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Volume 12, Chapter 12

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On the way back from school, as the three of them parted from their friends and boarded the Cabinet, Miyuki seemed strangely agitated.


There was nothing noticeable on the surface. Even close friends would probably only wonder 'is she considering something?'. But in Tatsuya's eyes, his sister was fretting considerably. Getting off at the station closest to home, her condition only worsened as they approached the ticket gate.




"Uhm, Onii sama"


At the same time Tatsuya tried to call her name, Miyuki timidly raised her head.


"Ah, what is it?"


At Tatsuya's inquiry Miyuki didn't reply immediately, but instead moved aside so as not to block the other passengers and stood still.


"That......well, could, you please accompany me shopping for a little while?"


"I don't mind at all, but......"


Just what in the world is the matter, Tatsuya swallowed without saying. Miyuki wasn't the type who enjoyed going out shopping as entertainment on weekdays. If there was something they really needed to buy she'd order it online and it'd arrive the very same day. Besides, she wasn't asking straightforwardly.


"Minami chan, sorry but could you go back and prepare dinner yourself?"


"Certainly, Miyuki Neesama. Tatsuya Niisama, I will be going on ahead."


Without showing any concern towards Miyuki, Minami briskly headed towards the commuter hall. This also invited suspicion. Although not as astute as Tatsuya, Minami should have also perceived Miyuki's state. If the reason was because Minami was confident in Tatsuya's abilities as an escort, this would be somewhat understandable. But Tatsuya could not help but feel something was off.


Separated from Minami, Tatsuya led Miyuki towards the nearest cafe. He thought it'd be best to hear her out first.


Entering the store, Miyuki seemed relieved. This further increased Tatsuya's suspicions. Miyuki had said she wished to shop, but now that they were in the cafe she was for some reason making what seemed like a 'mission accomplished' expression.


When the waitress came for their order Tatsuya had a hot coffee, and Miyuki under some stress ordered not a cup, but a pot of tea. It appeared they wouldn't be leaving the cafe anytime soon. Could it be that Miyuki had simply wanted time alone to talk, Tatsuya wondered.




Increasingly worried, Tatsuya spoke up to Miyuki before their drinks had arrived.


"Yes, Onii sama"


Miyuki as she replied was her usual self. She smiled happily as she spoke his name. Her distress earlier seemed like a dream. However, just because of that he couldn't leave matters unsettled.


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"Is there something up?"


Tatsuya decided to try the straightforward route. "Eh, oh no. It's fine now."


It seemed Miyuki herself was also aware of her previous state. She shook her head quickly, but Tatsuya perceived there was yet something unmentioned in her heart.


They broke off the conversation when the waitress came with their drinks. Miyuki checked the tea leaves by opening the pot lid, then after closing the lid and waiting a while poured into a small cup. Her careful movements, more polite than necessary, could only be described as gradual.


Miyuki took a small sip of the tea, then wordlessly added half a spoonful of sugar. Twice, three times, four......upon the 20th Tatsuya could keep quiet no longer, and spoke to Miyuki in a coy tone.


"As unlikely as it is, could it be that you took Honoka's present......"


The spoon clanged as it bounced off the cup. "Not at all! I would never!"


"Sorry, of course not. I never considered it for an instant. Forgive me."


As Miyuki desperately denied it with a flushed expression, Tatsuya awkwardly apologised.


"Oh no


......I'm not unhappy or mad at all, it's just I've been preoccupied, and...... it's just a complete misunderstanding. So um, Onii sama, there's no need to bow your head"


Now upset, Miyuki appealed to Tatsuya to raise his head. Pushed by her vigour Tatsuya looked up, but the question lingered in his mind. As he said, he had not seriously thought Miyuki consternation was due to jealousy. The reason for her suspicious behaviour remained unaccounted for. He decided however that pursuing it any further would be awkward and gave up.


Seeing Tatsuya's unsure expression, Miyuki tilted her head anxiously. As their confused eyes met, they both began to laugh.


After that, they did a bit of window shopping for an hour before heading back. Tatsuya also put out of mind Miyuki's 'worries'. It wasn't that he remembered them no more, but rather he simply didn't bring it up since she seemed alright again.


Just what had she been suffering. The moment he finished changing and stepped into the dining room having been called via the communication unit, he found out.


The sound of crackers welcomed him in. A shower of colourful streamers blocked his sight, before falling at his feet.


"Onii sama, happy birthday!"


Having taken off her uniform jacket leaving only the necktie, Miyuki stood in her one-piece. The dress was sleeveless and pure white, complimenting Miyuki's slender figure. It was the familiar uniform she wore everyday, yet the impression after removing the jacket was significant. It was like it had been designed for her alone.


Behind Miyuki was Minami in her usual highneck one-piece and apron. Upon the table were the vivid masterful results of her cooking.


"So, you were stalling me for the preparations......"


Tatsuya raised an eye as he looked towards Miyuki. She shrugged nonchalantly as she glanced away.


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"Well......I'm really happy. Thank you."


In short, they had wanted to surprise him. Certainly, this would have not been possible when it had been just the two of them before. It may have seemed slightly childish, but Tatsuya was deeply aware that it had all been for him.


"Onii sama, please take a seat. We're waiting on the cake right now."


As Tatsuya smiled, Miyuki's face shone as she fired up and busied herself. With a slight look of resignation Minami approached carrying a cake, inserted candles, placed a knife and fork in front of Tatsuya, and lit the candles before turning the lights off and sitting down.


"Onii sama, please."


As he watched Miyuki bustling around, without saying a word, Tatsuya as requested blew out the 17 candles in one breath.


Unexpectedly treated even to Miyuki and Minami's singing voices, the birthday party ended vibrantly despite only three people being present. He had been dragged along from beginning to end by his sister's exuberance and even made some noise of his own such as clapping, but now he was relaxing in his room by himself.


Preparing for the experiments tomorrow, it was a good change of pace. His sister had likely thought of that too, Tatsuya thought. He then suddenly remembered that he hadn't even untied the ribbon from the gift he'd received from Honoka.


He took a long, thin box from his bag. Despite the size, it was rather heavy. Expecting it to be some technological product, he removed the ribbon and carefully peeled off the wrapping paper. What was revealed was a luxurious wooden box. Opening the lid, he saw a spring loaded antique pocket watch.




"Wasn't this expensive




Muttering subconsciously, when he checked the manufacturer engraved inside he smiled subtly. Carved within was the mark of the corporation run by Shizuku's father. In other words, this had come from Shizuku.


The back of the lid where a photograph went was empty. Shiziku would most likely have placed a photo of Honoka there, but Honoka herself seemed to have been less than enthusiastic.


Imagining the scene playing out in his head, Tatsuya let out a chuckle. Through the sound of his laughter, he heard a knock on the door.


"It's Miyuki. Onii sama, may I come in?"


Her voice barely reached inside the room, it was so quiet. Whatever her intent, it seemed she didn't want to disturb their housemate. Tatsuya likewise opened the door silently with this in mind.


His sister stood there resplendent, regally dressed with a touch of makeup. Her one-piece dress was a robe decollete of pale cherry, with plenty of lace and boldly exposing the chest and back. Her flowing black hair had been tied back, revealing her blemishless skin, and it's complex combed out form shone against her pearly back. The skirt which reached her ankles was comprised of strips of cloth of different length, and the shape of her flawless legs peeked out from the thigh down. Her charm now was even greater than in the morning when she had awoken him, and he was lost in her beauty for an instant.


"Um, Onii sama?"


"Ah, sorry. Come in."


Tatsuya had been entranced by her momentarily. Dazed and blocking the entrance, at Miyuki's puzzled voice he came to and moved aside, letting her in.


Miyuki had not come empty handed. Her right hand held a bottle, a handbag dangled from her left elbow, and in her left hand were two glasses.

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Seeing both her hands full, Tatsuya softly closed the door. Miyuki lightly bent her knees in thanks, then placed the bottle down side by side with the glasses on Tatsuya's desk.


"Is this Honoka's present?"


Miyuki spotted the pocket watch still on his desk. "Yeah."


"It's a very elegant design isn't it?"


"It is."


Miyuki herself probably held no ill intent, but Tatsuya felt bad somehow, and stowed Honoka's present away in a drawer.


"So, what's all this?"


Retrieving a spare chair from the wall storage for Miyuki, then sitting down in front of the desk himself, Tatsuya glanced over the bottle and glasses. Miyuki moved her seat, a wheeled stool without a backrest, next to Tatsuya and sat a distance away, smiling shyly.


"Onii sama, do you remember April 24th last year.......




"Of course."




Her question had absolutely nothing to do with his question, but it seemed that if he didn't answer this he wouldn't get an answer himself, so he thought back.


"You had suddenly appeared in a kimono."


He had been stunned then as he was now by this dress--not that he said that aloud.


"Right, that happened too."


Miyuki murmured as she shifted herself out of sight slightly. She had been earnest back then but looking back, it seemed even she was embarrassed.


"Uhm besides that......last year, Onii sama, it had been just the two of us."




Just what Miyuki wanted to say, Tatsuya already knew by this stage. As he smiled with love, Miyuki also returned a clear smile.


"The year before, was celebrated with just us two as well."

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"I remember."


"Minami chan is with us this year, so we celebrated together but......"


Pausing, Miyuki looked down in embarrassment.


"In the end, I really......want some time alone too. For a little while, could we celebrate Onii sama's birthday with just me......?"


Leaning forward in his chair, Tatsuya reached for Miyuki's face. His hands brushed her cheek.


Miyuki's shoulders were trembling.


Gently held in Tatsuya's hands, Miyuki's head was brought up. Their eyes met.


Miyuki's eyes were moist, and her face red. Suddenly, she turned away.


To avoid her brother discovering the heat now emanating from her cheeks. "Onii sama, a toast?"




Tatsuya quietly lowered his hands, but his eyes remained firmly fixed on Miyuki.


"Yes, but it's alright. There's barely any alcohol in it."


"Ah, I'll open it."


Perhaps the cork was in tight; Tatsuya took the bottle from Miyuki's trembling fingers. Deftly removing the cork without sending it flying, he returned the bottle to his sister.


"Thank you......please go ahead"


She placed a half-filled glass in front of Tatsuya. Pouring into her own glass, Miyuki held it up with her right hand.


Tatsuya took hold of his glass with his left hand, and held it near Miyuki's. A clear sound rang out.


"Onii sama......happy birthday. I'm thankful that Onii sama is with me."


"Thanks. I'm thankful that I could be your brother." The two of them tilted their glasses at the same time.


On a side note, the present Miyuki had prepared was in the handbag. Within the box was a somewhat oversized locket pendant, exquisitely engraved with motifs of the sun, moon and stars. A 3D photo of Miyuki in the dress she wore now had been placed inside. Earlier Miyuki had been regretting 'letting Honoka take the initiative', but in these terms it seemed Miyuki was still in the lead.


--And Tatsuya unable to fathom his sister's intentions, worried continually for over an hour.

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