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Volume 20, Chapter 3

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Captain Jasmine Williams, using the pseudonym Jasmine Jackson, and Capt. James J. Johnson, using the pseudonym James Jackson, heard this on March 24th. Having fled from the people of Kazama, they secretly met with the leaders of the group of deserters from the Great Asian Alliance in the coastal hotel.


" Yotsuba Magicians?"


One of the leaders of the faction of the opponents of reconciliation, as well as the leader of this group of saboteurs, Major Daniel Liu, nodded in response to the resent Jasmine.


-In the today's ceremony, the future head of the Yotsuba family, as well as her fiancé, took part.


-Was it a memorial service for victims of the war five years ago?


Liu did not add anything, and nodded again.


-Leaders of magicians sent their representative to the ceremony, there is nothing strange. Said James, standing next to Jasmine.


-Indeed, there is nothing unnatural here. Liu agreed with James. "However, I think that you cannot ignore it." Even if their presence in Okinawa is not connected with us, the mere presence of Yotsuba magician's here can be a serious obstacle to the operation.


"However, the" princess "Yotsuba and her fiancé must be still high school students.


This time, in response to Jasmine, Liu shook his head negatively.


-During the operation in Yokohama, our army was badly damaged by the current head of the family Dziumondzi, who was at that time a high school student. You cannot be disparaging, even if it's a child.


Although Liu himself urged Jasmine and others to be more careful, he himself did not know how valuable and dangerous magicians Tatsuya and Miyuki are. It was not a misunderstanding, he just did not know it.


◊ ◊ ◊


March 25, 2097.


Tatsuya and Miyuki, received attention of enemy saboteurs, today in fact also spent a day without vigorous participation in the counter-terrorist operation.


They relaxed at the hotel.


-From time to time to afford such a luxury is a good thing.


-And the truth.


"I'm still somewhat uncomfortable ..." Minami said timidly, serving two masters talking at breakfast on the balcony.


The room in which these three reside is a suite with two bedrooms. This time they publicly represent the Yotsuba family at a memorial ceremony for the victims of the invasion of Okinawa and at a meeting on the organization of a summer funeral service. Since the rest of the Ten Master Clans did not participate in the ceremony, it would not be an exaggeration to say that they are representatives of the Conference of the Master Clans. Therefore, the cost of the room was the highest to show the importance of the powers of the Ten Master Clans.


In the suite where they lived, there were two bedrooms with two single beds. Tatsuya took one room, and Miyuki with Minami - another. Neither Tatsuya nor Miyuki thought it necessary to drive Minami into a separate room.


But for Minami this number was too luxurious, and she felt atrocious. She was also embarrassed that she worried about the presence of a couple of the groom with the bride. Therefore she from time to time modestly applied, asking to be moved to a "cheaper room".


"Does the bodyguard want to leave the guard's goal?"


"But every time she received such a warning, she could not object. If Minami gets a separate cheap room, then she will be on the other floor. Then, if something happens, she will not have time.


- I apologize. "After all, Minami had no choice but to apologize this time.


"Minami-chan, let's sit down too." Miyuki asked softly to sit down at a table full of food and drinks. Minami, answering "Yes", obediently sat down. She already understood that it was useless to try to resist.


Minami, making more coffee, collected the dishes on a cart. Of course, you could leave it to the hotel staff, but Minami, with the words "This is in return for being in such a luxurious room," decided to take it upon herself. ... Well, the custom to leave a tip here is not, so the harm to employees from this will not happen. Thinking in this way, Tatsuya and Miyuki were silent.


"Miyuki, did you rest?"


-Yes. I rested from yesterday evening, and the fatigue has completely passed.


-It's good. - Tatsuya confirmed with his "look" that Miyuki does not pretend, and smiled gently. Miyuki looked away shyly. However, soon turned back, flushed, ashamed of her own weakness.

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"Shall we go for a walk today?"


- Yes, with pleasure!


"On the job?" - Miyuki did not ask out loud. If Tatsuya wants to spend time on herself, she will not have any objections. Miyuki could not even think of such disrespectful behavior as a dispute with Tatsuya's decision.


"Minami will come with us, too."


-Yes, I will. - Approaching the table Minami, also without hesitation nodded. She had no choice but to obey the words of her master.


"As we get aboard the ship, I want you both to change into something that does not hamper movement."


-I got it. Could you wait a minute?


-Do not rush. I also need time to prepare. Minami, help Miyuki with the preparations.


"As you wish."


Miyuki and Minami went to their room. Tatsuya also went to change into his room.


◊ ◊ ◊


Arriving at the port, Tatsuya, Miyuki and Minami went to a yacht equipped for the open sea. In appearance of this "yacht" it was impossible to say that it is equipped with a military engine and equipment taken from army boats.


"Yo, here you are."


"Joe, I'm counting on you today."


On board the yacht, Sergeant Higaki Joseph expected them, with whom they met yesterday.


"Um, Onii-sama ... is this?"


Yesterday, an unexpected meeting only surprised her, but now she forgot herself so much that she did not realize that Tatsuya-sama should be used before strangers.


"Today I planned to use the plane, but this night I received an invitation to use a boat from Sergeant Higaki. And I decided to accept the offer.


When Tatsuya finished, Joseph, despite the lack of uniform, gave his honor to Miyuki.


"Sergeant Higaki Joseph, at your service." Allow me today to serve as your escort. He said with a broad smile on his face. - Even if it says "escort", in fact, I was instructed to arrange a reception. Big cones from above could not ignore the name "Yotsuba". No matter how much noise is not raised. Ah, I do not know what kind of snake can crawl out.


Apparently, Joseph wanted to say "bush snake". [note. trans.: a Japanese saying of only 2 words, meaning that a person's actions will have the opposite effect]


-The base's management was worried, but Lieutenant Colonel Kazama said that "There is a junior officer who is familiar with the next head of the Yotsuba family" and, under the pretext of escort, was instructed to be a tourist guide to this guy. That is, me.


Joseph winked at Miyuki. It looked stern, but unexpectedly friendly.


"That's why, when I asked Tatsuya where he wanted to go, and got the answer that I was on Ishigaki Island, then I borrowed a military speedboat with the crew. But even if I said that a military boat, I still guarantee a comfortable trip, because it is equipped to transport important people.


"Ishigaki Island?" I did not know that it was planned to go so far. Miyuki looked at Tatsuya in surprise.


-Depending on the weather conditions, the trip could be canceled. I did not mean to upset you.


"I'm surprised ... but glad."


"Smiling Tatsuya," said Miyuki.


To Ishigaki Island about 400 km, they overcame them in 3 hours. The sea was far from calm, but inside the yacht was surprisingly quiet, so Tatsuya and the company came out on Ishigaki Island even without slight seasickness. In the port they were waiting for a rented car. Then they realized that the words "to arrange a reception" were not an exaggeration.


-Well, then, a review of conventional attractions will do?


-Yes thank you.

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Joseph sat in the driver's seat. Only the most famous sights were near the network of unmanned roads, so to get to those that are outside these roads, a knowledgeable driver was needed. Although Joseph probably had few opportunities to leave the main island of Okinawa and visit Ishigaki, nevertheless, he got out a good guide who knows the key places. Even with the escort and maid accompanied, Miyuki was pleased with the unexpected meeting with Tatsuya.


In the end, when it was time to return to the main island, Tatsuya asked to stop at a well-known jewelry store specializing in pearls. Leaving Joseph waiting outside, Tatsuya led Miyuki and Minami to the store.


-This is Shiba Tatsuya.


-We were waiting for you.


Tatsuya gave his name, and the store employee took them to the service desk at the back of the store. As regards the workers, Miyuki realized that the visit was apparently reserved in advance.


- Here you are.


From the service room, a former employee left, and carefully opened the jewelry case with the necklace he had brought.


- Oh ....!


Inside, there was such a magnificent multicolored pearl necklace that Miyuki was involuntarily surprised aloud. The standard length graduation type combined three colors of pearls: white, black and gold. Pearls are completely ideal round shape, without natural damage. It was not necessary to be an expert to say that the saturation of color and brilliance was also a level of high luxury, which you cannot complain about.


- Is it possible to take a closer look?


- As you wish.


The seller politely bowed to Tatsuya's words, and asked Miyuki: "Can I help you try on it?".


"Uh, is that ... me?"


Other thoughts did not come to mind. But still, involuntarily, Miyuki asked Tatsuya.


- Of course. Happy Birthday.


Miyuki covered her mouth with both hands.


"We'll buy the ring later." While we take the necklace, be patient a little.


Tatsuya was with his usual unbiased face, but the tone of his voice was different, betraying some degree of embarrassment.


"What patience!" I'm happy. Thank you very much, Tatsuya-sama.


Apparently from an overabundance of emotions, Miyuki's eyes shed a few tears. Only Minami noticed that she was able to replace the familiar "Onii- sama"




◊ ◊ ◊


"Jo, thank you very much for today."


"It's a good thing." Thanks to you, I too was able to rest.


Having landed them at the entrance to the hotel, Joseph left on an unmanned taxi. Holding a taxi with his eyes until it was out of sight, Tatsuya directed his gaze to the building across the road.


"Onii-sama?" What happened? - Having noticed this look, Miyuki asked Tatsuya. Minami, hearing Miyuki, became tense. Tatsuya shielded Miyuki with his back from the building he was looking at.


-Do not worry. "Despite Tatsuya's attempt to reassure, Minami's suspicion did not weaken.


"Are those ... enemies?"


"Watching Tatsuya's gaze, Miyuki saw only a window with closed curtains. Minami's eyes also read that she could not understand. Understand what Tatsuya is looking at.


"Maybe it's a kind of information seeker hired for money." But even if you grab him, you cannot get much out of him.


"Do not ferret out" does not mean that you cannot try to find out. So Miyuki accepted Tatsuya's words, and could neither doubt nor disprove.

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Tatsuya gently pushed Miyuki back. Following this insistence of Tatsuya, Miyuki entered the hotel door.


◊ ◊ ◊


In one of the rooms of the building opposite, looking through as they entered into the hotel Miyuki, Tatsuya and Minami, the captain of the Australian army, James J. Johnson, continued the previously detained breath. Trying to rub his forehead with his hand, he realized that his hand was completely wet with cold sweat.


"So that I would experience such tension ... no, fear?"


Modern Australia not only negatively concerns diplomacy, but also reluctantly sends troops abroad. This is the official policy, regardless of the actual manifestation of isolation. Officially, they have no alliances with other countries, and they do not participate in any joint exercises.


But this does not mean that a soldier like James was never given a chance to participate in a real battle.


Australia is a country rich in resources. Not only minerals. Having planted and cultivated deserts, this country has one of the few natural agricultural farms in the world capable of supplying food. Other countries, in the guise of territorial claims, begin conflicts almost daily.


Also their isolated policy does not mean complete neutrality. As in the present case, there is nothing unusual in cooperating with armed groups of other countries in secret illegal operations.


James is a veteran of the army service, a battle magician of the avant-garde, who has gained experience in a variety of battles. He was only a hair's breadth from death, not once or twice. He was proud of the fact that in many cases he was able to be unshakable.


"To me ... from this kid?"


But no matter how he denied, he understood that this was only self- deception.


"I did not just notice my observation, it was like a god of death, piercing the soul and piercing deep in the heart ... Are they called" Untouchables "not just for the sight?"


Rumors that started about 30 years ago after the defeat of Dahan gave birth to this name.


Do not touch the Yotsuba from Japan. Touch and be destroyed.


Indeed, in the shadow world, to which James belonged, the rumors have already outgrown in serious talk about the fact that the Great Asian Alliance went to a disadvantageous world because of what bothered Yotsuba. "Is not the Magic of the Strategic Class that burned the southern tip of the Korean peninsula, the development of the Yotsuba family?", Some people said.


Considered to be the strongest division in the world, Stars from the USNA also were repulsed from Japan by Yotsuba. Unconfirmed information about this also reached him.


James could not bring himself to believe in all these amazing stories. This time the enemy of James was "Daitengu" Kazama Harunobu, who earned his reputation in the battles on the Indochina peninsula. Since it, the capabilities of the military magicians of Japan are at a high level. The magical power of Japan is not only the Yotsuba. Showing the world's first division of flying infantry, it was the military that repulsed the sudden attack of the Great


Asian Alliance with its might. According to the Australian army, including James, the Magic of the Strategic Class, which solved the situation, was the development of the Japanese army. Reasoning reasonably, such force is too great for one civil organization. By allowing this, they could not keep the balance of power in their country.


... And yet, Yotsuba - the enemy, which in any case cannot be neglected.


... Even if it's a schoolboy-teenager.


James thought about it again in his memory.


◊ ◊ ◊


On the birthday of Miyuki Tatsuya prepared not only a gift.


Together they enjoyed a dinner in the luxurious restaurant of the hotel, where they stopped (Minami, after reading the atmosphere, that is, under her influence, refused), after which they went to the observation deck with glasses of drinks.


Of course, both had non-alcoholic cocktails. Ask Miyuki "maybe a little ..." Tatsuya politely declined. He still remembered his troubled experience with Mayumi at a hotel in Kyoto.


He not only stopped her with words. Tatsuya checked withe his "eye" the contents of the glass of Miyuki. He was already used to checking drinks "Eyes of Spirits" on the presence of alcohol. So he was able to find out. Alcohol was not there.


- Onii-sama ... I, somehow ...


Sitting on the next couch, Miyuki raised her clouded eyes and looked at Tatsuya with a defocused gaze.


Miyuki was dressed in a cocktail dress of orthodox style "A-line" with a skirt below the knee length. Usually knees can be seen if sitting in a chair. However, on this low couch, her slender legs were visible far above her knees.


Fortunately, they were behind the partition, and it was not seen by other visitors. But in Tatsuya's eyes the image of uncovered legs sitting on the low sofa was clearly reflected.


Tatsuya did not know where to look, although Miyuki simply sat according to all the rules of etiquette.

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"Can we go back to our room?"


She did not feel bad, apparently just intoxicated with the atmosphere. Feeling that in any case it is better to return, Tatsuya called Miyuki and got up. Miyuki obediently followed Tatsuya. She was not one of those girls who would complain at such a time. Especially Tatsuya's words.


Instead, she tightly wrapped her right hand around Tatsuya's left arm. And from that close distance she looked up and looked at Tatsuya with a spoiled look. At a time when they were considered a brother and sister, Tatsuya would politely pull back and scold Miyuki, but now he left it as it is. Because it is not unnatural in their current situation.


Apparently Miyuki was counting on this. And yet she felt a little relieved, because she was afraid of being rejected, despite the fact that she knew that this was unlikely.


Tatsuya left the observation deck with Miyuki, holding his left hand.


Miyuki released Tatsuya's hand just before entering their room. With a face, as if nothing had happened, she thanked Minami, who was doing the cleaning work. Tatsuya also thanked Minami, after which he told Miyuki to go to the bathroom first, and he retired to his room.


Closing the door, he took off his suit, but instead of a night-dress he put on an ordinary robe and sat down at his desk. Then he focused his attention on the results of what happened today.


He sent the main part of his consciousness into the information dimension. In the innumerable ramifications of the tree of cause-effect relationships.


Until last year, Tatsuya could only consistently track in a three-dimensional vision, but during the recent search for the culprit of the subversive terrorism incident, he searched in countless streams of information and learned the ability to look at the whole picture of cause-effect relationships as a whole from a bird's eye view.


And in this vision of the whole picture from above, he quickly discovered a piece of information that he himself had released earlier. The label is found. He began to read information about the found object.


"... James Jeffrey Johnson, an Australian military magician, is a captain."


The information Tatsuya "watched" described the enemy agent who was watching them when they returned to the hotel. Then he could not clearly see the face, but it was clear that this was a man of European appearance. Therefore, having guessed that it could be a person with a picture of "parent with child" shown on the eve of Kazama, he shot through the Idea a tracking psion label.


"Is the current location northeast of the coast of Kume Island, do they use a fishing boat?"


Unfortunately, he could not read the information not related to the marked person. The technique of the "field of vision" with the key markers was still imperfect, he was still finalizing it and learning to apply it.


But the information received that the real identity of "James Jackson" - "Captain James J. Johnson", is of great importance. Tatsuya did not underestimate his achievements, and, taking out the terminal-laptop from the baggage, sent to Kazama in encrypted form the data just received.


After taking a bath and getting ready for bed, Tatsuya returned to the bedroom and saw Miyuki sitting in the unoccupied bed in her pajamas.


Pajamas did not have provocative elements like unbuttoned buttons or accidental exposure of the shoulder due to the large size, but was slightly transparent and with a deep neckline. A thin silky fabric (most likely natural silk) was clearly visible, showing the contours of the body on which there was no underwear, so Tatsuya hurried to look away.


-... Did you want to talk about something? - Trying not to look below the neck to his younger sister and bride, he asked.


-You cannot? Cannot I just come?


Bending her head in an interrogative gesture, Miyuki asked softly. Despite the fact that he did it several times before, Tatsuya "looked" once again checked the concentration of alcohol in Miyuki's blood.


"... Please, do not look at me like that." I'm embarrassed ... "Miyuki blushed and looked at Tatsuya with dull eyes.


- Ah, um. Sorry.


Even Tatsuya could not avoid a little excitement from this. If it was not him, the "small" excitement would not have ended. The limit of the strength of the mind would instantly be shaken, and the mind would become confused, as with the werewolves in the transformation.


"Onii-sama, you were already going to have a rest?"



Not only the tone, but the wording were somewhat suspicious. It seems that she really got drunk without alcohol. Tatsuya could not but come to this conclusion, seeing the state of Miyuki.


- Yes, I'm going to do it.


"Then, go to bed." Because I turn off the light.


-...I beg. Tatsuya realized that it would not work to drive her out of this room.


Although the sound of water was not audible, Minami was still in the bathroom. Leaving the bathroom, she immediately understand where Miyuki is. Misunderstanding is inevitable. Surrendering, Tatsuya closed his eyes.


From the next bed he heard a happy sniff, which was his salvation.


At midnight, trying to stay unnoticed, Tatsuya carefully, muffled the steps, left the room.

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