Volume 22, Chapter 3

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The morning of the second day after the meeting that brought together the representatives of the next generation of the Ten Master Clans.


Tatsuya, who finished the morning training, was called by his sparring partner Yakumo.


"What is it, Master?"


-Tatsuya-kun, it seems, really smelled of fried.


-Did you smell fried?


-The military intelligence department came into motion.


"Intelligence department?" - Tatsuya asked with unconcealed surprise.


The fact that the intelligence department is plotting something in itself was not a surprise. After all, it's job was to weave intrigues.


Undoubtedly, it was amazing that Yakumo was aware of the intelligence department's movement, but this information was not enough to understand what kind of movement it was. Tatsuya often came across situations in which it was clear to him that Yakumo was more competent in such matters than the Intelligence Department of the Self-Defense Forces.


The reason that he did not hide his surprise was that Yakumo gave him a concrete warning.


-This time they did not aim directly at you. But the consequences of their deeds can soon become a problem for Tatsuya-kun and others.


-And what exactly will happen ... you cannot tell me?


"If you do something, the situation will get worse." No, the incident can, of course, be prevented, but for you it will be inconvenient.


- I understood. I will not interfere.


Easily giving an unbiased answer to Tatsuya, Yakumo responded with a big smile:


-Okay, then I'll tell you.




"You'd better finish your training as early as possible." About countermeasures for the future should also think about.


Having said this, Yakumo dragged Tatsuya into the main building of the temple.


◊ ◊ ◊


It happened the same evening in the area of Makuhari New City Center.


Late in the evening the Japanese plant of the American equipment manufacturer "Maximilian Devices" was attacked.


The plant was not deserted. More precisely, as the plant worked only in part of the premises in the territory. At the urging of the USNA Army, this plant was built as an operational center owned by the USNA.


On this secret base of the USNA Army, a member of the Stars magician unit under the control of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the USNA, a planetary magician with the codename "First" in her code name (which showed that she was the best among the owners of the code name of the same planet ), warrant officer Silvia Mercury fought with despair, corroding her heart.


-No images from the surveillance cameras.


-This is not good. The interference is too strong, it is impossible to contact our country.


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"Why do they use so much interference near the city center?" Are the attackers - the Japanese army!?


Listening to the conversation of the base commander with his subordinates, Sylvia tried to understand the situation, using her special magic, which can be called her superpower.


-Charlie Leader says half of the detachment has already fallen! Request support!


-Headquarters, accepted. Bravo Leader, is there any way to help Charlie?


-Bravo Leader, accepted. However, we are also in combat now. It is not known whether we can unite with Charlie!


Sylvia's specialization - a magic "Voice Transmission."


It recognizes information about air vibrations from the target's voice, copies it, and reproduces it directly inside their ear canal.


First of all, it is "Remote hearing", which can be used, both for communication and for listening. It allows you to hear the voice of the target regardless of distance and obstacles.


And yet, this "Remote voice", which recognizes information about the vibrations of the air from your voice, copies it, and reproduces directly inside the ear canal of the target.


Simultaneous use of these two magics is an ability that can replace intercoms in the case when radio communication is difficult.


Managing this magic, Sylvia was not the commander of a detachment of magicians, but performed the work of a control officer.


-Accepted. Delta Leader, Charlie requests support.


-Delta Leader says! We would also not support the support. Who the hell are these guys ... Uwaah!


-Delta Leader, what happened !? Delta Leader!


The situation was worse than ever. From the very beginning, the magicians chosen for this mission were far from being called elite in combat skills. It could not be said that the Stars class classified as combat personnel, the class of Satellites, also involved in this operation, is suitable for protection against direct enemy attack, because it was chosen for alleged guerrilla warfare within the city.


The task of the Planetary class, which includes Sylvia, is support from the rear and sabotage activities. Compared to the classes of stars and satellites, in direct combat they are weak.


On the other hand, the attacking magicians had the impression that they were all the perfect match for melee type. Their magic, using a small number of processes, focused on speed instead of power.


They were armed with so-called compact rifles for small-caliber ammunition. In addition to high-performance silencers, it seems that noise cancellation magic was used, which made no sound at all.


Perhaps it was a weapon with a built-in CAD.


Many of them fought with katanas or throwing knives as the main weapon. Perhaps due to the proximity of residential urban areas, the enemy detachment acted according to the concept of a surprise attack and the rapid capture of points.


-... To all the detachments, prepare for retreat. - With bitterness in his voice, the commander voiced his decision to leave the base. Sylvia agreed with this decision. However, it seems that this decision was taken too late.


Immediately after pressing the data erasure button set to start the emergency procedure for leaving the base, the door that should be locked was severed with a loud noise.


Soldiers defending the command center opened fire at the entrance from rifles with increased power, created for battles against magicians. However, all bullets were stopped by anti-objective barriers deployed by enemy soldiers.


- Impossible!


It's unclear, who gave the cry, the commander, or his assistant.


Sylvia could understand what the screamer felt. High-powered rifles were weapons manufactured, neglecting cost and durability, with only one purpose - to shoot through magician anti-object barriers. Despite the fact that the body of this expensive weapon was wearing out in just one battle, it had the power to justify a high price. Even among the Stars, the only ones who could say for sure that they could defend themselves against a high- powered rifle were only fighters of the First Star Magnitude class. That is, from the bullets of ordinary soldiers who do not have magical abilities, even the soldiers of the Second Star magnitude class, who had passed all the necessary training, could suffer.


However, all intruding enemy soldiers showed that they are able to protect themselves from bullets of high-power rifles.

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This meant that, at least according to the level of protection, they were all combat magicians comparable to Stars of the First Star Magnitude class.


Among servicemen from all over the world, it was generally recognized that the military power of the Japanese army was significant. In addition, Lina warned Sylvia about this right before the mission.


However, she could not hide her surprise.


"Did they include special elite troops in the detachment, even on an ordinary working mission? Or are they the ordinary troops of the Japanese army ...?"


During that short time, while she stood in a stupor, the defensive detachment was completely destroyed. All the units sent to the interception were also silent.


Suddenly, a line of soldiers holding Sylvia and other officers in the sights of compact rifles parted, and a young woman soldier came out because of them. No, unlike other soldiers who did not have insignia, on their form, if it's true, there were signs that her rank was Sergeant.


- I'm from the Intelligence Department of the National Army of Self- Defense, the counterintelligence unit of the capital region, the sergeant- major Tooyama Tsukasa. Who is the commander here?


-J. Subordinated to the Stars of the USNA, a detachment of special magicians, first lieutenant Gary Jupiter.


Tsukasa's eyes slightly rounded. In Japan, it was also known that the code name "Jupiter" was a special code that was given not only for the ability of the magician, but also for military merit.


-I think if the first lieutenant-dono has the code Jupiter, then he already realized that the next battle is meaningless. Surrender, please.


Gary gritted his teeth in annoyance.


- ... Can you guarantee the security of my subordinates?


However, even if he did not say so, as Tsukasa mentioned, they all have lost the ability to resist. They had no options.


-You are violators caught in illegal activities. I think you should understand that in your situation you cannot demand treatment as prisoners of war.


Gary tried to start an argument. But Tsukasa continued faster than he said anything.


"However, we do not intend to harm a friendly military country." Earlier we also used only special paralyzing bullets.


-... Can we be sure of this?




At the direction of Gary, a member of the command post checked the condition of the nearby soldier from the defense detachment. Sylvia also checked the pulse of a soldier who had fallen next to her and examined the wounds.


As Tsukasa said, the wounds were nothing more than bruises.


-First lieutenant-dono, you are convinced?


-... Yes.


"All of you will be arrested right now, and if you do not take hostile actions, like attempts to escape, I promise you that you will soon return home."


Gary understood why a completely natural deterrent condition such as "do not try to escape" was voiced. But was afraid to ask about it out loud, thinking that it might end badly.


-Thank you for your humane attitude. "In the end," Gary said, and commanded them to lay down their arms.


◊ ◊ ◊


The Headquarters of Stars learned about the loss of the base in the Makuhari district of Shintosin 3 hours after the incident.

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- Commander, this is Major Sirius.


Lina rushed to the commander's office as soon as she learned this bad news.


- Come in.


Despite the fact that the visit was not scheduled, the base commander, Colonel Walker, allowed Lina to enter.


- I'm sorry.


Entering inside, Lina rounded her eyes. There was not only Colonel Walker. Next to him sat Colonel Balance.


"So, Major, what have you got?" - Asked Walker. Lina only saluted and did not say anything.


- That's right.


Although she squeezed out a formal answer, but to continue, she needed to gather strength, taking another breath.


-I heard that a detachment penetrating into Tokyo was attacked.


-It's true.


Walker did not hesitate to confirm what Lina said.


"I'm assuming that all members of the detachment are arrested."


-It's not clear yet. But at the moment it is known that there were no corpses left.


Lina clenched her teeth. She understood that the absence of bodies cannot be used to judge survival. She could only believe that Sylvia and the others were alive.


-While bodies are not found, it is necessary to consider them, as alive. "Well, that's also true." And what?


Only now did Lina focus on her intention.


"... Please send me to the rescue operation."


-You, the valuable commander in chief of Stars, want to personally go to Japan to rescue captured soldiers?


To Walker's question, pronounced slowly, word for word, to convey seriousness,


- Yes.


Lina did not hesitate to give a positive answer.


- Sorry, but I cannot allow this.


Those who easily answered "no" to a determined Lina were not Walker, but Balance.


- Colonel!


"The major says that she can easily save them?" But where exactly do you intend to save them?


- I do not think it will be easy!

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-So you are looking for a long-term stay in Japan? I think the major understands that this is an impracticable situation.


Lina struggled against the pressure of Balance's indifferent look.


"I'm not going to waste time saving them."


"How are you going to locate the detainees?" We do not even know who our opponent is.


- ... We will ask for cooperation from a local.


To talk about this, she needed to collect all her courage. These were words for which one could be suspected of having a connection with the Japanese government or the armed forces if evil intent had been discovered in them.


Lina was ready to go even to this to save Sylvia.


-Wow ... Is there someone in mind?


-... During my previous mission in Japan, I met a ninja with outstanding skills. Initially, we were at enmity, but then reconciled.


"Is this the" Priest Yakumo" which you mentioned in your report?


-That's right.


-How do you get the consent to cooperate with this person? After all, he is a self-proclaimed "hermit" and money will not be enough to arouse his interest in the negotiations.


-This is ...


-Okay, say, the priest Yakumo's cooperation would have been obtained ...


Balance rose, walked over and stood directly in front of Lina.


"But we cannot send you abroad." Last year's mission was an exception to the exception.


-... There is.


-Do not worry.


Balance laid her hand on Lena's shoulder. Through this palm was transmitted not only physical warmth, but also spiritual.


-You are soldiers who report directly to the main headquarters. The General Staff never refuses to send troops. We always, without exception, never abandon troops. That's why I came to this meeting.


Sylvia, caught in a distant Japan, separated by the Pacific Ocean, cannot be saved, even if we spend a hundred meetings here in New Mexico.


-Thank you very much, I rely on you. - Because of military discipline Lina could only leave, having answered so.


At that moment, she somehow remembered Tatsuya's words.


"If Lina wants to leave the Stars ..."


"If you want to stop being a soldier, I think I could help."


This was the night that the parasites were killed. Tatsuya said then that Lina might want to leave the army. It was like the belief that Lina is not suitable for military service.


Despite the fact that it was obvious, Lina could not understand why she remembered about it.

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