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Volume 12, Chapter 8

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“……And that’s why it was so annoying.”


“Ha...... I’m amazed you were able to hold back, Kasumi-chan.”


The same day, during the evening of April 13th, 2096 AD. It was only after the children finished dinner that they were informed that guests were coming (even though their two eldest brothers were not home yet), so Kasumi came to Izumi’s room to complain about what had happened after school.


“Hm, well, when I thought about all the cleanup afterwards, I felt that it would be better not to throw down there. However, to be honest, I really wanted to kick his ass.”


As she was sitting on the rug with her hands wrapped around a pillow, she socked the pillow two or three times probably because she was pretending that the offending item was Takuma.


“Speaking of which…… Based on your story, Shippou-kun’s attitude was a little too unfriendly.”


“That wasn’t something cute like being unfriendly. He was blatantly picking a fight.”


“Yes, yes. Then, since he was picking a fight, how did he explain the antagonism displayed by the Club Activities Group to the Public Moral Committee?”


“Yeah. That’s why I said that guy was picking a fight against the Saegusa because he’s a Shippou.”


Hearing the suggestion from the seated Kasumi as she excitedly related what happened, Izumi did not see this as her personal feelings and reject it.


“Setting aside whether he’s acting on behalf of the Shippou, it remains true that he has shown hostility.”


Hearing Izumi’s unexpected perspective, Kasumi threw the pillow down with both hands as she blinked several times.


“So it’s not for the Shippou Family, but for his own personal grudge?”


“Can’t believe you said grudge, Kasumi-chan…… Well, I guess that’s close enough.”


Seeing Kasumi’s exaggerated display, Izumi nodded with a bewildered expression before putting on an expression of rapt attention as she thought to herself.


“I heard that the head of the Shippou Family is a moderate. Based on the rumors, he shouldn’t be the type to do anything that directly antagonized the Saegusa Family……”


At the same time, the head of the Saegusa Family, Saegusa Koichi was preparing to welcome the scheduled guest.


“A pleasure to meet you. My name is Sawamura Maki.”


“We have been waiting for you. I am the head’s daughter, Mayumi. Please follow me.”


The one who welcomed her was Mayumi. This was not a coincidence, as Koichi ordered Mayumi to lead the way. After leading Maki to the guest dining hall, Mayumi felt more suspicious than curious.


(This person should be the Actress Sawamura Maki-san…… What business does an artist have with the Ten Master Clans……?)


If the visitor was a politician or an industrialist, Mayumi would not have found anything odd regardless of the visitor’s gender. Even someone from the entertainment circle seeking the power of Magicians itself was not something out of place. However, employing the might of the Ten Master Clans on someone from the cream of the entertainment business was a mite too much.


“Otou-sama, I have brought Sawamura-san.”


Despite how suspicious this was in her mind, none of this was reflected on her face. Perfectly playing the part of a refined daughter welcoming a guest, Mayumi led Maki to the dining hall where her father was waiting.


After allowing Mayumi to leave from the doorway and dismissing the maids in attendance, Koichi remained seated as he opened the conversation with Maki.


“This should be the second time we have met.” Adopting a similar seated posture, Maki smiled back. “I am honored that you remember me.”


“You’re welcome. Please, enjoy yourself before the dinner gets cold.”

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A full array of appetizers and main entrees was set up on the table. The format intentionally avoided presenting one dish at a time because Koichi was aware that this was supposed to be a secret negotiation. Nor did Maki raise a fuss over this.


“Thank you very much. Then allow us to dine.”


Accompanied by a somewhat suave answer, Maki picked up her utensils. Completely different from the slightly nervous tic in her manners, Maki’s table manners were impeccable.


In Maki’s eyes, Koichi seemed to smile in satisfaction upon seeing this. “Ah, my apologies.”


It was impossible to determine how to decipher that look – maybe because he wished to muddle the issue, Koichi opened his mouth to offer his apology.


“How rude of me to wear these glasses indoors.”


“No, I am aware of the details surrounding your story.”


When he was 14, Koichi was the victim of an international kidnapping incident that targeted Magicians, an incident that cost him his right eye in battle. Once he became an adult and his body’s development halted he began using a false eye, though he was quite famous during his teenage years as the “Young Magician with the Eye Patch” among magic circles. Now, he preferred to use lightly colored glasses to help disguise the oddity of the false eye. Such details were easily available with a small amount of investigation.


After exchanging small talk and finishing the main entrees, Maki adopted a proper sitting posture. Personally, she wanted to talk about this in a more natural atmosphere, but she was unable to find any weaknesses in Koichi while they were dining.


“In reality, I asked to borrow some of your time today because there’s something I wish to impart to you, Saegusa-sama.”


Just as Mayumi finished changing and was about to relax a little, the speaker leading to the door rang out.


“Onee-sama, this is Izumi. May I speak with you?” “Of course. Please do.”


The words “please do” were actually the pass phrase. The voice recognition system from the HAR (Home Automation Robot) received Mayumi’s voice and disengaged the lock. Entering the door were Izumi and Kasumi coming in together.


“Sorry, but there’s something I would like your opinion on.”


Hearing Izumi’s request, Mayumi thought “Oh?”. She did not say “please teach me” but “your opinion” instead. In other words, this was something unrelated to school studies or magic training.


“What is it?”


“Onee-san, do you know what kind of a person is the head of house for the Shippou Family?”


The first thing that ran across Mayumi’s mind after hearing Kasumi’s question was “Why would you ask such a thing?”, but the answer immediately flashed through her mind.




Mayumi was well aware of how terrible her facial expression was right now without seeing her young sisters’ reactions.


“W-what is it?”


Not only had her tone changed, even the eyes were wandering all over the place. Seeing Kasumi’s reaction, Mayumi was even more certain that her instincts were correct.


“Something happened between you and Shippou-kun.” “How did you know that!?”


Kasumi didn’t play dumb and immediately capitulated (more like confessed). No, she actually wanted to cover this, but Mayumi’s overly decisive remark prompted a more honest reaction out of her.




“Please wait, Onee-sama.”


Seeing Mayumi set to deliver a tongue-lashing, Izumi quickly intervened from the side.


“It was true that Kasumi-chan almost got into a private duel with Shippou- kun, but the responsibility for today’s incident lies more with Shippou-kun and not Kasumi-chan.”


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Mayumi searched Izumi with a suspicious gaze. However, Izumi’s gaze never wavered. Mayumi gave a huge “Whew…..” of relief as her expression relaxed.


“I understand. I believe you.”


Hearing this, now it was Kasumi’s turn to let out of a huge “Whew…..”.


The secret glance she darted at Izumi contained definite traces of “Thanks!”.


“So that’s why the two of you wanted to know about the personality of the Shippou Family’s head.”


Mayumi furrowed her brows as she adopted a considerate posture.


“True…… Though I have not spoken in length…… He should be a very practical and considerate person.” “Practical and considerate?”


Not comprehending, Izumi parroted back her words. “Practical and considerate” was too vague for personality analysis, so she didn’t feel that they were characteristics.


“Indeed. Practical and considerate, so there’s no way to tell what he’s thinking on the inside. After preparing many strategies, he is not greedy for profits and will choose the one with the lowest risk, so long as the original costs are covered. That is the type of person he is.”


Mayumi’s answer came after she correctly assessed her sister’s confusion, but this answer only served to arouse new questions from her sisters. “But, if that’s the case……”


“Yeah. As I thought, this seems like the completely opposite personality type from what Kasumi-chan saw from Shippou-kun.”


“Then, in other words, he’s not acting on behalf of the Shippou Family’s plans?”


“Even so, there’s only so much a high school student can plan for with their limited powers. Shippou-kun should be aware of how fruitless this is regardless of how high his Magic Power is.”


“Does he have another backer besides the Shippou Family?” “……Wouldn’t that be too big of a stretch?”


Seeing the wild theories espoused by her sisters mushroom even further, Mayumi couldn’t help but interrupt.


“……Ah ha, that’s true.”


“......Indeed, I think we’re overthinking this.”


The two of them smiled as they said this, but neither Kasumi nor Izumi seemed to honestly accept that in their hearts.


While Maki was speaking, Koichi never uttered a word to interrupt. When she finished, Koichi picked up a glass of red wine from the table. After consuming a quarter of the contents, he let out a soft sound before setting the glass back onto the table.


“In other words.”


Finally, Koichi turned his gaze back to Maki.


“Your grandfather plans on breaking his secret agreement with the anti- magic faction, correct?”


In response to Koichi’s leisurely phrased question, Maki decively nodded “yes”.


“I also believe that the proclamations of anti-magic ideology are both unrealistic and harmful. Any aid extended towards that sort of thing would only become a noose around my own neck. My father is also well aware of that point.”


“Thank you. You appear to be someone who can come to a logical conclusion.”


Koichi slightly inclined his head and used his eyes to urge her onward.


“I believe the uses of magic should receive more evaluation from society. Not just in the military or the police force, I think that magic has a lot of potential in the areas of the media or entertainment.”


“Media aside, you said entertainment? That is a novel idea.”


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“Please do not misunderstand, I do not view people who are Magicians as monkeys. I have no plans on turning magic into something that just draws attention.”




“Filming movies are often accompanied by danger. Furthermore, we are often troubled by the fact that SFX or special effects are unable to bring enough realism. Naturally, there’s no need to speak of reporters, but both as actors and supporting staff, the value of magic is incalculable.”




Koichi urged her on with high interest across his face.


“Even for Magicians who are treated poorly due to the fact that they are not combat capable, I firmly believe that there are many areas in the filming or media realm where they can display their talents.”


“I see.”


“I will invite the Magicians who never had the chance to prove themselves and give everyone a chance to wield such a wonderful talent like magic. For this, I will definitely prepare a reward that will prove most satisfactory for you.”


Here, Maki broke off and peeked at Koichi’s face. After sucking in a small breath, Maki’s expression seemed to show her rallying her courage before speaking again to Koichi.


“From the Magicians’ perspective, I am an outsider. I am neither a close friend nor am I affiliated in any way. However, I want to become a good neighbor, a close friend, to all Magicians. I earnestly hope you understand that.”


“Which is why you have chosen to obstruct the ploy of the anti-magic camp?”


“I know very well that I am powerless, but at the very least, I feel that I need to present my sincerity.”


“In return, you hope to be acknowledged and invited in by the Magicians, is that right?”


Koichi verbalized Maki’s request, but Maki never faltered. This degree of perception was within her expectations.


“I am not so brazen as to hope to earn your approval…… I just hoped that you could acknowledge this, that’s all.” Koichi gazed at Maki’s face in slight interest.


“Sawamura-san, not only do you qualify to be an actress, you also have a certain talent as a negotiator.”


Of course, Koichi was not praising Maki in the literal sense. In order to catch his true intent, Maki gathered all of her attention. Except in this case, there was no need.


“Still, you are too adept at hiding your true feelings. That is what is truly unfortunate. Depending on the time and location, revealing your true self at times is useful in drawing more concessions from your opponent.”


Koichi easily revealed his trump card.


“There is no lie in your words. However, using Magicians as your pawns is not restricted to only entertainment. You are gathering Magicians as part of a plan to use them as a more direct power, are you not?”


Maki’s face wavered greatly. Yet, that was only for an instant. Using her acting ability, she settled her rattled heart.


“Forgive my performance.”


Even in Koichi’s eyes, Maki appeared to be earnestly asking for forgiveness. In regards to earning brownie points here, Maki won a small victory.


“So long as you do not take action against Magicians affiliated with us, the Saegusa Family, I will not interfere with your plans.”


Maki suddenly raised her downcast eyes. “Truly?”


Now, her expression was beyond her control, but to none of her detriment. “I promise you.”


“Thank you very much!”


Personally, Maki knew she won this bet against herself. Though it was true that she lost while haggling with Saegusa Koichi, Maki had successfully removed the greatest unknown quantity that lay in the path of realizing the “new order” she envisioned.


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◊ ◊ ◊


After seeing Maki off, Koichi returned to his own room, carefully locked the door, and treaded towards the telephone. After pressing the call button, he waited for 10 seconds. The image that was displayed on the tabletop’s small screen was the face of Elder Kudou.


“Mister, sorry for bothering you so late in the night.”


Koichi didn’t use “sensei” or “sir” and instead used “mister”. This was the custom since his private tutelage with Yotsuba Maya and Yotsuba Miya under Elder Kudou.


“No worries. You must have something important to say?”


“Indeed. I have something of utmost importance to discuss with you.”


Koichi said this as he gracefully extended his body towards the desk. On the camera, he looked like he was leaning in to discuss something private. In reality, what Koichi was about to discuss next was both a private conversation and a conspiracy.


“Actually, I just met with a member of the media.”


Koichi first laid everything out and explained that Humanists (anti-magic supporters) from the USNA were manipulating the media within the country to the detriment of Magicians.


“Based on what I heard today, progress on the media has gone quite far.”


“Since it’s you, obviously this isn’t the first time you have heard about it. I thought you had already finished investigating everything about the media operation?”


Kudou asked without any hint of a smile. “So you saw right through me.”


Without any resistance, Koichi conceded Kudou’s point. Actually, Kudou was the one whose expression changed. “I will listen to you for now.”


Kudou asked with an exhausted expression. “What are you planning to do?”


“The Yotsuba have grown too powerful. They have long surpassed the Ten Master Clans and are beginning to upset the balance of the country. Mister, don’t you think so?”


At Kudou’s inquiry, Koichi responded with something that appeared unrelated.


“You are planning to use the anti-magic supporters to chip away at the Yotsuba’s power?”


However, Kudou seemed to correctly pinpoint what Koichi wanted to say. In short, this meant that Elder Kudou held the same concerns that Koichi did.


“At First High, there is a student who is closely connected to the 101st Battalion. A high school responsible for educating teenagers is connected to the military. Don’t you think this would be a topic of vast interest to the media or politicians from the ethics wing?”


“Your daughters are also attending First High.”


“In this situation, students would only be treated as victims.”


“First High’s principal is neutral…… Someone who refused to join your camp.”


“Indeed, but that is only a minor detail. I care far more about the connection between the 101st Battalion and the Yotsuba.”


Kudou’s next reply came more than 10 seconds later. “……So that is your goal.”


“Not only that, but there is some speculation on that regard. So, how about this, Mister? So long as the negative activity is within acceptable parameters, I believe fervor for the anti-magic supporters will wane. In addition, the targets of their attacks are high school students, which if employed correctly, society’s ire could be directed towards anti-magic ideology. I believe that this plan bears a certain degree of merit towards the Ten Master Clans.”


“I do not have the power to approve of your plan. I never held the authority to do so.”


“Even without authority, you still have influence.” “……I do not oppose your plan.”


“That is more than sufficient. Thank you very much.”


Koichi hung up the phone in satisfaction. Prior to the line going dead, the image of Kudou’s expression was rather reflective of his age in that it held no dominance at all.

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