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Chapter 2 
Saturday, July 27 th . 
Tatsuya was ‘discharged’ from Miyakijima’s hospital. 
Exactly a week ago, he was seriously injured in the collision of the ship that he was on board with a coast guard ship. And he was hospitalized to treat this injury… That was the official version of what happened. 
But in fact, everything was different: this fake hospitalization was supposed to be an alibi for Tatsuya, so he couldn’t leave from there until the end of the ‘treatment’. Despite the fact that strangers weren’t allowed at the hospital, he switched places with the ‘doll’, which was made in great detail using the same ‘materials’ that make up living bodies and was his substitute in the bed until last night. After waking up the next morning, Tatsuya demonstratively left his hospital room ? everything was thoroughly played out. 
“Onii-sama, congratulations on your discharge.” 
In the lobby of the hospital, Miyuki was waiting for him with a bouquet of flowers. Of course, Miyuki knew that Tatsuya’s hospitalization was faked, but her full-faced smile when presenting the bouquet seemed to not be acting to sell the fake, but rather because she truly was glad that Tatsuya was discharged from the hospital… or more specifically that she finally can be together with Tatsuya without worrying about other people’s attention. 
“Thank you, Miyuki.” 
Tatsuya smiled and received the bouquet. His smile had the nuance «It can’t be helped…», it wasn’t a bitter smile, but an expression of his deep affection for Miyuki. 
Miyuki didn’t come alone ? she was accompanied by Lina, who at least today didn’t show any signs of surprise at the behavior of this couple. 
“Congratulations, Tatsuya. Now you, finally, can move freely.” 
“Right. Looks like I inconvenienced you.” 
“It couldn’t be helped. How could I leave you when you were injured.” 
Lina’s lines were also part of the cover, but it didn’t mean that her words were completely meaningless. Since Lina had some unfinished business in her plans , which required waiting for Tatsuya to be discharged. 

On the same day, information that Tatsuya was discharged crossed the sea and reached the mainland . 
Outsiders were only prohibited from entering the hospital, but visiting the island wasn’t forbidden. The Stellar Furnace plant under construction on this island was intended as a model case for non-military magic application, so it was highly preferable that its success be widely announced by the media around the world. Isolation from the media was undesirable for Tatsuya. 
Besides, Tatsuya put on a performance with his discharge from the hospital  in order to establish his week-long alibi  in the eyes of the USNA and the Japanese Self-Defense Forces. Among the reporters, there were clearly spies disguised as journalists and reporters collaborating with Intelligence Agencies. If they didn’t inform their employers about what they saw, then the whole performance would have been for nothing. 
Bezobrazov got information about Shiba Tatsuya’s discharge on the same day in Khabarovsk, while Clark received it a day later in a transport plane flying to Hawaii. 

Residential buildings used by administrative staff when Miyakijima was a former prison for magicians who committed serious crimes were currently being used as living quarters by the Yotsuba family’s personnel. When Lina was hiding on this island, she also lived in former administrative housing. Shibata Katsushige, recently appointed supervisor of Miyakijima, also lived on the first floor of this eight-story building with his fiancee Tsutsumi Kotona… From the Main House, a recommendation came to settle on the seventh floor, but instead of the high-end apartments, Katsushige preferred to be able to respond immediately in case of emergency situations. 
On the top, eighth floor of this building, there was a lodging room for Maya’s exclusive use for when she visited the island and another apartment prepared recently as secondary residence for Tatsuya and Miyuki. 
“Welcome back, Tatsuya-sama, Miyuki-sama.” 
“I’m back.” 
“I’m back, Minami-chan.” 
“Welcome, Lina-sama.” 
“I apologize for the intrusion, Minami.” 
Minami, who was brought back three days ago, was waiting for Tatsuya and his friends at the secondary residence. 
She had returned to her duties as Tatsuya and Miyuki’s maid. At first, Miyuki suggested that Minami have a thorough examination at the hospital; however, Minami strongly desired to return to her duties  on the day she got back, so Miyuki ultimately gave up. 
Tatsuya stayed quiet  during the dispute  between the two girls. 
Staying true to keeping silent, neither Tatsuya nor Miyuki questioned Minami in regards to the time that she spent with Minoru . 
From Minami’s behavior, it was obvious that she sometimes had the desire to speak about it, but at such moments, Miyuki always changed the subject, and Tatsuya entrusted her with some simple but time-consuming work. Thus, they tried not to touch on the subject of her ‘escape’. 
Tatsuya, Miyuki, and Minami returned to their daily life, which was outwardly no different from before. 
“I’ll be leaving tomorrow.” ? Lina told Tatsuya during tea time after the four of them had lunch together. 
“Just as planned. Okay, I understand.” 
As Tatsuya said, the day before yesterday it was planned that tomorrow, July 28 th , Lina will go to the nuclear submarine aircraft carrier ‘Virginia’ which was sheltering Canopus. 
“When is the departure?” 
“I would like to leave before dawn.” 
“Understood. I’ll get things ready as well. Then let’s meet in the underground port at 4 AM, okay?” 
There was a hidden harbor under Miyakijima that was open to the sea. When Tatsuya headed for the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, he also departed from there. 
“…Really, you don’t need to burden yourself with this. You even prepared a Thrust Suit for me, so I’ll be fine going alone.” 
Lina was hesitant because of Tatsuya’s promise to ‘give her a ride’ in the Aerocar. 
According to Tatsuya’s plan, they should get to the rendezvous point with Virginia by Aerocar, and from there Lina, dressed in a copy of the Thrust Suit (American military flight combat suit) , would dive underwater and board the aircraft carrier. 
“I also have my own reasons.” 
As Tatsuya said, he wasn’t escorting her out of kindness. Even small objects, such as a Thrust Suit or Mobile Suit, could be captured by the Surveillance Networks of military satellites. 
A figure boarding the ‘Virginia’ underwater wouldn’t be seen from satellite cameras. But if they were to capture how some magician took off from Miyakijima and then dove into the middle of the Western Pacific, it could disclose the cooperation of the ‘Virginia’ and Tatsuya. In order to keep it secret, he planned on using the Aerocar with the advanced stealth function. 
“I don’t want to create any problems for Senator Curtis. So you don’t have to worry about it, Lina.” 
“All right… Then I’ll follow your advice.” 
Lina also understood the necessity of covert actions. So she nodded with approval on her face. 

July 27 th , afternoon. 
Kuroba Mitsugu was greeted as a guest during tea time at the Main House of the Yotsuba family. 
“So, Mitsugu-san, about what you wanted to report personally?” 
“Of course, I could just call; however, sometimes I at least want to see your beautiful face in person  and not through the screen. ” 
Mitsugu answered Maya’s question with a staged ashamed expression upon his face. 
“If that’s so, fine.” 
Unfortunately, Maya’s response was coldly short. 
Mitsugu decided that luck didn’t favor him today , so he changed his attitude and became serious. 
“There was a report yesterday from Second Lieutenant Kurachi of the Army.” 
“Kurachi-san? That girl who is working for the Army’s Chief of Staff, isn’t she?” 
“Yes, that’s right. She’s a newcomer who entered the service only last year, but the superiors seem to highly value her.” 
Second Lieutenant Kurachi that they both talked about is a female officer who Kuroba planted in the Self-Defense Forces through the National Defense Academy. Such a sudden appointment to the headquarters can be called an exceptional case, but if you take into account her background ? since childhood she received an elite training as an intelligence agent in the Kuroba family and even in the Yotsuba Main House ? it wasn’t strange. 
“So, what did she say?” 
“Major General Saeki came to visit Chief of Staff Ootomo. She insisted that military forces should be stationed on Miyakijima.” 
“I see… Her Excellency Saeki seems to want this island.” 
At Maya’s conjecture, Mitsugu nodded with a smile. 
“She probably wants to confiscate all of our facilities on Miyakijima under the pretext of stationing a defense garrison there.” 
Mitsugu’s smile was rather a smirk ? a mockery of Saeki. 
“Using the reasoning that the existence of military forces except for the regular army isn’t allowed. It wasn’t pleasant when civilians stole all the achievements from them  [the military]  ? which was obviously the real motive.” 
“Mitsugu-san, don’t say that. ‹Not allowing the existence of regular forces that don’t follow civilian control› is the correct stance that the military should take , at least in public.” 
There was a devilish smile shown on Maya’s face after rebuking Mitsugu. 
“?However, civilians also have the right to self-defense.” ? Added Maya and gracefully lifted the tea cup to her mouth. 
“So, what should I do?” ? Inquired Mitsugu in a serious tone after removing a faint smile, to which Maya widened her eyes slightly. 
“Ara, how unusual. For Mitsugu-san to show such motivation in a matter involving Tatsuya-san?” 
Mitsugu slightly frowned at Maya’s reaction that indicated a real surprise rather than her usual teasing. 
“The Stellar Furnace business no longer belongs only to him. It’s a major project that will bring huge profits to the Yotsuba family if it succeeds. Any interference should be eliminated, and in this business, there is no place for personal feelings.” 
“That’s right. The opponent is the Self-Defense Forces. Now isn’t the time for internal discord. Good thing you understand that, Mitsugu-san.” 
There was still a slight grin upon Maya’s lips, but her eyes lit up with intense light to ensure that her statement was loud and clear. 
As if trying to escape from Maya’s gaze, Mitsugu bowed his head in comprehension while still sitting. 
“So, what’s the progress in the aforementioned case?” ? Maya asked Mitsugu, who was looking down with his eyes. 
“All of the necessary evidence has been collected. It’s  possible to start at any time” 

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Raising his head, Mitsugu answered Maya’s question with a confident expression on his face. 
“Well then, let’s see when His Excellency Soga will have time next week. Hayama-san, please inquire about His Excellency’s schedule.” 
The aforementioned «His Excellency Soga» was the General Commander of the Japan Self-Defense Forces, General Soga. 
“Certainly. I will attend to it immediately.” ? Replied Hayama, who was waiting diagonally behind Maya, after which he left the room through the back door. 

The morning of July 28 th , 3:30 AM. 
“Good morning, Lina-sama.” 
“Eeek! W-what?” 
Sleeping in the bedroom of her apartment on the 7 th  floor, Lina screamed in surprise and nearly fell out of bed when she abruptly tried to jump up, still in a drowsy state. 

Having regained her balance on the edge of the bed and rubbed her sleepy eyes, Lina saw Minami standing next to her in a white apron over a black dress with short sleeves. 
“…Minami. This, it seems, is my apartment.” ? Appealed Lina in a reproaching voice. 
“I know.” 
However, Minami kept her calm attitude. 
“So, why are you in my bedroom?” 
This time, there was irritation in Lina’s voice. At this point, she noticed that her hands were firmly squeezing a small alarm clock. Looking at the dial of the digital clock, Lina opened her eyes wide. 
“Besides, it’s only half past three!” 
“Yes. It’s the time per your instruction.” 
Lina frowned doubtfully. After about three seconds of thinking to herself , she exclaimed suddenly: “Ah!” 
“ You told me:  ‹I may not be able to get up for the alarm clock, I’m entrusting my room key to you  so please come to my room at 3:30 AM, and if I’m still sleeping, please wake me up›.” 
“Ah, that’s right! It was exactly like that…” 
With her cheeks reddening out of embarrassment, Lina admitted Minami’s claim. 
Lina really had asked Minami to do so  during yesterday’s dinner with Miyuki and the others, but she did it for insurance. 
Missions of the Stars often require them to sortie before dawn or in the ‘dead of night’. At those times, she never needed someone else’s help to get up. During the ‘Vampire Incident’ last winter, Lina’s assistant, Warrant Officer Sylvia, called her ‘sleepyhead’, but the only time when she really indulged in sleeping late was on days when she didn’t have a scheduled mission. 
She was confident that she could get up on her own today. So, she had completely forgotten that she had asked Minami to wake her up. 
“…Thanks for waking me up. I’ll be ready soon.” 
“Can I help you with anything?” 
“Thanks, I’ll be okay. Instead, can you convey to Tatsuya my apologies for being a little late?” 
After a polite bow, Minami left the bedroom. 
Lina put the alarm clock on the bedside table, slapped herself on the cheeks with both hands to help wake herself, and jumped up from the bed vigorously. 
4:15 AM. 
Lina, wearing a Thrust Suit (which was a copy), arrived at the underground port 15 minutes later than the scheduled time. She found not only Tatsuya, but Miyuki and Minami waiting there too. 
Minami was still in the same maid outfit that she was wearing when she woke Lina, and Miyuki was wearing a light summer dress. 
“…Miyuki, did you come here specially to see me off?” 
Lina hadn’t said any words of gratitude to Minami or even any words of apology to Tatsuya because her attention was completely focused on Miyuki. Her one-piece dress was made of chiffon material and mid-calf length, but the upper half was indescribably vibrant with a camisole décolleté and exposed shoulders, which was extremely seductive and captivating. 
This morning, Miyuki created sexual attraction surpassing the level of a young lady… No, the expression ‘created’ would be even too modestly said. She filled the entire space of this underground building with her charm and allure, which was equally dangerous for young girls as it was for adult men. 
“Ara, it’s not like that, Lina.” 
Seeing that Miyuki showed slight surprise and gave a negative answer, Lina mentally nodded, making another assumption. 
(After all, it’s surely to bid Tatsuya farewell.) 
Lina didn’t even notice that her inner voice had a sulking tone. 
“I didn’t come to see you off, but to accompany you.” 
The misunderstanding that she had before just amplified Lina’s surprise. 
“Miyuki, will you also ride in the Aerocar?” 
“The Aerocar’s flight system and stealth system are two functions that are independent of each other. If Miyuki takes on the stealth system, it will make the concealment more perfect and will allow me to focus on flying.” 
Given the emotions behind Lina’s question, Tatsuya’s answer was off the mark. However, if he answered correctly, it would have made things awkward for Lina because of her misinterpretation of Miyuki’s intentions. So Tatsuya must have deliberately changed the subject. 
“Then, let’s go?” 
Regardless of his intentions, he managed to make sure that there was no unnecessary trouble before setting off. 
Being seen off by Minami, the Aerocar with Tatsuya, Miyuki, and Lina on board plunged into the surface water of the sea . In the sea before dawn, there was literally absolute darkness to the point where  they couldn’t see an inch ahead of them . Tatsuya didn’t even put the lights on when he sped off backwards into that darkness . 
The propulsion force of the Aerocar is achieved by using  gravity-controlled magic even in the water. The direction of the earth’s gravity on the vehicle body has been modified to pull in the desired direction. Since, when flying through the air, the Aerocar enters an almost free-fall state, the passengers on the inside of the Aerocar don’t feel the effects of gravity, much like inside of an artificial satellite. However, when moving under water, there is water resistance that can no longer be ignored, so people in the Aerocar will inevitably feel gravity  pulling them in the direction they’re traveling. 
So, Tatsuya drove the Aerocar backwards because he thought that it would be more comfortable for Miyuki and Lina. After all, it would be better to receive the weight, occurring toward the traveling direction, into the seat’s backrest rather than the seat belts. 
While doing that, the physical load would certainly be less. For example, while moving forward, they would be feeling 1 G [G-Force], like in a car that keeps decelerating. And now, moving backward, they haven’t even leaned completely on the seat’s backrests. This moving reverse-forward made it so that the passengers didn’t have to lean against the seat belt and only felt a light weight on their backs. 
After less than 10 minutes, Lina completely lost her spatial orientation. Inside the Aerocar, inertia neutralization magic was being used, while outside the windows, there was nothing but complete darkness. She didn’t even know which direction they were moving. 
She was in a disorientated state and didn’t know whether she was sitting inside this dimly lit car or ‘floating’. Were they moving forward or backward? Sitting alone in the back seat, Lina was overwhelmed by anxiety that was gradually getting stronger. 
“Hey, Tatsuya. Don’t you want to turn on the lights?” 
As a result, Lina couldn’t stand the psychological pressure and turned to Tatsuya who was sitting  in the driver’s seat. 
“It would be better to not turn them on. They’re not very useful in the sea and will only increase the risk of being discovered.” 
“But don’t we risk bumping into an underwater mountain or a whale?” 
“There aren’t any underwater mountains or cliffs that we could bump into in this area at this depth. Besides, I can ‘see’ the entire surroundings outside even without the lights.” 
“?What? That’s not fair.” 
Lina suddenly complained childishly. 
From the front passenger seat, Miyuki smiled broadly and turned to Lina. 
“Lina, are you scared by any chance?” 
“I’m not s-scared!” 
Although Miyuki asked without any teasing, Lina instantly blushed and retorted without a pause: 
“?I was just a little worried without knowing the situation outside .” 
Lina immediately lowered the tone of her voice as she thought that her behavior was like admitting that Miyuki’s words were true. She couldn’t keep an ideal ‘poker face’, so she said the last phrase with slight embarrassment on her face. 
“Is it perhaps like that feeling when you don’t know where the enemy may be lurking?” 
“Yes, exactly like that.” 
“Lina, you’re a Major in the American army after all. Personally, such a susceptibility is incomprehensible to me.” ? Muttered Miyuki in a tone that was unclear whether she was serious or kidding. After which, she turned to Tatsuya. 
“Onii-sama. In some way I understand Lina’s feelings. Maybe it’s time that we rise to the sky?” 
“All right. It’s a little earlier than planned, but I’m going to begin the ascent to the surface.” ? Tatsuya agreed nonchalantly. 
“You said ‹a little earlier than planned› but… will it be okay to surface without moving a sufficient distance away from Miyakijima?” 
The only one that was worried about Miyuki’s request was Lina. 
“We are almost near the Japanese Trench. It’s more than enough to conceal our departure point .” 
“Near the Japanese Trench? …But it’s only been about thirty minutes!?” ? Lina raised her voice in surprise after Tatsuya told her their current position. ? “How fast does this vehicle go?” 
“Max speed is four hundred kilometers per hour.” 
“Four hundred kilometers per hour… That’s more than two hundred knots in the water!?” 
Lina’s shout roared inside the airtight Aerocar. 
Miyuki frowned, while Tatsuya remained calm and didn’t even raise an eyebrow. 
“There is nothing special to be so exaggeratedly surprised about. Even supercavitating torpedoes of the last century reached speeds of two hundred knots. To reduce air resistance in flight, this Aerocar creates an air cocoon around itself in the same way as the Mobile Suit of the JSDF or your Thrust Suit. Underwater, this airy cocoon has the same effect as supercavitation.” 
“…Is that so?” 
“There’s no point in denying reality .” 
Although she didn’t seem to be completely convinced, Lina didn’t ask any more questions or refute him. 
The Aerocar emerged on the ocean surface with the body’s front  bumper lifting up. This happened because even while moving under water in reverse, the Aerocar turned around while maintaining the direction of movement. As a result, the Aerocar was now moving forward, after it began to increase its angle of inclination . But neither Lina nor Miyuki felt any change when all this happened . They noticed this slope of more than 45 degrees only when they broke the surface of the ocean. 
Here, in the ocean 200 kilometers east of Miyakijima, the sun had just risen on the horizon . Only after seeing the water’s surface that sparkled in the morning sun, did the girls realize the car’s position. 
The car sharply  flew into the sky , in which there was still a little night color… When viewed from the outside, it just looked like a sharp rise at an angle of 60 degrees, but Miyuki and Lina, who were looking from the inside, experienced a genuine feeling of falling down. 

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“Miyuki, please take over the stealth control.” 
Amazed by the scenery, Miyuki hastened to respond to Tatsuya’s instructions. Tatsuya instructed Miyuki to control the magic of camouflaging the electromagnetic waves. It was a kind of magical screen that emitted infrared light waves (with a wavelength corresponding to the outside air temperature) [8]  and monochromatic visible light, while not reflecting any other electromagnetic waves. Freed from maintaining that camouflage magic, Tatsuya could completely concentrate on the flying magic. 
The Aerocar accelerated to 1000 km/h in the blink of an eye. 
The rendezvous point with the nuclear submarine aircraft carrier ‘Virginia’ was 1,000 kilometers east of Japan and 200 meters deep. The ‘Virginia’ had been waiting at the indicated point since last night. 
However, it was impossible to determine by ordinary means whether they were really waiting at the promised place. 
The series of actions of the ‘Virginia’, including the help with the attack on the Midway Prison as well as the Pearl and Hermes base, weren’t based on formal orders. The only ones who knew their current location were limited to a handful of people from the Pacific Fleet Command. In such a situation, it was impossible to communicate either by radio or even by light signals, which could be intercepted. 
However, this was only for ‘normal’ [communication] means. Tatsuya’s ‘eyes’ had already discovered the position of the nuclear submarine aircraft carrier while it was still 100 kilometers away from him. 
“Lina, we’ve arrived.” ? Tatsuya said while turning to Lina after he stopped the Aerocar right over the ‘Virginia’, 10 meters above the surface. ? “You know how to get in, right?” 
Submarines usually don’t expect crews to get on and off when they’re submerged. However, submarines equipped with nuclear reactors, which were officially banned, had entrances that could be used underwater to increase their stealth capabilities . 
“It’s okay. I haven’t been on the ‘Virginia’, but I’ve been on another vessel of the same type.” 
Tatsuya nodded after Lina’s reply and opened the back seat door. 
“Tatsuya, thanks for everything. I’ll make contact when everything is sorted out.” 
After waving her hand slightly, Lina dove into the ocean 10 meters below them. 


The passive sonar of the nuclear submarine aircraft carrier ‘Virginia’ caught the sound of Lina plunging into the ocean. 
“With an accuracy of almost a minute. It seems that the Japanese really are quite punctual.” 
After receiving reports from the sonar operator , the ship’s captain, Colonel Michael Curtis muttered in an unclear tone, which made it difficult to determine whether he was impressed or astonished. 
“Personnel in charge, prepare for embarkation of an honorable guest on board. We haven’t used an underwater hatch for a long time, so don’t screw up with something like flooding a section.” 
During the replies: “Aye, aye sir”, that followed one after another, a middle-aged officer in his prime entered the Combat Information Center (CIC). That officer walked straight to the captain’s chair. 
“Major Canopus. It seems that a girl who identified herself as Major Sirius will arrive soon. She just needs to dive straight down, so she shouldn’t get lost .” ? The ship’s captain Curtis told Canopus, anticipating his question. 
The very reason that Canopus appeared was none other than Lina. 
“I see.” 
Canopus confirmed this with his reply. 
“In that case, I would also like to go meet her.” 
After which, he voiced out what business brought him to the CIC. 
“Very well. Permission granted.” 
If Lina and Canopus join forces and go on a rampage, they can easily sink even this giant nuclear submarine aircraft carrier. Canopus can also become a hostage to Lina, or vice versa. 
Considering the ship’s safety, they shouldn’t be allowed to meet each other so easily, but Curtis wasn’t even thinking of that possibility and permitted Canopus’ request with ease. 
Canopus ? Benjamin Loews was a grandson of Michael Curtis’ aunt. For high society, such a blood relationship wasn’t considered all that distant. In addition, this work was commissioned by senator Wyatt Curtis ? a rather influential person from their family. In such circumstances, there was no reason to doubt Canopus. 
“Thank you, captain.” 
Canopus saluted to Curtis, who saluted back without leaving his chair. 

After they dropped Lina off, Tatsuya and Miyuki had been left alone in a confined space inside the Aerocar on the way home. 
Despite the fact that it was like a date in the sky where no one could disturb them, Miyuki looked gloomy. 
“What’s the matter, Miyuki?” 
Miyuki seemed to want to talk about something, but it was difficult for her to start the conversation. Guessing this, Tatsuya spoke first. 
“Is there anything you want to ask? It’s just you and me here. You don’t have to worry about others listening.” 
After Tatsuya inquired once more, Miyuki hesitantly opened her mouth. Even in a situation where there was no worry of being overheard by a third-party, Miyuki was hesitant whether she should talk about the anxiety that she kept to herself. 
“May I ask about Minami-chan?” 
Tatsuya responded in a tone as if he had expected Minami to be the topic of conversation. 
“Onii-sama, you aren’t using ‘Gatekeeper’ on Minami… are you?” 
‘Gatekeeper’ is a technique for neutralizing magical abilities by monitoring the ‘gate’ (the passage through which Magic Sequences are projected from the magician’s mind onto targeted phenomena) and destroying Magic Sequences immediately after detecting their passage  through that gate . 
“No, I’m not. It’s meaningless to use Gatekeeper for Minami’s condition.” 
As mentioned above, ‘Gatekeeper’ is a magic that destroys the constructed Magic Sequences during the process of their invocation. It doesn’t limit activity of the Magic Calculation Area  (MCA) , which constructs Magic Sequences. There is no effective way to prevent overheating of the MCA, which threatens Minami’s mind and body. 
“Why’d you ask that?” 
Miyuki’s eyes showed a flash of indecision. 
“Is it because you can’t feel any magic power from Minami?” 
Tatsuya said the answer in place of Miyuki, who was hesitant to say it. 
Miyuki turned to Tatsuya and opened her eyes wide. 
“So it’s not merely my imagination?” 
“It’s not an imagination. Minami’s ability to use magic is completely sealed. Her perception seems to be functioning to some extent, but… that’s also probably very limited.” 
“Even her perception… Did Minoru-kun do something?” ? Asked Miyuki with anxiety showing on her face. 
There was no need to ask what she was afraid of. 
“Currently, I found no traces of a Parasite in her .” 
Tatsuya showed a bitter expression because he felt himself incapable of completely removing Miyuki’s anxiety. 
“Neither have I. But regarding the Parasites…” 
“…Minoru, who is a Parasite himself, but at the same time still preserves his ego, has far more knowledge and know-how about Parasites than we do. I don’t think that he could put a Parasite inside Minami without her consent… or rather, I don’t want to think about it. However, I can’t completely exclude the possibility of using some Parasite-related technique unknown to us, which made Minami’s MCA inactive. 
“Onii-sama, you couldn’t understand this even with your ‘sight’?” 
“Unfortunately, my ‘Elemental Sight’ can’t reach the areas of the mind .” 
“Right… I’m sorry.” 
Miyuki was well aware that Tatsuya’s ‘Elemental Sight’ couldn’t recognize the structure of Pushion Information Bodies. But magic uses Psionic Informational Bodies as a ‘medium’ when interfering with the mind. Tatsuya can see them, so he can recognize, analyze, and decompose even Mental Interference magic. 
Miyuki, therefore, thought that Tatsuya should’ve been able to see Minoru’s magic. 
“No, I totally understand your feelings. I’m also concerned about Minami’s state.” 
“What should I do then…” 
Miyuki hung her head with a grim face. From an outside perspective, it clearly looked like she fell into deep thought, trying to figure something out. Of course, at the same time, she didn’t forget to maintain the effect of stealth magic to the Aerocar perfectly. 
After about five minutes in that state, Miyuki suddenly muttered: “Right…” 
“Maybe Yakumo-sensei can find out what Minoru-kun has done?” 
“Really… I’ll ask him.” 
The Yotsuba family also has specialists in Mental Interference magic. More precisely, due to their origin, the Yotsuba family has the largest (in terms of quantity and quality) number of users of Mental Interference magic among all the Ten Master Clans. 
The fact that, for example, the Tsukuba family wasn’t mentioned here didn’t mean that these two trusted Yakumo more than the Yotsuba family. This fact, rather, was evidence that they still didn’t completely trust the Yotsuba family. 

A fter diving into the water,  Lina began to move vertically down to the bottom and soon reached the ‘Virginia’ without getting lost on her way down … She was able to avoid making any stupid mistakes when it came to military affairs. 
Clutching the tip of the wire antenna sticking out of the upper side of the hull, Lina established a connection through the ship’s internal wire communication. 
“‘Virginia’, this is Major Angie Sirius of the Special Operations Magician Task Force ? Stars . I request permission to come aboard the ship .” 
Contrary to Lina’s expectations, the reply came right away. 
“This is Colonel Michael Curtis, captain of the ‘Virginia’ of the Pacific Fleet. Permission for boarding granted. Please enter with your real appearance.” 
It’s already unexpected that the captain replied himself, but what was even more surprising was his instruction to cancel the camouflage magic at the entrance. 
“Angie Sirius can’t be in a place like this. You need not worry, the crew was informed that an agent of the Yotsuba family will arrive, who will impersonate the Stars’ head-captain.” 
But she understood the reason after hearing that explanation. 
Lina cut the connection by releasing the antenna and moved to the stern of the ship. 
She got inside through an underwater entrance, which was a stern torpedo tube modified to allow underwater access . 
“Ben! You’re safe…!” 
Having passed through two successive hatches playing the role of an airlock, Lina saw Canopus among the welcoming group and shouted out to him, while forgetting to even take off her helmet and salute the crew  of the ship . 

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“I see that you’re safe as well, Lina.” 
The reason why Canopus didn’t call her «head-captain» was because he complied with the «scenario», stated earlier by captain Curtis. It looked quite natural, not only because he had certain acting skills ? adults usually play different roles depending on the situation ? but also because he was already used to treating Lina as a teenage girl rather than head-captain. 
He had a daughter two years younger than Lina. This is why he looked out for Lina,  who was suffering due to her duties as ‘Sirius’ to undertake assassination missions . 
Lina even had some sort of emotional reliance on Canopus . For this reason, she was especially concerned about the situation he’d gotten into. 
The crew of this ship watching the emotional (?) [9] reunion  didn’t know such details, but their gazes were friendly. 
Noticing the warm gazes around her, Lina straightened her posture, raised the helmet plate, and saluted. After the crew saluted back, she took off her helmet. 
The long hair, hidden under the helmet before, flowed down, and a sigh of admiration leaked out from among the crew. Even though Lina was a so-called blonde, her hair, shining like pure gold, was rare. Her face, framed by this sparkling blonde hair , was also of a rare beauty. Nobody whistled aloud ? probably only due to their exceptional discipline. 
Lina ? not as Angie Sirius, but as Angelina Shields ? was already accustomed to such a reaction from the crew. She simply paid no attention to that and turned to Canopus with a request: “I would like to greet the captain”. 
“Lina, follow me.” 
After responding in a not very polite tone , Canopus led Lina into the CIC. 
After meeting with the captain, Lina was now facing Canopus in  quite a splendid room, which didn’t seem like it was inside the submarine. It was a personal room of the ship’s captain, Curtis, that he had lent to Canopus. 
In the captain’s cabin, there wasn’t only a table and bed, but also a sofa set. Following the recommendations of Canopus, Lina sat on the right edge of the three-seated sofa. 
“Ben, tell me what happened after I escaped.” 
Canopus didn’t even have time to sit in front of her before she asked him. 
“I was sent to Midway right after the head-captain escaped, so I can’t tell you much.” ? Said Canopus as a preamble, after which he outlined the details of his dispatchment to Midway Prison. 
“…Major Capella didn’t give in to the influence of the Parasites, did he?” 
Major Noah Capella, captain of the Stars Fifth Unit. He was the oldest among the Stellar-class Stars magicians and had the longest military career. Even Colonel Walker, the Stars base commander , can’t ignore Capella’s words, whose influence, regardless of his authority, was even greater than Lina’s and Canopus’. So  Lina sighed with relief after hearing the information that Capella didn’t join forces with the Parasites . 
“Major Capella is neutral. That is, he’s not an ally to us either.” 
“It’s enough to not have him as an enemy. What’s the position of other Units’ captains?” 
The Stars are divided into twelve units under head-captain Sirius. Although none of the 12  captains have authoritarian control over their unit, the captain’s stance influences the unit’s actions beyond what is required of a formal command authority. 
“I think Hardy can tell you that.” 
The «Hardy» that Canopus mentioned was Second-Lieutenant Ralph Hardy Mirfak of the First Unit, where Canopus serves as the captain. During the Parasites’ rebellion at the Stars Headquarters, Second-Lieutenant Mirfak helped Lina escape and escorted her [by car] to Albuquerque Airport, after which he disappeared without any news. 
“Captain Arcturus of the Third Unit, Captain Rigel of the Sixth Unit, and Major Antares of the Eleventh Unit were turned into  Parasites. Probably, Captain Vega of the Fourth Unit also became a Parasite.” 
“I met Char… Captain Vega in Japan. She, along with Second Lieutenant Deneb and First-Lieutenant Regulus, were killed by a magician of the Yotsuba family. The True Bodies of the Parasites, which possessed them, were sealed.” 
“Was that so? A Yotsuba magician…” 
Canopus paused and fell into thought. 
Seeing his somber face, Lina thought  that Canopus had probably become concerned with the Yotsuba’s fighting strength. 
Canopus didn’t remain silent for long. 
“…At the time that I was sent to Midway Prison, there were already four captains who were definitely on the Parasites’ side. Although this is only my guess, the current state of affairs has unlikely to have changed. I don’t think there are any new Stellar-class members of other units including the captains, who have turned into Parasites. However, we can’t deny the possibility that the Parasites are multiplying among the Satellite-class or the Stardust.” 
“That’s right. Setting aside the Satellite-class members, if Stardust members become Parasites, it may prolong their life… If they are turned into Parasites because of that desire, I can’t blame them.” ? Muttered Lina sadly with lowered eyes, then pulled herself together and turned her eyes back to Canopus. ? “…In any case, it seems that the only Stellar-class Parasites remaining at the Headquarters are the Sixth Unit.” 
Canopus with a look asked Lina to explain her words. 
“ I’ve heard from  the Yotsuba family’s …  no, now there’s no reason to hide it. From what I heard from Tatsuya, it can be assumed that Captain Arcturus, Major Antares, and First-Lieutenant Sargas have already been killed by him.” 
At the beginning of the month, Tatsuya fought Arcturus on a plane and then again with his astral body in the sky over Mount Takao. To be more precise, Arcturus wasn’t killed, but sealed. 
Major Antares and First-Lieutenant Sargas most recently fought with Tatsuya on the deck of the destroyer ‘Chevalier’ (when Tatsuya was halfway to Pearl and Hermes base) and were destroyed by his ‘Astral Dispersion’. 
“About ‹Tatsuya› that you mentioned, is it Shiba Tatsuya, the Strategic-Class Magician with the mass-to-energy conversion magic?” 
“The guy who also broke me out of Midway Prison, right?” 
During the prison break at Midway Prison, Tatsuya neither introduced himself to Canopus nor showed his face.  But Canopus perfectly remembered intel on Tatsuya, who had become the Stars’ target in the winter last year, and was aware of the identity of the magician who had broken him out of the prison. 
“Yes.” — Nodded Lina, who didn’t give much thought about why Tatsuya was hiding his identity back then. Perhaps, the possibility that Tatsuya had been hiding his face didn’t even cross her mind. 
Lina quickly changed the subject, completely unaware that she did a rather careless act. 
“I don’t have any news about First Lieutenant Spica, but it seems that we don’t need to worry about her.” 
…More precisely, she returned to the previous subject. 
“First Lieutenant Spica was on the same vessel that Captain Vega attacked Miyakijima with.” 
“Miyakijima is the base of the Yotsuba family where you were sheltered, isn’t it?” 
“Yes.” ? Lina nodded in response to Canopus’s question. — “First Lieutenant Spica has a very strong sense of duty. She won’t return to headquarters until she gets revenge for Captain Vega and Second-Lieutenant Deneb.” 
“Indeed. She really was like that.” 
Canopus agreed with Lina’s assumption. 
“…Are you going to return to headquarters?” 
After which, he made a conclusion about what Lina planned to do next, based on her words. 
“That’s my plan. I don’t want to be on the run forever. Ben, you also don’t want to be branded as an escaped prisoner, right?” 
“ ? That’s right.” 
Canopus’ eyes lit up with a belligerent light. Lina had no intention of provoking him, but as a result, her words seemingly ignited a fire in his heart. 
“Moreover, I can’t allow the Parasites to dispose of the Stars as they like. Fortunately, Tatsuya has already ‘taken care of’ the most powerful Parasites. I think this is our chance to get rid of their influence. Ben, please lend me your power.” 
“Of course, head-captain.” 
Canopus gave his consent to Lina’s request  straight away . 

Tatsuya’s Extra-Sensory Perception (ESP) was called ‘Elemental Sight’, but it wasn’t like seeing images with remote viewing or clairvoyance . ‘Elemental sight’ is the ability to recognize any physical information (including visual) and magical information, structured in the form of Psion Information Bodies. This didn’t allow Tatsuya to read thoughts, but he was able to understand the meaning of words spoken aloud, as if he himself had heard them. 
At the same time, the physical distance is irrelevant. The obstacle for magic isn’t the physical distance, but the informational distance . If you can grasp the information about the target’s location as real perception (as if you really feel it)… and if you can perceive it like a «real feeling that the target is out there» rather than an abstract set of numbers, you will be able to use magic [on the target] without any problems. 
‘Elemental Sight’ provides the user with all the physical and magical information with reliability and accuracy , which exceeds all five senses. That information also includes the location of the desired target. Reading the location information you perceive the existence of the target ? this can look like circular definition, but actually these two recognition processes don’t occur simultaneously. 
Tatsuya receives location information based on a [search] hint in the form of observed and recorded individual information about the target (the information, distinguishing the targeted person from the others).  After which, he directs his ‘sight’ at the obtained coordinates, and after discovering the individual information there, he confirms for himself  the fact that the target is ‘there’. However, his ‘Elemental Sight’ wasn’t so omnipotent that it allowed him to determine the location of any being , by knowing only their name . Besides, if the location information is disguised at the Eidos level ( as is done, for example, with ‘Parade’),  it won’t be possible to determine the location due to the inability to obtain the correct coordinates for where he should direct his ‘sight’ . 
In this case, Tatsuya’s target was a person he knew very well, not to mention that the time when he’ll make contact was decided beforehand, so Tatsuya easily placed her in his ‘field of vision’ without encountering any magical obstacles. 
July 28 th , 4:00 PM. Japanese time. 
“Lina, can you hear me?” 
Tatsuya spoke into the empty space in his room on Miyakijima. 
(Loud and clear, Tatsuya. ) 
Lina’s words, spoken aboard the nuclear submarine aircraft carrier ‘Virginia’ somewhere under the waters of the Pacific, were converted directly into meaning  and flowed into Tatsuya’s consciousness. 
At the other end,  Lina was receiving Tatsuya’s voice, reproduced by his magic. Tatsuya conveyed his voice to Lina by vibrating the air near Lina’s ear using Oscillation-Type Magic. He actually was uttering his words out loud like a monologue because reproducing sounds that actually created air vibrations was much easier than synthesizing a voice from scratch with magic. On his end,  Tatsuya was reading Lina’s responses with ‘Elemental Sight’. 
That’s how they were able to communicate being on Miyakijima and inside the nuclear submarine aircraft carrier ‘Virginia’, which maintained communication silence . 
“Did you manage to talk with Major Canopus already?” 
(Yes, Tatsuya. The captain also treats me really well… It’s all thanks to you, Tatsuya. Thank you very much.) 
“ Captain Curtis’ kind  response to you  isn’t because of me . So, what are you planning on doing next?” 
(About that…) 
Lina hesitated to answer. Tatsuya’s ESP ability  conveyed to him even such small nuances in the form of information. 
“Have you decided to return to your homeland?” 
( Y-yes. After all, first I want to return . I don’t want to trouble you both while the situation is presently so unstable.) 
“You are not troubling us, but if you think it would be better this way, then that’s fine.” 
(Thanks, Tatsuya. I will contact you when I get my affairs in order. Could you also relay this to Miyuki?) 
“Okay, I’ll tell her. Well, take care of yourself, Lina.” 
Sending that message, Tatsuya cut off contact . 

“Yes, you also take… uh, cut off already!?” 
The conversation with Tatsuya was unilateral and used his magic ability. There was no easy-to-understand indicator of the presence of communication, like when using communication devices. 
But somehow, Lina felt that the gaze directed at her had gone away. With this,  she concluded that Tatsuya had cancelled the magic connecting her place with Miyakijima. 
“…I hope you weren’t secretly peeping on me, were you?” 
Lina deliberately uttered it aloud as a test. 
There was no protesting voice from Tatsuya in return. 
“…Tatsuya ? sis-con.” 
Even after that cautiously uttered comment, she got no response. 
(There’s no doubt then.) 

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After being convinced that the contact was really cut off, Lina released her built up tension. She didn’t know in detail the nature of Tatsuya’s ‘Elemental Sight’, but she understood that it was an extremely advanced form of remote perception which included vision and hearing. 
At least for now, her voice shouldn’t have been transmitted .  It was awfully tiring to be aware of being under such one-sided observation. Perhaps it was true not only for Lina, but also for everyone . At her age, this was especially true  if  the observer was of the opposite sex. 
Lina realized it was possible that Tatsuya could simply not be responding and she’s always being watched. However, she tried not to think about it. If you don’t think about someone’s eyes being on you, it  won’t cause mental exhaustion because of the tension . Sometimes Lina had to tell herself: “Don’t worry. Despite how he looks, Tatsuya is a gentleman.” 
She got up from her chair and flopped down on the bed. It was still too early for sleeping, but it was an individual cabin, arranged by captain Curtis for Senior Officers. So even if she allowed herself to be a bit sloppy, there was no one to see or reproach her. 
Lina took off her shoes without using her hands while still lying down. That is, she simply kicked her shoes off on the floor. In the building where Miyuki lives on the top floor, Lina for some reason couldn’t afford such sloppy behavior even knowing that no one was watching her there . 
Relaxing completely, Lina started thinking about what to do next. 
(First of all, I have to clear Ben of all the false  accusations that he was charged with.) 
Canopus told Lina that before he was sent to Midway, he agreed that if he obediently served one year in prison, the record of imprisonment would be deleted from his personal file. 
But Canopus has already broken out of jail. And Lina can’t just believe Walker who ‘wags his tail’ at the Parasites. Lina doubted that Canopus would be acquitted as promised even if he had humbly served his appointed year. 
(Senator Curtis should give us a helping hand, however…) 
Canopus’ prison break was entrusted to Tatsuya by Senator Wyatt Curtis, who was a great-uncle (grandmother’s younger brother) of the former. The Senator wouldn’t just leave Canopus without any follow up help after helping to break him free . 
Restoring Canopus’ reputation also suits Wyatt Curtis’ purpose. Defeating the Joint Chiefs of Staff will help him to demonstrate his political strength. The only question was whether Senator Curtis would side with Lina regarding her plans for the near future. The senator probably won’t approve of Lina’s wishes. 
(…All in due time.) 
( Whether  threatening or placating ? I won’t accept it.) 
(Even if it’s selfish, even if it’s high-handed or reckless, I’ll go all the way.) 
(Because I decided to return home.) 
When Lina reached out her hand to the ceiling as if she’s trying to grab something, she saw in her mind Miyuki’s and Tatsuya’s faces. 

Immediately after cutting off contact with Lina, Tatsuya called for Miyuki, who was actually sitting next to him all this time, and they stood in front of the wall display, which served as the receiver of the videophone. 
They called the Yotsuba Main House. Hayama, who appeared on the screen, was soon replaced by Maya at the request of Tatsuya. 
“Tatsuya-san, good afternoon.” 
The time was still around 4 PM, so her words  «good afternoon» really were more appropriate than «good evening». 
But Tatsuya didn’t need to worry about anything like that. 
“Excuse me, Oba-ue. May I trouble you at this hour?” 
“Everything is fine. After all, it was scheduled in advance. You are calling about Lina-san, aren’t you? Has she safely reunited with Major Canopus?” 
“Yes, that’s what she said.” 
Of course, sending Lina to the  ‘Virginia’ was agreed upon in advance with Maya. According to a prearranged schedule, after the conversation with Lina, he had planned to report to Maya about the results of their conversation , which Lina had also agreed to. 
“And what is Lina-san planning to do next?” 
“She said that she will return to her homeland to sort out her personal problems.” 
“I see.” 
Maya didn’t look surprised after hearing Tatsuya’s report. 
It was the same with Miyuki. During Tatsuya’s conversation with Lina, she heard only Tatsuya, but  his words were enough to understand the general essence of their conversation . She didn’t appear upset after learning that Lina would return to her homeland. 
The two of them (or rather, the three of them if you include Tatsuya), might have expected from the very beginning that Lina would decide to return. 
“By the way, Tatsuya-san, do you need a replacement for Lina-san?” 
Maya’s question was about whether it was  necessary to dispatch someone to escort Miyuki. She was aware that Minami can no longer serve as a Guardian. Until yesterday, Lina had played the role of an ‘escort of the same sex’, replacing Minami. 
“No, there’s no need.” 
Tatsuya answered immediately. It was difficult to understand why  he immediately  refused additional protection for Miyuki . Was it in respect to Minami’s feelings? Did he think that an immediate call for a substitute would be insensitive toward Lina?  Or was it for some other reason? 
Maya narrowed her eyes on the other side of the screen, as though to ascertain Tatsuya’s true motive. 
“…I understand. Call me anytime if you feel it becomes necessary.” 
“Sorry for the trouble.” 
“Is there anything else you want to talk about?” 
“No, nothing.” 
“I see. Tatsuya-san, you have done well today.” 
Upon receiving Maya’s gratitude, Tatsuya bowed his head. 
When he looked up, the display had already turned dark. 

Oahu, Hawaii, local time July 28 th at 9:00 AM. July 29 th at 4:00 AM Japanese time. 
Edward Clark arrived in Honolulu on a direct flight from Brazil, after which he immediately went to the Pearl Harbor Naval Base. 
Clark was very anxious and impatient. The reason for this was the news of Shiba Tatsuya’s discharge from the hospital , received during the flight to Honolulu. 
But he wasn’t shocked because Tatsuya’s injuries were healed. From the very beginning, Clark was convinced that Tatsuya’s hospitalization was a cover. 
The hospital discharge meant that there was no longer any need for a cover. In other words, he might already be ready for the counterattack… Which was what caused Clark’s anxiety and  impatience . 
Logically, that anxiety of Clark had no basis. Project Dione, initiated by him, had already completely lost its influence. The whole world was now more interested in the Stellar Furnace plant, which was expected to bring  more substantial benefits. 
Even if they  started the development of Venus according to Project Dione, it’s  no longer possible to force Tatsuya to participate , s ince Project Dione can still be implemented without Tatsuya, but the Stellar Furnace plant can’t be completed without him. 
Looking at the current circumstances objectively, Clark was no longer a threat to Tatsuya… That, of course, was  if he didn’t do anything else . 
He was impatient  because he couldn’t just accept defeat. Precisely because he  was facing checkmate, he was in a hurry to make a gamble and reverse his defeat, turning it into victory . 
And the only way for such a reversal  was preparing here in Pearl Harbor. Clark wanted to check everything with his own eyes as soon as possible. Fortunately for him, tired from the long flight, the base was right next to the airport. But even the lack of time for rest didn’t burden him. 
It might be because of a call from the Pentagon, but Clark was able to enter the base right away. What’s more, he was invited to the bridge of one of the  most advanced ships . 
“Welcome, doctor.” 
The female officer, who got up from the commander’s chair, called out to Clark. 
“I’m the captain of this amphibious assault ship ‘Guam’, Colonel Annie Marquis.” 
Receiving a salute from the captain Marquis, Clark returned a polite bow. 
“Nice to meet you, captain Marquis. I’m Edward Clark from the National Science Agency. Thank you for accepting me at this time.” 
Clark wanted to approach her  for a handshake, but stopped before taking a step  forward. Even in this era, female captains were rare. Honestly speaking, Clark was bewildered, not knowing how to interact with Marquis. 
However, Marquis was already accustomed to this type of altitude displayed  by Clark. Not showing that it somehow bothered her , she offered Clark a seat opposite of her, while she sat back down in the captain’s chair. 
“ Sorry to get to the point, doctor . I’ve been ordered directly by the Joint Chiefs of Staff to fulfill your request to the fullest extent . I was also told that the purpose of our dispatch will be given to me directly from you.” ? Declared Marquis, directing a sharp gaze at Clark. ? “It is rather unusual for the Joint Chiefs of Staff to give direct orders to one captain, bypassing the Fleet Forces Command. Doctor, why do you need this ship?” 
“To eliminate the great threat.” ? Clark gave a brief response to Marquis’ question. 
Of course, this wasn’t enough to convince the captain. 
“Please, give me a more concrete answer . First of all, what is our destination point ?” 
Marquis seemed to be a pretty patient person. She inquired without raising her voice. 
“…The destination is about a hundred eighty kilometers south-southeast of Tokyo. It’s an island with the local name ‘ Miyaki-jima ’ .” 
Clark hesitated for a little, but he answered honestly in the end. He feared that captain Marquis would boycott the mission when she heard that it would be an attack on the territory of an allied country, but quickly realized that he would have to inform her anyway, so it’s not a problem to tell her now  about the destination during their departure. 
“Then, the so-called ‹threat› mentioned by the doctor is Shiba Tatsuya, isn’t it?” 
It didn’t take much time for Marquis to come to the correct conclusion because she knew from media reports that Clark was overly fixated on Tatsuya . Although it was officially presented as a search for talented people for the development of Venus, people who had a military view of things saw through Clark’s intention to put Tatsuya under the control of the American military . 
When Clark’s hidden aim was guessed so quickly, his face stiffened for a moment. However, his confusion lasted less than a second. 
“Shiba Tatsuya is a user of the mass-to-energy conversion magic, which caused massive destruction at the southern tip of the Korean Peninsula at the end of October the year before last.” 
Captain Marquis widened her eyes. Now it was her turn to be openly surprised  because  she didn’t have any information about ‘Material Burst’. 
“Mass-to-energy conversion magic… like in  ‘Scorched Halloween’? Is it reliable information?” 
“It is. Moreover, the Japanese government is unable to control Shiba Tatsuya. Even his very existence causes political instability. He’s far too dangerous.  We were already too late by the time he turned into an actual threat . Therefore,  he should be eliminated right away.” 
Turning into a flame of hot black passion, Clark’s obsession swept over  Marquis. 
“…I more or less understand your thought process here, doctor.” 
As if overwhelmed by that pressure , captain Marquis agreed with him. 
“But in that case, would it not be better to use a missile destroyer with a large attack radius or an artillery ship capable of covering a large ground area with heavy fire instead of a landing ship such as this?” 
The «artillery ship» referred to by the captain was a warship with Fleming launchers as the main weapon, which appeared during the last Great War (World War III). The Fleming launcher is a type of large-size railgun weapon mounted on-board ships, prioritizing the ability of continuous fire over projectiles speed . Such launchers  allow continuous fire with large bombs at a firing speed like rapid-fire guns. This weapon was mainly used for heavy fire at stationary ground targets. 
As the captain said, if the objective is destroying an object  or eliminating someone  rather than  capturing a base, then missile ships and artillery ships are more suitable than amphibious assault ships, intended for landing operations… But only if the enemy was ordinary. 
“There’s a high probability that the bombardment won’t kill him . We need to be guaranteed of his elimination.” 
“Such a difficult opponent…?” ? Muttered captain Marquis with an anxious expression on her face. 
“ We  have prepared landing personnel. Captain, I’d like you to complete preparations for the ship’s departure sometime soon.” 
“Of course. I’ll start with the preparations immediately. Tomorrow at noon we’ll be ready for departure.” 
There were no further questions or objections from Marquis. 

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