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Volume 24, Chapter 2

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The profession of Shibaty Katsushige, the next head of the Shibata family, one of the side branches of the Jocuby, officially meant the work of the Secretary in the Ministry of Defense.


The combat power of magic Katsushige was extremely high, but instead of using magic in battle, his work was to reflect on how to use magic in battle.


In South America, Africa and Central Asia there were still long battles, but East Asia and the western part of the Pacific region have been in a state of calm since autumn 19th year. Thanks to this, many employees of the Ministry of Defense did not overstay for a long while in the workplace and left earlier.


The day after the media raised a big hype (ordinary citizens who had no relation to magic, did not even know about the topic) around the disclosure of the identity of Taurus Silver.


After leaving the office at 19 o’clock, Katsushige went not home, but to a hotel in the center of the city. Although it was not a first class hotel, whose name was known even abroad, but it was popular among businessmen for delicious food and acceptable level of safety.


He was quickly found in the restaurant of the aforementioned hotel with whom he had been assigned a meeting. Naturally, he found quickly, because here everything was arranged in the form of separate rooms, and he knew which room to go.


Hi. I’m sorry I called.


It was dressed in a regular suit of a man of the same age as Father Katsushige. Even for Katsushige, who knows his occupation, he looked like an ordinary ordinary businessman.


No. It’s all because my dad couldn’t come. Forgive us for the impolite change of the contact person.


No, no, no. So suddenly, asking for a meeting is my thoughtless act. Here I have to apologize.


“If you say so, I am grateful, Kuroba-san.


As Katsushige said, the partner he met was Kuroba Mitsugu, head of the Kuroba family, one of the side branches of the same Jocuba family.


At the invitation of Mitsugu, Katsushige sat down. Mitsugu also sat down at the same time. The waiter, who was katsushige in this room, came to the table. Mitsugu and Katsushige only ordered sake and light snacks and let the waiter go.




Mitsugu straightened out, and then slightly bent over the table.


“Today I called for the very reason. We need to talk about him.


Are you talking about Tacuju-kun?


Mitsugu said unclearly “about him “, but Katsushige easily guessed what was meant Tatsuya. But Mitsugu did not make a mistake, and did not make a gloomy face.


Right. Yesterday the identity of Silver Taurus, in the end, became well- known. What do you think, Katsushige-kun?


“Was it not inevitable when Edward Clark made it clear that he knew the name of Taurus silver? Although it is unfavorable for the family Jocuba, but I do not think that it is to blame Tatsuya-kun.


The answer Katsushige was not what Mitsugu expected.

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“But don’t you think that this situation could have been avoided if he hadn’t entered the first school and obediently sat at home?” Because it is obvious that “project Diona ” takes into account not only the achievements of Taurus silver, but also the experiment “star reactor “, which he spent last spring.


Katsushige shook his head at the words of Mitsugu.


-Admission to the first school was not the intention of Tatsuya-kun. It was inevitable because of the Jocuba family’s sentinel system.


-Katsushige-kun may not know, but after the incident Yokohama the head- herself ordered him to drop out of school and sit under house arrest. But he did not obey and continued to attend the first school. If he were to disappear from the stage at that moment, he would never be noticed.


No. After using the blast of matter, it was only a matter of time before Tatsuya-kun would be stretchesed from behind the scenes of international politics, only this would have happened in another form. Besides, at that moment it was impossible not to use the explosion of matter. Without this magic, Japan would have suffered immense damage.


“Is that so?” There is a Yatsushiro family in Kyushu. If there is a battle in the sea, the Icuva family will depart. In naval battles, the Icuva family has a great battle force even without the “Abyss ” myo-Jo. The Great Asian Alliance is a strong enemy, but I don’t think we’d lose them if we hadn’t used the explosion of matter.


Even so. However, at that stage there was no other choice but to use the explosion of matter. In war, Victory is not always the best way out, but it does not mean that you have to lose. After the invasion of the country, the forces for the next battle would remain less. It is necessary not only time, but also economic power to replenish the combat force. If you look at the Great Asian Alliance, suffering from the consequences of the monstrous attack of the explosion of matter, you will understand.


Mitsugu had nothing to object to. He knew and understood it even without these words.


—… I understand your thoughts that his magic is irreplaceable for national defense. Then it is even more impossible to let go to America.


Mitsugu changed the approach.




Katsushige only briefly expressed his consent.


“In that case, should he be protected by the Jocuba family?” And the SSHSA government can surrender if, for example, he dies suddenly.


Mitsugu, who received the approval of his words, gathered with strength and said what he wanted.


“And if he, moreover, will be killed ” Humanists “, it should reduce the expending public opinion about magicians.




“In this case…-Kuroba-san.


Using as a pretext the will of one of the side branches, Mitsugu was going to ask Maya to Tatsuya be caught and locked. But Katsushige abruptly interrupted the speech of Mitsugu, in which he wanted to ask for cooperation.


“I could not understand why all the heads of the side branches belong to Tatsuo-koonu with such hostility.


Katsushige said in the past tense: “couldn’t “. So Mitsugu already understood the meaning of the said.


“So the other day I checked it out, asking my dad. He did not want to confess for a long time, but in the end told everything.


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— … I see.


The people of the Mitsugu generation promised to keep this story secret. But Mitsugu did not feel that he should criticize the head of the Shibata family, understanding his motives. No, it is right to say that he had no right to criticize. Because Mitsugu himself was the first to reveal the secret. Despite the fact that those to whom he disclosed, was himself Tatsuya.


Kuroba-san. I can’t agree with you and my father. To be hostile to Tatsuo- Koonu is wrong.


The voice of the waiter was heard from outside the room.


They briefly interrupted the conversation, waited for the waiter to put glasses on the table with chilled sake and leave the room, and then continued.


— … But he’s dangerous.


“One person possesses the power to destroy the whole world. One influential person has access to a “button ” that can destroy the whole world. One government possesses a military force capable of destroying the entire world. Of these three concepts, the first two seem to differ in nature from the latter, but in their essence they are all the same thing. As far as “democratic” the country is, its military force is always ready for use. Otherwise there would be no point. There is no point in maintaining military capabilities if the country itself is destroyed while democratic procedures are in place. Civilian control is what deters influential people from willful use of the army in fear of losing office, and stops the use of already applied force. In the presence of a system capable of completely discontinue the use of military force, in any case it will be impossible even to defend properly, taking measures in advance.


-however, instead of the complete absence of brakes, it is better to have at least some. Even if it is only a partial limitation.


You’re right. Therefore, dictators should not be allowed to possess weapons of mass destruction. Military power must be under civilian control. But Kuroba-san. Influential people elected by Democratic vote can also turn the key to launch strategic nuclear missiles. Even if the startup key is divided between several people, it is necessary to understand that the owners of these keys are chosen by influential people themselves, without the participation of voters.


— … This is an extreme argument.


“The fact that Tatsuya-kun will destroy the world is also an extreme argument.


“If you think so, the use of weapons of mass destruction by dictators is also an extreme argument.


No. The dictator is called a dictator because the structure of his power is arranged so that no one can stop him. It’s different with a normal person. You can’t interfere with a person’s thoughts. What man thinks, what he decides- other people can not stop it. But if it is an ordinary person, not a dictator, then it can be influenced to stop. You can limit it to change your mind. He can be persuaded, persuaded.


—… Are you saying that ordinary people are closer to influential persons from the democratic government than to dictators?


-People living alone… No, people who think they live alone will be closer to dictators. However, those who wish to live with someone, people who feel that they cannot live alone, cannot become dictators.


— ……


Kuroba-san. It is not necessary to consider Tacuju-kun a dictator. If you really care about the future of the world, then it should not remain alone. Sorry for the rudeness, but what you want to do will only backfire. This will not only harm the fighting power of our country. As a result, it will harm the future of the world.


— … Is that your opinion?


I came here instead of my father. You might have guessed from this fact.


Katsushige up.


Kuroba-san. Be realistic.


Having said this finally continuing to sit mitsugu, Katsushige went home, where he was waiting for the cotones and cooked her dinner.


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At the same time, when Mitsugu and Katsushige parted in a tense atmosphere.


At the headquarters of the Magic Association in Kyoto, the Chairman of the Association, Tomicuka Hisui sat at the table in his office, clutching the head.


Before her eyes on the table lay a document containing an urgent request from SSHSA. It said that Edward Clark plans to visit Japan and asks to organize a meeting with Taurus silver, that is with Shiboj Tacuej.


“Ah-ah, that’s it!” What do you think I should do?


Hisui hysterically shouted, looking at the document lying on the table.


No, I know what to do! We need to arrange a meeting with Shiboj Tacuej!


Still holding on to her head, she chided herself. Head Hisui boils.


“Yes, it is understandable…


As a result, Hisui Obessilenno fell face on the table.


“But I have no such power…


Still lying face on the table, Hisui deeply and long sighed.


“and give up… We can’t…


Hisui slowly lifted the upper half of the body from the table.


“this Saturday… It’s too urgent, and it feels like the situation will get worse…


She took a look at a small display standing on the bedside table on the side of the desk. An overview of the latest news was displayed there.


-The day before it will be a press conference of Taurus silver? Why from all the days exactly the day before? Yes, and what does he want to talk about?


Reflection over it, Hisui decided it wasn’t that bad.


-Why only all this happens when I became the Chairman…


Her head collapsed again on the table.


It was late evening, after 21 o’clock, when Maya called Tatsuo.


I’m sorry about this time.


No, I’ve been waiting for this call. Many thanks.


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Don’t worry. It’s about my promise.


Indeed, when they spoke last time, Maya said she was arranging a meeting with Todo Aoboj. But Tatsuya didn’t expect Maya to call in person to report it.


Did you get a meeting time from His Excellency Todo? -asked Tatsuya, hiding his surprise, having made nothing expressing face.


Yes, that’s right. Looks like he’s ready to take you tomorrow at 7:00 p.m.


Maya had a smile, showing that she noticed the excitement of Tatsuya, but she did nothing so hostile, like reproach for it.


Where will the meeting take place?


In the Temple of Kjutjodzi *. I heard that Kokonoje Yakumo-san will be present at the meeting.


[The name of the temple is written in the same hieroglyphs as “Kokonoje “, but it is read differently] This time Tatsuya could not hide the surprise. Maya giggled, like saying, “I caught you.”


—… Sorry. But I was also surprised to learn about it. and Tatsuya-san, I see, is also surprised. Now I feel a little calmer.


I’m surprised. Is the master somehow involved in this?


“His Excellency and Yakumo-San seem to have been well acquainted for quite some time. But the connection between them is a mystery.


I thought so too.


Tatsuya responded quickly, but in reality, together with a strong surprise, his tormented doubts.


Those who introduced Tacuju to Yakumo were Kazama. This does not faithfully any intentions jocuby. He communicated directly with Kazamoj and with Yakumo. He thought that their words could be trusted, considering that the separate magically equipped battalion of Brigade 1-0-1 secretly quarreled with ten main clans.


However, everything changed with the addition of information about friendly (how close this “Friendship ” was unclear) relationship Yakumo and Todo Aobas.


Tatsuya and Yakumo is not a disciple and teacher. So it was decided at their first meeting. They were only sparring partners in the magical melee battle, Yakumo nothing Tacuju taught. He was taking questions, but he could not answer them. Such was the agreement about his visits to Yakumo.


However, Tatsuya learned a lot from Yakumo. For example, without the help of Yakumo, he would hardly be able to complete the development of the “Armor Psionovogo projectile ” needed to confront the parasites.


Also, although the position of Yakumo with “answers to questions ” has not changed, Tatsuya has received a lot of knowledge from Yakumo, even in cases where this knowledge corresponded to “A question that he cannot answer.”


Tatsuya thought it was just some kind of fad yakumo. He felt that Yakumo, whom he had not known at the time, had done it for some purpose. He also suspected that it might have been a plan to separate it from the Jocuba family so that it fell under the control of the self-defense forces. However, the more he communicated with Yakumo, the more scattered these suspicions.


But doesn’t that mean he should have thought that?


Yakumo was not easy. No, according to Judgment Tatsuya, it was an uncontrollable suspicious man. However, Tatsuya for some reason trusted Yakumo…-Well, then tomorrow at 7 o’clock in the evening I visit the temple of Kjutjodzi. Thank you very much for the information.


Answering Maya, Tatsuya tried to remain vigilant in order not to show his anxiety.

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