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Volume 16, Chapter 4

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Sunday, December 30th. 8:50 A.M.


Tatsuya made a call to the Main House, just before leaving the house. He didn't call because Miyuki asked him to. It was his own decision.


The one who picked up the phone was a surly looking housekeeper whom Tatsuya asked to be connected with Butler Obara while using an intimidating attitude. The housekeeper was intimidated by Tatsuya's gaze despite being on the other end of the camera and ran away to get Obara.


"Tatsuya-dono, I'm troubled. Please refrain yourself from scaring the Maid."


Obara was under Aoki, hence, he had not been given detailed information about Tatsuya, and showed a relatively decent attitude towards him. He had the lowest rank among all the eight butlers, and perhaps had kept it in his mind to behave politely to everyone, but it might also be due to his temperament in being a former modern traffic riot policemen who preferred not to act under high pressure but with respect to civilians, even after he retired from that profession.


At the moment, however, he was facing Tatsuya's words and attitude consciously from the other end.


"It's an urgent matter."


Usually, Tatsuya preferred to behave quietly and avoid friction. However, today, he had abandoned the safety headgear from the very start.


“Is everything alright.”


Obara's face slightly frowned in discomfort. Although Tatsuya noticed this, the opponent had yet to be offended. If the opponent became emotionally disturbed, he would have abandon his reason.


"Please change the pick-up arrangement to 9:50 A.M. at Nagasaka, Shiroizawa."


"Wait a minute. The driver has just been dispatched, you know."


"They haven't gotten out of the Manor yet, correct? The destination and timing have only slightly changed. I don't see what's so impossible about this."


Obara lowered his eyebrows earnestly.


"It's not a matter of impossibility, but it's just too sudden compared to how I would prefer it."


"I’m asking because it is necessary."


"Tatsuya-dono, I don't want to say this, but isn't this somewhat rude? Originally, Miyuki-sama had requested for this arrangement today"


"This change is entirely of Miyuki's wish. Or would you not be convinced unless Miyuki appeared on the phone?"


Obara's face slightly blushed, holding back his angry voice.


"I understand. Then, 9:50 A.M. at Nagasaka, Shiroizawa!"


Even so, he couldn't help but slip out a slightly rough tone.


Even if Tatsuya had his reasons, to change arrangements over the phone at the last minute was. His resentment was already woven.


"From now onwards, please tell the driver directly to change the pick-up location."


However, Obara responded in the spur of a moment. He gave off a suggestive indication to Tatsuya that he'd soon forget about his displeasure.


"Then, is this instruction connected to yesterday's incident?"


Tatsuya also thought that this reaction was surprising, and he didn't want to turn this call into a lengthy conversation.


"Even now, please keep it confidential."




Tatsuya got off from the call approximately at the same time as Obara did.


◊ ◊ ◊


Tatsuya suddenly changed the schedule of the pick-up after taking into account the possibility of information being leaked internally in the Yotsuba. He neither knew who leaked the information from inside nor confident enough to guess who the perpetrator was.


There were seven Branch Families of the Yotsuba when not including the Shiba, and to be precise, more than one of these following Branches, the Shiiba, Mashiba, Shibata, Shizuka, had tried to delay the next Family Head nomination in order to separate Tatsuya from Miyuki. They were trying to prevent Miyuki from attending the New Year's Gathering for that very reason.


Tatsuya couldn’t comprehend their actions. Certainly, the New Year's Gathering was an event that allowed the Branch Families to gather in one place, but attendance was never a must. In fact, Miyuki was absent every year. Their father, Tatsurou, was not even permitted entrance into the Main House.


Moreover, there wasn’t any rule stating that every Head of the Branch Families must attend the gathering in order to name the next Family Head. In the first place, the Yotsuba Family was not a family with a very long tradition. The family was only formed by Maya’s grandfather as the first Head, and Maya was only the Third Family Head.


Even Maya herself was appointed as Head of the Family by the previous Head when Yotsuba Eisaku, Maya’s Uncle, was on his last few breaths. Up to that point, there hadn’t been a decision about whether ‘Miya or Maya would be the next Family Head’. Maya was selected to be the Family Head as per Eisaku’s will, thus, it was not a result of a family discussion.


In other words, even though they were trying to prevent Miyuki from coming to this year's New Year’s Gathering, there was a high chance that they might not delay the appointment of the next Family Head.


Tatsuya had the impression that the Branch Families’ Heads had been deceived by this.


However, no matter how ludicrous it was, if he was ordered to attend the New Year's Gathering, he couldn’t afford to not show any effort in making it there in time. No, it was precisely because it was ludicrous that Tatsuya became obstinate in thinking that he would not make it on time. He couldn’t help but to accept this feeling while receiving all this farce.


His plan of changing the meeting time and venue appeared to be initially successful. At the very least, unlike yesterday, he did not detect any car tailing them as soon as they left the station. However, Tatsuya never thought that it would all go well until the very end.


“So they found us?”


Tatsuya said so while glaring, and it was soon after they entered the country road without houses or factories in the vicinity.


“A stalker?”


Tatsuya vaguely nodded his head to answer Miyuki.


“Yes, but it’s not in the car. A Psion Information Body… Though it doesn’t seem to be a spirit. Rather, it’s a familiar.”


Tension ran through Miyuki’s face. Minami, who sat in the front, was also tightening her lips with a stiff look.


“A magician from the continent?”


Miyuki’s question was unexpected for Tatsuya.


“…No, this familiar is different from the Kasei-tai. There isn’t even any color or form, hence, it’s purely a Psion Information Body.”


Miyuki blushed at Tatsuya’s answer.


“I’m sorry, when you said familiar… I thought it was ‘Kasei-tai’.”


“You don’t need to apologize. After all, we've had many opportunities to be in contact with Kasei-tai type familiars within the year.


Tatsuya smiled to soothe Miyuki, but it was immediately replaced with a stiff expression.


“It took so much time to figure out our position here. The enemy couldn’t have prepared much, but be on your guard. It’s coming.”


“Yes, Onii-sama.”


“Understood, Tatsuya-sama.”


Miyuki, who was next to him, and Minami, who turned to look behind, nodded to Tatsuya.


The driver didn’t seem to be willing to converse with the three and devoted himself to drive the car. However, his shoulders were unnaturally stiff, his face fixed straight to the front, while only his eyes were running around frequently. Yet, he still did not show a frightened expression, but this much was to be expected from a driver of the Yotsuba Family.


As Tatsuya deduced, it didn’t take much time for the enemy to appear.




The sign of the rotor sound was heard from the rear.


“Should we shoot it down?”


Miyuki, who had entered into a complete preparedness for a war, made a dangerous proposal.


“No, it’s bad to attack from here. It’s still well within the monitoring range of Psion Sensors.”


Tatsuya urged Miyuki down before she went any further. He then proceeded to talk to the driver.


“Please be wary of the front. There should be a large vehicle that will block the road soon.”


The helicopter was closing the distance between them bit by bit from the rear. They were able to catch up immediately, but chose not to do so, and Tatsuya thought that they were planning to pressure him.


It was like chasing a prey by its heel. If so, there should be an ambush further down the road.


It was a simple theory, that was why it was unlikely for that prediction to be out.




Before the green light at the junction, Tatsuya raised his voice. The driver pushed the brake reflexively. He ignored the signal of a trailer which came from the side of the road, and stopped at the junction.


“Minami, put up a shield on my cue!”




“Onii-sama, what about me?”


“Miyuki, you’re a backup in case of emergency”


At the same time, Tatsuya got out of the car quickly, and from the trailer, a whole gang of people armed with automatic rifles came down. There were 32 people, an entire Platoon armed with normal automatic rifles (not the high-powered rifles specialized for use against magicians). Tatsuya faced his assailants while confirming the enemy’s equipment and manpower.


(16 of them are magicians. They are not hiding in the distance. There are two in the helicopter. I guess both of them are here to supervise the situation.)


Their numbers were more than yesterday’s assailants, and there was a leader in this group.


(However, they’re still not enough.)


Half of the enemies were holding guns to hold their ground. Excessive firearms for each individual. The enemy seemed to know about Tatsuya to some extent.


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(Otherwise, is there a limit on the movement of these troops?)


An object barrier was formed in front of Tatsuya.


The automatic rifles were set to full auto.


The barrier that was stretched by Minami tackled all of the low-caliber high-speed bullets. It was an expected result, as Minami’s magic was targeted to defend against high-powered rifles.


Meanwhile, Tatsuya did not simply analyze the enemy’s forces.


The remaining half of the enemies advanced. Tatsuya targeted 16 people with partial Decomposition at the same time.


The magic defense of all 16 of them was already hooked. After some observation, it turned out to be magic from the Ancient Buddhist sect. A magic meant to hide one’s figure.


Tatsuya's Decomposition had easily torn down that barrier.


It was not a result of the finesse of the triple Decomposition Magic, ‘Trident’. It was a feat of strength in terms of Magic Interference. Activation Sequences of protective barriers were multiplied side by side, however, and their cooperation could be seen as sloppy.


Tatsuya fired his magic in rapid succession. All 16 were shot in both shoulders and thighs, completely losing their combat strength. They were in severe pain and were losing their consciousness one after the other.


“You monster!”


A familiar curse arrived at Tatsuya’s ear from the thwarted men.


Tatsuya did not even show a wry smile.


The troop had a normal combat proficiency. Tatsuya couldn’t think of any other conjecture besides Special Forces. However, they lacked strength to go against Tatsuya, let alone touching Miyuki. It was an impossible task.


(Their infantry has 16 remaining. First, I need to neutralize their arms.)


Tatsuya started to run swiftly.


He had turned into a hunter.


Tatsuya took down the helicopter, the hidden magicians were knocked unconscious——he paid no heed to the after effect——and proceeded to catch the man who seemed to be the Commander of the group. Unlike yesterday, he seemed to disdain the idea of fleeing. Although Tatsuya would prefer it if he’d just run away, as Tatsuya had no use for him, and he was not in the condition to entertain police matters.


He knew from the beginning that an interrogation would be a waste of time. It was apparent to Tatsuya that the man was not informed of the details while providing the camouflage trailer for troop transport, and he confirmed this when he saw the normal automatic rifles instead of the high-powered rifles for fighting magicians.


At any rate, Tatsuya left the scene of the plight after he handled the attack in a short period of time. However, it didn’t mean that Tatsuya’s group left without any damage. Their car was destroyed.


“I’m terribly sorry...”


“Don’t worry too much, Minami, it isn't your fault. I also didn’t expect this”


“That’s right. Minami-chan has properly fulfilled her role. As Onii-sama said, you don’t need to be bothered by this.”


Tatsuya and Miyuki slumped to comfort Minami, but it didn’t change their situation that they were stuck at a loss.


The car becoming unable to travel was not due to the flaws of Minami’s barrier magic. The enemy used a weapon that she did not think off.


“It was an EMP Bomb…”


EMP Bomb (Electromagnetic Bomb) was a weapon currently being developed which had only less than 10 meters of effectiveness at the moment. However, if strictly for short distance usage, it was compact and could be carried in an average sized vehicle. It might not have any effect on military equipment with electromagnetic protection treatment, but a shield was not sufficient in preventing the effects on electronic devices.


For instance, a CAD originally had sufficient electromagnetic protection as it was assumed to be used within military matters as well, but a commercially available portable information terminal could be damaged by an EMP Bomb.


“Miyuki, how is your terminal?”


“It’s alright.”




“Mine, as well, it has no problems.”


Tatsuya’s information terminal looked like a commercial model externally, yet the content was customized by the Independent Magic- Equipped Battalion. Miyuki’s was a gift from the Head of the Yotsuba. Minami’s terminal was also given to her by the Yotsuba. They were made with modern technology and were able to withstand the electromagnetic pulses from an EMP Bomb.


However, their self-propelled vehicle was not equipped with such technology.


“Even so… Why does the car which came to pick us up from the Main House not have measures against EM waves?”


The driver himself whimpered at Miyuki’s grumble.


The modern self-propelled vehicle was a lump of electronic devices. It would stop working in the presence of a powerful EM pulse.


Although the luxurious commercial vehicle had been installed with protective measures against EM waves, apparently, this car had a defective portion to its shield. Otherwise, the EMP Bomb had used a higher output than what could be handled by the vehicles at a commercially available level.


“I’m terribly sorry. As I thought, it was my fault.”


Even though he was not directly scolded, Minami felt sorry for the driver a little bit after Miyuki turned moody, hence, she apologized again.


It couldn’t be said that Minami was completely faultless.


The magic Minami used was ‘Mass Filter’. It was a magic that prevented the transmission of material above an allowable range within a constrained area. She set the magic to be ‘impermeable by anything more than three CO2 molecules’. This magic, unlike Vector Inversion and Kinetic Energy Neutralizer magic’s, was an excellent barrier which was effective in defend against Poisonous Gas that diffuses and penetrates without direction.


However, Mass Filter couldn’t defend against electromagnetic waves. Neither could it defend against heat and explosions. She could instantly activate the ‘Vector Inverting Shield’ against an explosion, and Minami selfishly thought that she didn’t have to worry about heat with Miyuki around.


Nevertheless, she had completely overlooked EM waves. Minami was seriously thinking that it was her fault. For instance, if the enemy had used ‘lightning’ magic, her defense obviously could not stand against the attack. No matter how much Tatsuya and Miyuki comforted her, Minami failed to put her heart at ease.


That was her motivation in covering for the driver, and it was never purely sympathy.


“Miyuki, at any rate, let’s call for another car.”


Tatsuya changed the subject rather than offering Minami consoling words again, as he had guessed such sentiments.




Miyuki had also noticed the reason for Minami’s self-blaming. She had no intention to blame both the driver and Minami. The monologue just now gave was unintentionally coming out of her mind. Miyuki would be very thankful if she was given a chance to retract her words.


However, it was not possible to call the Main House.


Then just right at this time, there was an incoming call to Miyuki’s terminal.


Tatsuya urged her to it pick-up with his eyes, and Miyuki answered the call.


“Good afternoon, Miyuki.”




The one calling was Tsukuba Yuuka.


“Yes, it's me. Miyuki-san, sorry if it's too sudden.”


“What happened?”


“I wonder if you could move the trailer which is blocking the road now.”


It was an abrupt request, and since there was no assailant in the trailer, it wouldn't move like usual so they just left it behind. Miyuki ended the call and ordered the driver to move the trailer from the intersection.


Miyuki truly had not thought that such a thing would happen, but Yuuka was unexpectedly at the other side of the moved trailer. The driver was back quickly, and the trailer was parked next to the unmoving car.


“Get in.”


It was a really sudden request without prior explanation that even Tatsuya was missing words to respond to her.


However, Yuuka raised her voice while throwing words in frustration.


“Quickly get in! I’m already at my limit in keeping the police away!”


“Miyuki, Minami, let’s get in.”


Urged by Tatsuya’s words, Miyuki and Minami went in, while at the same time loading their own luggage into Yuuka’s car.


“The driver?”


“Let him figure out something on his-”


It seemed like answering Tatsuya was a waste of time, so Yuuka omitted the last ‘own’ when Tatsuya slipped into the passenger seat and promptly started her car.


The first few minutes in the car was followed by a period of silence.


Yuuka was concentrating on driving.


Tatsuya could hear the voice communication unit in the front passenger seat occasionally. It appeared to be intercepted wirelessly.


As Miyuki looked out of the window, Minami saw the restlessness in Miyuki’s face.


Before long, tall buildings began to be seen. ‘Yuuka-san’, Miyuki spoke to Yuuka.


“What is it, Miyuki-san?”


“I think the Main House is in the opposite direction.”


Miyuki did not hide the distrust in her voice.


“We’re avoiding the police.”


Yuuka smiled wryly while answering so.


“Miyuki, Yuuka-san is speaking the truth.”


Tatsuya took away his attention from the communication unit, intending to calm Miyuki.

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“The police stretched out a checkpoint in the direction of the Main House. They didn’t do so on this side for some reason.”


Tatsuya noticed that she was intercepting the police’s radio. It was not something that someone could normally do. And even though the external parts of his own terminal were commercially available, the contents were filled with Independent Magic-Equipped Battalion specs that Sanada collaborated with Fujibayashi on. Hence, he could easily find wireless encrypted communications which were used within the country, most of which should be readable.


“If Onii-sama says so… Yuuka-san. Sorry for doubting your good will.”


“It’s alright. I know you have your reasons to be suspicious of me.”


Perhaps, it was due to the fact that she appeared conveniently right after the assailants were taken care of. At least, Tatsuya thought that was enough.


“However, why do the police only wait on the road leading towards the Main House?”


However, this was the point that Miyuki doubted.


Yuuka was about to smile wryly once again, but suddenly turned to a serious expression while answering Miyuki and gazing at her eyes through the mirror.


“That’s because, Miyuki-san, they don’t want to let you arrive at the Main House.”


◊ ◊ ◊


The place where Yuuka was taking the three of them to was one of the Tsukuba Family’s villas at the foot of Mt. Amigasa in the Yatsugatake Mountain range.


Yuuka led the three of them to the living room, and sat herself in a reclining chair——the house had six reclining chairs with footrests instead of a sofa——she suggested that Miyuki and the others should stay at the house for the meantime.


“Today, we’ll stop here.”


Miyuki asked Tatsuya with her eyes. Yet, Tatsuya replied promptly to Yuuka’s proposal.


“Tomorrow, shall we go to the Main House together? It’s not like we can read the movements of the scheduled pick-up car now.”


Tatsuya nodded to Miyuki. He asked Yuuka instead of Miyuki, as both of them were candidates in becoming the next Family Head, and Tatsuya answered Miyuki and delivered Miyuki’s intention.


“We welcome your offer with thankfulness.”


“Then, it’s decided.”


“Wait a minute.”


Miyuki showed restraint, seeing that Yuuka was smiling.


Immediately, the villa servant brought beverages. Everyone was served back tea. Moreover, instead of bringing the teapot, the tea was poured at two-thirds full in the cup and served side by side on the table. He put a sugar pot and milk pot down right before they left the living room.


Yuuka watched his backs with a bitter expression.


“…Even though he was as annoying with all the habits and etiquettes that I have, even he cannot afford to be attentive himself.”


She showed an apologetic face to the three of them with uncertainty.


“Sorry, everyone in my house is used to black tea, so they wouldn’t place down coffee or green tea.


“No, please don’t worry.”


Miyuki reached for the cup with a fake smile.


“Ah, it’s a little far from the table right? I’ll take out the side table now.”


After she confirmed that Miyuki retracted her hand, Yuuka operated the switch on her armrest.


On the right side of the four of them, a side table rose from the side of each chair.


Minami quickly placed together on the saucer, the tea cup and the milk pot and brought it to the table right by the side of Miyuki, without Miyuki noticing that she was gone from her side.


Miyuki nodded and said ‘Thank you’ to Minami, while taking the cup of black tea in her hand.


Tilting her neck lightly, Miyuki poured a bit of milk from the milk pot into her cup.


She stirred the tea a little, while smiling and with a bit of laughter to Minami.


Minami returned the milk pot back to the table before returning to her own seat.


When comparing to the servants of the house who put down the cup brusquely, they were in stark contrast with this female maid who naturally had a delicate mindfulness for her master.


“…So cute. Are you showing off?”


Yuuka returned with a smile that did not go well with Minami’s short display.


“No, I have no such intentions.”


Minami answered so without any feeling, and hid her face by bowing to Yuuka.


That action was meant to get on Yuuka’s nerve, but she chose to dampen out the irritation that was forming on the surface of her mind with a ‘phew’.


“Well… Our servant has shown such a bad attitude just now. I’ll take it as a draw.”


Tatsuya, who was drinking the tea with a straight face, put down his cup on the saucer without even stealing a glance at the act, and proceeded to say, ‘Let’s continue our talk’.


“That’s right... Miyuki-san, do you have something to say?”


Yuuka corrected her seating posture, followed by Miyuki who turned to face her.


“I want to ask you about a few things.”


“You don’t mean… That you want me to speak of my own true feelings, right?”


The playful atmosphere disappeared from Yuuka, replaced by a sharp light.


“I wouldn’t ask such a meaningless thing.”


Against Miyuki’s sunny winter-like eyes, Yuuka’s light was caught deep in its coldness.


Miyuki’s eyes seemed to show an illusion of sucking out another’s soul, which made Yuuka divert her own.


Although before long, she returned another gaze.


“It wouldn’t be completely useless. I can speak of my true feelings well within a certain range.”


“I see. Then, I will indulge in your kind words. Firstly, about the earlier look... And, how you managed to conveniently find us stranded in such a place?”


“Well, of course that would weigh on your mind.”


Yuuka complained with an expressionless smile.


“At the very least, you can believe that I have no partake in the conspiracy.”


“I can, if you would just tell me the reason.”


“…Actually, I have been secretly keeping an eye on the car which Miyuki-san’s group would ride in.”


Miyuki glanced at Tatsuya.


Tatsuya shook his head lightly.


Although Yuuka had fastened her eyes to think of a good follow-up, Miyuki replied before.


“I see.”


Despite not believing Yuuka’s description, Miyuki asked the next question.


“Why did you put up so much effort into helping us there?”




“You wouldn’t say that was because I needed an escort, right? You can’t expect to convince me with such a reason.”


Yuuka gave up and sighed.


“I guess so… I got it. I’ll tell you the truth.”


“Please do.”


Although Miyuki’s straight gaze could be deemed as a bad attitude, she wasn’t going to be deceived any longer.


“Tatsuya-san might have known about this though.”


Before explaining, Yuuka tried to engage Tatsuya into the conversation. Tatsuya’s real intention was to not let Miyuki know about the matter. However, if Yuuka did not clear up the misunderstanding, the situation would not be able to proceed. Furthermore, if Miyuki was to be named as the next Family Head, she would need to know the expectations of the Branch Families. Tatsuya changed his mind because of this.


“Maya-sama has decided to name Miyuki-san as the next Family Head during the New Year's Gathering. A group of the Branch Families tried to get in the way. They must have thought that, at the very least, you wouldn’t be named as the next Head if you couldn’t show up for the Gathering.”


There was no surprise seen in Miyuki’s face.


“So they don’t want me to be the next Head?”


However, she was asking this with a harder voice.


“I think, only Shibata Oji-sama thinks so.”


Yuuka’s answer was so clear that it sounded cruel.


“I see… Shibata-san, so Katsushige-san, as well.”


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“I don’t think so, though.”


However, the clarity of her answers seemed to be inconsistent.


“I’m sorry. What do you mean by that?”


Yuuka did not show any special remorse while continuing her explanation.


“Shibata Oji-sama wants Katsushige to be the Family Head, but I think it couldn’t be helped for Miyuki to be named as the next Family Head. If he were asked which between Miyuki-san and Katsushige-san is more excellent among the Yotsuba’s Magicians, he would have known the answer, as well. After all, Katsushige-san is an excellent magician but only by normal standards.”


Yuuka divulged in laughter. Miyuki had failed to follow Yuuka in her laughter, despite agreeing on her assessment of Katsushige.


“Well, if that’s the case. Nobody really disproves of you in becoming the next Family Head.”


“Yuuka-san, how do you, yourself, feel?”




Yuuka was talking about the next Family Head nomination as if it was someone else’s problem, and worried about Miyuki.


Yuuka was also one of the four in the final stage that fulfilled the requirements in being a candidate.


“I also think that Miyuki-san is the appropriate choice.”


Yuuka quickly answered so. It was too quick that the earnestness couldn’t be heard.”


“No, this way is not exactly right.”


However, Yuuka was 100% serious without mixed any mixed meanings.


“Going back two years, the Tsukuba Family had decided to support Miyuki-san in becoming the next Family Head. In order to ensure that the Tsukuba Family has a say in the matter, I am to remain as a candidate until the actual election. Although this was more to help you win over the other Branch Candidates like Katsushige-san and Fumiya- kun.”


“Why would you go that far to…”


Miyuki’s question was to be expected.


“90% is purely because we think that Miyuki-san should become the next Family Head.”


Yuuka was evading from directly answering her question by saying these difficult words.


“The remaining part is probably due to the guilt from my mother.”


Miyuki complexion changed. It was not an exact answer, but it was enough for her.


“If you’re talking about atonement, then it would be troublesome. That happened against Touka-sama’s wish. However, in reality, has Touka- sama made her own determination in accordance with Oba-sama?”


Touka was Yuuka’s mother, the current Head of Tsukuba Family. It didn’t mean that she had no father, but Touka had been the head before marrying Yuuka’s father.


Touka was a magician who specialized in Mental Interference Magic, well known within the Yotsuba with her special magic, ‘Pledge’. ‘Pledge’ was done under the consent of the magician, limiting the mental activity of the subject semi-permanently. Unilaterally, it was impossible to bind the spirit of the magician, so there must be a condition of there being a key to release the partner’s independent will. It was a magic with a high utility value which enabled partial control over someone while still maintaining the emotions of the controlled subject.


For both Miyuki and Tatsuya, it was a magic with a particularly deep meaning. After their mother passed away, Touka’s magic was the one that allowed Miyuki to seal Tatsuya’s magic power by casting ‘Pledge’ on Tatsuya’s body.


“Moreover, I don’t have anything to say. Since it was an order from the Head, I have no intention to go against her will.”


“…Pardon my rudeness. Sorry for forcing you to say such an upsetting thing.”


“I think it is only to be understood since its Miyuki-san. Please don’t mind it.”


Both Miyuki and Yuuka stretched their hands, each to their own cup, while trying to refocus.


“I understand the stance of the Tsukuba Family.”


While Miyuki was trying to change the topic, Yuuka wore a thin smile.


“Then, why are people from the other Branches trying to postpone the appointment of the next Family Head? If you know the details, would you please tell me?”


Yuuka glanced at Tatsuya.


Tatsuya, who was fully in her sight——made her hesitate——although he didn’t show any reaction.


Yuuka averted her eyes from Miyuki’s gaze, and started to talk with a down casted head.


“Shibata Oji-sama and Mashiba Oji-sama want to pull Miyuki-san away from Tatsuya-san. No, they want to pull Tatsuya-san out from the center of the Yotsuba in order to isolate him from the world by pulling him away from the spotlight.


Miyuki took a several deep breath. It was ragged for the first few times, and after repeating for five-six times, she regained her calmness.


“…Not from the public, but from the world?”


“Yes. I mixed in some of my guesses, but it shouldn’t be wrong. I don’t know about the reason behind their actions, but all of the Oji-sama’s thought that Tatsuya was not supposed to exist as a magician. They are trying to interfere with you being named as the next Head in order to buy time for that purpose.”


“How could preventing me from being appointed as the next Family Head be connected to their importance in buying time to get rid of Onii- sama?”


Miyuki spoke out in monologue, though it was not her intention to say this out loud. Her lips and throat were trembling as soon as her mind exploded with anger.


“Miyuki-san, please listen to this calmly… If Miyuki-san were to be appointed as the next Head, your Onii-sama, Tatsuya-san, as Miyuki- san’s Guardian, will be established with a firm status within the Yotsuba. He would be the brother of theb next Family Head, as well as a close aide of the next Family Head. It is not really negligible in the minds of the Branch Families’ Heads.


Yuuka took a glance at Miyuki’s complexion.


Miyuki, at that moment, had regained her calm.


“So, they want to at least postpone the appointment of the next Family Head until Minami-chan over there can replace Tatsuya-san’s role.”


“…I see, so that’s the case.”


Miyuki’s voice was so cold and gentle that it was eerie.


“Ye-yes. I have no doubt in this.”


So far, Yuuka had tried her best not to be afraid of Miyuki, but this was enough to make her tremble involuntarily.


“On the other hand, if I manage to get to the New Year’s Gathering, I would be able to secure Onii-sama’s position.”


However, Miyuki did not think about this dangerous matter like she was trying to get back at someone. What she was thinking, ultimately, it was an outrageous conspiracy that would try to break her apart from her brother.


“Yuuka-san, we will not depart today, right?”


The four of them had not had their lunch, even though lunch hour had passed long ago. However, it was well before sunset, if they could depart now, they should be able to reach the Main House.


“Yes… I think the police are still on the move. It’s not like we did anything wrong, but if we get caught by the police, it would waste our time unnecessarily. I think it’s best to wait until tomorrow.”


“I understand. I will confide in your gracious words, so please take care of us for today.”


“I think there are a lot of things that are not up to your standards, but please use your time well.”


“Thank you very much. I will be in your care tomorrow as well.”


Miyuki’s tone and words had been suppressed to be gentle. However, Yuuka felt a soul freezing force coming out of Miyuki when she said, ‘I will be in your care tomorrow as well’. She struggled to smile back at Miyuki and nodded her head.


In the end, the three from Tatsuya’s group didn’t have any lunch at all, but were served an early dinner instead (the taste was unsatisfactory), before they were guided to their rooms from the waiting room.


Tatsuya spread the contents of his travel bag. He did not wonder about his outfit for tomorrow, but his equipment, instead. The customized Silver Horn-‘Trident’ was brought out from the enclosed within the travel bag.


He was wondering whether to use either the ‘Trident’ that he was already familiar with, or the inconspicuous ‘Silver Torus’.


If it was a battle of magic, he’d use the Handgun type, Trident.


If he assumed for a physical battle, he could reduce the use of magic and wear the Bracelet type, Silver Torus.


He wavered for a second, but in the end, he did not take the Trident out of the travel bag.


Someone knocked on the door when he was about to close the zipper of his bag. When Tatsuya asked ‘Who is it’, the returned answer was ‘It’s Miyuki’. He left his bag open, and moved to open the door.


“What’s wrong?”


He opened the door and asked Miyuki. She was alone.


“I have something that I want to talk about... for a little while.”


Careful of the place, Miyuki seemed to be in a fine state of mind.


“I got it, come in.”


Tatsuya invited Miyuki into his room.


Miyuki first went to the front of the travel bag which was left open, and began to refold Tatsuya’s clothes which had been a little disorganized.


He was about to take out his underwear and go take a bath soon, so there was not much meaning in organizing the contents of the bag now. However, Tatsuya didn’t restrain Miyuki, and said ‘I’m sorry’.


“No, I do this because I like it.”


Miyuki’s voice sounded a little joyful, while her hand was still moving. She satisfied her urge and closed the zipper of Tatsuya’s travel bag.


“You may sit on the bed.”


He let Miyuki sit on his bed, while he himself sat on the chair of the writing desk.


Miyuki did not show any hesitation, but she shallowly sat on the bed.


“Well, then? What do you want to hear?”


When Tatsuya immediately led the conversation, Miyuki inflated her cheeks in her slight dissatisfaction.——No, it wasn't as if she actually did that, but she oozed such a similar aura.

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“Am I not allowed to come unless I have some business?”


“No, no such thing.”


To Miyuki, Tatsuya immediately raised a white flag. Tatsuya was not afraid of even the authorities, but it was a different story when it came to his sister.


“Fufufu… I’m joking.”


After being scolded by her brother, Miyuki immediately correct her mood.


“Moreover, I have something to ask you.”


Then let me listen to it from the very beginning, Tatsuya thought so, but of course he didn’t voice that out.


“What do you want to ask?”


Instead, he asked her bluntly.


Miyuki had also stopped with her playful words.


“Onii-sama, did you know about the interference from the Branch Families?”


The thought of cheating to get out of this situation disappeared while Miyuki blinked before him.


“I had knowledge of it.”


While Miyuki was still thinking about her next question, Tatsuya proceeded to answer.


“On the first day of the winter break, Kuroba-san came to visit FLT. I was told about the matter at that time. The details of what he said were almost the same as what Yuuka-san told us just now. Yuuka-san said that she mixed in some of her guesses, but I wonder if she already knew these facts.”


“Kuroba Oji-sama…? Then.”




Tatsuya had guessed what Miyuki was concerned about, and denied it preemptively.


“The Kuroba are not involved in this sabotage. He said that he is of a neutral stance this time. I think we can believe him. Of course, both Fumiya and Ayako will not be our enemy.”


“I see...”


Miyuki breathed in a sigh of relief, but immediately turned her face upwards to Tatsuya who had a stringent look on his face.


“Onii-sama, why didn’t you talk to me about this?”


It was not as if Miyuki didn’t know the feeling of self-blaming, but Tatsuya had his own excuse. He couldn’t divert his eyes from his sister.


“It would be better if the interferer would retreat. As long as you can attend the New Year’s Gathering, the fact that someone pulled strings behind you is a trifling matter. I didn’t want to burden you with unnecessary worrisome matters.”


Tatsuya had judged that this time’s incident was a simple composition. Whether it was their hideouts and time gimmicks, there wasn’t any need to sniff them out. They simply needed to get rid of the assailants. He thought that it would put her at a disadvantage to worry over this matter.


“It’s natural for me to worry about Onii-sama!”


However, those thoughts were unacceptable for Miyuki.


“Certainly, it might have been useless for me to worry over these thoughts. However, isn’t it fine if I worry about Onii-sama! To be able to cry or be angry for Onii-sama is very important to me. I would never think of this as ‘unnecessary’!”


Miyuki moved her face laterally and pouted. While his baffled sister remained in that position, Tatsuya thought that he had to pacify her mood one way or another. Tatsuya stood up and moved to the front of Miyuki.




Tatsuya tried to put his hand on his sister’s shoulder, but he missed it.


It was not due to Miyuki shaking off his hand.


Miyuki stood up, and suddenly embraced him.


“Onii-sama, do you remember?”


“About what?”


While asking so, Tatsuya recalled a scene in his memory that would certainly be connected.


The scene from last year’s Nine Schools Competition, the Fourth Day and the first night of the Newcomer's Games. Tatsuya rejected the offer to adopt his ‘Active Air Mine’ into the Index with his name as the creator. Miyuki came to visit Tatsuya then...


“My feelings have not changed at all from that time. And will never change from here onwards.”


Miyuki continued her words surely, as if she confirmed what Tatsuya was recalling.


“Because I am your ally.”


A scene was drawn to Tatsuya’s mind, and he watched it with his eyes.


“Because I will forever be Onii-sama’s ally.”


Tatsuya opened up the storage of his memories.


“The time will certainly come. I’m sure you can do it. I certainly hope so.”


Miyuki raised her face up. In contrast to Tatsuya’s expectation, Miyuki’s face was filled with a smile.


“And that time is coming soon. It might be a little different than ‘the time’ that we have in mind, but at last, the time has come where Onii- sama can finally fly freely.”


However, in the midst of that shiny smile, he could see a drop of shadow. And that was weighing very much on Tatsuya’s mind.


◊ ◊ ◊


The current Head of the Yotsuba, Yotsuba Maya, smiled involuntarily after receiving a report from the Butler, Hayama, about Miyuki, who was attacked in two consecutive days due to the information leak and now had to stay at the Tsukuba Family's villa.


"What should I say, it's useless."


Maya was not ridiculing them, but instead she said it gently and dazzlingly.


"It seems like the Branch Family members have underestimated Tatsuya-dono's power."


The Butler, Hayama, replied with a harsh comment in a polite tone.


"This village's 'barrier' couldn't stand up against Tatsuya-san's 'Decomposition' after all, so he can come from the sky if he wanted to make it on time. If that were really to happen, everyone would be thrown into an uproar. Until the Decomposed barrier to repel intruders is completely rebuilt again, the magicians with recognition inhibitors will be overworked day and night. Building up that barrier is not an easy task after all."


Maya sighed exaggeratedly.


"I wonder if everyone from the Branch Families understands what kind of responsibility they will bear if they try to impede my instructions?"


Maya made a 'how troublesome' kind of face, while tilting her tea cup.


"Anyway, regarding Aoki-san and the others, are you sure you have delivered the correct information to the Heads of the Branch Families?"


"Yes, unmistakably."


Butler Hayama replied so after being glanced over by Maya, and he poured a non-caffeine herbal tea into Maya's cup with a reverential attitude.


By the way, within the Yotsuba Family, all of the Butlers were called equally as 'Butler', whether it was Obara or Aoki or Hanabishi or even Hayama, the eight of them, in reality, were in a position to supervise employees in each sector. However, only Hayama was in charge of private (internal) issues out of all eight of the Butlers.


Even now, during the night tea time. It was the main reason why she could speak openly. Even Maya wouldn't speak in such a manner in front of anyone else but Hayama. Conversely, the Branch Family Heads, no, the Yotsuba itself was tied up at the mercy of the Family Head that despised the family, since this was Maya's true nature.


"However, I wouldn't say that all their efforts are wasted."


Hayama witnessed all that without changing his attitude. Even now, he reverently offered a solution based on his own opinion. By doing so, he let his Master complain to her hearts content without being caught otherwise.


"According to Hanabishi's report, of both the remnants of the Great Asian Alliance’s coalition hardliners and the Great Asian Alliance’s appeasement factions, we significantly weakened their forces from waging war against the Ten Master Clans. Especially for the Artificial Psychic Center which is on the verge of collapsing in Matsumoto. In the future, let's keep this lake garden of the Yotsuba Family from such rampaging activities of any intruders.


"I have never minded over those Artificial Psychics to begin with."


Maya laughed curtly by her nose, but her voice was frank, unlike the sweet poison type like what she used earlier.


"Anyway, this means that the end-of-the-year house cleaning has come to an end?"


Hayama nodded with a faint smile at her inquiry.


"There were some changes in the setup, but there was only a little more to be done by the necessary staff so I left the rest to Hanabishi."


"Well, that's true. Fishing takes a lot of time and effort, part of the rough stuff. Tatsuya-san would substantially take care of those people."


Maya showed a slight amazement in her face.


"Well, that's fine. Hayama-san, have you finished the New Year's preparations?"


"Yes. We just need to wait for Miyuki-sama's arrival."


"Then, there's nothing to be worried of."


Hayama opened his mouth with a bit of slight hesitation.


"Madam, do you really not wish to stop Shibata-sama?"


Hayama knew of the plan of the Head of the Shibata Family in keeping Miyuki stranded by Shibata Katsushige and his Guardians. Of course, Maya also knew.


Maya, for some unknown reason, laughed in satisfaction.


"Even if it's Katsushige-san, there is no way he can stop Tatsuya-san."


Shibata Katsushige was, without a doubt, one of the strongest magicians in the Yotsuba's current generation in terms of combat magic, but Maya expected that Tatsuya had no possibility of losing against Katsushige. This time, Maya had a vision in making Tatsuya bringing down Katsushige.

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