.

「No, it was a moment of the final decisive battle where the last conclusion is settled after our opinion clashed so violently like that you know!? Naturally my head was completely filled with the thought of beating you!」

「……No, your head wasn't filled with the thought of beating me. You were thinking different thing.」


「You don't remember about that moment? You thought it when you defeated me. ──『Watch』, you thought that. I replied to that at that time you know?」

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「That's why I became something like that. A being that is observing the world's fate. Until this me who was the incarnation of despair come to an understanding, I will be an existence like a shadow that will be only observing the world for eternity.」

「……You were reincarnated into an immortal human who cannot die when you want to die?」

Kazuki unconsciously thought, 'that's not something to complain for isn't it?'.

However Lucifer suddenly showed an ironic smile.

「No, your contracted Diva said it right? ──A materialized concept and human are different. How ironic, Lemegeton rejected only me and I was left behind. ……Well, I don't mind it. I like human. I'll apologize about using something like tsunami to agitate you. I wished to become the absolute god and guide the human……I wanted to become the 『father』 of all of you but……just watching until my satisfaction is also not bad.」

Kazuki stared fixedly at Lucifer's figure once more.

This guy once said that he liked the 『civilization』 like the clothes and the furniture before human developed culture and science technology.

Just as he said, even now he was wearing outfit as though he was covering his body with the warmth of the artisans themselves.

This guy wasn't lying by any means when he said that he loved human.

He was just overprotective.

「You too won't be unable to change the world anymore from here on you know?」

Lucifer said that without even a shred of ill will or hostility, it was merely a warning to him.

「Obviously. I'm just a single individual human……being able to do things like magic and sword is strange.」

There was no 『King』 or the like in this world right now.

The governments of the adults, the international diplomacy, the free trade, all those were moving the world dynamically. Kazuki who was still a child……no, truthfully speaking no one in the world was able to understand the world that was constantly changing in complicated way that was impossible to understand.

The current him was very tiny. He was even still unclear about his future course.

Kazuki who was once called a King, and the fallen angel who dreamed to rule over mankind, the two who had been completely changed into a diminutive existence stared at each other.

「How will the world change……you too can do nothing about it except watching over it while leaving your body to age until you die. Even if this world progressed to a mistaken direction, you won't be able to make any interference.」

Lucifer spoke sadly.

No, rather than sadness it was uneasiness. Or perhaps loneliness.

Lucifer was disheartened about being unable to do anything.

「I won't regret my choice. I believe in the world. It's not like I'll be able until several hundred years but……it will be proven soon anyway.」

「……I guess it will be like that.」

Kazuki didn't waver. Lucifer averted his eyes and looked down as though he was unable to receive that gaze right from the front, he then passed through Kazuki's side silently.

「……The technique you showed in the end was splendid. It's not a technique that is needed in the world from here on. However, it's something worthy to be proud of that mankind is mankind.」

When Kazuki turned around, Lucifer's back was fading and he vanished as though melting into the scenery,

「I also understand the feeling of the people who were defeated by you.」

Leaving those words behind, he couldn't be seen any more in that place.

Part 2

After finishing their shopping, Kazuki and Mio headed to a restaurant that Mio recommended to have lunch.

That place felt more like an event space + food court rather than a restaurant.

The grand date spot located under the overhead structure of national highway was developed jointly by the government and private sector as culture transmission and tourist facility.

The dimness of the place due to the overhead structure blocking the sunlight was used to set up the mood, gaudy light from things like mirror ball and neon light was producing a bewitching space. There was a stage at the center, there musician was doing musical performance of unknown genre with very loud volume. Countless tables were lined up at the stage's surrounding, while counters styled like stands were standing in a row along the outer wall, selling multinational food.

Kazuki was shocked that this kind of place was built in the best district of the metropolis.

The two of them ordered a lot in small plate like kebab, Hainan rice, chili con carne, and so on, sharing the food with each other.

「So Mio sniff out this kind of interesting place without overlooking it huh.」

「I heard about it when talking with my fellow models before.」

「An overwhelming normie……if Mio can convert your girl power into combat strength, there is no doubt that Mio will be able to beat Lucifer to death by yourself.」

「Kazu-nii, what are you saying, even though you are the one who saved the world.」

「……When it become a peaceful world, I cannot win against Mio at all. At this rate Mio might spread your wings to become model or actress or fashion designer, leaving me behind.」

「What's with that sudden negativity. That sounds otaku-ish.」

Mio's finger snapped at Kazuki's forehead *pechiiin*.

「This spoiled good for nothing!」

「Spoiled good for nothing……?」

「Kazu-nii forget right away that I too want to support Kazu-nii. I understand you know? Even I was doted at the prosperous Amasaki family, but in the end I'm just an adopted child. I thought that I have to act myself, that I have to do something myself. But even if Kazu-nii become a middle aged shut-in NEET, I won't mind.」

「No, no matter what that's too much.」

「About that, if it's someone whose motivation is zero right from the start and then he did whatever he could to become like that, then of course I'll beat up someone like that. But Kazu-nii isn't someone like that. Even when we talked about the future house just now, even though it was a talk about a place where everyone will live together, Kazu-nii thought about it self-centeredly. You are thinking that naturally you have to be the one shouldering the burden of the future household too. If you are thinking like that, then you will get crushed sooner or later. After all Kazu-nii doesn't have special power anymore.」

He had no special power. Right, he threw it away by his own will.

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Even though he had acted proudly at Lucifer about that just now.

「But that's fine. After all everyone simply loves Kazu-nii. That feeling of love, Kazu-nii has lost the power to save the world, but with just the feeling of love it can become the reason to support each other. It's no good if Kazu-nii cannot believe in that.」

「……Yes, you're right.」

「I'll succeed in a way of living that is like me, and if it's a success in something charismatic or whatever, Kazu-nii can give me your praise, it's fine like that. If something bothersome happen to Kazu-nii while Kazu-nii is living in a way that is like you, you can come and depend on me. Because if Kazu-nii do that then even I will absolutely feel happy.」

Having a partner where both sides loved each other, both sides were respectively living in a way that was like them, if they could just do that then they could become happy. There was no doubt that it was the ideal society.

Though just like Lucifer said, even now somewhere in the world, there were countries or places where such thing didn't apply──.


Kazuki stood up from the table, affection was welling up excessively inside him. Mio also sensed it and stopped her hand from picking on the food, she turned her face to Kazuki who approached beside her.

「Geez, even though we are in the middle of eating lunch, in this kind of place……」

Kazuki's upper body leaned over, his left hand pulled closer the waist of Mio who was still sitting, his right hand lifted up Mio's chin and their lips touched each other.

Their lips confirmed each other's lips, and then unable to get satisfied with that their tongue entangled together.

「……Nn……fufuh There is the taste of coriander……」

Mio let out a smile. They repeated their deep kisses as though to erase that kind of taste while it felt like watery sound could be heard leaking out.

Right now he was exactly acting spoiled at Mio.

However the entangling tongue and tongue wasn't just a one-sided thing.

Part 3

When they finished lunch, Kazuki and Mio came to a skate ring.

They were shopping in the morning and skating at the afternoon. It was a schedule that was truly using up the whole day for playing around.

What made Kazuki felt astonished was that there was a skate ring on the rooftop of a department store in the city.

「I didn't know that there is something like this……」

「Even department store is making scheme to gather customers. This place is not really known yet, a really good out-of-the-way place」

They entered in without any change in appearance and borrowed skating shoes, then they entered into the ring that while it was a bit cramped but it was splendidly covered with ice. With the location being on the rooftop of a department store, it was a sky ring so to speak.

「Who, whoops……」

Kazuki was faltering like a newborn fawn.

「Fufuh, Kazu-nii, this is your first time skating?」

Mio smiled and lent her hand to the faltering Kazuki. Kazuki jumped at Mio's arm as though partly clinging on her. It made Mio became even happier.

「Yaaai, yaaai, Kazu-nii is pathetic」

「Didn't you only said just now that you will let me depend on you!?」

「Ehehe, I don't mind you know~. You can cling on my arm as much as you want. ……But Kazu-nii, didn't you do something like a skate with Koyuki's magic?」

Moves In The Field──it was assist magic that froze the surrounding ground, formed blades made of ice on the feet of oneself and the comrades, hindering the opponent's movement while their side would glide freely without restriction.

However when Kazuki was asked that, he felt like that magic was skating that wasn't skating.

Because that was the product of illusion.

「That magic felt like if you imagine then you can move just as you imagined. How should I say it, it felt like you are only playing skating game. Just because you are skilled in skating game doesn't mean that you will be skilled in the real skating……wawawah!」

Kazuki's balance was crumbling even while clinging on Mio's arm, he almost tumbled down. However when he pitched forward his face was buried into Mio's soft chest.

Or rather thanks to Mio's breast's elasticity he barely held on.

「Kazu-nii you pervert─」

「Wro, wrong! Just now is an accident!! Ah, but, so it's like this……?」


Kazuki suddenly lifted up his face as though he just noticed something, then he separated himself from Mio's arm right away.

And then without pause he was gliding rea─lly smoothly.

「I see, so it's no good if you move your foot like you are walking. And then the weight transfer is like this……」

*Whoo─sh, whoo─sh*, Kazuki cut straight across the ring.

「Wa, wait for me Kazu-nii! Wait, fast!?」

Mio tried to follow behind in hurry, but she couldn't chase after Kazuki and instead she almost tumbled down.

Mio raised a voice filled with indignation that she couldn't clear away.

「De……depend on me a little bit more than this─! It's always, always like this, just when I thought that Kazu-nii is acting timid and depending on me, you solve it alone right away, this is why─!! Nyaa─h!!」

Kazuki performed a beautiful U-turn and returned to Mio's position in panic.

Part 4


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