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Volume 12, Chapter 2

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Despite being called a “family gathering”, this was still sponsored by the financial giant Kitagata Ushio – “Kitagata Ushio” was the industry name Shizuku’s father used – thus the party was fairly bustling with activity and excitement.


Still, no one had the impression that the event was chaotic or unorganized, in spite of the extravagant number of people present.


“A grand area as expected……”


Maybe only the Kitayama mansion was wide enough to serve as the gathering area and prompt that undisguised admiration from Tatsuya.


Still, his sentiment was not echoed by his compatriots. Miyuki merely smiled as she went along with her brother’s words. To the side, Minami still wore a befuddled expression. In this regard, Tatsuya had more opportunities in the military and at the research labs to interact with “plebeians”, so when compared with the heir (candidate) to the Yotsuba Family, Miyuki, and the servant who had more or less grown up in the Yotsuba Family main house, Minami – what appealed to Tatsuya’s feelings was different than what impacted his sisters based on their varying backgrounds.


The purpose of today’s festivities was to congratulate Shizuku on her return to the country after her short study abroad session in the USNA as well as her advancement to Year 2.


Though she had already returned 2 weeks ago, the reason why this party was delayed so long was because she was preoccupied with greeting everyone.


While Shizuku was one of the finest students at the National Magic University Affiliated First High and a budding Magician of talent in her own right, her identity also entailed being a daughter of a major financial giant. From society’s perspective, her position as the daughter of the CEO came first. Her future as an aspiring Magician (in the end) belonged to her alone, whereas her position as the CEO’s daughter carried the responsibilities towards family, employees, stockholders, and clients.


Owing to these layered reasons, her personal (?) party was pushed back until the day before the new semester began.


The Kitayama Family of five people consisted of her parents, a grandmother, Shizuku, and her younger brother. Still, Shizuku’s father also had an additional 5 brothers and sisters (this sort of family size was hardly odd given that they were wealthy even among the wealthy), and given that Shizuku’s father married late, most of her relatives were older than her. More than half of them had already married and had arrived with their family members in tow, while the single ones brought their fiancé or engaged partners. Hence this family party boasted such enormous attendance. ……At least, that was how Shizuku’s mother explained it to




“Ushio-kun’s family is an old industrial family that has lasted from the previous century to this age. A lot of people can’t be simply dismissed so easily.”


While cautiously playing along with the lady’s words, Tatsuya had lost count of the number of times he had sighed mentally. For some unfathomable purpose as to why she zeroed in on him, Lady Kitayama, once famous throughout the magical world for her Oscillation-Type Magic as the A-ranked Magician, Kitayama Benio, or Naruse Benio prior to her marriage, seized upon him as her conversation partner the moment Tatsuya exchanged greetings with Shizuku. Speaking of which, Miyuki and Minami had already fled to the sides of Shizuku and Honoka.


“Even so, it’s still hard to put on a welcoming face to someone who was shameless enough to drag a stranger in here. Even with the company at stake, Ushio-kun shouldn’t pamper his family so much.”


Tatsuya mentally concurred. –Shizuku’s mother appeared to be someone with a forked tongue.


Of course, someone who always employed a forked tongue would not be able to survive in the real world regardless of her status as the CEO’s wife (the virtual world was another story altogether), so she probably selected the proper time and place as well as the appropriate conversation partner. However, as to why that conversation partner happened to be he whom she most likely met for the first time currently remained beyond Tatsuya’s grasp no matter how he wracked his brain.


This was not the first time Tatsuya encountered Benio. When Shizuku was sending along the information she gathered from America, he and Miyuki had met Benio that day, but that was only for an instant. He didn’t recall doing anything that would prompt her to strike up a conversation with him.


(However, “Ushio-kun”, eh…… Is it really OK to use that name with all of these people of standing here?)


Starting to get a little fed up with Benio’s complaints, Tatsuya mentally retorted while indulging in a little escapism from reality.


Tatsuya knew the ages of Shizuku’s parents. Naturally, there was no need to go into detail regarding Shizuku’s father and since her mother was quite famous in the modern era, gathering their Personal Data didn’t require too much effort (that being said, with the heavy security surrounding Personal Data in this day and age, a typical individual would be unable to do this).


Adding a “-kun” appellation to her husband’s name was not because Lady Kitayama was older. Unlike Ushio, who appeared younger than his age, Benio’s age and appearance were of an accord, so their appearances put them roughly at the same age while in reality, Ushio was older than Benio by 9 years.


(Must be love, then.)


There were qualms to even imagine applying the words “pampered” or “spoiled” to a friend’s relatives.


Maybe she was satisfied with venting all of her internal displeasure, and the ugly glint in Benio’s eyes faded. However, in return, she leveled a calculating gaze at Tatsuya. This time it wasn’t directed towards a “stranger” who had been brought by a relative as a guest, but towards Tatsuya instead.


Though his face was relaxed, Tatsuya felt just as out of place as anyone else would. While he hoped to rendezvous with Miyuki’s group as soon as possible, Benio didn’t seem ready to let him go.


“Speaking of which......”


Benio spoke up even before Tatsuya could excuse himself. Though he was holding back because she was the mother of one of his peers, this was still a contemptible mistake on Tatsuya’s part. –Not that this was anything profound, but Tatsuya just was out of sorts.


“So, are you Honoka’s crush?”


Despite this coming out of nowhere, Tatsuya immediately picked up on the context. Hindsight was 20/20, but if he could have predicted this then he could have prepared a suitable response.


“Setting aside that term for the moment, I am indeed that person.”


To be honest, the name “crush” was something Tatsuya had to resist answering “that’s true”. Though this was just pointless sophistry at this point, it was not something Tatsuya could so easily concede.


“So you aren’t easily flustered. How dependable.”


Somehow, this twisted point appeared to be Benio giving him high marks. Otherwise, he was receiving high marks because he wasn’t muddling through the issue. The smile Benio wore towards Tatsuya turned from summarily polite to something a little friendlier.


“But why didn’t you accept?”


Friendlier, but still with an element of teasing.


“Though she’s not on par with your sister, isn’t Honoka-chan still adorable?”


She must have an interest in watching small animals scurry around in a cage while feeling kinship to them. After successfully passing the first test, Tatsuya’s eyes took on a glint that hoped she was wasting her time.


“I do think she’s cute. Not just her features but her personality as well.”


Tatsuya’s attitude was more or less just playing along for show. Without being aware of what he was looking for, he was carefully scrutinizing Benio for the purpose behind these words without letting a single detail slip by.


“Aha…… If that’s how it is, then this becomes even more confusing.


Plainly, facial appearance, body and personality are all excellent, but you still rejected her confession.”


Tatsuya failed to recall that he mentioned Honoka’s body, but this must be what a slip of the tongue was like. Tatsuya planned on ignoring her regardless of what she said, but that appeared to be unnecessary.

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Even faster than him, Benio dropped an explosive declaration.


“Also, Honoka-chan already helped you. She will serve you faithfully.”


If this wasn’t an explosive declaration then nothing else could qualify. Even for teasing on her daughter’s peers, this was going too far. From one Magician to another, this was neither proper nor prudent.


An ordinary magic high school student would be completely unable to understand what Benio was referring to.


If they could understand the meaning behind her words, then the natural sensibilities that came along with a 16 to 17 year-old young man should have been unable to hide his exhilaration.


However, Tatsuya only gazed back at Benio’s face with nary an expression on his face.


Benio’s smile failed to crumble, as expected of the wife of a major financier.


“……I see. So you are able to put on such an expression even knowing that.”


However, she appeared to be unable to hide the slight stiffness in her voice.


“I didn’t plan on feigning obliviousness.”


Tatsuya’s voice was definitely something that could not be described as friendly. No matter what her intent was, Benio’s earlier words belonged to a category that could not be voiced aloud. Despite the fact that she was the mother of one of his friends, Tatsuya did not believe it was necessary to converse with her in a friendly manner.


“Is that so…… Knowing the Elements' power and its potential value, that’s why you refused and took a hands off attitude.”


Honoka’s bloodline – the Elements. Honoka was the descendant of Magicians developed to revitalize traditional magic that came even before the 4 Great Systems and 8 Major Types of modern magic. To those who held positions of colossal power, that bloodline was of incredible value. Tatsuya was well aware of this point, which was the same point that Benio was referring to.


At this moment, the decorous smile on Benio’s face vanished. Her stiff voice changed to a chilly one.


“Don’t tell me, this was all part of your plan?”


Benio failed to clarify what was planned out, but Tatsuya accurately captured the gist of the meaning behind her words just as he correctly read the reprimand and slander entailed within.


“I never planned on using Honoka like that.”


That being said, Tatsuya was not cowed. Nor did he attempt to rebut the injurious words directed at him.


“Yet, you still allowed her to accompany you when you beat back the vampires.”


Benio might have felt that Tatsuya was playing dumb. Frustration was beginning to surface in her words.


“There was no reason to deny her then.”


Tatsuya knew very well the cause behind Benio’s alteration. Even if he missed out on the positive points directed towards him, there was no way he could miss enmity. That was simply the way he had been forged. On the other hand, he had also trained to never waver even in the face of ferocious enmity and malice.


Against Tatsuya, who showed no inclination of becoming enraged no matter what sort of provocation was given, Benio changed the conversation’s direction.


“……Honoka is like a sister to Shizuku. We also see that child like she’s one of our own. In addition, Shizuku has taken a fancy to you. The trust Shizuku bears towards you surpasses the realm between ordinary friends.”


The gaze Tatsuya sent back to Benio inquired her as to the point of all this.


In Tatsuya’s mind, the concern that “this was Shizuku’s mother” had long since been extinguished.


“Which is why I conducted an investigation on you, Shiba Tatsuya-kun.” Benio watched Tatsuya with a challenging glint in her eyes.


“Though that would hardly be pleasant, I can understand.” In response, Tatsuya received it with a magnanimous look.


“Who the devil are you? With Kitayama’s…… The information network from the “Corporate Alliance” couldn’t even find your Personal Data!”


“That must have been a mistake. After all, I can’t attend high school without Personal Data.”


Tatsuya’s answer made perfect sense. However, Benio felt that this was the rub.


“Please don’t underestimate adults. It is true that your PD has the lowest level of information, interlaced with extra information that complicated the picture and a few negative reviews, so it wasn’t overly perfect. If I had not heard the things that child has said about you, I would have found nothing suspicious.”


“Is there something suspicious?”


The tone Tatsuya used with his riposte was as lifeless as a machine. His entire attitude practically screamed that he had already seen through the fact that Benio had no concrete information on her hands.


“No, there’s nothing. And that’s why it’s so odd.”


Tatsuya silently watched Shizuku’s mother as she kept glaring at him while chasing her own tail around. There was nothing to say. Those were Tatsuya’s honest feelings on the matter. The only thing he could think of while escaping from reality was that “she’s unlike her daughter in that she’s hot-blooded”.


“Hearing that child talk, you are someone with incredible prowess, no, practically divine abilities and talent. After this face-to-face conversation, my impression of you has only grown even further along the “atypical” direction. Yet, how can your Personal Data be so “mundane”?”


Benio’s words were both the truth and mere speculation. Since it was mere speculation, there was no reason to admit to anything.


“Personal Data is just simply information. The actual person cannot be as simple as that.”


Personal Data was the mask created to allow other people to identify him. Whether this mask was close to the truth or not, so long as the fact “it was close to the truth but not” remained hidden, the mask would continue to serve as his existence to the outside world.


“……So you are saying that it is only natural for impressions to differ, is that right?”


“That is who I am. If you ask my name and experiences, then it’s just as recorded in my Personal Data. In terms of impressions, it is just as you have seen. Beyond that, there is nothing more I have to say on the matter.”


On some level, those were Tatsuya’s honest thoughts on the matter. –That is who I am. He was someone who wielded incredible destructive power on the scale of nuclear weapons and may very well one day shatter the world. So “what” was he? This was the question that he often posed to himself without any suitable answer.

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However, Benio was unable to accept that answer. “Are you trying to play dumb……!?”


Though she tried to curb her volume, that tone of hers was harsh enough already.


With a few exceptions, people who tread through the upper strata of society were able to deftly capture when someone of an equal or higher social standing revealed emotional fluctuations. The sight of the host’s wife fighting with one of the guests was starting to garner attention from the other participants.


“Benio. Settle down a little.”


Although this was called a family gathering, there was no way that only family members were in attendance. She definitely wouldn’t want someone else witnessing that scene of hers, which was why it was only natural for Kitayama Ushio to quickly come over and arbitrate.


“Shiba-kun, I apologize for my wife’s display.”


“Hardly, I believe I am the one who should be apologizing for my insolent words. After all, I am an immature member of the younger generation, so I would be immensely grateful if you could pardon my behavior.”


At Ushio bowing his head and apologizing, Tatsuya also returned the greeting and offered his apologies. Yet, his words were still quite haughty.


Fortunately, Ushio didn’t mind Tatsuya’s rather removed words. There was no sense of renewed anxiety and, just as the tide receded, his eyes drifted from Benio and Tatsuya.


“If appropriate, allow me to excuse myself.”


Tatsuya likely believed this to be a good opportunity, hence his words were directed at Ushio instead of Benio.


“Ah, that’s true. I believe my daughter would like to speak with you.”


Ushio felt that Benio also needed some time to cool down. Tatsuya bowed before walking off in the direction of Shizuku’s group while Ushio pressed Benio’s back as they gravitated towards the chairs by the wall.


“Tatsuya-kun, I’m sorry.”


Upon approaching to a distance where they no longer needed to shout to hear one another, Shizuku beat Tatsuya to the punch and apologized first while bowing her head.


After Shizuku raised her head, a barely perceptible hint of utter embarrassment was tucked within her usual stoic expression. After all, she had invited one of her classmates to her party only to have her own mother trouble them (in Shizuku’s eyes). Even someone other than Shizuku would be downright embarrassed.


“Nothing of the sort, I understand where your mother is coming from. If a man appeared out of nowhere and approached your own daughter, some concern is only to be expected. I thought nothing of it, so Shizuku, please don’t be concerned.”


“……Hm, sorry again.”


The lack of any more refutation was not because she wanted to change her mood (though there were some elements of that as well), but because falling silent was against her nature. Though she plainly wanted to apologize even more, that was the only phrase she could muster. That feeling was multiplied against her sense of embarrassment, causing her current awkward expression.


In the nick of time, Tatsuya realized that he was about to rub Shizuku on the head. This was blatantly not his responsibility, but because that overly depressed expression overlapped with a look Miyuki occasionally wore, Tatsuya was about to fall back on “rubbing her on the head” as a reflex.


He was far too relaxed, Tatsuya chuckled wryly to himself as he tucked that thought deeply away before shaking his head and laughing lightly as if to signify “let’s end this here”.


Shizuku, Honoka, Minami, and Miyuki. In the circle of these girls in their glamorous dresses, there stood a young boy in a suit in the middle. Normally, a person in his position would be intensely nervous, but Tatsuya didn’t detect that feeling from the boy. Honoka was fervently trying to engage Minami in conversation while Shizuku was interjecting every so often to prevent her from becoming overly excited. With Miyuki’s assistance at her side, Minami was tentatively replying back. Watching them all, Tatsuya only kept a cursory ear open to this particular conversation arrangement. At this time, he suddenly heard a voice call out to him from behind and turned around.


“Excuse me, you are Shiba Tatsuya Onii-san, correct?”


This young boy appeared to be under the impression that Tatsuya didn’t hear him clearly. Tatsuya responded in the affirmative after the boy repeated his question.


The boy probably hadn’t started middle school yet. Faced with a petite young boy with an adolescent air, Tatsuya had no need to inquire his name.




The young boy’s name burst from Shizuku’s mouth. “Onee-chan. Sorry, did I interrupt you all?”


Yet, the boy’s identity had to be confirmed by his own lips. “No. Still, be sure to greet them.”


Taciturn as she was, Shizuku’s words may sound cold on the surface, but the gaze she sent towards her younger brother was quite gentle.


Fully understanding her words, the young boy named Wataru tried his best to present a diligent expression – an expression as if he was “putting on a strong front” that was simply adorable – and politely bowed according his sister’s instructions.


“Pleased to meet you. My name is Kitayama Wataru. I will be a sixth grader this year.”


Wataru had turned his body and face towards Tatsuya in order to introduce himself. Since he was already acquainted with Honoka, there was no need to make any introductions. However, he didn’t spare Miyuki a single glance – he seemed to be avoiding her (so as to not be overwhelmed). After Tatsuya exchanged greetings, he slightly averted his eyes when Miyuki replied, clenched his teeth and tightened his whole body, which only solidified that impression.


Since this plainly wasn’t because he disliked or was ignoring her, Miyuki only considered Wataru’s attitude to be very cute. Still, his indecorous behavior towards her “mistress” seemed to rouse some ill will on Minami’s part.


“I am very pleased to meet you, Wataru-san. My name is Sakurai Minami. I am Tatsuya Onii-sama and Miyuki Onee-sama’s cousin. Please take care of me in the future.”


Minami’s greeting was impeccable, but that dutiful smile on her face seemed to lack sincerity. Though this didn’t constitute artificial fawning, it was difficult to hide that she was just observing decorum.


Honoka was the one who stepped up to dispel the awkward atmosphere. “Wataru-kun, didn’t you want to ask Tatsuya Onii-san something?”


Still, she wasn’t forcibly changing the subject here. Based on Wataru’s earlier behavior towards Tatsuya, he did seem like he had a question to ask.


“Ah, you’re right.”


Wataru’s attention immediately turned towards Honoka. This was not because he was perceptive, but simply how children were. “Shiba-san.”


There were two people with the name “Shiba” here, but everyone here knew who Wataru wanted to speak with, so no one interrupted him intentionally – including Minami.


“There’s something I want to ask you.”


Faced with an anxious Wataru who finally worked up the courage to speak, “Sure. So long as I can answer it, of course.”


Tatsuya used an easily approachable tone to reply.

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“I wanted to know, uh, can someone who can’t use magic become a magic engineer?”


The question itself was nothing surprising, but from the mouth of the son from the Kitayama Family, this became odd. Currently, both Shizuku and Honoka wore astonished expressions.


“No. Magic engineers are technicians who use magic techniques for engineering. Technicians who are unable to use magic cannot be called magic engineers.”


However, Tatsuya never hesitated and delivered a frank reply. “Is that so……”


Hearing Tatsuya’s clear answer, Wataru’s shoulders drooped gloomily. Still, it was too early to throw in the towel.


“Nonetheless, magic engineers are not the only technicians who work in magic engineering.”




Seeing Wataru raise his head to look at him, Tatsuya revealed a steady smile.


His eyes brimming with hope, Wataru hung on his every word. “Even without magic, you can still learn magic engineering.”


Tatsuya was not intentionally putting on a show out of pettiness. Even if he was a “villain”, that did not mean “his personality was evil”. –At least, that’s how he saw it.


“While it is very difficult to do CAD maintenance without getting a feel for magic, you can still make CADs without being able to use magic. This is the same for other products used for magic techniques. As long as you study hard, you will be able to obtain the knowledge and techniques necessary to help your older sister.”


“Ah, no, I’m not……”


No matter how he tried to deny it, his inner thoughts were already on full display thanks to the utter embarrassment on his face.


Following that, the gaze he sent towards Tatsuya morphed from one used against strangers (to elementary school students, high school students were adults) to a worshipping one with a respected air.


Unfortunately, adults were unable to adopt the same pure attitude as children.


Watching the siblings who had completely been charmed by Tatsuya from far away, Benio suddenly wanted to sigh.


“What’s the matter, Benio?”


Even if Ushio spoke to her out of concern, Benio could only make a face while resisting the urge to sigh, but did not reply. Her gaze only rested on her husband after he spoke for an instant before once more drifting to where the children were talking and laughing.


“Benio, exactly which part of Shiba Tatsuya-kun do you dislike?”


Kitayama Ushio loved his wife, but that did not mean he was a henpecked husband. Rather, a portion of him was afraid of his wife, but their relationship was not one where he could not voice his thoughts.


“……Ushio-kun, you sound like you approve of him.”


Benio finally turned her eyes back to her husband.


“I think that he’s an accomplished young man. More importantly, he is very talented.”


Ushio’s reply was very frank; another interpretation would be that he hadn’t thought very deeply on the matter.


Benio felt a surge of displeasure on reflex, but didn’t muster any hysterical retort.


“……Maybe even a little too talented.”


However, hearing his voice with those forcibly suppressed emotions, she knew that his mental state was far from peaceful.


“Furthermore, he knows too much and understands too much. Even among the members of the Ten Master Clans I am affiliated with, not a single one of them makes me watch my step as carefully as he does.”


A sigh finally slipped from Benio’s lips. Without sighing, there was no way to convey the concerns she felt.


“For Magicians, being superlatively talented is not a sign of happiness. Instead, happiness recedes from them. Thankfully, Shizuku stopped at the ledge of talent, but if she draws too close to an incredibly talented Magician, then she may be drawn into the misfortune that is drawn to those of overwhelming power.”


Ushio was unable to tell his wife that “she was overthinking this”. Rather, Ushio laid a hand on his wife’s shoulder.


“Even if it is as Benio says and Shiba Tatsuya brings misfortune, is that really his fault? Avoiding him because of an uncertain future that is no fault of his own is something I cannot agree with. If his strength truly brings misfortune and pulls Shizuku into the mix, then all will be well if we remove that misfortune from their lives. After all, I’m not known as a “financial giant” for no reason. We are family, and I will protect them. You’ll see.”


Hearing Ushio’s strong words, Benio only nodded and didn’t reply. Nevertheless, she seemed far from accepting his words.


Now it was hard to tell if his strength was too great, but it was true that Tatsuya had the tendency to attract trouble, or at least he was that type. Just as Tatsuya was conversing with Shizuku’s brother, the seeds of trouble came creeping up on him. “Shizuku-chan, long time no see.”


The person who struck up a conversation with an intimate tone was a young man who looked to be about 25 years of age. Though he gave off a frivolous impression, his attire wasn’t bad or mundane at the very least. Shizuku only nodded lightly in greeting. Though their name was currently unknown, given the familiar air about them, he must be an older cousin from Shizuku’s family.


However, when Shizuku and Wataru saw the young woman by the side of the man, both of them took on astounded expressions. At first glance, she was of the same age as the young man. Yet regardless of her face or figure, both were far beyond the norm. Her choice of dress and jewelry were impeccable, giving an almost mystifying impression. Based on Shizuku and Wataru’s shocked expressions, this beautiful woman was clearly not one of their relatives.


“Ah, I’m going to get married at the end of the year. With her.”


The young man felt the eyes of Shizuku and Wataru on him and frantically explained.


“You’re engaged? Congratulations!”


“Ah, no, she hasn’t gotten the engagement ring from me yet.”


Shizuku politely offered words of congratulation, to which the young man somewhat awkwardly shook his head.


Seeing him like this, Tatsuya thought “for a member of the Kitayama Family, this one sure is a normal young man”. The beautiful woman by the young man’s side who seemed to broadcast her existence smiled at Tatsuya after noticing his gaze.


This time it was Tatsuya’s turn to become astounded. Immediately detecting the change in Tatsuya, Miyuki sent a questioning look at her brother that seemed to inquire “What’s up?”. If this progressed further, Miyuki would undoubtedly follow Tatsuya’s line of sight and narrow her brows upon seeing who her brother was looking at. Yet, before things advanced to that stage, the beauty turned not to Tatsuya, but to the star of tonight’s show, Shizuku, and opened her mouth.

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“Well met, Shizuku-san. My name is Sawamura Maki. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.”


In Tatsuya’s mind, this overly simplified self-introduction was not the product of an introverted personality and dislike towards expressing herself, but because others should naturally know who she was without her input.


As if to prove his hypothesis, Honoka asked Maki in a disbelieving voice after being presented behind Shizuku and Wataru.


“Excuse me, Sawamura-san, you wouldn’t happen to be the actress, Sawamura Maki? The one who was nominated for Best Actress in the Pacific Movie Awards for her role in “Currents of Summer”.”


“Ah, so you saw that movie?”


Sawamura Maki adopted a graceful smile and answered Honoka’s query. – Though traces of glee could be seen within.


“So it is you! I’ve seen that piece at the movie theater before. It was incredible!”


“Ho ho, thank you very much!”


Tatsuya didn’t watch movies, but he had heard of the fame surrounding the film “Currents of Summer”. He recalled that this movie was the subject of much debate in the previous summer. Based on Honoka’s attitude, it appeared to be a piece of considerable interest. At least, this was a film which prompted people to go see it in the theaters rather than viewing it on one of the mainstream channels on TV.


With a nomination at an international film festival, this woman must be a famous actress, Tatsuya thought. At this moment, Tatsuya lost all interest in “her”. He was originally uninterested in the entertainment business and, from his perspective, there were too many disadvantages to being a famous artist who was the focal point of the media. With apologies to the highly interested Honoka, Tatsuya personally wished for them to quickly leave and seek out other guests.


Alas, reality had other ideas.


“Forgive me if I have the wrong person……”


There was an upward lilt at the end of that phrase, entailing a question. Maki addressed Tatsuya and Miyuki standing in the back.


“You two wouldn’t happen to be Shiba Miyuki-san and Shiba Tatsuya-kun, would you?”


Tatsuya and Miyuki were not naïve enough to appear harried. However, though the degree was different, shock still pervaded their minds.


“Indeed we are. Pardon me, but have we met?”


Tatsuya stepped in front of Miyuki, preventing his sister from once more introducing herself. Directly facing Maki, he offered his own question.


Maki’s reply confirmed that Tatsuya’s memory was correct. “No, this is the first we have met.”


Then how would you know? Faced with Tatsuya’s wordless inquiry, Maki easily unveiled the mystery.


“He let me watch the broadcast for the Nine Schools Tournament. He said that Shizuku-san would be competing.”


Needless to say, “he” referred to the fiancée by her side.


“I had thought the two of you came straight out of a painting.”


Shizuku was currently speaking with Maki’s partner. The reason why she lowered her voice to prevent Shizuku from hearing was probably because people would misconstrue her praise for Miyuki as insulting towards Shizuku, Tatsuya reasoned. With the drop in volume, the gap between their faces also decreased. There may have been another intent involved, but Tatsuya was under no obligation to indulge her.


“Really? My sister is another story, but I myself am hardly deserving of such praise.”


Taking into consideration the location and person he was speaking with, Tatsuya intentionally used “myself” in the first person. Compared to meeting with Shizuku’s parents, Tatsuya held Maki at an even farther length.


Under the guise of decorum, Miyuki remained silent for the exact same reason as her brother. Both the siblings’ instincts told them to be wary of




“How humble of you. I was not the only one who thought highly of you two. My friends all concur as well.”


Speaking of which, Maki also listed the names of several actors and directors, but unfortunately for her, Tatsuya hadn’t heard of a single one of them.


“Oh, yes! Do you have time next weekend? If you don’t mind, I would love to introduce you two to our salon.”


Maki invited Tatsuya with a dazzling smile. On one side, she used an innocent expression to express purity while the other half was charming and tempting. As expected of the acting prowess from a famous young actress.


To be honest, Tatsuya’s interest was slightly perked. What drew his attention was finding out exactly what this artist who had nothing to do with magic wanted from him. Tatsuya never believed that codswallop about being drawn to someone’s looks. The glint in Sawamura Maki’s eyes was not something so superficial.


“Though the opportunity is hard to come by, I will have to decline.”


Yet, Tatsuya’s reply was a refusal. Though his tone was conciliatory, there was no room for misinterpreting the meaning of his words or any chance of changing his mind.


“I see.”


In that instant, fury blazed across Maki’s pupils, but was immediately extinguished. Again, as expected of the acting prowess from a famous actress.


“Then, your sister…… Would Miyuki-san grace us with her presence?”


This time she sent a generous smile towards Miyuki. She was able to freely wield a smile filled with womanly charms that was completely free of coquettish airs. Maki’s acting skills were legitimate indeed.


“Since my older brother has already declined, I couldn’t possibly bother you by myself.”


In response, Miyuki immediately replied back in the “negative”.


Before these responses that left no room to maneuver, astonishment suffused Maki’s face. During the time she was unbalanced, Tatsuya slightly inclined his head and Miyuki gracefully bowed before the two of them departed for the dining tables.


Secretly observing their movements, Minami swiftly followed on their heels. Suddenly turning her head, Minami caught Maki sending an ugly look at Tatsuya before hurriedly turning away.


Possibly misinterpreting the glance sent his way by chance, her (self- declared) fiancée returned to her side from his conversation with Shizuku. Maki welcomed him with a wide smile, a smile that contained none of her earlier fury or faltering.

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